(NSP: Teehee, I sure seem to have taken the crown of royalty for being the BUMP king these days. Make sure to check out this thread if you haven't already; it involves needed help with NeSi. Anywhos, here's throwing a potential monkey wrench in the thread.
Sometime later, Maybechild knocks on the door to Gebohq's room.
Maybe: Gebohq!
*Gebohq answers the door.*
Geb: Yeah?
Maybe: What are you doing just sitting in your room? Scratch that, I don't want to know.
Geb: Is the world in peril and in need of our heroic actions?
Maybe: Well, not yet. But I think it will be. After that bit with TLTE and Kirby... well, don't you think something's up?
Geb: Up...?
Maybe: Geb! Ugh...
*Maybechild starts dragging Gebohq by the wrist to the main control room area.*
Maybe: We better start formulating a plan on how to defend ourselves from what's certainly going to be a large-scale attack.
Geb: Plan?
Maybe: We'll check up on the Update Status Screen to catch up on current events first, to see what we're up against. Then we'll need to equipt accordingly--
Geb: Why are we worrying about this again?
Maybe: Have you been brain-dead? The whole TLTE-Kirby incident not too long ago? They were after you, Geb. I have a funny feeling it was moreso by Kirby, if by some freak accident of morality-transfer from TLTE's previous darker side, but I don't know for sure. They're bound to come back here looking for you!
Geb: Well yeah, I knew about that. Galerk told me. Anyway, don't be silly. You know that this is the last place they'd look for me! You know, how when you're trying to find something, and you never look where it should be...
Maybe: What? You knew already?--look. The world is going to be in danger if we don't do something now.
Geb: Why not just let them come to us? It'd save a lot of effort. And you could continue your game.
Maybe: Dear Lord! The game can wait! How could you suggest such an idea?
Geb: You know, you used to be a lot less stressed out.
Maybe: Because I wasn't doing all the WORK at one point! You carelssly wander and get all the credit while some of us actually take the responsibility only to get ignored!
Geb: Since when did a hero mean getting attention? Are you OK...?
Maybe: You're not listening! I'm trying to tell you that we need to take action and you just want to sit around! GAAHHH!
*Maybechild notices something on the update screen and pull sup an image of Kirbynaut.*
Maybe: Holy David Bowie! Look at it! Kirby's coming after us like THAT! Please tell me you're not worried now.
Geb: It does remind me of a real nasty chewed-up bubble gum stuck under my desk once...
Maybe: THAT'S IT! For the good of us all, you need to go!
Geb: Huh?
*Pressing buttons and dials at random, Maybechild activates the Thingy and shoves Gebohq through it.*
Geb: YEAAAAAARGH! It hurts like craziness!
Maybe: ...and don't come back!
In a fit of anger and potential insanity, Maybechild has sent the beloved Gebohq through the Thingy, and with not having located a pre-determined point, he could appear in any place and even at any time! Will he be lost forever in some back-water storyline? Will this ignite the KirbyNaut's rage to hunt down Gebohq, or aid in their attempts to cause evalness? What will the other heroes do now to combat against the eval forces? Find out, here on the Never-ending Story Thread!
Jim the writer: So does anyone have a clue what's going on in the story right now?
Haggis the writer: Nope.
Sem the writer: Meh, like we ever know what's really going on in the thread...
Haggis the writer: Point.
JKirby the writer: Wheee! Eval plot! I need nachos...
--EDIT: Altered my post to make more sense with shade's post that went up while I was typing this one.--
(NSP: No, Geb doesn't have to go anywhere significant. Just figured it'd be fun
[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited June 12, 2003).]
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/wink.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/wink.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/wink.gif)
Sometime later, Maybechild knocks on the door to Gebohq's room.
Maybe: Gebohq!
*Gebohq answers the door.*
Geb: Yeah?
Maybe: What are you doing just sitting in your room? Scratch that, I don't want to know.
Geb: Is the world in peril and in need of our heroic actions?
Maybe: Well, not yet. But I think it will be. After that bit with TLTE and Kirby... well, don't you think something's up?
Geb: Up...?
Maybe: Geb! Ugh...
*Maybechild starts dragging Gebohq by the wrist to the main control room area.*
Maybe: We better start formulating a plan on how to defend ourselves from what's certainly going to be a large-scale attack.
Geb: Plan?
Maybe: We'll check up on the Update Status Screen to catch up on current events first, to see what we're up against. Then we'll need to equipt accordingly--
Geb: Why are we worrying about this again?
Maybe: Have you been brain-dead? The whole TLTE-Kirby incident not too long ago? They were after you, Geb. I have a funny feeling it was moreso by Kirby, if by some freak accident of morality-transfer from TLTE's previous darker side, but I don't know for sure. They're bound to come back here looking for you!
Geb: Well yeah, I knew about that. Galerk told me. Anyway, don't be silly. You know that this is the last place they'd look for me! You know, how when you're trying to find something, and you never look where it should be...
Maybe: What? You knew already?--look. The world is going to be in danger if we don't do something now.
Geb: Why not just let them come to us? It'd save a lot of effort. And you could continue your game.
Maybe: Dear Lord! The game can wait! How could you suggest such an idea?
Geb: You know, you used to be a lot less stressed out.
Maybe: Because I wasn't doing all the WORK at one point! You carelssly wander and get all the credit while some of us actually take the responsibility only to get ignored!
Geb: Since when did a hero mean getting attention? Are you OK...?
Maybe: You're not listening! I'm trying to tell you that we need to take action and you just want to sit around! GAAHHH!
*Maybechild notices something on the update screen and pull sup an image of Kirbynaut.*
Maybe: Holy David Bowie! Look at it! Kirby's coming after us like THAT! Please tell me you're not worried now.
Geb: It does remind me of a real nasty chewed-up bubble gum stuck under my desk once...
Maybe: THAT'S IT! For the good of us all, you need to go!
Geb: Huh?
*Pressing buttons and dials at random, Maybechild activates the Thingy and shoves Gebohq through it.*
Geb: YEAAAAAARGH! It hurts like craziness!
Maybe: ...and don't come back!
In a fit of anger and potential insanity, Maybechild has sent the beloved Gebohq through the Thingy, and with not having located a pre-determined point, he could appear in any place and even at any time! Will he be lost forever in some back-water storyline? Will this ignite the KirbyNaut's rage to hunt down Gebohq, or aid in their attempts to cause evalness? What will the other heroes do now to combat against the eval forces? Find out, here on the Never-ending Story Thread!
Jim the writer: So does anyone have a clue what's going on in the story right now?
Haggis the writer: Nope.
Sem the writer: Meh, like we ever know what's really going on in the thread...
Haggis the writer: Point.
JKirby the writer: Wheee! Eval plot! I need nachos...
--EDIT: Altered my post to make more sense with shade's post that went up while I was typing this one.--
(NSP: No, Geb doesn't have to go anywhere significant. Just figured it'd be fun
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited June 12, 2003).]
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