(NSP: Ante's right. Plotholes, while they shouldn't be thrown out the windows, must be used wisely. Besides, not only is Highemperor not with you guys, but the Narrator is off narrating for the NeS:TACC side-story, having left the computer to do the narrating.
A couple reminders: Remember to check the top of page 29, as I will be updating it as much as I can (at least over the summer) so you can see the character's status, and remember for the new writers (TX3_Gandalf, Taz, TwistedSpasm, etc.) to please explain your character's physical attributes and personalities (mad props to Kyle for doing a good job on his a while back). Thank you.
Now let's see if I can't fix this up a bit...)
Our heroes begin to descend down the pitch black hole the trap-door in the fake oasis in the Austrailian desert.
Otter: Hey, it's dark in here--
Maybe: Don't get any ideas.
Otter: I wasn't I wasn't! Sheesh...
Losien: Don't get any ideas.
Otter: Damn.
Masetto, having been the last one to descend into the hole, accidentially lost his grip, and toppled over all the heroes, causing them to crash onto the ground far below.
All Heroes: Oooooowww.....
MZZT: Anyone got a light?
Maybechild: You want to smoke at a time like this?
MZZT: No! I mean a flashlight, or something.
Otter: Hold on...
*TheOtter attempts to make his "Vulcan's Flame" aka fireball, but is promptly put out.*
Randy: OW! Watch it!
Otter: Sorry.
Phantom Master: *in alien accent* Click-click clicky-click!
Mick McLongname: Say that again?
Phantom Master: *in Austrailian accent* Sorry 'bout that mate. I was saying "What about the new guys?"
Taz: I refuse to answer to any of you.
Spasm: Gee, that was considerate. And I don't have anything.
Kyle: Let me check...
*A variety of noises follow, ranging from the sheathing of knives, to clocks ticking, to tires being changed. Finally, a white light from his laptop monitor shines forth.*
Kyle: There we go.
Maybe: Great, now get off me Sem!
Semievil: *cough* Almost choked on your hair...
*Maybechild flicks on her lighter to add to their lightsources. Otter also relights his fireball.*
Janitor Bob: Do you have to hover that thing so close to me?
Otter: Sorry.
TX3_Gand: Look everyone!
The heroes gaze upon their surroundings. It appeared as if they were deep within a secret labratory built inside a giant cavern system.
Galvatron: From my scanners, it would appear that we are at least ten stories underground, and that the present technology here surpasses most known technology.
Masetto: Anyone care for a stroll?
Krig: Krig hungry. Krig want to find food.
Kyle: Are you ever NOT hungry?
Krig: Sometimes Krig is tired...
Krig: Monster?
J-Bob: Hey, there's no monster...and you can't be the narrator!
Of course I am! For I am the ALL-POWERFUL NARRATOR!--ow-ow-ow! Stop that!
*Maybechild drags Mark Hamill out of the shadows by his ear.*
Mark Hamill: I just wanted to be part of the gang! Come on guys, I can be cool! Besides, the computer back at your place told me to be the narrator!
Sem: No good computers--
Galv: I resent that!
Sem: Sorry. Let him tag along. Besides, he does a good narrator impression, and we can beat him up if we don't like what he says.
Mark Hammill: Yay!
The heroes then trek into the mysterious caverns...
...uh...since I'm not there, I can't narrate outside my setting.
<<Oh fine! Useless lackey... Meanwhile, back at the Legion of Spookay, Darkside and his evil villian band continued to plot more evil, with Gettleburger sort of dazing out and watching them out of boredom and being pre-occupied with being in another realm at the same time. As usual though, "plotting evil" meant playing another game of Trivial Pursuit. You can do the closing line, Marky.>>
What will our heroes find in the mysterious laboratory? Will the other heroes trapped in hell ever make it back? When will the NeS webcomic be up and running? Find out, on The Never-ending Story Thread: Into New Territory!
Kyle: Should we be worried that he talks like that?
Spasm: Of course not! He's the narrator.
Kyle: He still gives me the creeps.
(NSP: Some other things. Taz, obviously I can't make you do anything, and I obviously appreciate new writers more than anything, we've already had sayians in this story as well as powerplayers (Arbiter and Highemperor for example, respectively), so if you can, try to think of a more original character description. TX3_Gandalf--if you can do the same, that'd be much appreciated. Also, in case anyone doesn't know, to make something in italics, you just do this:
[ i ] whatever you want in italics [/ i ]
just without the spaces. To make something in bold, it's the same thing, except you replace the "i" with "b". I hope you put these to good use
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited May 16, 2002).]