OoC: Hello! Remember
I have tried my best to read up on pages 35-37. I don't quite understand EVERYTHING that's going on, but I think I have grasped what my character is doing (ie nothing) and where some people are.
Ante: Same with me. All of my long posts I type in Notepad and copy-paste into the post-box. Hey, it works, doesn't it?
-=< In the realm of the heroes, present-day... >=-
* A Lambda-class shuttle flies over London, toward the HoH. It is heavily scarred, as if it had been recently escaping some Imperial Scum(TM). In fact, it had been recently escaping some Imperial Scum(TM). *
* The shuttle's wings started to close as it hovers above Big Ben, and started to land. Unfortunately, the navigational equipment was damaged in the flight, and so the shuttle crashes into the MFB. *
Shuttle Pilot: Cripes.
MCtW: *mocking GtW* "Who cares? We'll just stay here until this whole thing blows over!"
* The pilot hops out of the damaged shuttle and walks over to the group of writers. It's...
The Writers: O_o
MZZTtH: I'm back from my 10 page vacation in the New Republic! So anything happen, guys? Hey, waitaminute, you guys are the WRITERS?!? O_o
GebtW: Uh... We weren't aware you ever left...
MZZTtH: Aw, c'mon, you MUST have missed me at least a little.
MCtW: Nonononono... you've always been in the thread, even after MZZTtW left on that 10-page vacation of his to "RealLife" (where is he NOW, anywho?).
MZZTtH: ... No, I haven't...
SemtW: Yeah. You've been right over there... *points to HoH*
* MZZTtH frowns and pulls out his Electrobinoculars(TM). Training them on the building, he looks into the HoH. *
MZZtH: I can't see a darn thing. *Puts the binoculars away.* I'll have to see for myself who this self-called-Mega-ZZTer REALLY is... *Walks toward the exit.*
GebtW: Sem, you'd better follow him... in case he's getting a little on the loony side.
SemtW: Why
GebtW: Because, I can count on you to make things humorous and interesting.
SemtW: Oh. *Follows MZZTtH*
-=< In the realm of the Writers (Nope, I'm not gonna say "Meanwhile". ... AUGH) >=-
* MZZTtW walks up to where the MFB once stood, whistling, wearing one of those Hawaiian shirts, a pair of jean shorts, a pair of Jedi Outcast(TM) sunglasses, a straw hat, a nice tan (not in real life, tho
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
), and carrying his laptop in it's case. Not noticing the building is gone, he opens the main doors and steps into the lobby. He calls the elevator and steps inside. Pressing the 5th floor button, he taps his foot and waits. Glancing idly (sp?) at his wristwatch, he suddenly realizes the building is gone. *
MZZTtW: Argh, not AGAIN. *Begins the task of looking through the rubble for bodies, company safes, ANYTHING.*
* Suddenly, he spots a staircase apparantly leading to a deep basement. (I can get away with this by saying that, when the building was uprooted, it snapped away from it's foundation. Heck, it happens all the time in tornadoes... I think.) *
MZZTtW: Odd, I never knew the MFB had a basement.
And neither does anyone else.>>
MZZTtW: *Suddenly chilled to the bone.* *Picks up a copy NeS page 36 from the ground and studies it.* Hey, it says here you got coffee poured on you. Doesn't that make evil-narrator-impersonators shrivel up and die?
Not me. I'm too young to die.>>
Although I no longer pose a threat to your pitiful "Writers", I sitll plan to scare the heck out of you as long as I can!>>
MZZTtW: Dang.
MZZTtW: Uh thanks... I think... Wait, what am I saying?!? *Uses his writer's power to reach through into the realm of voice overs and punches the fake-narrator unconscious.*
MZZTtW: Much better. *Cauciously (sp?) creeps down the stone stairway.*
* The walls of the passageways are made of stones and lit by torches
(PLOT HOLE OF THE DAY: How do the torches stay lit?!?), while the actual passages wind around like a maze. *
MZZTtW: Creepy. *Walks down a passage.* Hey, this is really cool, in a creepy sorta way. *Steps on a touchplate, which bears the markings of a skull-and-crossbones. The sinking 'plate makes him lose his balance momentarily, and he drops his laptop.* Oops. Butterfingers. *Bends to pick it up.*
-= SHING! =-
* An axe bigger than Krig's swings down and misses MZZTtW by a hair's breadth. MZZTtW stands up.*
MZZTtW: Ah, there we go. *Steps into an adjoining passage.*
-= SHING! =-
* The axe barely misses him again. *
* As he continues walking, he steps on other touchplates, with effects ranging from firing arrows and fireballs to triggering "Yo' Momma" insults. Each time, he manages to avoid the danger and remains ignorant of it. *
MZZTtW: Y'know, maybe I was wrong about this place. *Unknowing steps on the head of a poisonous snake, killing it right before it would have lunged.* After all, if it is/was in the MFB, it can't be more dangerous than an office complex! *Steps over a pit of lava, almost falling in, but still ignorant.* Hey what's this?
Finally! I get some air-time... Oh? I'm on? *Ahem* MZZTtW has spotted a glowing ring on a pedistal, which, to the trained eye, is another touchplate. But of course, MZZTtW's eye isn't trained.
MZZTtW: Cool. Blue, my favorite color. *Picks it up.*
The long wall directly behind him slides into the floor. Directly behind IT is a long wall of spikes. One glints, just like in dem cartoonies.</ACCENT type="SOUTHERN"> The whole wall creaks and starts moving toward MZZTtW.
MZZTtW: *Peers at an inscription on the wall.* Cool, Aurabesh! I'm glad I paid attention at that video game expo!
The wall of death moves closer...
MZZTtW: It says: "
Whoever finds this, beware! The ring you nows posess is the secret of many generations of Writers! It allows the user to directly and radically alter the realm of the Heroes, but no other realms! With it, the user also has the ability to warp betwixt the different realms of Writers, Heroes, and Voice Overs whenever he or she chooses! It is the wish of us, the Ancient Writers(TM) that the obtainer of this ring use it to enrich the world he or she has created." Hmm. 1337. (Yes, I said 1337.
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
The wall of death has moved within 2 yards, and will crush MZZTtW in only a few seconds if he doesn't DO SOMETHING!!!
MZZTtW: Shut up you. I'm reading: "
P.S. Whoever said 'The pen is mightier than the sword.' never saw the business end of one. -- AncientWriterTheWriter" Ah. How true.
MZZTtW: *Ignores the narrator* Hmm... now what happens when a put this ring on? *Puts it on and dissappears in a flash of light... and yes, the flash of light is a very cool shade of blue.*
Uh... help? The wall of death seems to have crushed against the other wall... and I'm trapped in-between. Oh, I'm imortal 'cuz I'm the narrator and all that, but I'M STUCK!!!
What? How did I get out of the realm of voice overs? It's not important now, JUST GET ME OUT!!!
-=< In the realm of the Heroes >=-
* MZZTtH has, by now, reached the HoH. SemtW is closely following him. *
MZZTtH: What the...?
* MZZTtH has just spotted MZZTtH... or rather, the MZZTtH that has been here since the REAL MZZTtH left. *
MZZTtH: *Eyes FakeMZZT in the eye.* Who are you?!?
FakeMZZT: *Wearing the exact same shocked expression as MZZTtH* Why, I'm MZZTtH.
* MZZTtH Cannot resist the urge to see if FakeMZZT is real, so he touches his hand. Suddenly, the same plot hole that sucked up the writers when JBtW touched JbtH opens up again and swollows FakeMZZT. *
MZZTtH: *Pauses for a second.* . . . Well, that's the end of that...
SebtW: ... No, he's just in the realm of Voice Overs...
MZZTtH: Well, then it's DEFINATELY over.
SebtW: How?
MZZTtH: Impersonators can't survive in the realm of Voice Overs.
SebtW: I didn't know that...
MZZTtH: Of course you didn't. I just made it up.
SebtW: Then why is he dead now?
MZZTtH: Because I said so, and because this is NeS.
SebtW: Ok. Makes sense. But... can you repeat it again?
MZZTtH: *sighs* Because it's less complicated to have two MZZTs running around instead of three, ok? Not to mention it insures no n00bs will try to actually use him.
SebtW: Ah... but then why didn't the fake narrator die when he was there to tie up the REAL narrator?
MZZTtH: He doesn't count.
SebtW: Because you said so. Ah. I see.
SebtW: ?
MZZTtH: That's not what you say. See? The script here says "SebtW: I R 3NL1G473N3D.".
SebtW: I'm NOT going to degrade myself to say THAT. Who wrote this?!? *Gestures toward the script.*
Director: Don't look at me, I just work here!
SebtW: *sigh*
MZZTtH: Well, anyways... uh... er... what do we do now?
SebtW: What does the script say?
MZZTtH: Er... I lost half of the page.
SebtW: WHAT?!?!
MZZTtH: Hey, in 10-pages worth of traipsing (sp?) around the New Republic, stuff gets messed up.
* As the writer and hero wait around for something to happen, the director and camera crew fade into obscurity, so as to keep n00bs from using them as plot characters as well, whatever a plot may be. *
-=< Across the street, and one floor above the other writers... >=-
MZZTtW: Oof. Rough trip. Hey! I'm in the realm of the Heroes!
* In one glance at his ring his outfit changes from that of beach tourist into Jedi Knight(TM). Outfit with a utility belt with grappling hook, lightsaber, thermal detonators, conc rifle (DF style, of course) and a bunch of other neat stuff. He also gets the complimentary Force(TM) powers.
MZZTtW: *Grinning, lights his saber.* Look out, here comes MZZTtW! Maybe I'll finally bring some sanity to this thread. *Thinks for a second* Nah!
How powerful is the mysterious ring MZZTtW has acquired? Does it have the ability to wipe out all the evil in the realms with one thought? (It better not, 'cuz we plan to go another good 25 pages, right guys?) Will MZZTtW reveal which video game expo he went to to learn Aurabesh?!? What will MZZTtH and SemtW do next? Has the Thingy
been damaged by the plot holes?!? Will jEDIkIRBY EVER learn HTML? (
HAR HAR </INSIDE JOKE> ) Will he origin of FakeMZZT ever be revealed?!? MZZTtH: NO
*ignores him* Will the Lambda-class shuttle stuck in the side of the MFB change how the pedestrians below feel about a building appearing out of nowhere and landing in their city?!? Will any newbies try to resurect the Director or FakeMZZT?!? When will the fake-narrator recover from MZZTtW's teaching, or will he at all?!? Will anyone ever get me unstuck from this wall of spikes?!? Tune in next post, same time, same thread, for the exciting answers! Don't touch that Address Bar! We'll be back after this moment-of-inactiveness-which-won't-last-too-long-RIGHT-fellas?
[Edit: Fixed some speeling erors and made some sentences clearer... final draft time!]
Star Trek: The Quake Simulation <-- The most amazing Quake 1/2 level... heck, the most amazing level in general... you'll ever see...
Too bad I have neither
[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited October 17, 2002).]