(NSP: Ahhh, more devout "fans" of NeS... Anywhos, perhaps I should put some story here, eh? Let's give it a whirl, and remember, if you don't know where your character is, look on the top of page 29
. With that said, here's me to take leaps and bounds nobody else is cruel enough to take
. And Mick, read the bottom in answer to the post you made *the one after this one*)
In the Hall of Heroes, Antestarr waits for his collegues to join him in his quest...
Ante: So who's ready to join me?
A murmur and general noise of uneasiness from the other heroes answers Antestarr's question.
Ante: Geez, you all are a bunch of sniveling cowards. All I'm asking is that you board a highly questionable mode of transportation several miles underwater to a place chock-full of the most evil villians and obstacles we've encountered yet!
MZZT: Well, I'd really like to join and all, but uh...I have to um...yeah.
Janitor Bob: Right. What he said.
Suddenly, a mystical swirl a.k.a. plot hole emerges in their presence, and Semievil is promptly spewed from it before it dissapears.
Semievil: Nuuurgh...stupid plot-hole wrinkled my cape...
CookedHaggis: I take it your mission to destroy the Arena wasn't successful?
Sem: No, it wasn't. --and I've seemed to have lost Geb. Damnit.
Masetto: Good thing we attached those Personal Locator Devices on each of us so we knew where we'd be all the time.
Maybechild: How convinient, ain't it? Let's check the update screen then, shall we?
The heroes spin around to gaze upon the giant update screen. Shown upon the list of others, the following appeared:
-The Realm of TACC
TheOtter: ...what's a TACC?
Sem: Apparently, it's a realm.
TACC, eh? I think I should take a look over there myself, having licked 'realms' and all. Still got 'dimensions' to work with though...
Otter: Riiight...anyways, anyone know how to get there?
Cooked: *sigh* I know of the Realm of TACC. *CookedHaggis' eyes begin to gaze in no apparent direction, as if remembering some long lost dream or paradise.* It seems liek only yesterday I was there...
Highemperor: That's because you WERE there yesterday! You told us a week ago that's why you kept leaving sporatically and such.
Cooked: Oh yeah...
Phantom Master: *in Arnold accent* So, like, are you going to tell us how to get there, mister?
Ante: But-but-what about MY sidequest?
Cooked: Stop sniveling already! Here-- *slaps Semievil on hte back, moving him foreward* He'll join you as navigator and general magic-caster.
Sem: Shwa?
Cooked: And uh--take Krig, Randy, Masetto, Otter, and uh...
Just then, JorBo enters the room, donning a Bermuda outfit.
JorBo: Wooooo! Da Carribbean is really a good reason to be a spy! TLTE told me that I was cramping his style though, and so I came back here.
Cooked: --and him! There, is that enough for you?
Ante: Sure thing. Thanks.
JorBo: Uh....did I miss something?
Masetto: Wheeee! A boat-ride!
Masetto drags JorBo as he follows Semievil, Lt. Randy, Krig, Otter, and Antestarr out of the Hall of Heroes and into their main submarine.
Randy: Odd, I dont' remember having a quiver of arrows and a bow before...
JorBo: *now short and hobbit-like* Why do I suddenly have this overwhelming concern with the safety of Gettleburger?
Otter: *also hobbit-like* Meh, you get use to the whole "transformation" thing after a while.
Masetto: Hey look, I have hairy feet! My hair didn't change much though...
On board the submarines, Antestarr prepares the final launching sequence.
Ante: Are we all set, Mother?
Ante: Everyone accounted for?
<<Antestarr, JorBo, Krig the Viking, TLTETBR, Masetto, TheOtter, Lt. Randy, and Semievil are presently accounted for.>>
Ante: Great! Set a course for The Arena!
<<*grumbles* "Set a course", the little human says...good thing for Directive 937...>>
Ante: What was that, Mother?
<<*cough* Oh, er--nothing of concern.>>
Ante: Right then.
Back at the Hall of Heroes...
CookedHaggis: So that leaves us with myself, Maybechild, Highemperor, MZZT, Janitor Bob, and the Phantom Master here. With TLTE off in the Carribbean, Gettle trapped in The Arena, and Losien and McLongname unaccounted for with the pizza delivery guy somewhere in this building. So who wants to go get Geb?
*Grumbles and general noises of discontent are heard.*
Cooked: Fine, I'll go, and if any of you feel so compelled to join, use the thingy over there *points to a StarGate-esque device* to follow me.
*CookedHaggis then enters the device, and dissapears from their presence.
MZZT: ...so who's up for a party? I can call up some friends!
Deep within the ruins of The Arena, the Legion of Spooky is well underway to constructing the ruins into their secret stronghold, giving the place a good painting over of dark colors that somehow are reminiscant of Windows XP.
Darkside: Ahhh...feels like home already.
"They": Would anybody care to tell me how Hitler, Pol Pot, and the others are here, when I specifically remember KILLING THEM?
keyboarding teacher: You think killing them again would make it harder to bring them back or something? Come to think of it, how did we bring them around in the first place?
Bill Gates: Ah yes, good question indeed. Why, with the help of our Evil Thingy! of course!
Gates points towards an evil StarGate-esque like device.
keyboarding teacher: How convinient.
Gates: Yes, isn't it though? And after having tourtured this thing that calls itself "Gonk" for hours on end, I figured out of a hidden power. A great, hidden power called The Machine That Goes 'Bing!'--
Phil: --uh, not to innterupt, but does anyone else notice that unnatural shaking beneath The Arena floor?
Darkside: Yessss, I thought I felt the presence of those hero-scum jsut now...they must have tried in vain to destroy this place, only to realize that its great powers turn any effort into a giant plothole! Mwahahahhahahahahahaha!
Gates: Oh yeah--I knew I needed something.
Gates hits a button on his StarGate-esque-liek device, and a giant lightshow went off, as the massive plothole from below them rose through the ground and coalesced into the device, forming a portal.
Gates: The old tricks are the best tricks, eh? Well, I'd love to stick around, but I have other realms that I want to conquor, so darkside, take charge while I'm gone.
Darkside: But-but-
Gates: And DON'T burn down the place!
Gates dissapears into portal.
Darkside: Darn it all! I hate managing...
*Off in the distance, Gonk2m4 can be seen gonking with great speed towards Antestarr and company, moaning "Goooooonk" over and over again in a "my precious" fashion.*
What LotR/Atlantis/Aliens-like challanges will Antestarr and company find themselves pitted against? And what of this situation with CookedHaggis going after Gebohq? Will Bill Gates end up causing them trouble? I better go check out for myself through this portal here. I leave you in charge of everything, computer!
And DON'T burn down the place while I'm gone!
(NSP: Michael, currently, you're in the Hall of Heroes. You have a score to settle with a certain pizza delivery guy trying to hit on Losien. All in all, rather tame, but at the same time, gives you some options the other characters don't have. Have fun with it
[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited February 15, 2002).]
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In the Hall of Heroes, Antestarr waits for his collegues to join him in his quest...
Ante: So who's ready to join me?
A murmur and general noise of uneasiness from the other heroes answers Antestarr's question.
Ante: Geez, you all are a bunch of sniveling cowards. All I'm asking is that you board a highly questionable mode of transportation several miles underwater to a place chock-full of the most evil villians and obstacles we've encountered yet!
MZZT: Well, I'd really like to join and all, but uh...I have to um...yeah.
Janitor Bob: Right. What he said.
Suddenly, a mystical swirl a.k.a. plot hole emerges in their presence, and Semievil is promptly spewed from it before it dissapears.
Semievil: Nuuurgh...stupid plot-hole wrinkled my cape...
CookedHaggis: I take it your mission to destroy the Arena wasn't successful?
Sem: No, it wasn't. --and I've seemed to have lost Geb. Damnit.
Masetto: Good thing we attached those Personal Locator Devices on each of us so we knew where we'd be all the time.
Maybechild: How convinient, ain't it? Let's check the update screen then, shall we?
The heroes spin around to gaze upon the giant update screen. Shown upon the list of others, the following appeared:
-The Realm of TACC
TheOtter: ...what's a TACC?
Sem: Apparently, it's a realm.
TACC, eh? I think I should take a look over there myself, having licked 'realms' and all. Still got 'dimensions' to work with though...
Otter: Riiight...anyways, anyone know how to get there?
Cooked: *sigh* I know of the Realm of TACC. *CookedHaggis' eyes begin to gaze in no apparent direction, as if remembering some long lost dream or paradise.* It seems liek only yesterday I was there...
Highemperor: That's because you WERE there yesterday! You told us a week ago that's why you kept leaving sporatically and such.
Cooked: Oh yeah...
Phantom Master: *in Arnold accent* So, like, are you going to tell us how to get there, mister?
Ante: But-but-what about MY sidequest?
Cooked: Stop sniveling already! Here-- *slaps Semievil on hte back, moving him foreward* He'll join you as navigator and general magic-caster.
Sem: Shwa?
Cooked: And uh--take Krig, Randy, Masetto, Otter, and uh...
Just then, JorBo enters the room, donning a Bermuda outfit.
JorBo: Wooooo! Da Carribbean is really a good reason to be a spy! TLTE told me that I was cramping his style though, and so I came back here.
Cooked: --and him! There, is that enough for you?
Ante: Sure thing. Thanks.
JorBo: Uh....did I miss something?
Masetto: Wheeee! A boat-ride!
Masetto drags JorBo as he follows Semievil, Lt. Randy, Krig, Otter, and Antestarr out of the Hall of Heroes and into their main submarine.
Randy: Odd, I dont' remember having a quiver of arrows and a bow before...
JorBo: *now short and hobbit-like* Why do I suddenly have this overwhelming concern with the safety of Gettleburger?
Otter: *also hobbit-like* Meh, you get use to the whole "transformation" thing after a while.
Masetto: Hey look, I have hairy feet! My hair didn't change much though...
On board the submarines, Antestarr prepares the final launching sequence.
Ante: Are we all set, Mother?
Ante: Everyone accounted for?
<<Antestarr, JorBo, Krig the Viking, TLTETBR, Masetto, TheOtter, Lt. Randy, and Semievil are presently accounted for.>>
Ante: Great! Set a course for The Arena!
<<*grumbles* "Set a course", the little human says...good thing for Directive 937...>>
Ante: What was that, Mother?
<<*cough* Oh, er--nothing of concern.>>
Ante: Right then.
Back at the Hall of Heroes...
CookedHaggis: So that leaves us with myself, Maybechild, Highemperor, MZZT, Janitor Bob, and the Phantom Master here. With TLTE off in the Carribbean, Gettle trapped in The Arena, and Losien and McLongname unaccounted for with the pizza delivery guy somewhere in this building. So who wants to go get Geb?
*Grumbles and general noises of discontent are heard.*
Cooked: Fine, I'll go, and if any of you feel so compelled to join, use the thingy over there *points to a StarGate-esque device* to follow me.
*CookedHaggis then enters the device, and dissapears from their presence.
MZZT: ...so who's up for a party? I can call up some friends!
Deep within the ruins of The Arena, the Legion of Spooky is well underway to constructing the ruins into their secret stronghold, giving the place a good painting over of dark colors that somehow are reminiscant of Windows XP.
Darkside: Ahhh...feels like home already.
"They": Would anybody care to tell me how Hitler, Pol Pot, and the others are here, when I specifically remember KILLING THEM?
keyboarding teacher: You think killing them again would make it harder to bring them back or something? Come to think of it, how did we bring them around in the first place?
Bill Gates: Ah yes, good question indeed. Why, with the help of our Evil Thingy! of course!
Gates points towards an evil StarGate-esque like device.
keyboarding teacher: How convinient.
Gates: Yes, isn't it though? And after having tourtured this thing that calls itself "Gonk" for hours on end, I figured out of a hidden power. A great, hidden power called The Machine That Goes 'Bing!'--
Phil: --uh, not to innterupt, but does anyone else notice that unnatural shaking beneath The Arena floor?
Darkside: Yessss, I thought I felt the presence of those hero-scum jsut now...they must have tried in vain to destroy this place, only to realize that its great powers turn any effort into a giant plothole! Mwahahahhahahahahahaha!
Gates: Oh yeah--I knew I needed something.
Gates hits a button on his StarGate-esque-liek device, and a giant lightshow went off, as the massive plothole from below them rose through the ground and coalesced into the device, forming a portal.
Gates: The old tricks are the best tricks, eh? Well, I'd love to stick around, but I have other realms that I want to conquor, so darkside, take charge while I'm gone.
Darkside: But-but-
Gates: And DON'T burn down the place!
Gates dissapears into portal.
Darkside: Darn it all! I hate managing...
*Off in the distance, Gonk2m4 can be seen gonking with great speed towards Antestarr and company, moaning "Goooooonk" over and over again in a "my precious" fashion.*
What LotR/Atlantis/Aliens-like challanges will Antestarr and company find themselves pitted against? And what of this situation with CookedHaggis going after Gebohq? Will Bill Gates end up causing them trouble? I better go check out for myself through this portal here. I leave you in charge of everything, computer!
And DON'T burn down the place while I'm gone!
(NSP: Michael, currently, you're in the Hall of Heroes. You have a score to settle with a certain pizza delivery guy trying to hit on Losien. All in all, rather tame, but at the same time, gives you some options the other characters don't have. Have fun with it
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited February 15, 2002).]
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