*In the UGO/Microsoft Headquarters Losien crawls, Auburn hair bobbing
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/wink.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/wink.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/wink.gif)
,lost through acres and acres of a Ventilation Shaft Labyrinth.*
Losien the writer: Let’s see… moss always grows on the right side of a ventilation grate… no that’s not it…. Hmm. The Sun always sets to the north so that must mean…
*Despite Losien’s attempt to orient herself, she finally escapes, plunging down a Ventilation Shaft and into a completely enclosed room. A solitary Roman-Greeco Pillar rises up in the center. On the pillar are mounds of Official Looking Documents™ Losien doesn’t hesitate and starts thumbing through them, being extremely careful to avoid paper cuts*
Losien the writer: Hmm… let’s see… employee dossiers… financial reports electric bills … letter from Gates’ Grandma… ooh! Ed Macmahon says that Bill Gates could win a million dollars… shopping list… the old Computer Gaming World magazine that says the ‘OBI-WAN’ is being canceled for the PC and developed for the X-Box… Hey, what’s this!
*Losien the writer opens a very suspicious looking Manila Folder and skims them*
Losien the writer: Hmm... Nuclear Weapons... Bribing of Governmental Officials... Hiring Libyan Terrorists... a series of explosive charges controlled by a set of satellites in Geosynchronous orbit... Acquisition of Cuba... the Shiva Virus... Suncrusher... the Diminuator… the Ultimate Insult… Internet Banner Ads... Seizure inducing Pokemons... Strategic Tactical Feng-Shui...
*Finally, Losien looks at the Cover page. In big, ominous, stamped red letters it says…*
Losien the Writer:
Joint Microsoft/UGO Evil Secret Plan O’ World Domination Hmm… sounds interesting. I’ll bet the guys back at the Massassi Office would like this. I think I’ll just borrow this for a little bit
*Losien the writer carefully picks up the manila folder, replacing it with another folder full of Losien’s receipts for her income taxes to insure that no alarms go off*
*Mase and Otter the Writer look around Ares office. Broken shattered family heirlooms lay scattered about the floor, his oak desk is on it’s side, a scale Dodge Viper model is stuck halfway through a stain glassed window… all in all, it looks like a volcano exploded in there. All of this wouldn’t be that bad except for the fact that the owner of the Office, Ares, was walking through the door at that moment. To make matters worse Ares just happened to be ‘The God of War’*
Mase the Writer: So… what should we do Otter…
Otter the Writer: Uh… hide?
*But it was too late, Ares walks in, and his face slowly scans the room, his mouth popping opened and closed like a fish with the sight…*
Ares: How many times have I told you guys not to play Full Contact Football in my office?
Otter the Writer: Err…
Ares: I leave my office for just 10 minutes to give my Viper a new paint job and I thought that I could trust you. Well it looks like I was wrong!
Masseto the Writer: But… but it wasn’t us. You see it was actually an
evil pirate disguised as you, but it wasn’t actually evil pirate #1, it was actually evil pirate #2! But that was a trick to, because all that tine it was actually UGO employee #5! Ha Ha! Those UGO people sure are tricky. Well, we had to beat him up cuz…
Ares: Oh, sure! Like I’ve never heard that story before!
*Just outside UGO/Microsoft Headquarters, Phil the Driver and his UGAmbulance careens towards a large cliff (with spikes at the bottom) Although Phil’s brakes have been disabled, his steering hasn’t. (yet). Spinning the steering wheel around, Phil heads back to his goal (The UGO Headquarters)*
*At the same time, Ominous Pilot #3 is angry that his target is still alive. Wanting more than anything to get another ‘frag’, and thus get promoted to the rank of Flight Officer Third Class, he continues firing at the UGAmbulance. The Super Heated green lasers pelt the hood of the Ambulance. Finally, they pierce through the armor of the ambulance and hit the Internal Combustion Engine. The Internal Combustion Engine Combusts, blowing up the Ambulance. Naturally, this doesn’t hurt our heroes and simply sends them flying through the air, where they land all Land on Gates large golden desk. Ominous Pilot #3 forgets to turn, and runs into the letter U on the Ugo building. The fighter explodes in a powerful CGI fireball, and the letter U, falls off. Phil dizzily gets off the desk, dazed, and wanders to the nearest Tavern to get a beer*
Gates: You nitwit! You scratched my desk!
Randy the Writer: Forgive me if I’m not… dripping with pity.
Gates: You scratched my desk…
*Suddenly the Mini-Limo crashes through the Office wall, into the room, and hits the large desk. The desk careens through the air, bounces twice, and rolls off the cliff (with spikes at the bottom). Sem and Cooked Haggis step out*
Sem: Ah, I should have known. So, Mr. Gates, you’re the villain behind all this, you duct tape waster, you!
Cooked Haggis: It’s time to pay up!
Gates: No, Waiter Boy, you’re not getting my money.
Cooked Haggis: I wasn’t talking to you. I’m talking to Randy… Let’s see with a 15% tip, the tip comes out to 150 dollars.
Randy the Writer: Now’s not the time, Cooked.
Gates: Look at what you losers have done to my office!
Randy: You know, back at Military school, we had ways of dealing with people like you. The nice thing is that it only required three things. Us, You, and a large Garbage Can.
Gates: You can’t do that to me, I’m powerful!
Sem: You’re going to feel a lot less powerful when I give you a wedgie with Duct Tape.
Gates: Things can’t get much worse.
*The ceiling above Gates crashes down, Ante coming plummeting through. Ante lands on Gates*
Ante: So you’re the guy who trapped me in the shaft. I’ve got a few words to have with you. Actually, I want you to have a few words with my fist
Gates: Oh, so that’s the game. Pick on the Geeky, rich guy!
Cooked Haggis: Sounds Fun! Can I join in!
Gates: Things can’t get much worse.
*Haggis notices that water is dripping out of one of the walls.*
Cooked: Uh, Mr. Gates. I think you have a plumbing problem.
Gates: Plumbing does not concern me, Waiter.
*The remaining wall, caves in due to the water pressure, (due to the flooding that Ante and Losien caused). The entire group is swept away in a gargantic tsunami wave*
May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)