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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-10-12, 2:04 PM #4641
Originally posted by Reid:
If you consider the unprecedented growth in American prisons, in which black men are vastly over-represented, and look at the types of forced prison labor, you should see some parallels.

Yeah the idea that mass incarceration is anything like, say, Japanese internment camps in America during World War II or the gulags in Russia or Nazi concentration camps seems like gross hyperbole. There's a difference between those things and a horribly deficient and racist justice system that punishes African-Americans at numbers greater than the rest of the population and has a tendency to hand them more severe sentences than other racial groups. It's a far, far cry from abandoning the principle of rule of law altogether and consolidating minorities of the population into camps for no other reason than because they are members of that group.
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 2:07 PM #4642
Originally posted by Eversor:
Why should it matter what the regime was beforehand when we're describing a government? I think it doesn't. Again, it seems like what we should really be talking about is authoritarianism, because that's what all these regimes do share in common, and it doesn't matter whether they're right-wing, communist, or... whatever Russia is (some kind of non-ideological capitalistic oligarchic tribute-based de facto dictatorship that occasionally relies the Eastern Orthodox church and/or Russian ethnicity to galvanize the masses?).

Maybe because understanding how a regime comes to power is really, really important to stopping it from coming again? And can tell you how that regime is likely to act and operate? And how comparing 1920's-1930's Germany to America is more accurate than comparing 1920's Russia to America?
2017-10-12, 2:19 PM #4643
Originally posted by Eversor:
Yeah the idea that mass incarceration is anything like, say, Japanese internment camps in America during World War II or the gulags in Russia or Nazi concentration camps seems like gross hyperbole. There's a difference between those things and a horribly deficient and racist justice system that punishes African-Americans at numbers greater than the rest of the population and has a tendency to hand them more severe sentences than other racial groups. It's a far, far cry from abandoning the principle of rule of law altogether and consolidating minorities of the population into camps for no other reason than because they are members of that group.

You're missing the point. It doesn't have to be on the same scale or violate some words to be fascistic, what matters is that there's a majority group of people obsessed with punishing a minority group for just existing, and is willing to spend lots of money building places to contain them and enslave them. It's the qualitative, not the quantitative comparison that matters.
2017-10-12, 2:19 PM #4644
Originally posted by Reid:
Maybe because understanding how a regime comes to power is really, really important to stopping it from coming again? And can tell you how that regime is likely to act and operate? And how comparing 1920's-1930's Germany to America is more accurate than comparing 1920's Russia to America?

Right. So this is the criticism I've had of you guys before: your comparison of the US to Nazi Germany depends on the assumption that the US will follow a trajectory that resembles the trajectory of Nazi Germany. How do you know that the United States will turn into 1939 Nazi Germany, and not 2017 Russia? Answer: you don't. You're assuming a lot.

I don't think anyone who has actually spent any time thinking about historiography for even a second thinks that learning history helps you predict the future.
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 2:20 PM #4645
It's like you're gatekeeping fascism, "until you murder 5,000,000 you can't be a real fascist"!
2017-10-12, 2:23 PM #4646
Originally posted by Reid:
You're missing the point. It doesn't have to be on the same scale or violate some words to be fascistic, what matters is that there's a majority group of people obsessed with punishing a minority group for just existing, and is willing to spend lots of money building places to contain them and enslave them. It's the qualitative, not the quantitative comparison that matters.

Right. Coincidentally, you missed the point. I said that the qualitative difference that makes something "fascistic" (or, really, authoritarian) rather than merely unjust is that there has to be a complete disregard for the rule of law (and I'll add due process, which is probably more relevant here).
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 2:24 PM #4647
Originally posted by Reid:
It's like you're gatekeeping fascism, "until you murder 5,000,000 you can't be a real fascist"!

I haven't made any arguments that rely on a quantitative distinction. Certified ****post.
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 2:26 PM #4648
Originally posted by Eversor:
Right. So this is the criticism I've had of you guys before: your comparison of the US to Nazi Germany depends on the assumption that the US will follow a trajectory that resembles the trajectory of Nazi Germany. How do you know that the United States will turn into 1939 Nazi Germany, and not 2017 Russia? Answer: you don't. You're assuming a lot.

I don't think anyone who has actually spent any time thinking about historiography for even a second thinks that learning history helps you predict the future.

I don't know that it will become 1939 Nazi Germany or 2017 Russia, but I do know that 1939 Germany is way more likely than 2017 Russia because the circumstances more closely match. People can do a study about civil wars, and find there are trends common in societies that later break out into civil war. That doesn't mean each and every single time the trends line up that you're guaranteed a civil war, but it means you should exchange your dollars to another currency and buy a gun.

Putin got rich by taking power, rallying the military behind him, then murdering a billionaire and using that to pressure the others into giving him wealth. I really doubt such a thing could be pulled off in America today.
2017-10-12, 2:30 PM #4649
Originally posted by Eversor:
Right. Coincidentally, you missed the point. I said that the qualitative difference that makes something "fascistic" (or, really, authoritarian) rather than merely unjust is that there has to be a complete disregard for the rule of law (and I'll add due process, which is probably more relevant here).

So you've probably changed what is essential to fascism like 10 times already, but I'm not sure what you even mean by a complete disregard for the rule of law, given fascist regimes are some of the strictest police states around, they obsess about rule of law.

Moving to the point though, if you're saying here that we're right about all of the similarities between Weimar Germany and America today except respect for due process, then I think that pretty much confirms we are sliding towards fascism. Don't forget that due process was active in Germany and in less than a year Hitler was dictator, the shift can happen suddenly.
2017-10-12, 2:40 PM #4650
Originally posted by Reid:
So you've probably changed what is essential to fascism like 10 times already,

It's ok, I know you don't like to read. If you want to know what I think about this, you can scroll up and read what I wrote a few posts ago. But I'm not going to type it out again.

Originally posted by Reid:
but I'm not sure what you even mean by a complete disregard for the rule of law, given fascist regimes are some of the strictest police states around, they obsess about rule of law.

No, dummy. That you don't know what "rule of law" means is your problem, not mine. The Nazis came to power by calling a state of emergency which suspending all of the rights granted to individuals by the constitution of the Weimar Republic. Heavy policing has little to do with the rule of law, and if you wanted to make a connection between racist American cops incarcerating blacks at disproportionate numbers and Nazis, it would be because racist American cops often aren't punished they break the law.

Originally posted by Reid:
if you're saying here that we're right about all of the similarities between Weimar Germany and America today except respect for due process,

I wasn't saying that.
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 3:08 PM #4651
Originally posted by Reid:
Putin got rich by taking power, rallying the military behind him, then murdering a billionaire and using that to pressure the others into giving him wealth. I really doubt such a thing could be pulled off in America today.

Getting "rich by taking power" is exactly what I think Trump is trying to do. I heard an interesting description about how he's conducting foreign policy in the NYT's podcast the other day. Apparently the reason why the State Department is so understaffed is because he's essentially made it and typical diplomacy obsolete. Instead, he expects countries to try to win the USG's favor by employing lobbyists and trying to influence the USG by buying favor using their pocketbooks.

The goal of this is to leverage the usual operations of the government for the sake of personal gain. That's American burgeoning kleptocracy. And, yes, it looks a lot like Russia.
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 3:17 PM #4652
Originally posted by Eversor:
It's ok, I know you don't like to read. If you want to know what I think about this, you can scroll up and read what I wrote a few posts ago. But I'm not going to type it out again.

Interesting how everybody seems to have an okay time reading each other's thoughts, but with you, everybody seems to misread them.

Originally posted by Eversor:
No, dummy. That you don't know what "rule of law" means is your problem, not mine. The Nazis came to power by calling a state of emergency which suspending all of the rights granted to individuals by the constitution of the Weimar Republic. Heavy policing has little to do with the rule of law, and if you wanted to make a connection between racist American cops incarcerating blacks at disproportionate numbers and Nazis, it would be because racist American cops often aren't punished they break the law.

Maybe you shouldn't say "complete disregard" then when you just mean "disregard", because Hitler made a show of "reforming" the courts and even followed their rulings at times. There was never really an instance in which laws were not enforced to some degree in the courts. Of course there was no due process for the millions of people put into camps, which is the real issue.
2017-10-12, 3:20 PM #4653
You may say, "well the courts still work against Trump", but when he has a fairly rabid fanbase and questions the legitimacy of judges he disagrees with openly, you gotta see some similarities.
2017-10-12, 3:23 PM #4654
Originally posted by Reid:
Interesting how everybody seems to have an okay time reading each other's thoughts, but with you, everybody seems to misread them.

No, only you.
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 3:23 PM #4655
Let's not forget that the Hawaiian judge who ruled against the travel ban received death threats and needed a U.S. Marshal security escort. But surely that's no problem.
2017-10-12, 3:24 PM #4656
Originally posted by Eversor:
No, only you.

I don't think much anyone else reads your posts.
2017-10-12, 3:26 PM #4657
Originally posted by Reid:
I don't think much anyone else reads your posts.

That's ok if I wanted an audience I wouldn't come to this website which has about 15 active users.
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 3:26 PM #4658
Let's also not forget how Trump suggested people could shoot Hillary Clinton if she was elected so she couldn't nominate a left-wing judge, surely a person who would say that would respect the rule of law.
2017-10-12, 3:45 PM #4659
Originally posted by Eversor:
Getting "rich by taking power" is exactly what I think Trump is trying to do. I heard an interesting description about how he's conducting foreign policy in the NYT's podcast the other day. Apparently the reason why the State Department is so understaffed is because he's essentially made it and typical diplomacy obsolete. Instead, he expects countries to try to win the USG's favor by employing lobbyists and trying to influence the USG by buying favor using their pocketbooks.

The goal of this is to leverage the usual operations of the government for the sake of personal gain. That's American burgeoning kleptocracy. And, yes, it looks a lot like Russia.

I've noticed there's a split in perspective about Trump, some think everything he does is actually some crafty manipulation that he does to lead to personal gain, and some think that he's a moron bully. I think he's a moron bully, which means his state department is understaffed because he's an incompetent idiot who can't retain people, and as a side consequence of nobody being able to approach a diplomat will lead to him accepting bribes. If he's like Putin is a very stupid, incompetent version of Putin who destroys most everything instead of planning successfully.
2017-10-12, 3:48 PM #4660
Either he can't retain people or thinks the amount of staffing he has is enough, both of which seem to communicate a mental deficiency.
2017-10-12, 3:55 PM #4661
Originally posted by Reid:
I've noticed there's a split in perspective about Trump, some think everything he does is actually some crafty manipulation that he does to lead to personal gain, and some think that he's a moron bully. I think he's a moron bully, which means his state department is understaffed because he's an incompetent idiot who can't retain people, and as a side consequence of nobody being able to approach a diplomat will lead to him accepting bribes. If he's like Putin is a very stupid, incompetent version of Putin who destroys most everything instead of planning successfully.

I definitely agree that that double-sidedness exists. At times, what happens in the USG seems as if it must have been deliberated arranged as an act of political theatre. But at other times, it seems that the only explanation for what's happened is that Trump's a complete incompetent. But isn't one of the upshots of comparing Trump to the Hitler supposed to be the idea that a strongman can be malicious and incompetent at the same time?
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 4:31 PM #4662
Originally posted by Eversor:
Can you elaborate on what you mean by all inclusive? In the past, you've been cautious about talking about totalitarianism. Although I take it that when you said that, you were talking about specifically the ambiguity of the term as it pertains to economic policy, because Nazi economy wasn't a strictly controlled economy. Which is fine: point taken. But it does sound like you do think there is some kind of top-down control that happens in a fascist regime that is essential to it.
All inclusive populism means everything is subject to populism. It means state control of the economy where the private sector is unpopular, it means state control of the media where state control can improve public perception of the regime, it means selective enforcement of laws for people who are disliked by the majority in-group, it means a powerful government that asserts top-down authority over parts of society that are disliked and exerts zero influence over the parts that the in-group enjoys. It means exterminating a race because some members of that race made some people in the in-group mad. It is tyranny of the majority on bath salts.

Every government makes choices about what they do and do not control. The difference between fascism and other systems is how and why they make that decision. Most governments pursue some degree of populist policies, but their choices are usually dominated by some form of grand strategy (usually involving compromise between stakeholders in order to achieve long term goals). Fascists do not have a grand strategy; they are by definition mercurial and taken to whim, which is why scholars have such a hard time pinning down exactly what they are. The closest they come to grand strategy is supremacy and dominance, but those aren’t

Originally posted by Eversor:
I was educated in Canada, so...
My mistake. You were barely taught economics and political science at all, then.

Originally posted by Eversor:
In your opinion, do we already live in a fascist society, or are we in danger of sliding into fascism? If we already live in a fascist society, when did we become fascist?
Americans have a lot of frustrated expectations, an unfortunate history, and politicians and media that have radicalized the US public for their own profit. The current president won using Nazi campaign strategies and Nazi talking points, and has successfully established a precedent that the executive can nullify the judiciary when your rights are violated by public officials. I do not think the US is presently a fascist regime, but it is clear that many influential people want it to become more like one, and if it is not an active work in progress it is only because of lack of will, not lack of ability.

Originally posted by Eversor:
Point taken about how fascism is more than merely the sum of its parts. But if fascism is more than the sum of its parts, all of those parts have to be present, don't they? But there are also numerous elements of the Nazi regime that aren't present in the US government that were present in Nazi Germany.

Let's add to what we said before: murdering political opponents, de facto one state rule, cracking down on political dissidents, suspension of the constitution, territorial adventurism, forced labor and concentration camps.

Are these things merely accidental to fascism? Or are they essential to it?

I should add: many of these things are found alongside some of the other things we listed above in other regimes that currently exist: Russia, or China, for example. But in general, we don't call those countries fascist.
Fascism is not about specific policies.

Originally posted by Eversor:
And just to put my cards on the table, here's why I think that fascism is a pretty vacuous word at the end of the day. Almost all of the features of fascism that we've listed also can be applied to Stalinism and to various other regimes that we don't associate with fascism. At the end of the day, it doesn't seem to matter that the Stalinist Soviet Union was "communist", or that Nazi Germany was "fascist". At the end of the day, both were authoritarian regimes that emerged through the exploitation of mass movements and populist sentiments, and in both cases, the regimes seem to espouse their ideologies in order to come to power, but then become quite cynical about their ideologies once they're actually in power.

The actual priorities of the Stalinist and Nazi regimes don't appear to have been influenced much by their ideologies, and they seemed very willing to compromise on their ideological visions when they got in the way of increasing their power. It seems like what we're really talking about it authoritarianism, and whether it's left-wing or right-wing authoritarianism doesn't matter that much, except to describe which mass movement was hijacked that led to an authoritarian regime.

Originally posted by Eversor:
So then what's that specific quality, which is reactionary but not really reactionary?

Why should it matter what the regime was beforehand when we're describing a government? I think it doesn't. Again, it seems like what we should really be talking about is authoritarianism, because that's what all these regimes do share in common, and it doesn't matter whether they're right-wing, communist, or... whatever Russia is (some kind of non-ideological capitalistic oligarchic tribute-based de facto dictatorship that occasionally relies the Eastern Orthodox church and/or Russian ethnicity to galvanize the masses?).
If Trump were a Stalinist I would complain about him being a Stalinist, and I would provide evidence that he is a Stalinist. But I’m not doing that, because Trump isn’t a Stalinist. He is a fascist. There is a difference regardless of this horseshoe theory 2017 meme of the year sophistry you’re hinting at here.

Originally posted by Eversor:
Right. So this is the criticism I've had of you guys before: your comparison of the US to Nazi Germany depends on the assumption that the US will follow a trajectory that resembles the trajectory of Nazi Germany. How do you know that the United States will turn into 1939 Nazi Germany, and not 2017 Russia? Answer: you don't. You're assuming a lot.

I don't think anyone who has actually spent any time thinking about historiography for even a second thinks that learning history helps you predict the future.
No, I’m extrapolating that a politician who studied Adolf Hitler, modeled his campaign after Adolf Hitler, appeals to people who like Adolf Hitler, and hired advisors to help him govern more like Adolf Hitler, possibly somewhat wants to be like Adolf Hitler.
2017-10-12, 5:48 PM #4663
So, I'm not ashamed to admit that I watched this episode of John Oliver's show:

and learned something new. It seems like we are crash coursing for the monopoly geohell even libertarians can't defend.
2017-10-12, 5:53 PM #4664
John Oliver is an obnoxious bleeding heart liberal. I ****ing hate the racoon gags.
2017-10-12, 5:57 PM #4665
The gags are awful and the show isn't funny, but it is well-researched on important topics so I find it's worth watching.

Also bleeding heart liberal?
2017-10-12, 6:01 PM #4666
Just FYI, the origin of the phrase "bleeding heart" was from Westbrook Pegler criticizing a bill in congress that wanted to curb the amount of lynchings. So yeah.
2017-10-12, 6:02 PM #4667
I'm a bleeding heart liberal too, but I still think John Oliver is one of the most cringy faux comedians on the late night talk circuit.

I used to watch the show a bunch and agree that there's a ton of useful well researched stuff in there.
2017-10-12, 6:14 PM #4668
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
John Oliver is an obnoxious bleeding heart liberal.

Yes, so much this. He's definitely done more than a few informative, thorough stories on undercovered topics. But his faux sincere, smug, happy-go-lucky-and-outraged-at-the-same-time Rachel Maddox-like act Is very grating.
former entrepreneur
2017-10-12, 7:40 PM #4669
Gotta admit, I'd be infinitely amused if Rachel Maddow turned straight and got hitched to George Ouzounian.

2017-10-12, 8:43 PM #4670
Oliver's writers' Drumpf monologue was really good but other than that they're complete morons.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-10-12, 11:16 PM #4671

Confirmed!! ;)
2017-10-12, 11:35 PM #4672
Adam Ruins Everything is better, but Last Week Tonight covering an issue is better than nothing.
2017-10-13, 12:09 AM #4673
Just checked out Adam Ruins Everything, this show is great! Thanks for the tip.
2017-10-13, 12:25 AM #4674
Although the video that tries to denigrate Christopher Columbus doesn't really work as well as he thinks it does when he claims that Columbus wasn't well known until Washington Irving popularized him in the 19th century, since the name Columbia had long since been a name for America (even if it started as an English joke that accidentally got taken seriously by Americans), with things like Columbia University being founded almost a century before.
2017-10-13, 2:17 AM #4675
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Gotta admit, I'd be infinitely amused if Rachel Maddow turned straight and got hitched to George Ouzounian.

lol, oops.
former entrepreneur
2017-10-13, 10:49 AM #4676
Originally posted by Reid:

Putin got rich by taking power, rallying the military behind him, then murdering a billionaire and using that to pressure the others into giving him wealth. I really doubt such a thing could be pulled off in America today.

America today really isn't directly comparable to other modern era governments. You can draw some parallels with a lot of different governments and cultures, but none of them are particularly strong.

Trump, for example, probably would be a fascist if he weren't so senile, and were in another time and place, but in practice, he's just an ineffective tool of one side of an increasingly angry and desperate ideological war.

The US has a fairly even divide between two perspectives that are increasingly unable or unwilling to compromise or even consider other points of view. This is isn't fertile ground for charismatic or authoritarian national leaders. This is more likely to produce extended dysfunction, and extreme distrust of the government as political parties stoop to lower measures to grab as much power as possible.
2017-10-13, 10:56 AM #4677
here you go

this is what we sound like you morons
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-10-13, 12:40 PM #4678
is that the entire soundtrack to The Producers with the dialogue replaced with acoustic guitar solos
2017-10-13, 12:46 PM #4679
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
America today really isn't directly comparable to other modern era governments.


Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
You can draw some parallels with a lot of different governments and cultures, but none of them are particularly strong.


Just saying "the comparison can't be done" is hardly convincing.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Trump, for example, probably would be a fascist if he weren't so senile, and were in another time and place, but in practice, he's just an ineffective tool of one side of an increasingly angry and desperate ideological war.

Why do you think America is immune to fascism?

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
The US has a fairly even divide between two perspectives that are increasingly unable or unwilling to compromise or even consider other points of view.

What are these two perspectives? This sounds oversimplified.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
This is isn't fertile ground for charismatic or authoritarian national leaders. This is more likely to produce extended dysfunction, and extreme distrust of the government as political parties stoop to lower measures to grab as much power as possible.

Uhh.. what? I feel like what you've said is exactly how you can get an authoritarian leader.
2017-10-13, 12:48 PM #4680
Weimar Germany was extremely divided with strong pro-left and pro-right factions, massive distrust and the Nazis gained power because the right-wing industrials stooped to base Nazism to gain power, so..

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