P: Complaint not about capitalism, really about hierarchical structures. Endemic to nature. Why limit complaint to capitalism?
- As Communist Manifesto says, the structure of capitalism is specifically disadvantageous to working people in excess of the winner-take-all hierarchies of previous systems. Manorialism, feudalism, and prior documented systems extracted a defined share of the workers' surplus for their own benefit, but the bulk of the surplus was the workers' own. Capitalism extracts 100% of the workers' surplus and remits only a defined portion.
P: Marxism talks about class struggle, not against struggle against nature or "the evil we are individually capable of"
- The Communist Manifesto advocates open revolution. So, uh, no, it's not gonna tell people to confront the evil they're capable of doing, it is literally trying to weaponize it.
P: We have to organize ourselves in some manner, therefore hierarchical structures are necessary
- Direct democracy doesn't involve hierarchical structure. Many human organizations use direct democracy, both historically and today. This statement is trivially false.
P: Hierarchies are an efficient way of distributing resources
- Um. This is literally an argument for central planning.
P: Marx thinks history is a binary class struggle with clear divisions between the proletariat and bourgeoisie
- No he doesn't. The Communist Manifesto mentioned three, the bourgeoisie, the proletariat, and the petty bourgeoisie. Das Kapital mentions a number more, including landlords (/royalty), the lumpenproletariat, farmers/capitalist farmers, the peasantry. Marx considered these distinct classes, but didn't worry too much because, among other things, he was primarily concerned about the relationship between the proletariat (industrial workers) and bourgeoisie (the owners of industrial capital). Again, because he considered this relationship much more exploitative than the relationship between the landlords and the serfs from prior eras.
The Communist Manifesto specifically mentions the petty bourgeoisie as a distinct class which is the origin of fascism.
P: Marx argued that wages get driven downward because capitalists compete against other capitalists
- ????
[Aside: at this point, I'm pretty sure I noticed the moderator and Zizek heckling him]
P: Dictatorship of the proletariat can't work because replacing the capitalists with members of the proletariat will corrupt them, and they can't make decisions effectively because they're too complicated.
- But I thought hierarchy is an efficient way of distributing resources????
P: Capitalists can't just exploit workers, the notion that capitalists and business managers don't contribute meaningful labor is absurd.
- A study last year (
https://hbr.org/2018/07/the-leaders-calendar#how-ceos-manage-time) found CEOs work 24 hours a week on average, once you exclude "executive time", "exercise", "personal appointments", and all of the other **** you and I do for free on our own time that the Harvard bootlickers counted as work.
ya no I give up, I'm not sitting through any more of this. I don't know if Zizek wins the debate but I'm pretty sure everybody who watched the whole thing lost.