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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-08-01, 8:16 PM #3401
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Why is that funny? Not taking his side necessarily, just curious. Don't respond if you don't want to though, this is only mildly interesting to me.

It's not, I found that line offensive and didn't know what else to say.
2017-08-01, 8:17 PM #3402
Do you know many contemporary veterans? I should say Post 9/11 veterans.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-08-01, 8:21 PM #3403
Yes. One of my closest lifelong friends served in Afghanistan. My parent's neighbor's son, a few years older than ne had his leg blown off in Iraq. Four other people from my circle of friends in high school served and a few from there saw combat.
2017-08-01, 8:23 PM #3404
As well, I actually am friends with a transgender person who served in Afghanistan. And really I didn't get into that but I find your views on the matter pretty appalling.
2017-08-01, 8:24 PM #3405
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Re: Effort.

You can't win the lottery unless you buy a ticket.

Ah, okay. So I agree with that perspective. You're right that there's no guarantee of success and people who are successful are unaware of many of the conditions that led to their success.
2017-08-01, 8:42 PM #3406
Originally posted by Reid:
As well, I actually am friends with a transgender person who served in Afghanistan. And really I didn't get into that but I find your views on the matter pretty appalling.

That's all cool man. Glad I could address your questions. I know my opinion isn't PC and it's not blanket either (with regards to veteran welfare queens). Certainly there are veterans that need to be taken care of and many that have been wronged. There are also many that work harder at maxing out disability pay than they ever will at getting a job. There are veterans that absolutely disgust me. It's quite likely your transgender friend is not one of them.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-08-01, 8:47 PM #3407
It is a reliable source of amusement for me how upset people get when I, a veteran, mention that there are professional veterans out there who sculpt their life around working the VA rating system and scoring any sort of veteran goodies they can get, like it's free veterans day food year round. Funny thing is that those people will generally vehemently deny being on welfare (disability is welfare, deal with it) and argue that it is destroying our country. Like, it's definitely a non insignificant amount of people.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-08-01, 8:52 PM #3408
Saw something on Facebook within the last day or so that no veteran should go without whatever before some other person from some other group got whatever. It was talking about prosthetics or something like that. Seriously, what veteran that lost a limb isn't receiving prosthetics?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-08-01, 8:55 PM #3409
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Saw something on Facebook

there's yer problem :downs:
2017-08-01, 9:11 PM #3410
Um, yeah, shared from a veteran dumb ass. As if it was a legitimate complaint. Seriously dude, got a clue?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-08-01, 9:32 PM #3411
Originally posted by Spook:
It is a reliable source of amusement for me how upset people get when I, a veteran, mention that there are professional veterans out there who sculpt their life around working the VA rating system and scoring any sort of veteran goodies they can get, like it's free veterans day food year round. Funny thing is that those people will generally vehemently deny being on welfare (disability is welfare, deal with it) and argue that it is destroying our country. Like, it's definitely a non insignificant amount of people.

I'm sure it happens, I'm just curious about prevalence? I don't know anyone personally who does that.
2017-08-01, 9:37 PM #3412
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Um, yeah, shared from a veteran dumb ass. As if it was a legitimate complaint. Seriously dude, got a clue?

Hey, take it easy. My comment was less a jab at you than at Facebook (and the people who pollute it with various interesting ideas).
2017-08-01, 9:47 PM #3413
Okay, you'll make it through the night.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-08-01, 9:55 PM #3414
Originally posted by Reid:
I'm sure it happens, I'm just curious about prevalence? I don't know anyone personally who does that.

Well I don't have any data, just anecdotes so I can't actually help answer that.

I know that lots of people who totally aren't doing that feel like they are, which is probably worse than a few people getting free ride.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-08-01, 10:05 PM #3415
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Okay, you'll make it through the night.

2017-08-01, 11:25 PM #3416
Originally posted by Spook:
Well I don't have any data, just anecdotes so I can't actually help answer that.

I know that lots of people who totally aren't doing that feel like they are, which is probably worse than a few people getting free ride.

That's true in my experience. My long term friend suffers from PTSD and besides sleeping pills the VA hasn't done much. It's taken effort to keep back alcoholism. Helping him integrate was a challenge. Things are greatly improved for him now but I wouldn't say the VA had much to do with it.

I'd be curious to see actual numbers though, if that sort of thing would even be accurately calculable. I doubt it.
2017-08-02, 8:44 AM #3417
Yeah I don't know how you would even come up with criteria for this sort of welfare fraud. Especially since the military is a magnet for personality disorders that are generally exacerbated by service, making mental health evaluation a huge minefield (lol) of linked conditions.

But yeah even if you aren't trying to extract maximum benefits, getting help from the VA can require gaming the system, which doesn't help the clarity of the problem either. The VA is often used as an argument against single payer healthcare, but that's only valid because our government would set up something equally mired in bureaucracy as the VA. That said though, a few weeks ago I thought I had started having near constant panic attacks again, but they wouldn't go away with my usual coping strategies (exercise, mysticism/magic type exercises etc.) and it occurred to me that I was probably instead having some sort of heart problem, so I went to the closest ER, and it turned out to be pericarditis rather than a heart attack or congestive heart failure, which was nice. The VA is covering it, which is amazing (they are essentially my healthcare coverage but you typically have to go to them) but I had to do all sorts of detective work to even figure out who to call about that, so it wasn't exactly hassle free. Also surprisingly smooth though, so whatever.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-08-02, 12:14 PM #3418
That said though, a few weeks ago I thought I had started having near constant panic attacks again, but they wouldn't go away with my usual coping strategies (exercise, mysticism/magic type exercises etc.) and it occurred to me that I was probably instead having some sort of heart problem, so I went to the closest ER, and it turned out to be pericarditis rather than a heart attack or congestive heart failure, which was nice.

Good to hear that you're okay Spook.

Unrelated mildly interesting story: one time I had some weird sensations lasting for a few days that had nothing to to with a heart attack, so I called the student health center to talk about scheduling an appointment, and they literally wouldn't let me because I said something about chest pains. They told me to go to the ER to see if it was a heart attack, even when it predictably turned out that what was really happening was simply that my chest was aching from 48 hours of sleep deprivation.
2017-08-02, 12:45 PM #3419
Something like that happened to me once. I was going through a hypochondriac period, and I called 911 and told them my arm hurt and my heart was beating fast. I told them I had anxiety so I doubted that I was actually having a heart attack. But they forced me to take an ambulance to the hospital anyway, even though the symptoms went away by the time I hung up the phone.

That was bad.
former entrepreneur
2017-08-02, 12:56 PM #3420
Yeah I was kind of freaked out as soon as I connected the symptoms but a few blood tests and an EKG straightened it out. I was still pretty nervous about it just being anxiety (I am definitely stressed from end of semester+moving, to say nothing of the impending collapse of industrial civilization) and racking up a huge bill over a health condition I have gotten really good at managing, but I also didn't want to die in the shower because I ignored symptoms. You would think for how 'advanced' our civilization is we would have engineered a good relationship to preventative healthcare to where none of those conflicts would have crossed my mind, but I live in an orwellian nightmare instead of that utopia.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-08-02, 3:30 PM #3421
I guess it's fortuitous that a member here can speak to the points I raised. He also raised an interesting point that you pretty much have to game the system to get the care you need. Unfortunately, it's basically true.

Glad you got taken care of, Spook.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-08-02, 7:09 PM #3422
Hopefully this will work wonders on the manchild in the West Wing (did the filter idea work with your son, Wookie?).

Originally posted by Politico:
Since starting this week, Kelly has told aides that anyone briefing the president needs to show him the information first. The Trump West Wing tradition of aides dropping off articles on the president’s desk — then waiting for him to react, with a screaming phone call or a hastily scheduled staff meeting, must stop. He will not accept aides walking into the Oval Office and telling the president information without permission — or without the information being vetted.

“He basically said, 'The president has to get good briefings, he has to get good intelligence,'” one senior White House official said. “We have to be putting him in a position to make good decisions.”

In the West Wing, many of the president’s most controversial decisions have been attributed to bad information, partially because the president is easily swayed by the last person he has talked to — or the last thing he has read.

For example, he accused President Barack Obama of tapping his phone line in Trump Tower after seeing comments from a conservative talk show host and a Breitbart News article. He has often posted some of his most controversial tweets while watching Fox News and stewing. He has sometimes seemed to view television accounts of the news as fact more than information from people armed with classified information. He has made decisions about legal matters or major policy decisions while consulting with some aides — only to reverse them after talking to family members or friends, who he dials late at night.

He has been given information of dubious quality, from stories by, a blog written by a right-wing provocateur named Charles Johnson to segments of debunked documentaries. He has, at times, listened to real estate friends about legislative strategy while ignoring Speaker Paul Ryan or Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

By limiting information, and making it go through proper channels, Kelly is “ensuring Trump doesn’t make his decisions based on some bull**** he watched at midnight or on Breitbart,” said Chris Whipple, who recently wrote a book on the chief-of-staff role.
2017-08-02, 7:12 PM #3423
I wonder how Bannon feels about Kelly effectively cutting off the president from bat**** stuff coming out of Breitbart.
2017-08-02, 7:13 PM #3424
Originally posted by The New York Times:
These are dangerous days for Stephen Bannon, President Trump’s brain. A new book about the White House chief strategist portrays the president as the empty vessel into which Mr. Bannon poured his ideology and agenda, propelling the two of them into the White House. The book, “Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency,” by Joshua Green, a reporter who has known Mr. Bannon for years, is a best seller that gives Mr. Trump second billing. That’s made the empty vessel very angry.
2017-08-02, 8:49 PM #3425
Originally posted by Wookie06:

Glad you got taken care of, Spook.

I appreciate the sentiment but let's not jump the gun, there is still plenty of time for them to decide that this constitutes an overpayment or something and slap me with a huge bill and till the end of the month to pay or decide to relinquish my benefits. Should be an adventure.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-08-03, 11:04 AM #3426
The US government has "disappeared" a security researcher at an industry conference:

Hopefully the industry learns from this and hosts in Tehran instead.
2017-08-03, 11:18 AM #3427
Why did they do that?

He doesn't sound like a suspect, and doesn't he get a phone call?
2017-08-03, 11:41 AM #3428
Well, the US government did write the malware he shut down. Maybe they're mad?
2017-08-03, 12:16 PM #3429
Article II, Section 5 : The above powers vested in the Executive shall not be construed to limit unenumerated power of the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, in the event that said party is mad.
2017-08-03, 12:39 PM #3430
Apparently the US disappeared him because he wrote some other malware he researched years ago. Anybody offering odds on trumped up charges to compel cooperation in some other case?
2017-08-03, 12:53 PM #3431
****ing mobsters.

Not gonna suggest odds, but I wonder if charges get dropped once they succeed in intimidating him.
2017-08-03, 1:14 PM #3432
if he didn't want to get v& he shouldn't have hated America by using computers
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-08-03, 1:29 PM #3433
This used to be an easy /. troll back in the day
2017-08-03, 1:30 PM #3434
Seems to have riled a few people up judging by the ten pages of comments:

2017-08-03, 1:32 PM #3435
2017-08-03, 1:34 PM #3436
Thanks for that
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-08-03, 1:36 PM #3437
I'm afraid of hackers
2017-08-03, 1:36 PM #3438
remember back in the days of AIM when your buddies would tell you your IP address as proof that they were about to hack you?
2017-08-03, 1:51 PM #3439
Originally posted by Jon`C:
The US government has "disappeared" a security researcher at an industry conference:

Hopefully the industry learns from this and hosts in Tehran instead.

Oh how dare you sir. The U.S. would never do anything like that.
2017-08-03, 7:17 PM #3440
Originally posted by The Mark Levin Show:
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, The media are thrilled today because special counsel Robert Mueller impaneled a grand jury in D.C., affording him the power to subpoena documents, put witnesses under oath, and seek an indictment should there be any evidence of criminal activity. They are going to drag Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, in front of that jury and see if they can find any contradictions in their testimony. Then they will see if they can get somebody on perjury. This process is un-American when it’s abused the way this one has been. This is a coup that should upset every American — Trump supporter or not. You can bet the entire purpose of the special counsel appointment is to destroy Trump’s presidency. However, in destroying his presidency, the Democrats are undermining Trump’s ability to protect this nation from Iran, North Korea, China and Russia

Oh, my sides. How I relish watching these guys squirm.

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