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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-11-18, 3:04 AM #5681
2017-11-18, 3:07 AM #5682
10/10 should be the year round banner.
2017-11-18, 12:51 PM #5683

Brian sell Massassi to the Koch brothers NOW!
former entrepreneur
2017-11-18, 1:51 PM #5684
Originally posted by Eversor:

Couple that with:

Pretty soon we'll get all information from our Google overlords, it will be fantastic.
2017-11-18, 1:51 PM #5685
FCC chairman Ajit Pai said most Americans get their news from a variety of sources and online platforms like Facebook and Google.

Such a variety.
2017-11-18, 1:55 PM #5686
the "and" in that sentence is not epexegetical
former entrepreneur
2017-11-18, 2:05 PM #5687
I learned a new word today
2017-11-18, 2:12 PM #5688
former entrepreneur
2017-11-18, 2:37 PM #5689

at 0:30, guy in military fatigues announces on state television that the military isn't taking over the government
2017-11-18, 11:52 PM #5690
Chalk up another victory for adverticial intelligence!

2017-11-18, 11:54 PM #5691
But yeah, interesting article on all the cool stuff going on at Ivanka's hotels.

(Fedora tip: Reddit)
2017-11-19, 12:05 AM #5692
Actually the original article is much jucier:
2017-11-19, 10:48 AM #5693

Basically sums up the alt right
2017-11-19, 10:55 AM #5694
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Chalk up another victory for adverticial intelligence!

Oh, that's cool. Guerilla tactics really are fun!
2017-11-19, 10:45 PM #5695
Merry tax cuts

[quote=Stan Collender]
[h=1]GOP Tax Bill Is The End Of All Economic Sanity In Washington[/h] No doubt many of you read the above headline and immediately started to tweet that the GOP tax bill can't be the end of economic sanity in Washington because there never was any to begin with.

I have two responses.

First...please do tweet that, and link to this post when you do.'re wrong. If it's enacted, the GOP tax cut now working its way through Congress will be the start of a decades-long economic policy disaster unlike any other that has occurred in American history.

There's no economic justification whatsoever for a tax cut at this time. U.S. GDP is growing, unemployment is close to 4 percent (below what is commonly considered "full employment"), corporate profits are at record levels and stock markets are soaring. It makes no sense to add any federal government-induced stimulus to all this private sector-caused economic activity, let alone a tax cut as big as this one.

This is actually the ideal time for Washington to be doing the opposite. But by damning the economic torpedoes and moving full-speed ahead, House and Senate Republicans and the Trump White House are setting up the U.S. for the modern-day analog of the inflation-producing guns-and-butter economic policy of the Vietnam era. The GOP tax bill will increase the federal deficit by $2 trillion or more over the next decade (the official estimates of $1.5 trillion hide the real amount with a witches brew of gimmicks and outright lies) that, unless all the rules have changed, is virtually certain to result in inflation and much higher interest rates than would otherwise occur.

The GOP's insanity is compounded by its moving ahead without having any idea of what this policy will actually do to the economy. The debates in the Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees and on the House floor all took place before the Congressional Budget Office's analysis and, if it really exists, the constantly-promised-but-never-seen report from the Treasury on the economics of this tax bill.

Meanwhile, Congress has ignored other estimates like this one from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School showing that the tax bill won't do what the GOP is promising.

In other words, the GOP tax bill may be enacted without anyone who votes for it having any understanding of the damage it could do to the economy. They have wishes, hopes and prayers but in reality nothing beyond the economic equivalent of pagan superstition.

On top of everything else, there is no reason to rush this debate as the GOP is doing. Given that it's not really needed, a bill that is enacted next January or February will make as much economic sense as one signed into law by the end of this December. The must-do-it-by-Christmas deadline Trump has imposed is completely artificial and nonsensical.

The real economic insanity of the GOP's tax bill will be felt in future years. Consider the following.

  • The $1 trillion a year budget deficit will not be the result of cyclical changes that will be reversed when the economy improves. These will be permanent structural deficit increases.
  • The tax hikes that will be needed to resolve the structural imbalance between federal spending and revenues will be impossible for political reasons.
  • Whenever the U.S. economy grows more slowly than expected or there's a downturn, an annual deficit of $2 trillion could easily become the norm.
  • The federal government will have far less ability to respond to economic downturns unless previously unimaginable and politically intolerable deficits, tax increases or spending cuts suddenly become acceptable.
  • Reduce the national debt? As they say in New York, fuhgeddaboudit at least in the next decade.
  • Much more national debt plus rising interest rates means interest on the national debt will be the fastest growing part of the federal budget.
  • Without massive cuts in Social Security, Medicare and the Pentagon, it won't be possible to reduce federal spending enough to do more than tweak the deficit.
  • Washington's ability to invest in anything new that will improve the economy (think infrastructure, education and medical research) will be far less given the already-high deficits.
  • Even though the limits to monetary policy became obvious the past few years, the Federal Reserve will be the major economic policy maker in Washington over the next decade.

In other words, if the GOP tax bill is enacted, Congress and the president this year will give up almost all ability to deal with the U.S. economy for at least a decade even when, as almost certainly will happen, there's a downturn. No one else will be able to fulfill this role.

That's almost a textbook definition of economic insanity.
2017-11-19, 11:03 PM #5696
And the guillotines get slightly shorter, and slightly duller.
2017-11-19, 11:05 PM #5697
Wall Street banks have expressed concern about this tax change, saying they fear it may spark off a deep recession. Those aren't people who are normally worried about the macroeconomic effects of greedy rich people. It's probably a bad sign when they're sounding an alarm about it.
2017-11-19, 11:07 PM #5698
Hi if anybody reading this hasn't figured it out yet, this is what class war looks like.
2017-11-19, 11:16 PM #5699
I really do not look forward to finding out what a recession under Trump will look like (socially, economically, or otherwise).
2017-11-19, 11:19 PM #5700
Sorry dude, it won't happen for another 5 years.
2017-11-19, 11:21 PM #5701
Hmm. No "Trump" recession, then.

I see what you did there.

Those bastards. From what I last read about the healthcare repeal before it was killed, they were angling to sunset it just far enough in the future that important elections will already have been decided.
2017-11-19, 11:22 PM #5702
Don't worry, we can put class warfare on the blockchain
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-11-19, 11:24 PM #5703
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Hmm. No "Trump" recession, then.

I see what you did there.

Those bastards. From what I last read about the healthcare repeal before it was killed, they were angling to sunset it just far enough in the future that important elections will already have been decided.

Well at least now you know the trick, so you'll be able to vote for a different lazy oligarch next time.
2017-11-20, 12:58 AM #5704
Nothing to spark a political movement like creating a depression.

Might as well write "soylent" on some cardboard and get ready for it.
2017-11-20, 1:01 AM #5705
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Hi if anybody reading this hasn't figured it out yet, this is what class war looks like.

It's interesting, too, since most of my normally staunch Republican family members hate this tax bill. And very few people recognize it as anything but a huge "**** you" from the wealthy.

I can only pray voters stop being so stupid the next few elections and remove the GOP from power.
2017-11-20, 5:37 AM #5706

Nazis are dumb
former entrepreneur
2017-11-20, 5:45 AM #5707
Originally posted by Eversor:

Imagine being so insecure about how manly you are you that you take a bite out of raw onion hoping it will endow you with masculine energy.
2017-11-20, 6:03 AM #5708
Originally posted by Reid:
Imagine being so insecure about how manly you are you that you take a bite out of raw onion hoping it will endow you with masculine energy.

I don't pity them for feeling insecure about their masculinity, and I wouldn't shame them for it. But their delusions about the magical properties of onions sure are funny.
former entrepreneur
2017-11-20, 11:42 AM #5709
In a coincidence, I came across this hilarious post today:


What is it with /pol/, food and hormones?
2017-11-20, 12:07 PM #5710
Originally posted by Reid:

What is it with /pol/, food and hormones?

I imagine /pol would talk about food and hormones for the same reason they give undue focus to other unsophisticated topics: they are unsophisticated.

I believe the soyboy story because the setup is believable (the anon describes the kind of immature antagonism between co-workers consistent with a low wage job fit for a teenager), and fits a pattern common to the site: "I did ridiculous thing X, so let me humiliate myself anonymously to cathartically exhume my embarrassment onto a caricature of myself that I help my tribe scapegoat until I associate the memory of stupid me more with other outgroups like liberal, gay, black, or Jewish people than my own idea about myself."

The onion thing is clearly typical low effort bull****, because it follows a different form of post: "I was bored with my adault teenage life, so I imagined doing thing Y, but since it happens to require a minimal amount of planning and work, I made up a story that split people between falling for the stupidity of the idea, and the rest who can only gawk and fantasize that I really am so stupid as to actually do it, all the while knowing in fact that /pol users are too lazy to actually do anything that can more easily just be made up, but pretending to believe it anyway because they are such delusional morons bored out of their mind."
2017-11-20, 12:11 PM #5711
And the humor about the magical properties of onions is part of the troll.

That said, for it to be a good troll, there have to be idiots who would believe it. It's just that these people are more likely to be reading such posts than writing them.
2017-11-20, 4:15 PM #5712
VBA is a **** programming language designed by Satan.
2017-11-21, 3:57 AM #5713
I can't help but be reminded of something Sam Harris said about ISIS a year or two ago. He remarked that one of the most frightening things about ISIS was that their propaganda and literature was well copy edited. The high quality testifies to how formidable the organization is, and how it can't easily be written off, if they're so well organized that they can produce publications that exhibit so much sophistication and professionalism. There may be something to that. Regardless, it's equally worrisome that some of these 4chan posts are actually eloquently written. Those people seem to put more effort into making their posts readable than... anyone here does.
former entrepreneur
2017-11-21, 4:26 AM #5714
Originally posted by Eversor:
than... anyone here does.

2017-11-21, 4:35 AM #5715
Originally posted by Reid:

Although apparently some of us are on 4chan too, so...
former entrepreneur
2017-11-21, 9:38 AM #5716
Originally posted by Eversor:
Although apparently some of us are on 4chan too, so...

I haven't been on the site in a few years. Discussion is far too toxic and stupid.
2017-11-21, 11:31 AM #5717
/pol and /r/the_donald have about zero room for dissenting views.

/news is actually alright, and aside from the attempts of /pol to raid it and lots of sensational headlines, there are lots of sensible people trying to correct the lies. Of course it usually devolves into name-calling, but some of the insults thrown at Trump apologists are pretty damning and satisfying to read.

/sci is just pathetic and is full of high school students with a massive inferiority complex.

The rest of the site seems to be about hobbies and entertainment, with the exception of deliberate bull**** (/b, /x), or anyi-social / suicidal (/r9k)
2017-11-21, 1:35 PM #5718
/k/ is basically /pol/ after dark for obvious reasons. They don't even let people post pictures of themselves crossdressing and holding guns anymore :(
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-11-21, 1:38 PM #5719
A senior Wall Street exec -- anonymous, for obvious reasons -- told Vanity Fair's William Cohan that they feared that passage of the GOP's tax plan would be the final straw that collapsed the whole Reagonomic, neoliberal consensus and triggered a new growth industry for guillotines.
ho ho ho, merry Christmas!
2017-11-21, 1:41 PM #5720
Maybe Trump really is an accelerationist.

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