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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-10-06, 11:38 AM #11801
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 11:54 AM #11802
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Can we just stop for a minute and appreciate how incredibly out of touch politicians are, that an angry senile old man is considered by a plurality of voters to be a breath fresh air?

Corporations and lobbyists hold the real power. Politicians are too dependent to have any kind of stance.

What's "out of touch" about the government is politicians depend more on campaign finance than public opinion to get elected. Or, they did, until Trump appealed to popular racism and showed you can still get away with outright sexism.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
We have manipulating people's feeling down to a science, whether it be for television or to sell them things.

Lol. Advertising is good at advertising itself, but much advertising falls flat.

Who are Google's primary customers? They're really good at advertising their platform to people who want to buy advertising, i.e. people who think advertising their product will be a net profit. So of course they sell it as a science and blah blah blah.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
How the hell are our politicians and campaign strategists so incredibly worthless?

This is where I think the "rationalizing self-maximizing" dogma of economics makes sense. Politicians are worthless to us because there's no incentive for them to be worth something to us.

The incentive for politicians is to be bootlickers to the people with power. Of course some politicians hold a bit of power, but most hold less than we're indoctrinated to think.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Jeb Bush has to slink out of the primaries with a messily 3% of the vote despite spending 130 million and getting backed by the GOP establishment.

Well yeah, he was the conservative side of neoliberal politics.
2018-10-06, 12:42 PM #11803
So I'm actually watching Trump's Mississippi rally to see what he's appealing to. It turns out, Trump is appealing to his base by just saying wrong things over and over again. He claims they've replaced the awful NAFTA with a better deal, but all he's done is piss off the world and raise taxes on the middle class so much it probably cancels any wage increases.

~7:50ish is interesting. He says someone said to him: "my wife used to think I'm a loser, but now that my 401k is bigger she thinks I'm a great investor". Appealing to emasculated men?

9:00 Democrats are gonna "open the borders and let in drug dealers"

11:00 Democrats are just trying to sabotage Kavanaugh

13:30 Gorsuch wasn't put through the ringer like Kavanaugh.. no ****, dude, want to guess why?

I could type more later if I listen more, but the themes are consistent. It's just a bunch of nonsense repeated loudly. I don't think Trump even really appeals to people so much as Democrats fail to appeal. There's nothing to appeal to in Trump's speech but literally being too stupid to function.
2018-10-06, 12:47 PM #11804
I will say though, Trump is pretty good at getting the crowd interactive. He just asks them dumb questions and they all cheer or boo as he speaks. It's a kind of conditioning. It's something I use when teaching calculus all the time, except for, you know, the answers are intelligent.

It should be a little unnerving though that he's able to condition so many Americans by repeating lies in this context.
2018-10-06, 1:47 PM #11805
Originally posted by Reid:
So I'm actually watching Trump's Mississippi rally to see what he's appealing to. It turns out, Trump is appealing to his base by just saying wrong things over and over again. He claims they've replaced the awful NAFTA with a better deal, but all he's done is piss off the world and raise taxes on the middle class so much it probably cancels any wage increases.

Even though I'm pretty vocal on the sort of taxation I prefer, I tend to be unconventional tax situations so like with Obamacare I'm fairly reserved. What policy are you referring to that has resulted in a tax hike for the middle class?

Originally posted by Reid:
~7:50ish is interesting. He says someone said to him: "my wife used to think I'm a loser, but now that my 401k is bigger she thinks I'm a great investor". Appealing to emasculated men?

Self-deprecating humor, I suppose.

Originally posted by Reid:
9:00 Democrats are gonna "open the borders and let in drug dealers"

I mean, basically.

Originally posted by Reid:
11:00 Democrats are just trying to sabotage Kavanaugh

Uh, yeah.

Originally posted by Reid:
13:30 Gorsuch wasn't put through the ringer like Kavanaugh.. no ****, dude, want to guess why?

Gorsuch was replacing a reliable Republican justice rather than an unreliable one?

Originally posted by Reid:
I could type more later if I listen more, but the themes are consistent. It's just a bunch of nonsense repeated loudly. I don't think Trump even really appeals to people so much as Democrats fail to appeal. There's nothing to appeal to in Trump's speech but literally being too stupid to function.

Yeah, I kind of liken him to Ann Coulter whom, ironically, I pretty much wrote off with her enthusiastic support of Trump among others. He basically just says outlandish things that drive Democrats insane and that's the fun part of it. The not-so-fun part of it is being associated with his nonsense. Look, it's only six more years.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 1:50 PM #11806
Originally posted by Reid:
I will say though, Trump is pretty good at getting the crowd interactive. He just asks them dumb questions and they all cheer or boo as he speaks. It's a kind of conditioning. It's something I use when teaching calculus all the time, except for, you know, the answers are intelligent.

It should be a little unnerving though that he's able to condition so many Americans by repeating lies in this context.

Actually, there are some things Trump does very well and even without a shred of eloquence. When he speaks in a sincere tone he says things and touches people in a way that people forgot a president could. Usually when he is pointing out the sacrifice of a hero or something in that regard.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 2:10 PM #11807
10. Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology, insofar as it is fundamentally aristocratic, and aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly implies contempt for the weak. Ur-Fascism can only advocate a popular elitism. Every citizen belongs to the best people of the world, the members of the party are the best among the citizens, every citizen can (or ought to) become a member of the party. But there cannot be patricians without plebeians. In fact, the Leader, knowing that his power was not delegated to him democratically but was conquered by force, also knows that his force is based upon the weakness of the masses; they are so weak as to need and deserve a ruler. Since the group is hierarchically organized (according to a military model), every subordinate leader despises his own underlings, and each of them despises his inferiors. This reinforces the sense of mass elitism.

11. In such a perspective everybody is educated to become a hero. In every mythology the hero is an exceptional being, but in Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death. It is not by chance that a motto of the Falangists was Viva la Muerte (in English it should be translated as “Long Live Death!”). In non-fascist societies, the lay public is told that death is unpleasant but must be faced with dignity; believers are told that it is the painful way to reach a supernatural happiness. By contrast, the Ur-Fascist hero craves heroic death, advertised as the best reward for a heroic life. The Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death.
2018-10-06, 2:16 PM #11808
It's funny how you can tell things like which Democrat senator is up for reelection this year, even if you don't follow the news much anymore. I mean, I know there are more than one but I was pretty sure that I knew Senator Manchin was.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 2:27 PM #11809
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Even though I'm pretty vocal on the sort of taxation I prefer, I tend to be unconventional tax situations so like with Obamacare I'm fairly reserved. What policy are you referring to that has resulted in a tax hike for the middle class?.

Tariffs: they're taxes. Trump's "trade war" with China is indirectly taxing the middle class.
2018-10-06, 2:28 PM #11810
Originally posted by Wookie06:
he says things and touches people in a way that people forgot a president could.

Yes, we've all seen the Access Hollywood tape.
2018-10-06, 2:33 PM #11811
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Self-deprecating humor, I suppose.

It's pretty yikes, either way..

Originally posted by Wookie06:
I mean, basically.

Uh, yeah.

And they say it's liberals who create lazy stereotypes of conservatives.

Are people taking notes?

Originally posted by Wookie06:
Gorsuch was replacing a reliable Republican justice rather than an unreliable one?

Gorsuch didn't have a littany of rape accusations.

Originally posted by Wookie06:
Yeah, I kind of liken him to Ann Coulter whom, ironically, I pretty much wrote off with her enthusiastic support of Trump among others. He basically just says outlandish things that drive Democrats insane and that's the fun part of it. The not-so-fun part of it is being associated with his nonsense. Look, it's only six more years.

It's pathetic to base your perspective around the grief of others.
2018-10-06, 2:38 PM #11812
Like, that's part of what I don't get about Eversor's posting habits. He always wants to give a wide berth to conservative views. If you watch the Trump tape, literally half of it is just lazy stereotypes of Democrats. Stuff far dumber than what Democrats say about Trump. Democrats seem to get far more flak when they say lazy stuff though.
2018-10-06, 2:51 PM #11813
Originally posted by Reid:
And they say it's liberals who create lazy stereotypes of conservatives.

Yeah it's dumb and oversimplified but when you're the party that fights to not cooperate with enforcing immigration policies and have numerous examples of crimes committed by people that might have been prevented if they were processed according to their immigration status you kind of half to own it.

Originally posted by Reid:
Gorsuch didn't have a littany of rape accusations.

Unsubstantiated and questionable. I mean, now there's probably more evidence that Ford lied under oath than Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her. I hate to say it but I hope he did assault her because I don't want to know what sort of person she is if he didn't.

Originally posted by Reid:
It's pathetic to base your perspective around the grief of others.

Well, it's pretty mainstream to grief Republicans so some people are going to enjoy it when it comes back around.

Originally posted by Reid:
Like, that's part of what I don't get about Eversor's posting habits. He always wants to give a wide berth to conservative views. If you watch the Trump tape, literally half of it is just lazy stereotypes of Democrats. Stuff far dumber than what Democrats say about Trump. Democrats seem to get far more flak when they say lazy stuff though.

I still don't equate conservative views with supporting Trump. I might support Trump on a particular issue but I can't consider myself a Trump supporter. Then again, we don't agree on the term conservative and I'm not going to get wrapped up in that.

Originally posted by Reid:
Tariffs: they're taxes. Trump's "trade war" with China is indirectly taxing the middle class.

Okay, I don't like tariffs either.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 3:17 PM #11814
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Yeah it's dumb and oversimplified but when you're the party that fights to not cooperate with enforcing immigration policies and have numerous examples of crimes committed by people that might have been prevented if they were processed according to their immigration status you kind of half to own it.

Lots of crimes would be prevented if you deport citizens, too. As long as you have people you have crime.
2018-10-06, 3:20 PM #11815
Originally posted by Reid:
Lots of crimes would be prevented if you deport citizens, too. As long as you have people you have crime.

It's so dumb, though, when people make that sort of argument.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 3:20 PM #11816
Originally posted by Wookie06:
It's so dumb, though, when people make that sort of argument.

Why's that?
2018-10-06, 3:42 PM #11817
I mean, if you consider studies done on this, the research I can find says stuff like this:

In the context of crime, victimization, and immigration in the United States, research shows that people are afraid of immigrants because they think immigrants are a threat to their safety and engage in many violent and property crimes. However, quantitative research has consistently shown that being foreign born is negatively associated with crime overall and is not significantly associated with committing either violent or property crime. If an undocumented immigrant is arrested for a criminal offense, it tends to be for a misdemeanor. Researchers suggest that undocumented immigrants may be less likely to engage in serious criminal offending behavior because they seek to earn money and not to draw attention to themselves.

So, yes, deporting undocumented people will lower crime, in the same sense that genociding people or exiling whole populations will. The question is whether immigrants bring a bunch of extra crime with them, and the best answer people have come up with is no.
2018-10-06, 4:04 PM #11818
haha at 1:04:00 trump literally starts talking about collecting protection money

the self-parody, man
2018-10-06, 4:07 PM #11819
Deporting illegal immigrants, or imprisoning them I suppose, and specifically those discovered when apprehended by police will reduce the crimes those people commit. So if you have a party whose pandering requires them to oppose any legal action against any illegal immigrant then they can own the crimes those people commit when their policy is to not cooperate with any immigration enforcement. Comparing processing illegal immigrant criminals to genocide is beyond stupid.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 4:28 PM #11820
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Deporting illegal immigrants, or imprisoning them I suppose, and specifically those discovered when apprehended by police will reduce the crimes those people commit. So if you have a party whose pandering requires them to oppose any legal action against any illegal immigrant then they can own the crimes those people commit when their policy is to not cooperate with any immigration enforcement. Comparing processing illegal immigrant criminals to genocide is beyond stupid.

Yes, and deporting or imprisoning citizens will reduce the crimes those people commit, and if the evidence is correct, this will be more effective at preventing crime.

You only seem to care about where the crime is coming from. "Immigration is bad because it's illegal, it's illegal because ????".

I didn't compare ICE to genocide, I said your argument is absurd because it's equally capable of being applied to such things:
2018-10-06, 4:30 PM #11821
Originally posted by Reid:
Yes, and deporting or imprisoning citizens will reduce the crimes those people commit, and if the evidence is correct, this will be more effective at preventing crime.

To be fair though, Trump supporters probably do want this for "inner cities".
2018-10-06, 5:59 PM #11822
"Crime" is a broad category. Cheating in your taxes is a crime, exceeding the speed limit is a crime, drinking a beer while you walk around with your trick-or-treating kids is a crime, vandalism and burglary and drunk driving and murder are crime. What kind of crime are we talking about here?

Also, illegal immigration isn't the real cause of crime - that would be poverty. But it happens than most illegal immigrants (and gang bangers and drug users and drug dealers and vandals and thieves) tend to be dirt ass poor.
2018-10-06, 6:23 PM #11823
yeah but Republicans hate high skill legal immigration too, so
2018-10-06, 6:25 PM #11824
Originally posted by Steven:
"Crime" is a broad category. Cheating in your taxes is a crime, exceeding the speed limit is a crime, drinking a beer while you walk around with your trick-or-treating kids is a crime, vandalism and burglary and drunk driving and murder are crime. What kind of crime are we talking about here?

Also, illegal immigration isn't the real cause of crime - that would be poverty. But it happens than most illegal immigrants (and gang bangers and drug users and drug dealers and vandals and thieves) tend to be dirt ass poor.

They do mention that, when immigrants do commit crimes, they tend to commit misdemeanors.
2018-10-06, 6:40 PM #11825
Originally posted by Jon`C:
yeah but Republicans hate high skill legal immigration too, so

Talkin like a goose

Steppin like a goose
2018-10-06, 7:49 PM #11826
Originally posted by Reid:
Yes, and deporting or imprisoning citizens will reduce the crimes those people commit, and if the evidence is correct, this will be more effective at preventing crime.

You only seem to care about where the crime is coming from. "Immigration is bad because it's illegal, it's illegal because ????".

I didn't compare ICE to genocide, I said your argument is absurd because it's equally capable of being applied to such things:

See, I don't ever understand this position because I literally never hear anyone making the argument that all immigration is illegal or causes crime. The only thing I ever hear is that when an illegal alien commits a crime and it is found out that some level of law enforcement chose not to properly process that individual that if they had cooperated with ICE then a tragedy could have been prevented. The asinine rebuttal is always something about how all immigrants aren't criminals and far more natural born citizens commit crimes. Yeah, no ****. This should be an example of where everyone can agree, if you have a criminal illegal alien and you can get that criminal off the streets due to his immigration status then follow the legal process and get them off the streets. Note, because I know reading comprehension can be a problem sometimes, I'm not saying that a person is a criminal solely due to their immigration status but I am applying this to someone suspected of committing a crime and it is discovered that they are here illegally.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 8:06 PM #11827
Originally posted by Wookie06:
See, I don't ever understand this position because I literally never hear anyone making the argument that all immigration is illegal or causes crime. The only thing I ever hear is that when an illegal alien commits a crime and it is found out that some level of law enforcement chose not to properly process that individual that if they had cooperated with ICE then a tragedy could have been prevented. The asinine rebuttal is always something about how all immigrants aren't criminals and far more natural born citizens commit crimes. Yeah, no ****. This should be an example of where everyone can agree, if you have a criminal illegal alien and you can get that criminal off the streets due to his immigration status then follow the legal process and get them off the streets. Note, because I know reading comprehension can be a problem sometimes, I'm not saying that a person is a criminal solely due to their immigration status but I am applying this to someone suspected of committing a crime and it is discovered that they are here illegally.

What you said is already the standard for serious crimes. Unless you think victimless crimes are deport-worthy.
2018-10-06, 8:07 PM #11828
Hey Reid ever heard of a place called California
2018-10-06, 8:19 PM #11829
Originally posted by Steven:
Hey Reid ever heard of a place called California

You think California doesn't deport violent immigrants?

Why do you think this is the case? Because it's not true.
2018-10-06, 8:28 PM #11830
Nobody is saying it doesn't occur. It just doesn't always occur. And regarding victimless crimes, they should still be referred to ICE. Why not? I'm not saying you lock 'em up. You just report the person to ICE. It's ICE's responsibility to follow up.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 8:38 PM #11831
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Nobody is saying it doesn't occur. It just doesn't always occur. And regarding victimless crimes, they should still be referred to ICE. Why not? I'm not saying you lock 'em up. You just report the person to ICE. It's ICE's responsibility to follow up.

Do you have any numbers? It might be more convincing if you could put some numbers on these claims.
2018-10-06, 8:39 PM #11832
Is there any reason why we shouldn't just follow the law? Also, can somebody explain to me the difference between an illegal immigrant and an undocumented immigrant?
2018-10-06, 8:41 PM #11833
Originally posted by Reid:
You only seem to care about where the crime is coming from. "Immigration is bad because it's illegal, it's illegal because ????".

lol, wtf. I can't imagine what it must be like to be this brainwashed that you've broken your own understanding of the word immigration.
2018-10-06, 8:42 PM #11834
Can I "immigrate" to Canada? Australia? Will anybody care? I think they might.
2018-10-06, 8:43 PM #11835
Originally posted by Reid:
Do you have any numbers? It might be more convincing if you could put some numbers on these claims.

No. To me it's not dependent on statistics. It's a philosophical issue. When I used to watch the news these cases were widely reported when they happened. Quick google search shows one of the more famous ones from a few years ago in San Francisco.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 8:45 PM #11836
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Is there any reason why we shouldn't just follow the law? Also, can somebody explain to me the difference between an illegal immigrant and an undocumented immigrant?

Well, the SJW take on it is that people aren't illegal so it's more PC to say "undocumented" which is why I won't use that terminology. They really hate "illegal alien".
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-06, 8:55 PM #11837
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Is there any reason why we shouldn't just follow the law? Also, can somebody explain to me the difference between an illegal immigrant and an undocumented immigrant?

because translocating people is expensive and disruptive for many people. duh?
2018-10-06, 8:58 PM #11838
Originally posted by Wookie06:
No. To me it's not dependent on statistics. It's a philosophical issue. When I used to watch the news these cases were widely reported when they happened. Quick google search shows one of the more famous ones from a few years ago in San Francisco.

so there's no widespread problem of violent offender immigrants getting away with crimes, but it still really bothers you, because philosophy?
2018-10-06, 9:03 PM #11839
Originally posted by Reid:
because translocating people is expensive and disruptive for many people. duh?

That's true. Also, it apparently doesn't work so long as there are sanctuary cities that refuse to follow the law anyway:

[quote=Some conservative blog]
Take Francisco Sanchez, the confessed killer of Kate Steinle whom he shot as she strolled with her father on a San Francisco pier. Sanchez had been deported five times to Mexico, but said he returned to San Francisco because of its sanctuary policy.
2018-10-06, 9:06 PM #11840
I mean if you think about things for longer than two seconds, you'd realize many immigrants have family and people who depend on them. Splitting up families over minor charges is ridiculous. Disregarding that, assuming they're completely alone, it's still pretty harsh?

Just imagine being forced to live in a new city in a new country after being jailed. Think it would be easy? When you consider the cost of it as well, it seems really obvious it should only be done when the person in question has done a serious crime.

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