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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-05-06, 3:33 PM #1801
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It'll all make sense as soon as you take your $40 nutraceuticals.

I'm from Utah so I have some better nutraceuticals that eliminate toxins and have been used for millennia by the natives on a little known uninhabited island to live past 120 years with the health of a 30 year old. But maybe my hobby of gonzo mysticism will be bolstered by taking his, thanks for the tip.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-06, 3:35 PM #1802
Do you think Alex Jones will develop a love affair three way thing with Donnie like the writer in house of cards does with Underwood?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-06, 7:14 PM #1803
I won't look as pretty on TV.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-05-06, 7:20 PM #1804
The rhythmic slapping of wet flab fills the executive residence, as Donald and Alex consummate their forbidden union on a bed of bulk assorted pills. Little did they know, even at that very moment they were playing into the Shadow Masters' evil plan.
2017-05-06, 8:48 PM #1805
please write one of those 25 page amazon erotic ebooks about this
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-06, 10:25 PM #1806

Yes, "one of those"....
2017-05-07, 6:53 AM #1807
Republicans have harbored right wing conspiratorialists for a while, it just never became official.
2017-05-07, 10:02 AM #1808
Sadly conspiracies have become the driving factor on both sides of the american political aisle.

She would be your president if not for those pesky russians!
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-07, 10:18 AM #1809
Except it's probably true. People are being directly influenced by foreign governments in ways they never have before.

We know for a fact that the governments of Israel, China, North Korea, and Russia all have paid propagandists posting on western websites to influence people on key issues. The influence of e.g. Voice of America pales in comparison to the effect this kind of direct contact social engineering can have. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that the cultures of r/t_d and /pol was a product of those efforts.
2017-05-07, 10:23 AM #1810
Originally posted by Reid:
Republicans have harbored right wing conspiratorialists for a while, it just never became official.

Eh? What conspiracy theory? Bohemian Grove really is a retreat for elite Republican politicians with secret meetings and pagan rituals.

2017-05-07, 11:04 AM #1811
That's really not fair. Of course Republicans have to conduct their conspiracy plotting in that manner. Democrats just knock it out at the orgies.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-05-07, 11:19 AM #1812
The Bohemian Grove is a place where Republicans go to celebrate nature and the arts, before returning to their day job of destroying them.
2017-05-07, 1:53 PM #1813
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Except it's probably true. People are being directly influenced by foreign governments in ways they never have before.

We know for a fact that the governments of Israel, China, North Korea, and Russia all have paid propagandists posting on western websites to influence people on key issues. The influence of e.g. Voice of America pales in comparison to the effect this kind of direct contact social engineering can have. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that the cultures of r/t_d and /pol was a product of those efforts.

Yeah, I think this is more accurate than most would want to admit. There was a definite shift in tone in much of the internet circa 2010/2011, when this stuff I believe first began, and everything on the internet became much more political.
2017-05-07, 1:55 PM #1814
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Eh? What conspiracy theory? Bohemian Grove really is a retreat for elite Republican politicians with secret meetings and pagan rituals.

That sounds like the perfect place for Hunter S. Thompson.

Oh, wait.
2017-05-07, 2:00 PM #1815

Also can we talk about how ****ing bad Bill Nye's new show is?
2017-05-07, 2:18 PM #1816
I'd rather forget that clip exists.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2017-05-07, 2:24 PM #1817
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
I'd rather forget that clip exists.

It's called "science". Deal with it.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-07, 2:31 PM #1818
It just struck me that they might've put that clip in a science show because science blows up religious sexual morality. Gross. I'd assumed initially - and still think it's right - that the idea instead is that the scientific worldview explains and justifies a permissive sexual morality.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-07, 3:17 PM #1819
Either way, it seems dumb to overtly associate science with something that's clearly on the left side of the political spectrum. It politicizes science, with no upshot.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-07, 3:23 PM #1820
Originally posted by Reid:

Also can we talk about how ****ing bad Bill Nye's new show is?

This was neither erotic, aesthetic, nor humorous. OTOH, it is a video made for / by people who are uncomfortable with their sexuality, so maybe they think it's normal for "sexual" stuff to be awkward / painful / forced. But... what has all that jazz got to do with "science", beyond the stereotype that sciencey people are sexually awkward and anti-religious?

Also, was that Bill Nye faking an orgasm face at the two minute mark??
2017-05-07, 3:28 PM #1821
Wait, I remember what the problem is, now that I compare the difference in the way those two videos handle sexuality.

"Educational" entertainment is usually terrible.

Compare that to Finland (or was it Sweden?), where there is no pretense that watching the idiot box can ever be "educational", so they don't even try to fake it. If you want to learn about topic X, don't watch "Topic X, The Sesame Street Episode". Just do it.
2017-05-07, 3:33 PM #1822
Originally posted by Eversor:
Either way, it seems dumb to overtly associate science with something that's clearly on the left side of the political spectrum. It politicizes science, with no upshot.

Well, the most extreme partisans of identity politics are so far up their own non-binary asses that they literally can't even talk about this issue without telling you to check your privilege. It's like the Dunning-Kruger of politicking.
2017-05-07, 3:35 PM #1823
edit. My joke didn't make sense.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-07, 4:29 PM #1824
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
This was neither erotic, aesthetic, nor humorous. OTOH, it is a video made for / by people who are uncomfortable with their sexuality, so maybe they think it's normal for "sexual" stuff to be awkward / painful / forced. But... what has all that jazz got to do with "science", beyond the stereotype that sciencey people are sexually awkward and anti-religious?

Also, was that Bill Nye faking an orgasm face at the two minute mark??

Conversations about gender don't have to be awkward, painful or forced. It's just a really ****ty take on it.
2017-05-07, 4:34 PM #1825
Originally posted by Eversor:
Either way, it seems dumb to overtly associate science with something that's clearly on the left side of the political spectrum. It politicizes science, with no upshot.

"Science" is meaningless in the sense Bill Nye is using it, and has become a vestige of God in a practically atheist world. If people want to promote science, you don't do it through song and dance, you convince people it's worth their time to sit down alone with a book, and then encourage them to try it out for themselves, and if they get a new idea, have them record their tests in a certain way for others to look at. But that's boring and can't be turned into a religion, because it's not, science is a tool, so their actions are divorced from actual science.

I'll add that Bill Nye has a BSc in engineering and, despite doing a couple things with Boeing (which I would hardly call engineering "science" itself, rather than just the application of laws scientists derive), is not a scientist, is not published, and spent most of his life as a career comedian/TV show host. And he's CEO of one of those "rich people pay to feel important" societies, or I think that's what it is, I can't really tell because it's irrelevant*.

*Oh, it exists to "promote space exploration". It makes sense why they had Elon Musk on the first episode.
2017-05-07, 4:34 PM #1826
Originally posted by Reid:
Conversations about gender don't have to be awkward, painful or forced. It's just a really ****ty take on it.

I think this woman could do 100 takes before the fact that she is awkward and cringy ever dawned on her. But then again I guess the fact that she lacks awareness about this or doesn't care is what you get from the corrupting influence of money and ideology.
2017-05-07, 4:36 PM #1827
Elon Musk is to Peter Thiel as Reid is to Jon`C.
2017-05-07, 4:38 PM #1828
Originally posted by Reid:
Conversations about gender don't have to be awkward, painful or forced. It's just a really ****ty take on it.

Also, conversations require more than one person talking.
2017-05-07, 4:40 PM #1829
Originally posted by Eversor:
It just struck me that they might've put that clip in a science show because science blows up religious sexual morality. Gross. I'd assumed initially - and still think it's right - that the idea instead is that the scientific worldview explains and justifies a permissive sexual morality.

It's odd of them to think science implies social liberalism, because it doesn't, science is incapable of commenting on moral issues directly. Usually I think social liberals also have beliefs that are more scientifically valid than conservatives, but there's no reason that's necessarily true.
2017-05-07, 4:43 PM #1830
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Elon Musk is to Peter Thiel as Reid is to Jon`C.

I think that's a favorable comparison to me? If not then I'll just pretend it is anyway.
2017-05-07, 4:44 PM #1831
It means that he is your favorite whipping boy.

Depending on one's opinion of Jon`C, that is an un-favorable comparison of Elon Musk.
2017-05-07, 4:48 PM #1832
Originally posted by Reid:
I'll add that Bill Nye has a BSc in engineering and, despite doing a couple things with Boeing (which I would hardly call engineering "science" itself, rather than just the application of laws scientists derive), is not a scientist, is not published, and spent most of his life as a career comedian/TV show host. And he's CEO of one of those "rich people pay to feel important" societies, or I think that's what it is, I can't really tell because it's irrelevant*.

So you are telling me that the loudest voice is the most vapid.

In this case, Nye, along with his friend singing about how she gives her vagina a voice.
2017-05-07, 4:49 PM #1833
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
It means that he is your favorite whipping boy.

Depending on one's opinion of Jon`C, that is an un-favorable comparison of Elon Musk.

So you meant Elon Musk is to Reid as Peter Thiel is to Jon`C?
2017-05-07, 4:50 PM #1834
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
It means that he is your favorite whipping boy.

Depending on one's opinion of Jon`C, that is an un-favorable comparison of Elon Musk.

To be fair, Peter Thiel is a bigger ******* than Elon Musk, it's just that Elon Musk loves being in the public spotlight and I want to punch him whenever he talks.
2017-05-07, 4:51 PM #1835
So you meant Elon Musk is to Reid as Peter Thiel is to Jon`C?

Certainly. Analogies follow the parallelogram law.
2017-05-07, 4:55 PM #1836
Nevermind, I just read that Peter Thiel bankrolled the suit that took down Gawker Media. He's now much better in my view.
2017-05-07, 4:58 PM #1837
Well I'm not gonna comment on that, but I will say that Elon Musk has at least built a successful company from scratch (possibly two? Or more?).

The hyperloop and boring stuff are nutty and annoying but I guess two out of seven (or whatever the number is) ain't bad.
2017-05-07, 5:04 PM #1838
why is this thread descending into increasingly glib dismissals of whatever free association thing you guys think of next
2017-05-07, 5:10 PM #1839
because I'm here
2017-05-07, 5:11 PM #1840
also we can't handle the truth, this what PTSD looks like (Post-Trump Stress Disorder)

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