"Science" is meaningless in the sense Bill Nye is using it, and has become a vestige of God in a practically atheist world. If people want to promote science, you don't do it through song and dance, you convince people it's worth their time to sit down alone with a book, and then encourage them to try it out for themselves, and if they get a new idea, have them record their tests in a certain way for others to look at. But that's boring and can't be turned into a religion, because it's not, science is a tool, so their actions are divorced from actual science.
I'll add that Bill Nye has a BSc in engineering and, despite doing a couple things with Boeing (which I would hardly call engineering "science" itself, rather than just the application of laws scientists derive), is not a scientist, is not published, and spent most of his life as a career comedian/TV show host. And he's CEO of one of those "rich people pay to feel important" societies, or I think that's what it is, I can't really tell because it's irrelevant*.
*Oh, it exists to "promote space exploration". It makes sense why they had Elon Musk on the first episode.