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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-10-04, 4:58 AM #11721
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Do you really think that learning something makes you incapable of being rational about it? I.e., if I go to university and learn all about topic X, then I am no longer mentally capable of taking a step back from what I was taught, and publishing a rebuttal? (I seem to remember a profession that is actually based on this very intellectual activity, though the name of it escapes me.)

I mean, didn't Jon`C go to university and talk to a bunch of neoliberal economics professors (and / or read their papers), and concluded all on his own that it was a load of crock? And he wasn't even brainwashed beyond the point of no return!

Being indoctrinated at university and having to unlearn what you've learned is definitely a thing.
former entrepreneur
2018-10-04, 5:34 AM #11722
Originally posted by Eversor:
I mean you could try to be a little more open-minded

Nah, not with this kind of stuff
2018-10-04, 5:41 AM #11723
Trying to understand events as the result of the actions of demons is categorically a waste of time. I don't see what I'd gain doing the thought experiment.
2018-10-04, 5:45 AM #11724
Originally posted by Reid:
Trying to understand events as the result of the actions of demons is categorically a waste of time. I don't see what I'd gain doing the thought experiment.

Damn. That was a test to see if I'm seen only as someone who categorically "both sides" everything. I guess I've acquired that reputation so strongly that even if I both sides believing in demons I'm taken seriously.
former entrepreneur
2018-10-04, 5:47 AM #11725
Nonetheless maybe there's an episode of Ripley's believe it or not that you need to consider before jumping to conclusions.
former entrepreneur
2018-10-04, 6:33 AM #11726
Maybe there's a demon you need to exorcise before jumping to conclusions.
2018-10-04, 8:50 AM #11727
Maybe there's a demon that needs to jump on you before concluding you need to exorcise it.
2018-10-04, 8:58 AM #11728
Maybe there's an exercise to demonize before concluding you need to jump to it.
2018-10-04, 10:02 AM #11729
former entrepreneur
2018-10-04, 10:31 AM #11730
ah, perfect
2018-10-04, 10:55 AM #11731
After watching Trump speak in Mississippi, I have to say that I think he has a real chance to win again in 2020. Based on the overwhelmingly negative reaction I've heard from Democratic voters in real life to this speech, it's clear to me just how out of touch they are with how much Trump is resonating with conservative voters.
2018-10-04, 11:07 AM #11732
it's hard to resonate with people who believe a bunch of wrong things. like no offense to conservatives, but trump is effective because he just says unbridled **** and some people like that. it's not complicated.
2018-10-04, 11:10 AM #11733
it's also hard when a good deal of trump voters literally believe clinton is a satanist, or any of the qanon stuff. like, seriously. how do you "resonate" with these kinds of people? well, i do know, because a friend of mine who used to be a professed libertarian now no longer claims to be conservative, but claims to be centrist and have liberal sympathies after lots of talks with me. what it takes is long, philosophically and scientifically astute observations and viewpoints of the world which help create a cohesive way of understanding american politics.

Originally posted by Eversor:
Damn. That was a test to see if I'm seen only as someone who categorically "both sides" everything. I guess I've acquired that reputation so strongly that even if I both sides believing in demons I'm taken seriously.

Basically, yeah. Sorry, lol. Part of it is on me, since I had spent dinner that evening politely engaging in conspiracy theory talk, so my brain was primed to not read information sarcastically.
2018-10-04, 11:14 AM #11734
Originally posted by Reid:
it's hard to resonate with people who believe a bunch of wrong things. like no offense to conservatives, but trump is effective because he just says unbridled **** and some people like that. it's not complicated.

really tho we should be more concerned about what will happen after the next economic collapse. will these conservative voters feel entitled to "take back their property" from "mexican leeches" to give back jobs to "true americans", now that dehumanizing them to a serious degree is more normalized in extremely conservative circles? i'm being serious here, just how far will these people go with race-based violence if things get dire?
2018-10-04, 11:18 AM #11735
also, offense to people in mississippi, if that state broke off and glided into the gulf we wouldn't intervene.
2018-10-04, 11:22 AM #11736
things I’ve heard one American or another say about every single state.

idk how you guys are still a country.
2018-10-04, 11:23 AM #11737
I hope Colorado rockets off out of the stratosphere, granola eating hippies. And your airport sucks too.
2018-10-04, 11:27 AM #11738
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I hope Colorado rockets off out of the stratosphere, granola eating hippies. And your airport sucks too.

denver international does suck lol

idk, the state thing is just a meme i think. what, don't you crap on the losers from BC?
2018-10-04, 11:31 AM #11739
yeah but Canada is barely a country. We don’t even have internal free trade.
2018-10-04, 11:33 AM #11740
Originally posted by Jon`C:
yeah but Canada is barely a country. We don’t even have internal free trade.

Yeah but you have Drake tho.
2018-10-04, 11:41 AM #11741

This ad is old, but the only thing I can think when I see ads like this is "I'd love to read gender studies/critical theory people write an essay on this". Actually, I'd like to hear a gender studies person give a critical speech about this ad, on stage, at an NRA convention.

There's so much funny **** at the surface level of gun culture. And to see how that would go down would make my year. Sacha Baron Cohen: we need you to do this.
2018-10-04, 11:42 AM #11742
Seriously though, is the primary market for assault rifles men who hide feelings of emasculation?
2018-10-04, 12:11 PM #11743
Originally posted by Reid:
what, don't you crap on the losers from BC?

Alberta. Haven't you been paying attention?
former entrepreneur
2018-10-04, 12:20 PM #11744
Originally posted by Eversor:
Alberta. Haven't you been paying attention?

The rest of Canada hates Alberta today. When the boomers retire, I don’t think they’ll have the luxury.
2018-10-04, 12:24 PM #11745
Originally posted by Eversor:
Alberta. Haven't you been paying attention?

2018-10-04, 12:25 PM #11746
Originally posted by Jon`C:
The rest of Canada hates Alberta today. When the boomers retire, I don’t think they’ll have the luxury.

is alberta actually that bad tho?
2018-10-04, 12:29 PM #11747
Originally posted by Reid:
is alberta actually that bad tho?

It could be better.
2018-10-04, 12:35 PM #11748
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It could be better.

so you would indeed be upset if it broke off and floated away
2018-10-04, 12:39 PM #11749
Originally posted by Reid:
so you would indeed be upset if it broke off and floated away

would be a difficult thing for a landlocked province to do
former entrepreneur
2018-10-04, 12:41 PM #11750
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
After watching Trump speak in Mississippi, I have to say that I think he has a real chance to win again in 2020. Based on the overwhelmingly negative reaction I've heard from Democratic voters in real life to this speech, it's clear to me just how out of touch they are with how much Trump is resonating with conservative voters.

yeah, I think he's going to get reëlected. It's kind of remarkable how consistently liberals underestimate him. It's as if after three years they still haven't realized that's *the* reason why he still has the upper hand.

That's a key reason why some corners of the left are better attuned to reality than liberals are, imo.
former entrepreneur
2018-10-04, 12:41 PM #11751
Also I live there. I’m not sure Alberta ceasing to exist would do much to fix the toxic Ontario conservatism that’s infected the province, it would only eliminate some of the gullible rurals who’ve fallen for it.
2018-10-04, 1:09 PM #11752
Originally posted by Reid:
This ad is old, but the only thing I can think when I see ads like this is "I'd love to read gender studies/critical theory people write an essay on this". Actually, I'd like to hear a gender studies person give a critical speech about this ad, on stage, at an NRA convention.

There's so much funny **** at the surface level of gun culture. And to see how that would go down would make my year. Sacha Baron Cohen: we need you to do this.

It's not any worse than ads for pickup trucks, power tools, men's denim pants, or motorcycles. But guns r bad so everyone picks on that ad.

It's a big dumb stereotype, but as with most stereotypes, there's basis in reality. Most people I've seen at gun shows look like normal, ordinary people. In fact, most gun owners dislike the stupid, hyper-masculine military wannabe types. They call them "tacticool" or "mall ninjas" and are not representative of the whole.

And anyway, the AR15 and it's variants are by no means a big tough guy gun. Your 200 year old shotgun is way more difficult to shoot and control than a fancy modern "assault weapon." Your grandpa's old crappy hunting rifle kicks harder and weighs more. (I guess her "man card" is reissued)
2018-10-04, 1:50 PM #11753
Originally posted by Reid:
it's hard to resonate with people who believe a bunch of wrong things. like no offense to conservatives, but trump is effective because he just says unbridled **** and some people like that. it's not complicated.

All of us, if we are of reflective habit, like and admire men whose fundamental beliefs differ radically from our own. But when a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack or count himself lost. … All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
2018-10-04, 1:52 PM #11754
Source: Frederich Nietzche An admirer of Friedrich Nietzsche
2018-10-04, 2:07 PM #11755
polling really killed politics
former entrepreneur
2018-10-04, 4:13 PM #11756
Originally posted by Eversor:
polling really killed politics

Means testing excludes the impossible, even when it's actually possible.
2018-10-04, 5:35 PM #11757
54% of Republicans think Kavanaugh should be confirmed even if he actually is a rapist.

Yup definitely a bunch of people with sincere and deeply held principles! Definitely not a party of rape goblins! Nothing to see here!
2018-10-04, 5:40 PM #11758
*donald trump loses the next election, flips out and launches the entire American thermonuclear arsenal against its own cities*

“My god”

*a single tear rolls down the cheek of an average totally normal Republican voter overlooking the destruction*

“Look at all of those owned libs”

*shockwave instantly fries the Republican to a crisp, then blows away in the wind*
2018-10-04, 5:47 PM #11759
Actually, it was if Ford's accusations were true which of course included attempted rape and not rape.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-04, 7:54 PM #11760
Originally posted by Jon`C:
*donald trump loses the next election, flips out and launches the entire American thermonuclear arsenal against its own cities*

“My god”

*a single tear rolls down the cheek of an average totally normal Republican voter overlooking the destruction*

“Look at all of those owned libs”

*shockwave instantly fries the Republican to a crisp, then blows away in the wind*

Called it before, calling it again: Trump is going to deploy some federal agents to "crack down on illegals voting", by which he will mean harass swing state voters in blue districts.

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