Okay, I don't see why you wouldn't buy the narrative, other than a reflexive defensiveness of red states. I think any time spent reading into the causes will reveal there's lots of plausible reasons to believe Republican state governments increase poverty. If you want a causal explanation, here's why I think having a Republican government increases poverty, told through events in Wisconsin:
Republican legislatures attacking unions immediately preceded lowering teacher wages
Foxxconn is receiving ~$4 billion in subsidies
Poverty is increasing still in Wisconsin, and is at a
30 year high.
Despite this,
Wisconsin is working to cut benefits
There are also case studies to do. Wisconsin can be compared to Minnesota, both are geographically, politically and economically pretty similar, except Minnesota is further left than Wisconsin.
Minnesota performed better economically, including higher wage growth, lower unemployment, and higher jobs growth. A huge reason for Minnesota performing better is that Twin Cities (which houses U MN Twin Cities, a great school) has become an area of tech job growth. If you check out CompTIA's data, it's numerically clear that MN has been performing better in tech than WI.
It's a double edged sword - they can't compete because they're impoverished, they're impoverished because they can't compete. The important thing is, Republican policies do not remedy that they can't compete and do not remedy impoverishment. Instead of recognizing the futility of trying to keep e.g. coal alive, they give coal massive incentives, which does little to help the economy but enriches friends, and then they
pass legislation which is crafted to hurt blue states. That's in particular why I'm annoyed that you blame Democrats constantly for every little thing: maybe red states are just stuck in a backwards age, and are trying to rip off blue states to keep themselves going. Maybe their own lack of innovation is a problem. Maybe if they were, you know, more liberal, and could adapt themselves, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing.
I know I'm being pushy but seriously, I don't like this constant barrage of blame against liberals/Democrats for issues that have been brewing for a long time. If China can outcompete American manufacturing, like yeah, it sucks, and changing your way of life sucks, but you don't win by cutting all funding from stuff to subsidize ****ty industries, lowering standard of living so workers are coerced to work and have no other options, to become competitive with miserable workers in China. You win by adapting in the best way; that's what blue states are doing and why you see blue states swallowing up more of the GDP and red states becoming losers.
As a side note, I wonder if you removed tech job growth from red states, how much of a difference that would make in income and other relevant statistics. Like, just how much are other industries losing?