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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-09-02, 2:56 PM #10961
Originally posted by Reid:
>Using racial epithets is a kind of violence

Right wingers: wow, how about you stop using violence in such a loose and useless way? Violence only refers to the physical act of harming someone.

>We should tax billionaires more

Right wingers: you're literally advocating for violence right now

Anyway, can somebody tell me what the context for this post is?
2018-09-02, 3:25 PM #10962
conservatives are hypocrites! When Reid's on the case, you better watch out, because you're not getting away with anything, conservatives!! You're going to be exposed! Busted!!
former entrepreneur
2018-09-02, 3:29 PM #10963
Here's some more unsolicited sarcasm:

it's almost as if right-wingers are hypocrites or something
former entrepreneur
2018-09-02, 4:35 PM #10964
Yeah, I don’t know why you’re bothering. Attacking liberals and progressives on their principles is effective exactly because they have principles. There’s no point accusing a conservative of being hypocritical because they don’t have any genuine principles to contradict.
2018-09-02, 8:05 PM #10965
This ex-Googler's twitter page says he's advocating for more transparency of the machine learning algorithms that Google uses to generate more clicks. Of course I would say we ought to just nuke the entire algorithm altogether.
2018-09-04, 10:47 AM #10966
This has come up in the past:
former entrepreneur
2018-09-04, 11:52 AM #10967
This has always been the case:

Whereas the article is really not news:

And yet:
2018-09-04, 6:32 PM #10968
Social media is in sharp need of sensible regulation

Remember when people used to say Trump was actually really clever because he subverted the political system? Lol
2018-09-04, 6:38 PM #10969
I think it’s great that Republicans were progressive enough to follow the first black president with the first mentally retarded one.
2018-09-04, 7:32 PM #10970
2018-09-04, 7:50 PM #10971
Why was Mickey Kaus in that movie?
former entrepreneur
2018-09-05, 9:14 AM #10972
So, maybe I'm reading biased sources (The Red Stormer), but is the main point of this Kavanaugh dude to protect Trump against getting subpoenaed and/or indicted?
2018-09-05, 10:09 AM #10973
What's the Red Stormer? Communist Der Sturmer?
2018-09-05, 10:33 AM #10974
Originally posted by Reid:
What's the Red Stormer? Communist Der Sturmer?

It's a magazine that encourages me to try to seize the means of production.

Nah just kidding, I just made it up.

Kavanaugh surprised, saying he considers the SC unanimous verdict on the Nixon subpoena a great moment in the American judicial system.

Not what I expected, but I may be missing something here.
2018-09-05, 10:50 AM #10975
Originally posted by Reid:
What's the Red Stormer? Communist Der Sturmer?

I initially assumed he was talking about the Daily Stormer at its new .red address, and now I’m not sure if he actually made it up or if he accidentally revealed his powerlevel. Either way, ‘storm’ is a Nazi thing, so
2018-09-05, 11:39 AM #10976
Maybe that's why Bannon likes being compared to Darth Vader

2018-09-05, 12:58 PM #10977
Originally posted by Tenshu:
So, maybe I'm reading biased sources (The Red Stormer), but is the main point of this Kavanaugh dude to protect Trump against getting subpoenaed and/or indicted?

Originally posted by Tenshu:
It's a magazine that encourages me to try to seize the means of production.

Nah just kidding, I just made it up.

Kavanaugh surprised, saying he considers the SC unanimous verdict on the Nixon subpoena a great moment in the American judicial system.

Not what I expected, but I may be missing something here.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
I initially assumed he was talking about the Daily Stormer at its new .red address, and now I’m not sure if he actually made it up or if he accidentally revealed his powerlevel. Either way, ‘storm’ is a Nazi thing, so

I don't like this
former entrepreneur
2018-09-05, 3:39 PM #10978

What the actual **** lmao
2018-09-05, 7:33 PM #10979
Originally posted by Eversor:
I don't like this

me neither but wyd
2018-09-05, 7:51 PM #10980

Things like this remind you that if you could disassociate the entertainment value of this administration from its real-world effects, it'd be genuinely hilarious, but the entertaining quality of it is an essential part of its authoritarianism.
former entrepreneur
2018-09-06, 8:47 AM #10981
Originally posted by Eversor:
Things like this remind you that if you could disassociate the entertainment value of this administration from its real-world effects, it'd be genuinely hilarious, but the entertaining quality of it is an essential part of its authoritarianism.

Agreed. It's funny but terrifying at the same time. It's a complicated feeling.
2018-09-06, 8:50 AM #10982

Elon Musk is a bold man. First he accuses Vernon of being a pedo. Then after receiving a threatening letter from Vernon's lawyer, Elon calls the man a child rapist.

I'm sure Vernon's lawyer is a very happy man right now.
2018-09-06, 8:53 AM #10983

I guess when your failing luxury car company can't raise another cent of capital, why not take out your anger on undeserving strangers?
2018-09-06, 2:01 PM #10984
Man, the news today is just jaw-dropping. That NYT op-ed on Trump could well be the start of something.

If there's really as much resentment and resistance within the WH as the Woodward book claims, I imagine there will be put pressure upon these people to invoke the 25th amendment, rather than, you know, going around stealing documents from Trump's desk. Because that would actually be in line with upholding the constitution.

Or, you know, Trump's teflon armour turns out to be infallible, as always.

In any case I'm having some real popcorn moments seeing the fallout over all this.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2018-09-06, 3:00 PM #10985
Didn't they say something like "I resist Trump's bad agenda, I wish we could be appreciated though for our amazing tax bill". The tax bill that really sucks and everybody hates.

They're still your boilerplate Republicans doing basically evil things, they just happen to think trying to eradicate half of Syria is bad or whatever.

As per the constitutional crisis, it really is a serious issue. I mean, they are genuinely better than Trump. As in they don't have dementia. And understand politics better than a 3rd grader. So it's good that they're intervening on the public's behalf. But it is a violation of Trump's authority as president.

Just be glad we live in an era without absolute monarchies.
2018-09-06, 3:02 PM #10986
for now
2018-09-06, 5:47 PM #10987
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
If there's really as much resentment and resistance within the WH as the Woodward book claims, I imagine there will be put pressure upon these people to invoke the 25th amendment, rather than, you know, going around stealing documents from Trump's desk. Because that would actually be in line with upholding the constitution.

I get the feeling that this is probably business as usual for Trump. I expect that he's constantly mercurial, and when things turn out poorly, he convinces himself that he was against the decision all along. It lets him create a toxic, uncertain atmosphere where everyone around him is constantly fighting each-other, and the sneakiest and worst people rise to the top, but can never consolidate enough power to threaten Trump. It's a good way to take advantage of a sketchy, borderline illegal business with other stake holders, but a stupid way to run an administration where you have final authority de jour. I expect he's doing it on purpose, because he has no idea what he's doing, and that's the only way he knows how to run anything.

It sucks, but it's not like it's a surprise that he doesn't know what he's doing. He made that painfully clear in 2016.

Trump isn't a smart or well informed guy, but petty social domination games are clearly something he has a good instinct for.

I don't think the narrative of a senile guy getting taken advantage of holds water. At the end of the day, dumb as Trump is on most things, he did manage to win an election and upstage the very people who are supposed to be manipulating him right now. It's not like he's suddenly gotten less coherent. He legitimately has some talents, they just don't intersect at all with running a country properly. The truth is, he's not an ideas guy, and probably doesn't have a deep interest on most issues that run past him. He wants the wall, and doesn't like NAFTA, but not enough to really learn anything about it.
2018-09-06, 5:56 PM #10988
damn google
former entrepreneur
2018-09-06, 7:42 PM #10989
That's... a surprisingly coherent Twitter thread. Maybe the topic was sufficiently wonkish or technical that the idiots reading didn't smell any blood in the water, and their noses glazed over.
2018-09-06, 8:43 PM #10990
Originally posted by Eversor:

Obviously a bug.

Their algorithm isn't supposed to show those videos to liberals.
2018-09-06, 8:45 PM #10991
Google's not the first company to support fascism in order to make money. Hell, they aren't even the first American company to do it. Hell, they aren't even the first American technology company to do it. Hell, they aren't even the first American information technology company to do it.
2018-09-06, 10:22 PM #10992
Lol, I was just reading some of Piero Scaruffi's outrageous opinions, and realized this bit probably applies to Trump:

The "positivist" effect of the "Like" button may be creating fragile psyches that can easily break down the first time they realize that almost nobody actually likes them.
2018-09-07, 5:33 AM #10993
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Trump isn't a smart or well informed guy, but petty social domination games are clearly something he has a good instinct for.

No doubt. I guess he never got to that part of life where he realized this kind of competition is mostly toxic. The one thing he's good at is basically useless in all facets of life but being in high school cliques.
2018-09-07, 5:37 AM #10994
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Obviously a bug.

Their algorithm isn't supposed to show those videos to liberals.

Nah, that stuff is politically neutral conspiracy nonsense. If they were conservative it would have led him down the Qanon video track.
2018-09-07, 5:43 AM #10995
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Lol, I was just reading some of Piero Scaruffi's outrageous opinions, and realized this bit probably applies to Trump:

Oh man. This reminds me of when a high school friend decided to "out" himself on facebook as a conspiracy loving conservative.

For a while, people tried politely to say things like "no, Europe actually isn't plagued by gangs of roaming rape Muslims, it's actually pretty nice in many places" but that just fueled more. Eventually everybody stopped replying and he would continue posting stupid crap to no likes or replies for like a year.

Must have been psychologically traumatizing. Though I guess he could have picked up on the hint that nobody wants to hear conspiracy nonsense.
2018-09-07, 5:44 AM #10996
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Google's not the first company to support fascism in order to make money. Hell, they aren't even the first American company to do it. Hell, they aren't even the first American technology company to do it. Hell, they aren't even the first American information technology company to do it.

Yeah, Google has lots of work to do to catch up to their primary competitor here:

2018-09-07, 5:46 AM #10997
2018-09-07, 8:38 AM #10998
Originally posted by Reid:
Oh man. This reminds me of when a high school friend decided to "out" himself on facebook as a conspiracy loving conservative.

For a while, people tried politely to say things like "no, Europe actually isn't plagued by gangs of roaming rape Muslims, it's actually pretty nice in many places" but that just fueled more. Eventually everybody stopped replying and he would continue posting stupid crap to no likes or replies for like a year.

Must have been psychologically traumatizing. Though I guess he could have picked up on the hint that nobody wants to hear conspiracy nonsense.

This is only tangentially related to your story, but a friend in college told me that they once had a roommate who got really into drugs and basically stopped studying, lost his financial aid, and stopped paying rent.

In the interim weeks and months between doing this and getting kicked out of college (and more or less evicted by his roommates), he is said to have spent the vast majority of his time on Facebook spamming his friends with conspiracy theories and insane content.
2018-09-07, 12:20 PM #10999
Originally posted by Reid:
No doubt. I guess he never got to that part of life where he realized this kind of competition is mostly toxic. The one thing he's good at is basically useless in all facets of life but being in high school cliques.

And the mafia, which means it's probably relevant in New York real estate development too. So... alignment of skill set and circumstances, I suppose.
former entrepreneur
2018-09-07, 4:14 PM #11000
Obama pwns the 'progressive stack' (again, iirc)

(Lots of other great stuff in that speech, starting at about 15 minutes in, and soon thereafter, whereupon he launches a barrage of quite satisfying attacks against Trump and what he represents.)

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