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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-07-26, 9:19 AM #3241
Sometimes Trump's "don't give a f***" attitude is a very good thing. I don't always agree with him but when I do, I agree HARD.

Oh, transgender is out of the military now if you somehow hadn't heard by the time you read this.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-07-26, 9:24 AM #3242
You agree strongly with it, Wookie? Why?
former entrepreneur
2017-07-26, 9:47 AM #3243
That's like, the wrongest thing to agree with him on.
2017-07-26, 9:58 AM #3244
Originally posted by Eversor:
What's going to happen?

The oil industry will collapse because of the creation of cold fusion. Then the secrets to cold fusion will be lost in a tragic boating accident, leaving us energy less and unable to adapt to the climate changes we have locked in from our amateur geo engineering.

September 26th you heard it here first.

Originally posted by Wookie06:
Sometimes Trump's "don't give a f***" attitude is a very good thing. I don't always agree with him but when I do, I agree HARD.

Oh, transgender is out of the military now if you somehow hadn't heard by the time you read this.

It will be great if he continues this and removes everyone else from the military who costs lots of money. Anyone with heart disease, poor dental health, people who drink alcohol or coffee, people who use tobacco, short guys, anyone with a BMI of even overweight, if you get sick you're done etc. etc.

It would be the easiest way to cut back on the military. I for one applaud this first step to reducing military expenditure, hopefully all of the money will go to NASAW.

oh also 'transgender' is not out of the military. ****ing lmao
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-26, 10:24 AM #3245
You're right, he's only announced that he will reinstate the ban. My selection of words was meant for brevity. But, yeah, they're basically out.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-07-26, 10:31 AM #3246
Somehow I don't think that's going to work.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-26, 11:21 AM #3247
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Sometimes Trump's "don't give a f***" attitude is a very good thing. I don't always agree with him but when I do, I agree HARD.

I'm sure you do.

Last night I dreamt that I went to check the headlines and was greeted with the headline that Donald had dropped dead from swine flu. One can dream, I suppose?

Still, waking up to see wealthy conservatives pining for a 25th amendment invocation in the New York Times is a nice consolation prize. Although I am sure the No True Scotsman brigade will crucify anyone who writes an article in the NYT claiming to be a conservative as a 'RINO'.
2017-07-26, 11:39 AM #3248
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Sometimes Trump's "don't give a f***" attitude is a very good thing. I don't always agree with him but when I do, I agree HARD.

Oh, transgender is out of the military now if you somehow hadn't heard by the time you read this.

Bread and circuses.
2017-07-26, 11:52 AM #3249
former entrepreneur
2017-07-26, 11:53 AM #3250
Anyone here watch Decker: Port of Call Hawaii?
former entrepreneur
2017-07-26, 12:03 PM #3251
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Although I am sure the No True Scotsman brigade will crucify anyone who writes an article in the NYT claiming to be a conservative as a 'RINO'.

Douthat is a real conservative! <3
former entrepreneur
2017-07-26, 12:19 PM #3252
Originally posted by Eversor:
Douthat is a real conservative! <3

I hate Douthat.
2017-07-26, 12:30 PM #3253
2017-07-26, 12:36 PM #3254
[quote=Ross Douthat]
Donald Trump’s campaign against his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, in which he is seemingly attempting to insult and humiliate and tweet-shame Sessions into resignation, is an insanely stupid exercise. It is a multitiered tower of political idiocy, a sublime monument to the moronic, a gaudy, gleaming, Ozymandian folly that leaves many of the president’s prior efforts in its shade.

Let us walk through the levels of stupidity one by one. First there is the policy level — generally the lowest, least important in Trumpworld, but still worth exploring.

To the extent that any figure in the Trump administration both embodies “Trumpism” and seems capable of executing its policy ambitions, it is Sessions, who is using his office to strictly enforce immigration laws and pursue an old-school law-and-order agenda.

You may hate his agenda (as most liberals do) or dislike parts of it (as I do), but it is clearly the agenda that Trump ran on, and the attorney general’s office is one of the few places where it is being effectively pursued. So cashiering Sessions would be a remarkable statement (though hardly the first) that the president cares almost nothing for his own alleged platform and governing philosophy.

Next in our tower of folly is the institutional level. Trump has had difficulty staffing his administration, his secretary of state is muttering about leaving, and his White House is riven by factionalism and paranoia. Meanwhile, he is both under investigation by Senate Republicans and dependent on their good will to keep the investigations contained to just the Russia business.

Trying to defenestrate Sessions, the lone Republican senator in Trump’s corner during the primary campaign and a popular figure among his former Senate colleagues, will make things worse for the president on both fronts. It demonstrates a level of disloyalty that should send sane people running from Trump’s service, it tells other cabinet members to get out while the getting’s good (and to leak and undermine like crazy on their way), and it further alienates Republican senators whom Trump needs to confirm appointees (including any Sessions replacement) and to go easy on his scandals.

Next on our tour is the level of mass politics, where Trump’s war on Sessions is one of the few things short of a recession that could hurt him with his base — which he needs to hold, since he isn’t doing anything to persuade anyone outside it.

Of course many Trump supporters will side with him no matter what and lots don’t care about Sessions one way or another. But the Trumpian core also includes conservatives who like Sessions for ideological reasons, who trust Trump in part because Sessions vouched for him, and who don’t like or trust very many other people (the family, the New Yorkers, the ex-Democrats) in Trump’s inner circle. Which is why Trump’s campaign against Sessions has already brought him negative coverage from Breitbart, Tucker Carlson and various pro-Trump or anti-anti-Trump pundits — making it an extraordinary act of political malpractice from a White House that lacks a cushion for such follies.

Next there is the legal level. By his own admission, Trump’s beef with Sessions centers on the attorney general’s recusal from the Russia investigation, which from Trump’s perspective led to the appointment of a special counsel he now obviously yearns to fire.

This blame-Sessions perspective is warped, since it was Trump’s decision to fire James Comey (an earlier monumental folly) that was actually decisive in putting Robert Mueller on the case. But regardless of whether he has his facts straight, Trump’s logic is a straightforward admission that he wants to eject his attorney general because Sessions has not adequately protected him from legal scrutiny — an argument that at once reveals Trump’s usual contempt for laws and norms and also suggests (not for the first time) that he has something so substantial to hide that only omerta-style loyalty will do.

Which, of course — now we’ve reached the peak of the tower of folly — he probably will not get if Sessions goes, because no hatchet man will win easy confirmation, and until Sessions is replaced the acting attorney general will be Rod Rosenstein, the man who appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel in the first place!

So it’s basically madness all the way to the top: bad policy, bad strategy, bad politics, bad legal maneuvering, bad optics, a self-defeating venture carried out via deranged-as-usual tweets and public insults.

And if it were any other president behaving like this — well, rather than repeat arguments I’ve made before, I’ll quote Bloomberg View’s Megan McArdle, writing a few months ago in response to my admittedly extreme suggestion that Trump’s behavior might justify removal under the 25th Amendment:

Imagine, if you will, that George W. Bush had started acting like Donald Trump partway into his second term …. Is there any question that people would be talking about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him? Not for political reasons, but because it would be obvious that some tragic mental impairment had befallen the commander in chief.

Adults of mature years know not to engage in histrionic self-pity in public, not necessarily because they avoid self-pity, but because outside of high school parties, this is a singularly ineffective way to make people like and support you. Competent leaders do not preside over staff who are leaking what is essentially one long and anguished primal scream to any reporter they can get to hold still. Seasoned professionals do not, suddenly and for no apparent reason, say things in public that make them better targets for legal investigations …

And so the only possible explanation for such a quick succession of stunning lapses in judgment would be a severe stroke, an aggressive brain tumor or some other neurological disaster that had rendered him unfit to continue in office, at least until it could be treated. I don’t even think this would be controversial, even among his supporters. “Poor fellow,” they’d murmur, “the strain of the office has destroyed his health. He has given more than his life for his country.” Time to let him rest and heal while someone else shoulders his Sisyphean burdens.

Trump hasn’t had a stroke or suffered a neurological disaster, and his behavior in the White House is no different from the behavior he manifested consistently while winning enough votes to take the presidency.

But he is nonetheless clearly impaired, gravely deficient somewhere at the intersection of reason and judgment and conscience and self-control. Pointing this out is wearying and repetitive, but still it must be pointed out.

You can be as loyal as Jeff Sessions and still suffer the consequences of that plain and inescapable truth: This president should not be the president, and the sooner he is not, the better.
2017-07-26, 2:16 PM #3255
Originally posted by Reid:
I hate Douthat.

Now that's a surprise. :p

But whhhhy!
former entrepreneur
2017-07-26, 2:26 PM #3256
jonesie check out the audio on this trump video
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-26, 2:58 PM #3257


Workers of the world unite! Make Eastern European totalitarian propaganda songs great again!

It's like Trump went to Russia and Putin showed him a bunch of old "patriotic" communist songs, and he wanted one too, but couldn't think of any words except to repeat his dumbass mantra MAGA over and over again. I am suprised he didn't throw in a "lock her up" in the refrain.
2017-07-26, 3:14 PM #3258
Well actually that song from Spook's Slate link was merely written by some baptist minister from Texas. But whatever.
2017-07-26, 3:26 PM #3259
my low effort post of the month in this thread:
I had a blog. It sucked.
2017-07-26, 4:01 PM #3260
That's funny, I thought Trump helped /r/nottheonion push that outlet long out of business by now.
2017-07-26, 6:30 PM #3261
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

If I didn't know better, I would think that video started with 'fags still stand for freedom' which as a former servicething who sometimes enjoys putting men up in dresses and making them call me daddy would fill me with pride.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-26, 8:08 PM #3262
oh also I have decided my vote for next go around
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-27, 10:06 AM #3263

When you have a spare hour...
former entrepreneur
2017-07-27, 3:15 PM #3264
This just in, 'transgender' not 'basically' out of the military!
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-27, 5:35 PM #3265
I couldn't write this ****

also has that guy rehearsed Trump's hand language? does donny know ISL? Whats the deal?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-27, 6:20 PM #3266
I only read the first bit of that, but I am reminded of an old Adam Curtis film, The Power of Nightmares, where he basically says that at a certain point, terrorist groups in Afghanistan began to kill each other, because of the inherent paranoia and irrationality that comes with being such a group.
2017-07-27, 6:21 PM #3267
On a certain level, Donnie's brain is probably irrational and confused and at war with itself, so perhaps this new communications director is a reflection of that.
2017-07-27, 6:54 PM #3268
Donald Trump has dementia. My mom works at a dementia ward and agrees with me. :smug:

I dunno who this Scaramucci guy is but after reading that New Yorker article I bet he uses a lot of pomade.
2017-07-27, 7:03 PM #3269
Wow, this guy's nuts. What an amateur, going to a reporter to talk about Bannon's autofellecio (he actually did this).

Is it that dumb people can only get other dumb people to work for them, or is Donald deliberately trying to lower the average IQ of the peoplein the room he is in to avoid standing out?? :confused:
2017-07-27, 7:05 PM #3270
(Or maybe dementia)
2017-07-27, 7:52 PM #3271
Originally posted by Jon`C:

I dunno who this Scaramucci guy is but after reading that New Yorker article I bet he uses a lot of pomade.

Well he is Italian, so...

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Wow, this guy's nuts. What an amateur, going to a reporter to talk about Bannon's autofellecio (he actually did this).

Is it that dumb people can only get other dumb people to work for them, or is Donald deliberately trying to lower the average IQ of the peoplein the room he is in to avoid standing out?? :confused:

I am happy that our government is becoming representative of our populace.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-27, 8:07 PM #3272
Originally posted by H. L. Mencken:
As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

(On the other hand, this Mencken guy didn't believe in mathematics / compared mathematicians to astrologers, and probably supported eugenics, so...)

Anyway I don't blame people for Trump. He lost the popular vote after all, so I think you are being a bit harsh on the common man. But I guess it's the age old question: how much am I morally obliged to hate on normies?
2017-07-27, 8:09 PM #3273
I will have to see if Emmanuel Kant wrote on this matter.
2017-07-27, 8:16 PM #3274
But I guess I'll grant you that my second paragraph about tactics for coping with being dumb is hard not to notice in society.

It's just one of those depressing things to think of as an intrinsic attribute of a person, when you often can't fix stupid. I like to think there are tragic group dynamics that we as a species have worked around by inventing new ways to cooporate (such as the invention of language) that mitigate these destructive selfish tendencies and stop them from wrecking havoc.
2017-07-27, 8:23 PM #3275
And actually, I think the answer is quite obvious: if you go to work for Donald Trump willingly, then I assert that there is something not right with you. So far from representing the common man, this Scaramucci guy had to survive several rounds of selection against having attributes of a high-functioning adult.

In fact, I would wager to guess that Trump explicitly knew he could rely on him to be a toady and help spread lies, because the man went overnight from being Trump's most vulgar and outspoken critic (back in 2015), to a slavish supporter.
2017-07-27, 8:51 PM #3276
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
(On the other hand, this Mencken guy didn't believe in mathematics / compared mathematicians to astrologers, and probably supported eugenics, so...)

Anyway I don't blame people for Trump. He lost the popular vote after all, so I think you are being a bit harsh on the common man. But I guess it's the age old question: how much am I morally obliged to hate on normies?

He lost the popular vote with most people not voting, so I'm not sure what the real difference is between that and him winning the popular vote.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-27, 9:14 PM #3277
I'll withhold my final judgement until the day we can all sing hail to the chief to President Kid Rock. :colbert:
2017-07-27, 9:16 PM #3278
Eh he seems slightly more intelligent than most of the Americans I have met.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-27, 9:16 PM #3279
also :
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-07-27, 9:18 PM #3280
All right, you win, I crown Donny the idiot king and a man out of his element.

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