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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2019-02-07, 7:40 PM #13321
That still doesn't give you the right to culturally appropriate our language. I mean their language!
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-02-07, 7:40 PM #13322
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I only got this far, I'll skim through the rest at some point. I'm sure you haven't properly understood the bill although you would still hate it. I haven't researched it lately but I'm fairly positive that the 23% tax is only on new goods and services so, no, you aren't taxed on rent. I do believe it may apply to new home purchases. All other [federal] taxes are eliminated. Especially corporate taxes! Yeah, I know, I said you hated it. Anyway, we've talked about this at least a couple of times over the years. I don't know why you think this excludes luxury items, at least new ones. They're taxed the same 23%. Okay, I think I'll skim some more now...

“I didn’t know that residential rent is considered a taxable service under this plan, or that high end luxury goods are primarily or exclusively held for appreciation, which makes them investments under this plan and therefore tax exempt. Thank you for explaining these issues to me. I used to support this plan but I never took the time to read the bill, so it was very helpful that you were willing to read it and discuss these interesting problems. I will reconsider my support. Thank you”
2019-02-07, 7:41 PM #13323
No problem Wookie06, I’m sure we all make similar mistakes.
2019-02-07, 7:41 PM #13324
Originally posted by Wookie06:
That still doesn't give you the right to culturally appropriate our language. I mean their language!

You're not even using it correctly. You're conflating it with cuckservative, whereas the term is more general than that. For example anybody on the left or who supports immigration is automatically a cuck.
2019-02-07, 7:44 PM #13325
Anyway, congratulations on having your political party assimilated into a sexually insecure, neo-fascist, paranoid schizophrenic cult of unemployed man children.
2019-02-07, 7:52 PM #13326
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Anyway, congratulations on having your political party assimilated into a sexually insecure, neo-fascist, paranoid schizophrenic cult of unemployed man children.

yea we already knew he was a fiscal conservative
2019-02-07, 7:59 PM #13327
LOL, can you believe we are actually now at the point where Democrats are defending infanticide? I mean, I get that you have to be ALWAYS pro-choice but now you have to actually defend aborting the born to tow the line. Next election is going to be interesting.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-02-07, 8:07 PM #13328
Infanticide is bad. So is war. What's important though is to keep our children alive long enough to take a few of the enemy with them.
2019-02-07, 8:09 PM #13329
Foreign or domestic?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-02-07, 8:10 PM #13330
(and then cut off their access to health care)
2019-02-07, 8:11 PM #13331
Regardless, American warriors tend to have a pretty high kill ration.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-02-07, 8:11 PM #13332
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Foreign or domestic?

Foreign, of course.
2019-02-07, 8:12 PM #13333
Anyway, it's a dumb joke I stole from some liberal comedian who like to hate on conservatives for caring a lot about life but then going to war.
2019-02-07, 8:12 PM #13334
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
(and then cut off their access to health care)

Oh, don't buy into the lies. I mean, yeah, it does seem that the death panels don't favor the older vets but the young ones are making a killing.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-02-07, 8:13 PM #13335
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Anyway, it's a dumb joke I stole from some liberal comedian who like to hate on conservatives for caring a lot about life but then going to war.

Too late. Already fanned the flames.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-02-07, 8:13 PM #13336
Also, it might be a good idea to teach contraception in schools.
2019-02-07, 8:17 PM #13337
Also, weren't we talking about taxes? How did we get to abortion?
2019-02-07, 8:19 PM #13338
Conservatives oppose both contraception and abortion because the oligarchs correctly recognize that population growth is equivalent to economic growth, and economic growth is the engine that fuels their extravagant lifestyles. They oppose social programs for the same reason: that the goal of our society is not for society to provide for the unwanted children, but for the unwanted children to provide for the oligarchs.

Just a lil taste of realpolitics for all y’all not jaded enough yet
2019-02-07, 8:20 PM #13339
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Also, weren't we talking about taxes? How did we get to abortion?

I segued with how you lumped people in with parties and how in the last couple days now democrats are being lumped in with things that should be easy to be opposed to.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-02-07, 8:22 PM #13340
Speaking of parties, if the United States made abortion more accessible, how much harder do you think Jeff Epstein would’ve had to work to find minors to traffick for Donald Trump to rape
2019-02-07, 8:25 PM #13341
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Anyway, it's a dumb joke I stole from some liberal comedian who like to hate on conservatives for caring a lot about life but then going to war.

Funny, though, this reminds me of something I was thinking a little bit about a long time ago. If we have a great military force should we use it for good and not just in our own interest? Like, if a genocide is going on in some third world country, should we stop it? Since leaving the country after defeating the enemy and/or instilling a government often doesn't actually solve the problem of inhumanity in said country should we conquer it instead and enforce benevolence? Peace never actually seems to occur through inaction so should we forcibly pursue it?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-02-07, 8:34 PM #13342
I wouldn't even know where to start, since American policy is so badly broken and wasteful. If you want to improve the welfare of foreign citizens abroad, a good place to start would be an aggressive domestic carbon tax.
2019-02-07, 8:56 PM #13343
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-02-07, 9:09 PM #13344
Originally posted by Wookie06:

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-02-07, 9:11 PM #13345
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Speaking of parties, if the United States made abortion more accessible, how much harder do you think Jeff Epstein would’ve had to work to find minors to traffick for Donald Trump to rape

nanana that's the CLINTONS who went on the lolita express El Presidente was just let on to make sure no kids were being harmed and was fooled by an elaborate ruse. See?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-02-07, 10:00 PM #13346
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Funny, though, this reminds me of something I was thinking a little bit about a long time ago. If we have a great military force should we use it for good and not just in our own interest? Like, if a genocide is going on in some third world country, should we stop it? Since leaving the country after defeating the enemy and/or instilling a government often doesn't actually solve the problem of inhumanity in said country should we conquer it instead and enforce benevolence? Peace never actually seems to occur through inaction so should we forcibly pursue it?

An ethical person would suggest that the ultimate goal of any society should be for their interest and the greater good to gradually become the same thing, but since you’re ideologically opposed to doing that I will discuss this question on your own terms.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the United States has literally never warred for humanitarian reasons. The basic pattern for all American wars is as follows:

1.) Developing nation elects a ruler who is hostile to US interests and/or white oligarch ownership of the means of production, typically after decades or centuries of American colonialism demonstrates itself to be exactly as benign as it sounds (Note that Americans ideologically deny this is colonialism; it’s just the “free market”).

2.) US spends years or decades terrorizing the country by financing legal political oppositions and/or violent insurgencies, culturally isolating them through their monopoly control over cultural products, and financially isolating them through their monopoly control of the global interbank exchange and control of the world’s reserve currency. (Note further that unlike most countries, all electronic transfers in the US are intermediated by the US government. In practice this means you cannot import or export anything anywhere unless the US government approves.)

3. a.) Once the US sanctions cause a humanitarian crisis, the United States advocates for regime change to protect the poor innocent people from their failed socialist government


3. b.) If the US sanctions fail to cause a humanitarian crisis, the United States advocates for regime change to protect the poor innocent people from the strongman dictator who held his country together by force

4.) The US invades, using very expensive weapons to preferentially target civilian infrastructure.

5.) The US installs a puppet provisional government and forces them to give no bid civilian reconstruction contracts to US firms, payable in natural resources.

6.) The US garrisons the invaded country until reconstruction is sufficiently complete.

The result of this process is a favourable regime in a part of the world otherwise hostile to the United States, and a direct transfer of wealth from both the American people as well as the invaded country to American oligarchs.

This pattern, to be clear, even applies to the “good” wars. Yes, even World War 2. Yes, even the Civil War. This is the true face of American realpolitics.

This leads to the first misconception: the United States does not invade other countries for “[collective] your interests”. They do it to benefit American oligarchs, whose interests have zero overlap with yours. Now, I’m not saying geopolitics isn’t a team sport. It is. But what I’m saying is, you aren’t even on the team. You’re paying to be there, by tax and labor. You’re not a player, you’re one of the dudes in the bleachers. You might cheer when “your” team scores a point, but at the end of the day, that trophy ain’t coming home with you son.

And then the second misconception: that the US leaves the country. You folks don’t. You pacify the country until it’s safe to do business and your corporations move in. Any country touched by the United States will never be suffered freedom from its oligarchs.

And then the third misconception: that Americans are “inactive” observers in the resulting chaos, rather than active participants in it (not even including the oligarchs profiteering from it).

So then the question was, should the US actively intervene to make the world a better place? The US could probably do enough good in the world by just not actively intervening to make it a worse one. Taking the question more seriously though, it depends on what you hope to accomplish. Current US foreign policy has found a way to extract foreign wealth that’s basically the same thing as Roman poll taxes, without the overhead of actually having any responsibility for the conquered. If your goal is to enrich oligarchs, you can’t go wrong with what you’re already doing. But if your goal is to do the morally right thing, then... maybe?
2019-02-07, 10:36 PM #13347
Well, someone has been reading Confessions of an Economic Hitman!

Seriously, the notion of Realpolitik changed my view not just on the world of politics, but on human relationships too.
2019-02-08, 5:04 AM #13348
That’s kinda sad.

But anyway,

Here’s Jeff Bezos publicly accusing the National Enquirer of conspiring with the Saudi Arabian government to blackmail Donald Trump’s political adversaries. Wild, huh?
2019-02-08, 5:13 AM #13349
Hmm I wonder what economic and literal bloodsucking parasite Peter Thiel thinks about his close personal friend and person with similar intellectual and literal hygiene, Donald Trump, partnering with a tabloid to spread intimate details about a technology investor.

2019-02-08, 9:31 AM #13350
Originally posted by Wookie06:
You're using that term incorrectly. It can't apply to Jon`C because he's pretty universally opposed to all Republicans. It is meant to apply to people like me that identify as Republicans but didn't or don't support Trump.

Did you really just flex by calling yourself a cuck rofl
2019-02-08, 10:49 AM #13351
Pretty much everyone on this site would be considered a cuck by the standards of the alt. right.

I wonder what that says about them.
2019-02-08, 11:11 AM #13352
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Pretty much everyone on this site would be considered a cuck by the standards of the alt. right.

I wonder what that says about them.

I'd say they're projecting, but they often don't have girlfriends so cuckolding is impossible for them.

More accurately, they're upset the women they think are their property sleep with other men, so they feel cuckolded even though it's not happening, and they project that false energy onto others.
2019-02-08, 11:30 AM #13353
Have any of you read this supposed "Green New Deal?" It's so absurd even Captain Planet thinks it's unrealistic
2019-02-08, 11:34 AM #13354
"Anyway, we got a great show for you all tonight." -Steven
2019-02-08, 11:37 AM #13355
With special musical guests Saber and the Opus!
2019-02-08, 11:52 AM #13356

The comments on this video are so goddamn ****ing hilarious. It's a recording of Reagan red scaring bull**** about Medicare. He's not speaking about anything Soviet, rofl. He's talking about one of the most popular social programs in the United States. And a bunch of conservatives are using his words as attacks on Obamacare.

All the video is good for is to learn about the bull**** scare tactics the oligarchy will use to prevent social programs from existing. Clearly nothing he says came about, but why the **** would ~~history~~ and ~~facts~~ get in the way of some good ol' moral panic and communist hysteria.

I swear to god, these people couldn't find their ass with both hands.
2019-02-08, 11:58 AM #13357
Originally posted by Steven:
Have any of you read this supposed "Green New Deal?" It's so absurd even Captain Planet thinks it's unrealistic

A series of nonbinding target goals which aren't expected to actually be achieved? Doesn't seem like a big deal.
2019-02-08, 11:59 AM #13358
Originally posted by Steven:
Have any of you read this supposed "Green New Deal?" It's so absurd even Captain Planet thinks it's unrealistic

Yeah, if you want the US to become carbon neutral all you have to do is wait for the rest of your manufacturing sector to leave.
2019-02-08, 12:19 PM #13359
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yeah, if you want the US to become carbon neutral all you have to do is wait for the rest of your manufacturing sector to leave.

No no no, we just gave them some more tax breaks, they'll come back.
2019-02-08, 12:38 PM #13360
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Pretty much everyone on this site would be considered a cuck by the standards of the alt. right.

I wonder what that says about them.

Namely: "Author Hunter S. Thompson remarked he was disappointed he was not on it."

In other words, it would be a disservice to not be disliked by any terrorist faction.
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