The only matter before anyone is the Ford allegation. Any and all allegations should be looked into.
So you think he's guilty? You also wonder if he can be charged with rape. She specifically said she was not raped.
If the new standard is to become that any allegation is enough to disqualify a nominee then we will officially welcome in a new era. I don't know if Republicans will be slimy enough to participate, though.
Well, when he is charged with a crime I'd call him a rapist and not Bob Mueller charged but, like, really charged.
Says the troll. You don't really argue. You insult and dismiss. In this case you love to point out that her allegation, the one that can't be charged or really investigated, cannot be proven false. You hate Republicans and since we can't prove her claim false, what? Why do any of you care about Kavanaugh and these sketchy non-rape allegations anyway? Unfortunately we have come to the point where he has to be confirmed in order to not make this sort of thing precedent. Of course when we get past that, Democrats will use that as precedent to nominate and support actual rapists. Not that there isn't already precedent for Democrat rapists rising to the highest office in the land or anything.
I remember when the Anthony Weiner thing was going on. The thread is easy to find. So many doing so many mental cheetah flips to explain the tweets away. I said he was drunk, meant to dm somebody, sent it as public and off we went. Of course, that's exactly what happened and not one person apologized or acknowledged that their bias prevented them from thinking critically.
My position isn't that I support Kavanaugh, it's that I give him the benefit of the doubt in the midst of a politically motivated unprovable attack. Perhaps if we ever get the sort of government Jon`C would approve of we will have a system where the accused much prove their accuser false. Surely then we will get a larger number of criminals convicted including, of course, black people.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16