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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2019-07-20, 5:05 PM #14921
Let me make this crystal clear: there's a discussion to be had about Trump and his misconduct. That's an important conversation. There's a discussion to be had about Bill Clinton and his misconduct. That's an important conversation. But don't try to undermine the discussion of one by bringing up the other.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yeah, the only reason I’m jokingly trying to make this about Trump is because internet conservatives are pulling double shifts trying to make this about Clinton. I don’t see why accused rapist and Epstein friend Clinton is any less credible than accused rapist and Epstein friend Trump, other than the fact that Trump could afford his own private jet and wouldn’t have needed to fly on the Lolita express.

Joking aside, the only real Trump scandal anywhere near this is Acosta, but that has more to do with what Eversor said than anything about Trump specifically. This is an Epstein criminal trial. Not a Trump scandal, and not a Clinton scandal.

Agreed. Ultimately the issue is the criminal freedom and lack of accountability of the rich generally. Bring back the guillotine.
2019-07-20, 5:18 PM #14922
Originally posted by Reid:
I agree ultimately with what you're saying. The quote is what one would call 'circumstantial evidence' - it's no condemnation in itself, but it's a statement which tends to point towards incrimination versus away. Circumstantial evidence, by definition, permits alternative explanations. But if we took the kind of logic you're offering literally, far fewer murders would be solved. Circumstantial evidence guides suspicions, as it should and couldn't be any other way.

Maybe you're on Twitter alot and wackadoodles there are insisting Trump is a pedophile based on that alone. They're wrong. There's not enough evidence to make that assertion with any confidence. But denying that it generally points to incrimination is not correct I think. Though you're also right that the circumstantial evidence is very thin and shouldn't amount to much in people's minds.

What other evidence is there that you think is incriminating? We've already talked about the New York Magazine quotation. I don't know if you accept my interpretation of it or not, but that's the only piece of "evidence" you've cited so far, and I think saying that the quotation is circumstantially incriminating is a stretch. I mean, what's it even incriminating *of*? It's not at all clear to me what one is supposed to infer on the basis of it, except some version of the nebulous "the walls are closing in" on Trump meme.

Of course you could look at the quotation against the broader background of unverified allegations of sexual misconduct against Trump. But guess what. That's just as true of Bill Clinton. So you can describe your suspicion as reasonable, but it seems to me like it's better to say that such a suspicion is merely politically motivated/politically expedient. (Which, to be clear, is to say that I think your view on suspicion here is guided by priors, rather than by an impartial look at the "evidence". It's not a whataboutism.) It's more prudent to suspend judgement, I believe.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 5:42 PM #14923
Originally posted by Reid:
To think though the Clinton family is somehow 'extra' scandalous relatively is really misguided. But the right-wing propaganda machine just won't let up. It's always 'Clinton! Clinton! Stop looking at Republicans, look at Clinton!' with 95% manufactured non-scandals designed to pull your attention away. And again, it's not that I give a flipping **** about the Clintons, it's just annoying to see this whole process take place. Can't you see the Clintons are actually not really that big a deal? Because they really aren't but you can't let go.

The Clintons are kind of terrible, though. Like, why does anyone feel any sense of obligation to protect the Clintons? Whatever happened to describing the 2016 primary as a "rigged" coronation? Whatever happened to complaining about Hillary's Goldman Sachs speeches? Whatever happened to Bill's tone deaf response to sexual misconduct allegations in the past few years? What about Bill Clinton's "the era of big government is over" SOTU, and his general being an agent of neoliberal reform? How, at this point, do the Clintons align with the political orthodoxies of the Democrats? I don't understand why anyone -- especially people on the economic left -- feels any need to defend these people.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 5:46 PM #14924
As the first question in a series of questions, most of which are rhetorical, it seems like when I asked "why does anyone feel any sense of obligation to protect the Clintons?" I was asking a rhetorical question, but I'm actually asking quite earnestly. It makes no sense to me. I don't understand why you wouldn't just let Wookie's remarks go without comment, unless you actually cared.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 6:04 PM #14925
They also are definitely "extra scandalous" and it's hardly "misguided" to say so. I'd argue it's actually a more accurate perception of the truth. Scandal has touched them wherever they go. You can't chuck it up to conservative media propaganda alone, because they have faced plenty of hostility from so-called liberal media outlets as well. They may simply be bad at handling the media, or maybe they're just terrible liars. Or maybe, of course, they're just really corrupt. But it's easy to make big blanket assertions like "the Clintons aren't so bad" without actually getting into the details. If you do go through them, I think you'd see that, at the very least, they're actually really really bad at not attracting suspicion, and therefore deeply untrustworthy.

I don't think either of us were politically conscious during the 1990s, but the Clinton administration was mired in scandal, effectively before it even began; the first rumblings of the Whitewater scandal were in '92 (and it was of course the special council's investigation into Whitewater that ultimately led to investigating Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's affair); the Jennifer Flowers adultery allegations occurred in the midst of the Democratic primaries in '92. Then early on in the administration, there was the travel office scandal, the appointment of Arkansas cronies, etc. etc. It's not as if these things only exercised conservatives like some weird conservative Benghazi sideshow obsession, while liberals saw the Clinton admin as squeaky clean, as they did during the Obama admin. There was non-stop scandal for 8 years.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 6:37 PM #14926
Originally posted by Eversor:
What other evidence is there that you think is incriminating? We've already talked about the New York Magazine quotation. I don't know if you accept my interpretation of it or not, but that's the only piece of "evidence" you've cited so far, and I think saying that the quotation is circumstantially incriminating is a stretch. I mean, what's it even incriminating *of*? It's not at all clear to me what one is supposed to infer on the basis of it, except some version of the nebulous "the walls are closing in" on Trump meme.

Of course you could look at the quotation against the broader background of unverified allegations of sexual misconduct against Trump. But guess what. That's just as true of Bill Clinton. So you can describe your suspicion as reasonable, but it seems to me like it's better to say that such a suspicion is merely politically motivated/politically expedient. (Which, to be clear, is to say that I think your view on suspicion here is guided by priors, rather than by an impartial look at the "evidence". It's not a whataboutism.) It's more prudent to suspend judgement, I believe.

You're like arguing against a specter of something and IDK what you're talking about. Do you not know what "circumstantial evidence" means? Genuine question, you're acting like I'm being accusatory when I'm not. You're also imposing beliefs on me that I haven't stated. I haven't commented on Bill Clinton and Epstein specifically.

Originally posted by Eversor:
The Clintons are kind of terrible, though. Like, why does anyone feel any sense of obligation to protect the Clintons? Whatever happened to describing the 2016 primary as a "rigged" coronation? Whatever happened to complaining about Hillary's Goldman Sachs speeches? Whatever happened to Bill's tone deaf response to sexual misconduct allegations in the past few years? What about Bill Clinton's "the era of big government is over" SOTU, and his general being an agent of neoliberal reform? How, at this point, do the Clintons align with the political orthodoxies of the Democrats? I don't understand why anyone -- especially people on the economic left -- feels any need to defend these people.

What you're describing aren't scandals, though, they're just normal politics. Like Bill Clinton being a neoliberal? It's ****ty, but not a scandal.

I'll repeat myself again - this isn't about defending the Clintons, it's about the way discourse is held. You just can't comment on Republicans without some annoying douchebag interjecting about the Clintons when it's not relevant for the conversation.

Originally posted by Eversor:
As the first question in a series of questions, most of which are rhetorical, it seems like when I asked "why does anyone feel any sense of obligation to protect the Clintons?" I was asking a rhetorical question, but I'm actually asking quite earnestly. It makes no sense to me. I don't understand why you wouldn't just let Wookie's remarks go without comment, unless you actually cared.

I'll repeat myself: it's a comment on how people discourse, and not about the Clintons.

Originally posted by Eversor:
They also are definitely "extra scandalous" and it's hardly "misguided" to say so. I'd argue it's actually a more accurate perception of the truth. Scandal has touched them wherever they go. You can't chuck it up to conservative media propaganda alone, because they have faced plenty of hostility from so-called liberal media outlets as well. They may simply be bad at handling the media, or maybe they're just terrible liars. Or maybe, of course, they're just really corrupt. But it's easy to make big blanket assertions like "the Clintons aren't so bad" without actually getting into the details. If you do go through them, I think you'd see that, at the very least, they're actually really really bad at not attracting suspicion, and therefore deeply untrustworthy.

I don't think either of us were politically conscious during the 1990s, but the Clinton administration was mired in scandal, effectively before it even began; the first rumblings of the Whitewater scandal were in '92 (and it was of course the special council's investigation into Whitewater that ultimately led to investigating Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's affair); the Jennifer Flowers adultery allegations occurred in the midst of the Democratic primaries in '92. Then early on in the administration, there was the travel office scandal, the appointment of Arkansas cronies, etc. etc. It's not as if these things only exercised conservatives like some weird conservative Benghazi sideshow obsession, while liberals saw the Clinton admin as squeaky clean, as they did during the Obama admin. There was non-stop scandal for 8 years.

Really now, was Clinton's administration all that more scandal-ridden than.. Bush.. Trump.. Reagan.. Nixon.. about the only presidents in recent times I can think of without major scandals are Carter, Bush Sr., and Obama. Were Clinton's really any worse?

In any case, you seem to have missed the post where I made the very pointed comment that it's about people using any and all narratives about Clinton they can find to distract from Republicans. "The left does this as well," I just saved you the reply. I wish people could keep the discussions separate.
2019-07-20, 6:39 PM #14927
Originally posted by Eversor:
The Clintons are kind of terrible, though. Like, why does anyone feel any sense of obligation to protect the Clintons? Whatever happened to describing the 2016 primary as a "rigged" coronation? Whatever happened to complaining about Hillary's Goldman Sachs speeches? Whatever happened to Bill's tone deaf response to sexual misconduct allegations in the past few years? What about Bill Clinton's "the era of big government is over" SOTU, and his general being an agent of neoliberal reform? How, at this point, do the Clintons align with the political orthodoxies of the Democrats? I don't understand why anyone -- especially people on the economic left -- feels any need to defend these people.
idk, I’ve brought up all of these things within the last 5 or 10 pages. Maybe what you’re misinterpreting as a Clinton defense is actually

Originally posted by Eversor:
As the first question in a series of questions, most of which are rhetorical, it seems like when I asked "why does anyone feel any sense of obligation to protect the Clintons?" I was asking a rhetorical question, but I'm actually asking quite earnestly. It makes no sense to me. I don't understand why you wouldn't just let Wookie's remarks go without comment, unless you actually cared.

why does anyone feel any sense of obligation to protect the Trumps? I can’t understand why you wouldn’t just let our **** flinging go without comment, unless you actually cared.
2019-07-20, 6:43 PM #14928
Reid stop it, I just can’t understand why you can’t let wild Republican conspiracy theorizing stand without comment. So what if Wookie06 thinks Bill and Hillary Clinton are members of a child sex trafficking ring out of a DC pizza parlour, letting him think and say those things doesn’t hurt anybody who doesn’t deserve it. Nobody believes you that you are trying to defend sane discourse by mocking Republican insanity, you’re clearly mounting a partisan defense of Bill Clinton which he doesn’t deserve because was basically a Republican.
2019-07-20, 7:01 PM #14929
Originally posted by Reid:
Really now, was Clinton's administration all that more scandal-ridden than.. Bush.. Trump.. Reagan.. Nixon.. about the only presidents in recent times I can think of without major scandals are Carter, Bush Sr., and Obama. Were Clinton's really any worse?

Yes. The Clinton administration was wildly more scandal prone than either Bush administration, Reagan, or the Carter administration. Perhaps less so than the Nixon administration or the Trump administration, but nothing close to the Obama administration.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 7:15 PM #14930
Originally posted by Reid:
Do you not know what "circumstantial evidence" means?

I do. Are you sure that you do?

Originally posted by Reid:
What you're describing aren't scandals,

I didn't say they are.

Originally posted by Reid:
Genuine question, you're acting like I'm being accusatory when I'm not. You're also imposing beliefs on me that I haven't stated. I haven't commented on Bill Clinton and Epstein specifically.

Uh, yes you have? Here:

Originally posted by Reid:
I mean, all things considered equal - a sitting president is a bit relevant than a former. Both look bad, but there's a tad more justification for caring about Trump. Also, you know, the damning quotes about him vs. the scant non-evidence against Clinton..

We've been having a fairly direct conversation about the relative suspiciousness of Trump and Clinton vis-a-vis Epstein. It's a little odd that you're suddenly losing the thread after we've already had some back and forth on it. You can back off on your claim if you want, but right now I'm noting that you didn't answer my questions about the Trump remarks that you mentioned, and instead just accused me of not knowing what circumstantial evidence is.

Originally posted by Reid:
In any case, you seem to have missed the post where I made the very pointed comment that it's about people using any and all narratives about Clinton they can find to distract from Republicans. "The left does this as well," I just saved you the reply. I wish people could keep the discussions separate.

I didn't say that, so it's a little odd that you're lecturing me about how I'm falsely attributing arguments to you when you just did the exact same thing to me at least twice in one post.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 7:18 PM #14931
Originally posted by Jon`C:
idk, I’ve brought up all of these things within the last 5 or 10 pages.

Maybe (I'm not going to check), but I haven't been addressing you about the Clintons.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 7:30 PM #14932
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Reid stop it, I just can’t understand why you can’t let wild Republican conspiracy theorizing stand without comment. So what if Wookie06 thinks Bill and Hillary Clinton are members of a child sex trafficking ring out of a DC pizza parlour, letting him think and say those things doesn’t hurt anybody who doesn’t deserve it. Nobody believes you that you are trying to defend sane discourse by mocking Republican insanity, you’re clearly mounting a partisan defense of Bill Clinton which he doesn’t deserve because was basically a Republican.

There's only so long that you can say you're talking about discourse about a thing rather than the thing itself and still have a meaningful conversation. Eventually you have to weigh in on the thing itself. I don't know what you think here, about where the negative anti-Clinton discourse originates (Reid mentioned a "right-wing propaganda machine" -- although he isn't you), but as I said in an earlier post, I don't think it can be reducible to conservative media fever dreams, as much as that is still a factor. The Clintons themselves do a lot that at the very least attracts scandal and inspires conspiratorial thinking, if they are not themselves corrupt. You can disagree with me and say that, by saying that, i'm talking about the Clintons instead of the discourse, but I think I'm talking about the discourse too. They're responsible for a lot of the nasty things that are said about them, because they actually do a lot of terrible things, and that influences what people say and think about them.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 7:52 PM #14933
Originally posted by Reid:
You're like arguing against a specter of something and IDK what you're talking about. Do you not know what "circumstantial evidence" means? Genuine question, you're acting like I'm being accusatory when I'm not. You're also imposing beliefs on me that I haven't stated. I haven't commented on Bill Clinton and Epstein specifically.

Just to try to get on the same page on this, because I think your last remarks kind of derailed things. You first claimed fairly directly you thought that there's more Trump-Epstein stuff that elicits suspicion than there is Clinton-Epstein stuff, and you mentioned specifically an incriminating quotation from Trump. When I said this:

Originally posted by Eversor:
What other evidence is there that you think is incriminating? We've already talked about the New York Magazine quotation. I don't know if you accept my interpretation of it or not, but that's the only piece of "evidence" you've cited so far, and I think saying that the quotation is circumstantially incriminating is a stretch. I mean, what's it even incriminating *of*? It's not at all clear to me what one is supposed to infer on the basis of it, except some version of the nebulous "the walls are closing in" on Trump meme.

I was asking if you'd clarify what you meant by that. if the quotation is circumstantially incriminating, what does it suggest that Trump is guilty of? That's all I'm asking. Because I don't think that NY Mag quotation is very incriminating at all. It seems like you're just saying that he's just guilty... not guilty of something in particular.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 8:15 PM #14934
Originally posted by Eversor:
Yes. The Clinton administration was wildly more scandal prone than either Bush administration, Reagan, or the Carter administration. Perhaps less so than the Nixon administration or the Trump administration, but nothing close to the Obama administration.
Weird how ****in a girl is considered more “scandal prone” than a government that conspired with hostile powers and financed terrorism by selling weapons to embargoed countries. I’d guess you think so because Bill Clinton raised the top marginal rate and supported a 10% yacht tax, while Ronald Reagan helped rearchitect the global economy to ensure the absolute domination of oligarchs over all others. Although you might not think that’s why.
2019-07-20, 8:20 PM #14935
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Weird how ****in a girl is considered more “scandal prone” than a government that conspired with hostile powers and financed terrorism by selling weapons to embargoed countries. I’d guess you think so because Bill Clinton raised the top marginal rate and supported a 10% yacht tax, while Ronald Reagan helped rearchitect the global economy to ensure the absolute domination of oligarchs over all others. Although you might not think that’s why.

*yawn* socialists gonna socialist
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 8:28 PM #14936
Originally posted by Eversor:
*yawn* socialists gonna socialist

*yawn* contrarian radical centrist pseudointellectuals gonna defend the ****tiest behaviour because they think partisan balance is the same thing as critical thought
2019-07-20, 8:32 PM #14937
Like hey Bill and Hillary Clinton are **** people, but they’re middle class **** people. Like scummy real estate schemes, having an affair with the secretary, abusing their employees. The kinds of people who’d own a used car lot if they hadn’t politicked themselves into the good life. Nothing about them warrants defense, but maximizing their bad judgment while simultaneously hand waving away the people who did Iran-Contra is some of the most odious **** I think I’ve ever seen you post.
2019-07-20, 8:33 PM #14938
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Like hey Bill and Hillary Clinton are **** people, but they’re middle class **** people. Like scummy real estate schemes, having an affair with the secretary, abusing their employees. The kinds of people who’d own a used car lot if they hadn’t politicked themselves into the good life. Nothing about them warrants defense.

But maximizing their bad judgment while simultaneously hand waving away the people who did Iran-Contra is some of the most odious **** I think I’ve ever seen you post.

When did I wave away Iran-Contra?
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 8:40 PM #14939
Originally posted by Eversor:
Yes. The Clinton administration was wildly more scandal prone than either Bush administration, Reagan, or the Carter administration. Perhaps less so than the Nixon administration or the Trump administration, but nothing close to the Obama administration.

“wildly more scandal prone”

Because the last time I checked, the Clintons never did anything even remotely as scandalous as Reagan did (incl. H.W., because he was a part of that). The media simply paid more attention to Clinton’s scandals despite the fact that all of them were petty ****.
2019-07-20, 8:41 PM #14940
The Clintons sold me on an investment and we all lost money!! Bah, sob, please oh please conservative media, spend the next 30 years telling my story
2019-07-20, 8:43 PM #14941
Originally posted by Eversor:
When did I wave away Iran-Contra?

Scandals/controversy and malevolent behavior aren’t the same thing. The Clinton administration was under a barrage of scrutiny from the media and from the public since before the presidency began, largely because of decisions that the Clinton administration made (sometimes even in poorly calculated good faith attempts to exonerate themselves!). That the Clintons were involved in a steady stream of scandals, and so eroded their trustworthiness, is not the same as the issue of abuse of power or of corruption, even if it is related.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 8:44 PM #14942
Originally posted by Eversor:
Yes. The Clinton administration was wildly more scandal prone than either Bush administration, Reagan, or the Carter administration. Perhaps less so than the Nixon administration or the Trump administration, but nothing close to the Obama administration.

IDK, I seriously doubt that. I don't know all of the political scandals, but I looked at a list of them on Wikipedia, and Clinton's seems like one of the most squeaky clean relatively speaking. Especially for having two terms. At some point you said "There's only so long that you can say you're talking about discourse about a thing rather than the thing itself and still have a meaningful conversation", I think that applies here. When I attempt quantitative analysis, Clinton's administration looks pretty clean, and Bush has what seems like bigger scandals with Lawyergate, something I just learned about and am not familiar with. Are you sure you're not a victim of Republican hysteria about Clintons, and a media tendency to amplify their wrongdoings to astronomical levels beyond what the actual actions warrant?

Originally posted by Eversor:
We've been having a fairly direct conversation about the relative suspiciousness of Trump and Clinton vis-a-vis Epstein. It's a little odd that you're suddenly losing the thread after we've already had some back and forth on it. You can back off on your claim if you want, but right now I'm noting that you didn't answer my questions about the Trump remarks that you mentioned, and instead just accused me of not knowing what circumstantial evidence is.

I could be wrong - the gist of what you were saying was that the conversation was explained as Trump trying to minimize distance between him and a famous person to seem more important. I don't disagree that this is a possible, even likely explanation.

Originally posted by Eversor:
The Clintons themselves do a lot that at the very least attracts scandal and inspires conspiratorial thinking, if they are not themselves corrupt.

Like be Democrats? Haven't we learned that the right-wing in America churns out hysteria about Democrat presidents when they're in office?

Originally posted by Eversor:
Just to try to get on the same page on this, because I think your last remarks kind of derailed things. You first claimed fairly directly you thought that there's more Trump-Epstein stuff that elicits suspicion than there is Clinton-Epstein stuff, and you mentioned specifically an incriminating quotation from Trump. When I said this:

I was asking if you'd clarify what you meant by that. if the quotation is circumstantially incriminating, what does it suggest that Trump is guilty of? That's all I'm asking. Because I don't think that NY Mag quotation is very incriminating at all. It seems like you're just saying that he's just guilty... not guilty of something in particular.

The only evidence against Clinton, as far as I can tell, is that he had some proximity to Epstein while doing Clinton Foundation work. While Epstein was donating large amounts of money. I can't find any evidence he knew about Epstein's activities.

Trump's comments, on the other hand, reveal possible intimacy with Epstein's sexual crimes. It's no smoking gun of course, but it suggests Trump was aware of his activities and moreover was somewhat okay with them.

I find it surprising that this needs to be explained to you. I honestly think it's so obvious it shouldn't need explanation. I don't have any confidence that Trump is actually guilty of anything - just that his comments reduce the distance between him and Epstein's crimes than Clinton's comments and actions.
2019-07-20, 8:45 PM #14943
Originally posted by Jon`C:
“wildly more scandal prone”

Because the last time I checked, the Clintons never did anything even remotely as scandalous as Reagan did (incl. H.W., because he was a part of that). The media simply paid more attention to Clinton’s scandals despite the fact that all of them were petty ****.

Oh, because of the luxury tax and the top marginal tax rate?
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 8:46 PM #14944
Originally posted by Reid:
Are you sure you're not a victim of Republican hysteria about Clintons, and a media tendency to amplify their wrongdoings to astronomical levels beyond what the actual actions warrant?
Socialists gonna socialist :smugdog:
2019-07-20, 8:50 PM #14945
Originally posted by Reid:
Are you sure you're not a victim of Republican hysteria about Clintons

I mean, if the right-wing media outlet Slate's Slow Burn podcast is part of the Republican hysteria machine, then maybe?
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 8:50 PM #14946
Originally posted by Eversor:
*yawn* socialists gonna socialist

Really rude comment, dude. I think it would be a good idea to really question if the Clinton administration was scandal-prone, or if it only seems that way do to the undue attention given to it via the 2016 election and general trend of political writing today.
2019-07-20, 8:51 PM #14947
Originally posted by Reid:
These paragraphs highlight exactly what I've been referring to. You say Trump has morally bankrupt behavior worthy of tabloids, but insist on anchoring that criticism to Clinton. Why?

I remember during the 80s Trumps philandering being all over tabloid covers. I assume Clinton didn't succeed him in that regard until the 90s.

Originally posted by Reid:
Then you say Trump is not credible, but anchor that credibility to AOC. Why?

I believe you misread that. I said most of the recent allegations about Trump are about as credible as the ones AOC is making about her border visit. Now, I did not consider him credible during the election but that's a conversation I've already had here.

Originally posted by Reid:
Why must any mention of Trump be undercut by partisan B.S.? It just reminds me of the 2016 election all over again.

I just think it's silly to attach Trump to the Epstein scandal but that seems to be what people are doing. But not only that, Clinton is legitimately connected to Epstein and that infamous plane. I only observed that the current scandal fits with a segment I heard on the radio around the time he first started flying on that plane. Although (see below)...

Originally posted by Reid:
Can't you see the Clintons are actually not really that big a deal? Because they really aren't but you can't let go.

But that's not really true, is it? Hillary won't let it go. She just needs to ride of into the sunset. I do think her and former president Clinton are morally bankrupt and need to embrace their ultimate role as private citizens. I think Democrats, Republicans, and others are fine with them removing themselves from the public arena. Should they choose not to do so, and I think Bill is totally down with doing so and probably doesn't want any attention, I think every last thread of a scandal should be tugged on until they do. Just personal opinion there and I actually agree with you overall about these sorts of arguments.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-20, 8:53 PM #14948
Originally posted by Eversor:
Oh, because of the luxury tax and the top marginal tax rate?

Uh yeah, probably? US media is privately owned corporations? Rupert Murdoch owned several yachts? Ted Turner literally competed in the America’s Cup? Do you expect these people to be happy about the luxury tax and top marginal rate, and not to use their editorial veto to force their outlets to report negatively on the government that did those things?
2019-07-20, 8:57 PM #14949
Originally posted by Reid:
Really rude comment, dude. I think it would be a good idea to really question if the Clinton administration was scandal-prone, or if it only seems that way do to the undue attention given to it via the 2016 election and general trend of political writing today.

At least half of the scandals should be committed by women
2019-07-20, 9:00 PM #14950
Originally posted by Wookie06:
But that's not really true, is it? Hillary won't let it go. She just needs to ride of into the sunset. I do think her and former president Clinton are morally bankrupt and need to embrace their ultimate role as private citizens. I think Democrats, Republicans, and others are fine with them removing themselves from the public arena. Should they choose not to do so, and I think Bill is totally down with doing so and probably doesn't want any attention, I think every last thread of a scandal should be tugged on until they do. Just personal opinion there and I actually agree with you overall about these sorts of arguments.

Okay, question then: why the Clintons in particular? Why not harass George W. Bush for his role in expanding the NSA, starting the Iraq war, and other unrelated scandals until Jeb Bush resigns?
2019-07-20, 9:08 PM #14951
Originally posted by Jon`C:
At least half of the scandals should be committed by women

I look forward to the day when prisons are both run and populated half by women.
2019-07-20, 9:09 PM #14952
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I believe you misread that. I said most of the recent allegations about Trump are about as credible as the ones AOC is making about her border visit. Now, I did not consider him credible during the election but that's a conversation I've already had here.

I think I got that, what I'm saying is the fact you're making that comparison is just a subtle way of flinging **** at Democrats.
2019-07-20, 9:11 PM #14953
Originally posted by Reid:
Okay, question then: why the Clintons in particular? Why not harass George W. Bush for his role in expanding the NSA, starting the Iraq war, and other unrelated scandals until Jeb Bush resigns?

Let me give you a good answer, because Wookie06 won’t: Republicans don’t invent wild conspiracy theories about other Republicans. He never lets himself be exposed to anything that wasn’t written by a Republican for the benefit of the Republican Party, so naturally he’d never be exposed even to some of the wilder stuff that Democrats made up about W.

Speaking of which, can someone please explain the difference between state propaganda and an editorial partnership between Fox News and the dominant political party? Republicans hate the former but don’t seem to find the latter problematic, and my lil ol brain can’t quite figure out why that is.
2019-07-20, 9:16 PM #14954
Originally posted by Reid:

ctrl+f "(R" - 292 results

ctrl+f "(D" - 131 results

2019-07-20, 9:19 PM #14955
Originally posted by Reid:
IDK, I seriously doubt that. I don't know all of the political scandals, but I looked at a list of them on Wikipedia, and Clinton's seems like one of the most squeaky clean relatively speaking. Especially for having two terms. At some point you said "There's only so long that you can say you're talking about discourse about a thing rather than the thing itself and still have a meaningful conversation", I think that applies here. When I attempt quantitative analysis, Clinton's administration looks pretty clean, and Bush has what seems like bigger scandals with Lawyergate, something I just learned about and am not familiar with. Are you sure you're not a victim of Republican hysteria about Clintons, and a media tendency to amplify their wrongdoings to astronomical levels beyond what the actual actions warrant?

That's a woefully incomplete list of Clinton's scandals, FYI. Honestly, check out the Slate podcast. It's worth listening to. Sure, it's long, but it's also good, they make it entertaining and topical, I think it's mostly fair, even if a little more generous towards Clinton than it should be given what it reveals about Clinton.

AFAIK, Lawyergate wasn't a very big deal, on a scale similar to the WH travel office scandal during the Clinton admin.

Originally posted by Reid:
Like be Democrats? Haven't we learned that the right-wing in America churns out hysteria about Democrat presidents when they're in office?

Yeah, being a Democrat really hurt Obama in the eyes of the media. :rolleyes:

I think the Clintons' party affiliation doesn't really tell the whole story. I mean, I think the Clintons actually had a complex and adversarial relationship with members of the media that didn't help them much. There was a a vicious cycle: in short, they were a little cagey because they'd gotten burned a few times, which made reporters more suspicious, and the reporters' suspicions in turn made the Clintons more cagey. Amy Chozick, who followed the HRC campaign in 2016 for the NYT, wrote about it in her 2018 book. They're also particularly bad liars.

Anyway, I'm sticking to my guns on this. I don't think it's just the "vast right-wing conspiracy", to use HRC's words, although that certainly plays a role. But it's also that the Clintons are really bad at not courting negative media attention, and that there also kind of corrupt, but more the former than the latter.

Originally posted by Reid:
The only evidence against Clinton, as far as I can tell, is that he had some proximity to Epstein while doing Clinton Foundation work. While Epstein was donating large amounts of money. I can't find any evidence he knew about Epstein's activities.

Trump's comments, on the other hand, reveal possible intimacy with Epstein's sexual crimes. It's no smoking gun of course, but it suggests Trump was aware of his activities and moreover was somewhat okay with them.

Right, but as I said before, that incriminates Epstein, not Trump. Those remarks could easily be Trump repeating hearsay amongst NYC socialite circles and saying an open secret, rather than talking from direct experience. I don't think I'd take the step and infer that it implies that Trump condones the behavior or was "somewhat okay" with it; I think the remarks are entirely consistent with the idea that he was actually distancing himself from them.

But just to be clear, I don't think any of this evidence incriminates either Trump or Clinton. And, whatever, for all I know, the way you interpreted Trump's remarks actually are more consistent with the truth than mine. I just don't think there's anything to suggest that either of our interpretations are really conclusive, and so I think it's more prudent to suspend judgment.

Originally posted by Reid:
I find it surprising that this needs to be explained to you. I honestly think it's so obvious it shouldn't need explanation. I don't have any confidence that Trump is actually guilty of anything - just that his comments reduce the distance between him and Epstein's crimes than Clinton's comments and actions.

Yeah, interesting, isn't it, how something that seems obvious to you might not be to other people. It's almost as if there are reasons why conversation is valuable.
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 9:21 PM #14956
Originally posted by Reid:
Okay, question then: why the Clintons in particular? Why not harass George W. Bush for his role in expanding the NSA, starting the Iraq war, and other unrelated scandals until Jeb Bush resigns?

I don't really think that's a logical question. Clinton is directly related to the Epstein scandal and his wife is generally considered to be a complicit enabler in his horrible behavior, likely due to her thirst for power. I get what you're trying to ask and about the closest you can get with that comparison is to try to attack Jeb Bush for failing to condemn his brother's decisions as president and that just doesn't make sense.

Originally posted by Reid:
I think I got that, what I'm saying is the fact you're making that comparison is just a subtle way of flinging **** at Democrats.

Because these are all current news stories and the media is treating both Trump/Epstein conspiracy theories and AOC's border accusations as credible news. Or at least that appears to be the case from bits I've seen online. Maybe you can correct me on that if I'm wrong.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-20, 9:21 PM #14957
Originally posted by Reid:
Really rude comment, dude. I think it would be a good idea to really question if the Clinton administration was scandal-prone, or if it only seems that way do to the undue attention given to it via the 2016 election and general trend of political writing today.

I don't think Jon would dish it out so much if he couldn't take it
former entrepreneur
2019-07-20, 9:24 PM #14958
He always gives better than he gets. Very generous in that regard.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-20, 9:24 PM #14959
Originally posted by Reid:
I look forward to the day when prisons are both run and populated half by women.

There’s a button sweat meme here but I’m too lazy to make it.
2019-07-20, 9:27 PM #14960
Originally posted by Wookie06:
He always gives better than he gets. Very generous in that regard.

don;t kinkshame

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