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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-06-16, 12:52 PM #2521
An even better example!
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-16, 4:18 PM #2522
Oh no I started a new page, time for a current events subject change.

Burgerboys drunk at the helm again.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-19, 8:38 AM #2523

Jon`C is always right.
2017-06-19, 12:23 PM #2524
Well I guess I can now settle an argument I had with a family member who swears that he voted for Obama in 08, whereas I clearly remember him announcing that he voted for McCain, because Obama was "too socialist".
2017-06-19, 3:05 PM #2525
former entrepreneur
2017-06-19, 4:05 PM #2526
Originally posted by Eversor:

Little known fact:he was also a secret muslim.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-19, 4:19 PM #2527
I heard Obama was a Keynesian.
2017-06-19, 4:19 PM #2528
2017-06-19, 10:23 PM #2529
Alright pack it up boys I don't know how we're going to top that one.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-19, 10:44 PM #2530
What's the difference anyway. Keynesians and Kenyans are both agents of the NWO and seek to overthrow our American way of life.

The only question in my mind is, why do the lizard people hate our freedom so much?
2017-06-19, 10:47 PM #2531
I am actually reading a book that is probably about that subject that can be seen in summary here
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-21, 11:59 PM #2532
In this episode of Let's Make Silicon Valley Great Again, our Dear Leader has delivered swift justice to Sharoon Thomas, banishing this job-stealing entrepreneur to Canada-land.

The Trump administration plans to delay and ultimately scrap a rule that would allow some foreign entrepreneurs to stay in the U.S. and build their companies, according to an administration official citing a final draft of a Federal Register notice.

The International Entrepreneur Rule, the closest the United States has come to the “startup visa” Silicon Valley has long sought, was approved by the Department of Homeland Security in January during President Barack Obama’s waning hours in office. It was supposed to go into effect July 17.

According to the notice, the department plans to push back the rule’s effective date to March. During this time, the department will pursue steps — which include a public notice and comment period — to rescind the rule altogether.

Many in Silicon Valley were looking forward to the rule because currently no straightforward path exists for a foreign entrepreneur to reside in the U.S. while building a company.

The point of the rule was to give entrepreneurs who do not qualify for existing visa programs a chance to stay in the U.S. and grow their businesses. The visas that currently exist, like the H-1B and L-1 programs, also under scrutiny by the Trump administration, are more suited for companies hiring employees or transferring executives from abroad.

Sharoon Thomas until recently ran his e-commerce software startup,, from an office on Castro Street in Mountain View. The international entrepreneur rule — or any visa tailored toward entrepreneurs — would have helped him stay in the U.S., he said. Instead, Thomas is moving the company to Canada, which he said has more relaxed visa rules.

“We would have preferred to stay in the U.S., but we started looking for alternatives,” said Thomas, 29, who is from India.

via Hacker News
2017-06-22, 12:34 AM #2533
Canada is a great place to start a company as long as you never have to hire anyone.
2017-06-22, 1:28 AM #2534
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
In this episode of Let's Make Silicon Valley Great Again, our Dear Leader has delivered swift justice to Sharoon Thomas, banishing this job-stealing entrepreneur to Canada-land.

via Hacker News

So lazy, entitled Americans kick out competitive foreigners?
2017-06-22, 2:01 AM #2535

This article is biased as hell, but in all of the good ways. My favorite line:

After spending his 20s in some kind of haze of middle class ennui searching for spiritual truth Sam finally found the more fundamental, bourgeois truth: New Age spiritualism has nothing on getting filthy rich and famous.
2017-06-22, 2:35 AM #2536
Yet Harris’ claims about his intellectual bona fides are all a fraud. Sam Harris is no neuroscientist, nor is he a philosopher. Harris’ success has not been built on his abilities in either discipline. It has been built on his parents’ wealth, his connections, and a media and audience lusting after the kind of warmongering-but-liberal calls to action that he spouts, touched up with a veneer of intellectual credibility.

Like some kind of Lena Dunham with a man pee pee dongle. :rolleyes:
former entrepreneur
2017-06-22, 2:40 AM #2537
Originally posted by Eversor:
Like some kind of Lena Dunham with a man pee pee dongle. :rolleyes:

I have no idea who she is, but a quick Google search seems to put her in the center of gender-warrior ****slinging. What's the comparison you're making?
2017-06-22, 2:41 AM #2538
I feel more sorry for someone who's writing lengthy screeds about how unfair it is that certain people are successful because of their connections than I do for Sam Harris. Those things can provide a big step up and make life easier for a person, but they can only get someone so far before the person has to prove that they can actually deliver something of value.
former entrepreneur
2017-06-22, 2:42 AM #2539
Originally posted by Reid:
I have no idea who she is, but a quick Google search seems to put her in the center of gender-warrior ****slinging. What's the comparison you're making?

She's someone who's often accused of having a successful career only because of industry connections through her parents.
former entrepreneur
2017-06-22, 2:42 AM #2540
You know you ****ed up in your career choices when you realize that nobody is paying you to do fMRI imaging of dead salmon emotions. :(
2017-06-22, 2:44 AM #2541
Originally posted by Eversor:
I feel more sorry for someone who's writing lengthy screeds about how unfair it is that certain people are successful because of their connections than I do for Sam Harris. Those things can provide a big step up and make life easier for a person, but they can only get someone so far before the person has to prove that they can actually deliver something of value.

But Sam Harris hasn't delivered anything of value..? And I didn't read that as a complaint about fairness.
2017-06-22, 2:46 AM #2542
Originally posted by Eversor:
She's someone who's often accused of having a successful career only because of industry connections through her parents.

Ah, yeah, well I think we can agree that generally that's a ****ty thing and should not exist.
2017-06-22, 2:48 AM #2543
Of course it is. The author is claiming that Sam Harris is "unworthy" because he didn't "earn" his success for himself. It was "provided" for him as a result of his "privilege".

(All quotation marks are air quotes and are not actually quotations lol)

Maybe you don't think he's his intellectual output is very valuable, but he managed to build a sizable following. That doesn't happen without effort, automatically. It requires the ability to create something people want, or, at the very least, to have the ability to convince people it's in their interest to promote you.
former entrepreneur
2017-06-22, 2:49 AM #2544
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
You know you ****ed up in your career choices when you realize that nobody is paying you to do fMRI imaging of dead salmon emotions. :(

Hell yeah. I had never heard of that experiment but that's damn hilarious. I want to see the grant proposal.
2017-06-22, 2:50 AM #2545
Originally posted by Eversor:
Of course it is. The author is claiming that Sam Harris is "unworthy" because he didn't "earn" his success for himself. It was "provided" for him as a result of his "privilege".

(All quotation marks are air quotes and are not actually quotations lol)

Maybe you don't think he's his intellectual output is very valuable, but he managed to build a sizable following. That doesn't happen without effort, automatically. It requires the ability to create something people want, or, at the very least, to have the ability to convince people it's in their interest to promote you.

Well, I don't, and I don't think having a sizable following implies your thoughts are valuable. I mean, that's pretty easy to find counterexamples for. Like a lot.
2017-06-22, 2:52 AM #2546
Yeah, we have different definitions of what "valuable" means in this context.
former entrepreneur
2017-06-22, 2:55 AM #2547
He has talked to some interesting people on his podcast, which if you follow up on by reading their books, could lead to positive outcomes.

He interviewed this one dude who talked about how he was growing hamburgers in a Petri dish starting out with a small amount of cells, so we can all one day eat meat without slaughtering animals.
2017-06-22, 3:28 AM #2548
Originally posted by Eversor:
Yeah, we have different definitions of what "valuable" means in this context.

Do you mean like economically valuable?
2017-06-22, 3:41 AM #2549
Something like that, yes. I'm certainly not talking about the merits or the sophistication of his ideas.

The entire article (so far as I can tell -- I didn't actually read the whole thing because I got tired of the whining) is complaining about Sam Harris' undeserved success. I'm suggesting that it still requires talent to be a successful media personality, and that he has the requisite talent. But the actual content of that talent doesn't have much at all to do with being an original or even a very interesting thinker. (I assume what it takes these days is writing things that people hear and think "that's what I was thinking all along, but I couldn't articulate it", being able to develop a strong "personal brand", being photogenic, etc.)

Which goes back to what I was saying before. He may have had connections, but I'd argue that those connections were merely a necessary condition, not a sufficient condition for his success.
former entrepreneur
2017-06-22, 10:14 AM #2550
Originally posted by Eversor:
Something like that, yes. I'm certainly not talking about the merits or the sophistication of his ideas.

The entire article (so far as I can tell -- I didn't actually read the whole thing because I got tired of the whining)

I didn't read the rest of your post but so far as I can tell it's going to be about you motor boating his feet
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-22, 11:13 AM #2551
Originally posted by Eversor:
I feel more sorry for someone who's writing lengthy screeds about how unfair it is that certain people are successful because of their connections than I do for Sam Harris. Those things can provide a big step up and make life easier for a person, but they can only get someone so far before the person has to prove that they can actually deliver something of value.

Originally posted by Eversor:
Of course it is. The author is claiming that Sam Harris is "unworthy" because he didn't "earn" his success for himself. It was "provided" for him as a result of his "privilege".

(All quotation marks are air quotes and are not actually quotations lol)

Maybe you don't think he's his intellectual output is very valuable, but he managed to build a sizable following. That doesn't happen without effort, automatically. It requires the ability to create something people want, or, at the very least, to have the ability to convince people it's in their interest to promote you.

Originally posted by Eversor:
Something like that, yes. I'm certainly not talking about the merits or the sophistication of his ideas.

The entire article (so far as I can tell -- I didn't actually read the whole thing because I got tired of the whining) is complaining about Sam Harris' undeserved success. I'm suggesting that it still requires talent to be a successful media personality, and that he has the requisite talent. But the actual content of that talent doesn't have much at all to do with being an original or even a very interesting thinker. (I assume what it takes these days is writing things that people hear and think "that's what I was thinking all along, but I couldn't articulate it", being able to develop a strong "personal brand", being photogenic, etc.)

Which goes back to what I was saying before. He may have had connections, but I'd argue that those connections were merely a necessary condition, not a sufficient condition for his success.

I've never met anybody who gave a **** about Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian.
2017-06-22, 11:35 AM #2552
I wouldn't have said any more about the subject if Reid didn't ask me to clarify.
former entrepreneur
2017-06-22, 11:46 AM #2553
But that did really lower the bar. I couldn't resist.

Too much time on Twitter I guess. Shame.
former entrepreneur
2017-06-22, 11:57 AM #2554
So uh how about that healthcare bill?

US shot down a Syrian plane?

No Comey tapes?

former entrepreneur
2017-06-22, 1:26 PM #2555
Originally posted by Eversor:
Something like that, yes. I'm certainly not talking about the merits or the sophistication of his ideas.

The entire article (so far as I can tell -- I didn't actually read the whole thing because I got tired of the whining) is complaining about Sam Harris' undeserved success. I'm suggesting that it still requires talent to be a successful media personality, and that he has the requisite talent. But the actual content of that talent doesn't have much at all to do with being an original or even a very interesting thinker. (I assume what it takes these days is writing things that people hear and think "that's what I was thinking all along, but I couldn't articulate it", being able to develop a strong "personal brand", being photogenic, etc.)

Which goes back to what I was saying before. He may have had connections, but I'd argue that those connections were merely a necessary condition, not a sufficient condition for his success.

Okay. I'd agree with that. He does have some personal drive and ambition that is admirable. He also does have a successful podcast, and as Jones pointed out, can be informative and good.

I still think overwhelmingly the thought he peddles is not very good, or worse, evil. He attempts to justify pretty abhorrent things due to his hate of religion.
2017-06-22, 1:33 PM #2556
Originally posted by Eversor:
So uh how about that healthcare bill?

US shot down a Syrian plane?

No Comey tapes?


So are tensions ramping up with the SDF and the Syrian Army now? That's bad, because I thought they had mostly been ignoring each other? Is Assad looking to take them down?
2017-06-23, 6:45 AM #2557
Originally posted by Eversor:
Maybe you don't think he's his intellectual output is very valuable, but he managed to build a sizable following. That doesn't happen without effort, automatically. It requires the ability to create something people want, or, at the very least, to have the ability to convince people it's in their interest to promote you.

If you are talking about ideology, creating something people want, and coming up with something worthwhile is mutually exclusive. Sam Harris sells pretend intellectualism to people who want to feel intellectual, but don't want to put actual effort into understand how the answers to their questions have developed over time. I'll give him that he does put more effort into it than people like Dawkins or Tyson. Still, the whole shtick of writing pop philosophy books, and then defending the irrelevance of the content by saying philosophy sucks, science rules, is almost too hilarious for words.

As a scheme to make money, it's not that bad.
2017-06-23, 8:41 AM #2558
HP is Satan. My parents bought a new printer and I was in the area, so I agreed to set it up. The printer really wanted me to connect it via ethernet instead of USB (they only have the one computer, why would I want to add more devices to the network?) Installing the drivers was a pain because they had some hissy fit about it being USB. No thanks but I'm also not interested in their "software feedback" service AKA fine print probably just data gathering. And then the printer software wanted me to fill in data about how the printer was going to be used, and the ZIP code it was going to be used in.

None of this **** is necessary. How is it anything but datamining?

HP's entire gig seems to be scamming older people.
2017-06-23, 8:47 AM #2559
Also, I didn't mention that they tried twice to get us into a printer ink subscription (?) and put an icon on the desktop to buy HP crap.

Like, seriously?
2017-06-23, 10:48 AM #2560
Carly Fiorina would've made a foxy VP tho
former entrepreneur

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