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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-05-11, 2:23 AM #9041
That Vox article contains so many of the reasons why conservatives call liberals smug. The central assumption is that if you criticize multiculturalism, it's because you're backwards and you're refusing to get with a program that's going to happen whether you like it or not. Oh, and by the way, all of the criticisms, that you claim are based on an aspirational attempt to transcend identity and look at society impartially, as if from a view from nowhere, are actually based on feelings of white resentment. Yawn.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 2:23 AM #9042
Originally posted by Reid:
the entire article is a waste of everybodys breath

then why'd you bring it up?
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 2:29 AM #9043
Originally posted by Eversor:
then why'd you bring it up?

2018-05-11, 2:31 AM #9044
Originally posted by Eversor:
That Vox article contains so many of the reasons why conservatives call liberals smug. The central assumption is that if you criticize multiculturalism, it's because you're backwards and you're refusing to get with a program that's going to happen whether you like it or not. Oh, and by the way, all of the criticisms, that you claim are based on an aspirational attempt to transcend identity and look at society impartially, as if from a view from nowhere, are actually based on feelings of white resentment. Yawn.

maybe conservatives should stop being such sensitive snowflakes who want their whims pandered to
2018-05-11, 2:36 AM #9045
Originally posted by Reid:
maybe conservatives should stop being such sensitive snowflakes who want their whims pandered to

The Vox article, I think, does a good job at demonstrating, despite itself, why the problem actually comes from the left. The left talks as if its political program is a fait accompli. And, to some extent, it is. How else are you to respond if you disagree with it? It's probably pretty upsetting to feel so powerless, while being told that you're actually "privileged", and to be told that, whatever your criticism is, there's some pathology problem (racism) underlying your disagreement.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 2:41 AM #9046
The left casts itself as inherently responsive, as if it doesn't have a program, it's merely reacting to protect the weak against powerful interests, who do in fact have a program. There isn't a lot of self-reflection about the ways in which the dominant form of politics on the left right now is actually quite coercive, and not particularly diplomatic or open. It's rooted in an anticipated demographic victory, rather than any sort of effort to persuade the other side that it's better. That should ring some alarm bells.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 2:47 AM #9047
Originally posted by Reid:

i.e. mocking the reactions of people who act like *******s then complain when they achieve pariah status. ergo the simpsons meme i slightly misused:


if polite society rejects your views, that usually means your views might be an issue. not that polite society needs to be fixed to respect them, i.e. everything conservatives seem to want today (remove the polite, then the society)
2018-05-11, 2:49 AM #9048
Originally posted by Eversor:
The left casts itself as inherently responsive, as if it doesn't have a program; it's merely reacting on behalf of the weak to protect them against powerful interests, who do in fact have a program. There isn't a lot of self-reflection about the ways in which the dominant form of politics on the left right now is actually quite coercive, and not particularly diplomatic or open. It's rooted in an anticipated demographic victory, rather than any sort of effort to persuade the other side that it's better. That should ring some alarm bells.

"i think killing muslims is a good idea"
"wtf bro"
"stop coercing me!"
2018-05-11, 2:52 AM #9049
Originally posted by Reid:
if polite society rejects your views, that usually means your views might be an issue. not that polite society needs to be fixed to respect them, i.e. everything conservatives seem to want today (remove the polite, then the society)

Or maybe the range of ideas that are acceptable by "polite society" isn't sufficiently wide, and ideas that really should be topics of discussion aren't because they're deemed offensive.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 2:54 AM #9050
Originally posted by Reid:
"i think killing muslims is a good idea"
"wtf bro"
"stop coercing me!"

I'm not surprised that you've responded by using irony instead of, you know, an argument.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 2:54 AM #9051
maybe the issue is, i dont identify "the left" with "college freshmen pulling fire alarms", so im incapable of appreciating all of the media bull**** about it
2018-05-11, 2:56 AM #9052
Originally posted by Reid:
maybe the issue is, i dont identify "the left" with "college freshmen pulling fire alarms", so im incapable of appreciating all of the media bull**** about it

I just cited a Vox article as the sort of thing that embodies what I'm taking issue with, so clearly this issue isn't limited to 18-22 year olds on college campuses.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 3:04 AM #9053
Originally posted by Eversor:
I just cited a Vox article as the sort of thing that embodies what I'm taking issue with, so clearly this issue isn't limited to 18-22 year olds on college campuses.

im not going to read it, because i dont care. i just wanted to mock the perpetual conservative persecution complex, but i dont want to get in it with you about this **** because you wanna play mister liberal and get indignant and defend conservatives. i dont want to hear the endless braindead diagnoses of the discourse

in terms of politics, the only things i feel serious right now about is policy and offices. i want to help kick republicans out in my state and promote policy i want. i dont care how republicans feel, or what journalists think, i just work to get done what i want to get done. people like wookie can either step or get ****ed politically. it literally doesnt matter what he thinks or feels. hes bygone in my consciousness
2018-05-11, 3:08 AM #9054
Originally posted by Reid:
im not going to read it, because i dont care.

It's the one you posted.

I guess that answers the question of whether you read Bari Weiss' article. lol
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 3:12 AM #9055
Originally posted by Reid:
in terms of politics, the only things i feel serious right now about is policy and offices. i want to help kick republicans out in my state and promote policy i want. i dont care how republicans feel, or what journalists think, i just work to get done what i want to get done. people like wookie can either step or get ****ed politically. it literally doesnt matter what he thinks or feels. hes bygone in my consciousness

The Democrats' lead for the House is shrinking. Yikes.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 4:03 AM #9056
Originally posted by Eversor:

Well, do the Democrats have an economic platform yet?
2018-05-11, 4:26 AM #9057
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Well, do the Democrats have an economic platform yet?

Apparently. According to Matt Yglesias, the Democrats' economic message is being crowded out by the media's obsession with Stormy Daniels and the Russia investigation.

[QUOTE=Matthew Yglesias]Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is actually running on a policy agenda of its own.

Their ideas include a range of measures to strengthen workers’ rights to form labor unions and go on strike, an ambitious infrastructure plan of the sort Trump promised but never delivered, the most sweeping revision of antitrust policy we’ve seen in a generation or two, a crackdown on prescription drug prices, and a big new scheme to subsidize child care costs for most Americans.

Critically, while none of this involves abandoning Democrats’ core commitments on racial or gender justice issues, all of it is focused more on the economic realm. Research from Vanderbilt University’s Larry Bartels shows that economic policy issues tend to unite rank-and-file Democrats while dividing Republicans, while culture war issues are exactly the opposite. Many Republicans, in other words, have at least a few strong disagreements with conservative economic policy, and many Democrats have at least a few strong disagreements with cultural liberalism.[/QUOTE]
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 6:08 AM #9058
Originally posted by Eversor:
It's the one you posted.

I guess that answers the question of whether you read Bari Weiss' article. lol

remind me of what it said, again
2018-05-11, 6:09 AM #9059
no, wait, don't
2018-05-11, 6:18 AM #9060
typical trash talker
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 9:19 AM #9061
In the vein of Charles Murray's plot to destroy American drmocracy, let's not forget Gorsuch was the Koch brother's pick, has deep ties with right-wing dark money groups, and are gearing up to push more partisan judges into the supreme court:

Far more concerning and relevant than right-wingers whining because people don't want to hear their ******* views
2018-05-11, 9:29 AM #9062
Originally posted by Reid:
Far more concerning and relevant than right-wingers whining because people don't want to hear their ******* views

you brought this up lol
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 9:34 AM #9063
Originally posted by Eversor:
you brought this up lol

i made a dumb joke. wasnt looking for a serious discussion, especially not on that well-worn topic
2018-05-11, 9:35 AM #9064
Originally posted by Reid:
i made a dumb joke. wasnt looking for a serious discussion, especially not on that well-worn topic

you should probably sign up for reddit again
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 11:40 AM #9065
Originally posted by Eversor:
you should probably sign up for reddit again

god damn
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-05-11, 12:26 PM #9066
Originally posted by Eversor:
you should probably sign up for reddit again

2018-05-11, 12:50 PM #9067
Originally posted by Reid:

2018-05-12, 5:24 PM #9068

So they come to America with low skills - duh? You think the Mexican middle class wants to leave Mexico?
2018-05-12, 10:15 PM #9069

Under the bill, Medicaid recipients in 17 mostly white counties, all represented by Republican senators, would be exempt from the work requirements, according to an analysis by the Center for Michigan, a think tank. But Medicaid recipients in the six municipalities with the highest unemployment rates, including Detroit and Flint, would have to work at least 29 hours a week to keep their health benefits. All six cities have black majorities or significant numbers of black residents.

Ahaha, is this real life?
2018-05-12, 10:18 PM #9070
force black people to work again
2018-05-19, 12:31 PM #9071

A good article explaining how The Federalist is little more than a series of manufactured lies to prop up Trump Republicanism.
2018-05-19, 12:43 PM #9072
Kind of reminds me of this:

And this:

Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera told network host Sean Hannity on Thursday that President Nixon "wouldn't have been forced to resign" if Hannity were around in his day.

Hannity, a vocal defender of President Trump, opened a segment on his radio show with criticism of what he perceives to be anti-Trump bias in the FBI and Justice Department probes into Russian meddling in the presidential election.

“Nixon never would have been forced to resign if you existed in your current state back in 1972, ’73, ’74,” Rivera told Hannity on his radio show.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-19, 2:08 PM #9073

The latest episode with Ben Shapiro is worth listening to, to hear conservatives representing themselves rather than, I don't know, David Roberts at Vox explaining how conservatives think. I've been listening to Jonah Goldberg a little lately and he's actually pretty funny.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-19, 2:43 PM #9074
I can't come up with a reply to that which isn't just me being a smartass. I'm not going to listen to Ben Shapiro, I don't feel it's worth my time.
2018-05-19, 2:50 PM #9075
Eh, so don't. I get it. I've listened to Shapiro talk about issues and make points that I agree with, but there's something that's so grating about him that I can't bring myself to find him persuasive. He doesn't come across as quite as obnoxious in this as he does on his own podcast. But Goldberg is generally good.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-19, 3:27 PM #9076

Both were interesting, and yeah, I appreciate that people are making this point. Seems awfully familiar to my point that Republicans vote Republican largely because of the huge propaganda efforts to trick them into thinking false things. This as a disinformation campaign, pure and simple. Conservatives are openly challenging American rule of law, the democratic process, and are totally okay with criminal acts in pursuit of their radical goal of regilding America.

I say drain the swamp and burn the remains.

What's worse, it serves also to distract from the legislation Republicans are working on, and their efforts to subvert the judicial branch as well.
2018-05-19, 3:29 PM #9077
Originally posted by Eversor:
Eh, so don't. I get it. I've listened to Shapiro talk about issues and make points that I agree with, but there's something that's so grating about him that I can't bring myself to find him persuasive. He doesn't come across as quite as obnoxious in this as he does on his own podcast. But Goldberg is generally good.

Noted, when I see Goldberg around I'll give him my attention
2018-05-20, 1:45 AM #9078
Haven't watched this one:

Have watched this one:
former entrepreneur
2018-05-20, 2:03 AM #9079

Start an hour in. Interesting bit about feeling pressure to support Trump and to participate in the pro-Trump conservative propaganda machine.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-20, 11:27 AM #9080
So check this out. Want DHS to kick down your door? This is what you do. Be a Hispanic comedian, and observe how ****ing stupid cultural appropriation articles are in comparison to the terror ICE is inflicting routinely on Hispanic communities.

Then post a joke to Twitter that people should be allowed to culturally appropriate in correspondance with how many ICE agents you kill, unlocking prizes along the way (5 agents = a poncho). Done! Within 24 hours, the DHS will break down your door and interrogate you.

(This really happened and this kind of behavior is not uncommon).

And let's not even get into the amount of BLM leaders who have mysteriously committed suicide in the past years.

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