I watched the first season or two of John Oliver when it started back in 2014, but his lame jokes and annoying voice grated on me too much.
I watched quite a bit of Bill Maher in 2015-2016, but once Trump got elected I became extremely fatigued from the constant Russia jokes, and stopped watching in mid 2017 or so. I do very much remember enjoying that he had conservative guests on, and I also liked the spontaneous and very often vulgar character of the show (especially when it made a conservative guest blush-Rick Santorum was even a regular guest). That said as I've gotten older I don't relate very much with Maher, who is a classic sort of atheist/libertarian character who shoots from the hip and believes a few too many wacky things (maybe like a 'Joe Rogan' of the left, if you will).
I never really gave Trevor Noah a chance, mostly because I feel he got his start in the age of social media and related social justice stuff, which always made me cringe more than laugh, maybe because it seemed like he was constantly harping on things his audience was supposed to agree on. Looking back at very old Jon Stewart clips from the Daily Show, I feel that those early years of the show during the Bush presidency were more about mocking conservatives writ large, in a way that made me feel like I was sitting in my living room and having a good time, rather than fuming about something on Twitter. On the other hand, Jon Stewart also paused a lot just like Trevor Noah does, where the audience is supposed to laugh at something we're supposed to hate about conservatives, so maybe it's just that I've gotten older and more skeptical of this kind of entertainment.
Also speaking of Joe Rogan: I used to be more drawn to his show (along with Sam Harris), although I never really was a regular listener. Nowdays he creeps me out, and in retrospect many of the episodes I watched of his in 2016 were in the aftermath of gamergate and/or the ~2015 wave of atheist vloggers/podcasts, and were precursors to the current resurgence of the 'culture wars' and the alt. right, contra 'campus liberalism / feminism', so I keep my distance from his ilk.