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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-09-20, 10:05 PM #11321
Originally posted by Jon`C:
(because he's actually playing 1-dimensional chess, but idiots can't tell)

but the hilbert curve has hausdorff dimension 2 :(
2018-09-20, 10:49 PM #11322
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Weird, right? Oh well. Better keep voting Democrat anyway. Can't split the vote, or one of those Republicans might start shoveling Mexicans into an oven.

I laughed but then I felt bad because this is basically exactly how I vote.
2018-09-20, 11:11 PM #11323
How else would you do it?
2018-09-21, 4:00 AM #11324
Originally posted by Eversor:
I don't know where you're getting this from. I've emphasized repeatedly my preference for the Democrats' position.

Honestly I think we're getting this from how you tend to play devils advocate. I worked with a guy like that, he agreed with most of us on the lower levels on many issues but still insisted on defending managements BS.

It makes it really hard to figure out where you stand when you straddle the fence like that.

... as a side note the final answer I usually got from him was "you're totally right, but it's not our job". Frustrating...
2018-09-21, 4:47 AM #11325
Originally posted by Xzero:
Honestly I think we're getting this from how you tend to play devils advocate. I worked with a guy like that, he agreed with most of us on the lower levels on many issues but still insisted on defending managements BS.

It makes it really hard to figure out where you stand when you straddle the fence like that.

... as a side note the final answer I usually got from him was "you're totally right, but it's not our job". Frustrating...

Damn, so I'm the annoying guy at the office, who sides with management against everyone else?
former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 4:58 AM #11326
Originally posted by Reid:
If you can judge a group by the behavior that comes out regardless of individual motivations, then I don't see what his issue is. Eversor seems to think that, because the Republican Party is composed of individuals who sometimes disagree, then the macroscopic behavior has justification.

Justification? When have I said that Republican or conservative views or justified? I've been defending them against the charge that they're incoherent, not making the case that they're justified.
former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 5:00 AM #11327
Originally posted by Xzero:
Honestly I think we're getting this from how you tend to play devils advocate.

It makes for a more interesting conversation than a bunch of people ragging on Republicans.
former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 6:56 AM #11328

If this is accurate, this is asinine. This is the most ridiculous part:
Kavanaugh would testify first, then Ford would testify, and Kavanaugh would have no opportunity to respond or rebut;


Surely I can't be the only person who thinks that makes no sense.
2018-09-21, 7:56 AM #11329
Originally posted by Eversor:
It makes for a more interesting conversation than a bunch of people ragging on Republicans.

not rly
2018-09-21, 7:59 AM #11330
Originally posted by Reid:
not rly

former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 8:17 AM #11331
Originally posted by Eversor:

its not interesting when you're just defending something for the sake of defending it
2018-09-21, 8:21 AM #11332
It's much more interesting that the usual circle-jerk this thread usually is
2018-09-21, 8:37 AM #11333
If this board were filled with brilliant conservatives, we wouldn't have to do this just to avoid turning this place into a /r/politics style circlejerk.
2018-09-21, 8:39 AM #11334
Originally posted by Reid:
its not interesting when you're just defending something for the sake of defending it

Do you really think that's what he's doing? I always thought it was to try to scrub away the facile arguments on his own side made by others on this board who are quicker to assume their conservative opponents are only evil and stupid.

If I wanted to defeat opponents that can't pass the Turing test, I wouldn't spend my time arguing against conservatives in absentia, I'd play a video game.
2018-09-21, 9:17 AM #11335
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Do you really think that's what he's doing? I always thought it was to try to scrub away the facile arguments on his own side made by others on this board who are quicker to assume their conservative opponents are only evil and stupid.

former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 9:17 AM #11336
Originally posted by Steven:
It's much more interesting that the usual circle-jerk this thread usually is

You're always welcome to break it.
2018-09-21, 9:18 AM #11337
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
If I wanted to defeat opponents that can't pass the Turing test, I wouldn't spend my time arguing against conservatives in absentia, I'd play a video game.

Twist! I was a Russian bot all along.
former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 9:51 AM #11338
Originally posted by Reid:
You're always welcome to break it.

Well this is getting pretty kinky, but there are simpler alternatives (even if they require owning up to your sore forearms).
2018-09-21, 9:54 AM #11339
whenever I engage in this kind of thing, I usually pick a safe word (phrase) like, "let go of the cylindrical object"
2018-09-21, 1:41 PM #11340

So what's to be made of the allegations against Keith Ellison?
former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 1:44 PM #11341

Or Cory Booker? Is the situation dramatically different from Kavanaugh's?
former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 2:18 PM #11342
Um, only one of them is up for being confirmed for the Supreme Court? Furthermore, somebody faced with accusations needs to confront them, not fear them.
2018-09-21, 2:34 PM #11343
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Um, only one of them is up for being confirmed for the Supreme Court? Furthermore, somebody faced with accusations needs to confront them, not fear them.

Yeah, the lifetime appointment thing kind of makes it really important.
2018-09-21, 2:59 PM #11344
I’m glad Americans have realized that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be a Supreme Court justice because he’s a rapist, instead of because of his contempt for jurisprudence and belief that a Republican president is immune from both prosecution and tort.
2018-09-21, 3:32 PM #11345
Fun fact: Trump's tariffs have increased taxes on the middle class far past anything the ACA ever did.

So everybody who hated Obama because of the ACA and voted for Trump because of economic anxiety, good job. You played yourself like a fiddle and look like a damn fool.
2018-09-21, 3:40 PM #11346
Fun fact: Trump’s tax cuts have resulted in almost no US domestic investment, and less than 3% what Trump predicted has been repatriated.
2018-09-21, 3:42 PM #11347
You can't spell Trump without thinking "man this guy is stupid".
2018-09-21, 3:49 PM #11348
So what are the chances this Rosenstein taping Trump allegation was "leaked" by people who seek to paint the DOJ in a bad light?
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2018-09-21, 3:51 PM #11349
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
So what are the chances this Rosenstein taping Trump allegation was "leaked" by people who seek to paint the DOJ in a bad light?

Don’t be ridiculous, it was probably John Barron or David Dennison.
2018-09-21, 5:20 PM #11350
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2018-09-21, 8:29 PM #11351
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Um, only one of them is up for being confirmed for the Supreme Court? Furthermore, somebody faced with accusations needs to confront them, not fear them.

Originally posted by Reid:
Yeah, the lifetime appointment thing kind of makes it really important.

No doubt, the nature of the offices these men aspire to/hold are very different, and that's an important distinction. But that's not the only factor here. Ellison and Kavanaugh both deny the allegations made against them, and Booker fessed up, even being the source of the story going public. Should the fact that Kavanaugh and Ellison both handled their allegations so tactlessly disqualifying? Are they unfit for public service?
former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 8:38 PM #11352
I've never said that Kavenaugh is unfit for office based on the sexual assault allegations. If the Senate had any honor they would at least investigate the allegations so that they could be honestly taken into consideration before blindly confirming him. If the guy is a real creep (which is a real possibility, given the recent reports that he screened for law clerks that looked like 'supermodels') or seems to be hiding something (e.g., not asking the White House to launch an FBI investigation to clear his name), we don't really need his ilk on the Supreme Court (but apparently Republicans do, or they may have given up by now in finding any justice at all that isn't also a potential sex offender).

But as has already been pointed out, he's unfit for the Supreme Court for other reasons. In fact this is exactly what Susan Collins Claire McCaskill said when she announced she'd be voting against his confirmation earlier this week.
2018-09-21, 8:47 PM #11353
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I've never said that Kavenaugh is unfit for office based on the sexual assault allegations. If the Senate had any honor they would at least investigate the allegations so that they could be honestly taken into consideration before blindly confirming him. If the guy is a real creep (which is a real possibility, given the recent reports that he screened for law clerks that looked like 'supermodels') or seems to be hiding something (e.g., not asking the White House to launch an FBI investigation to clear his name), we don't really need his ilk on the Supreme Court (but apparently Republicans do, or they may have given up by now in finding any justice at all that isn't also a potential sex offender).

To be clear, I didn't suggest that you did say the allegations made him unfit. I was proposing it as a reason for why he is unfit. I mean, there's something to be said for outright denying that what was alleged happened, and not saying something that projected more sensitivity. The response seemed to signal a lack of tact and an inability to imagine the world through the eyes of his accuser, both of which are especially desired traits in a judge.
former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 8:51 PM #11354
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
But as has already been pointed out, he's unfit for the Supreme Court for other reasons. In fact this is exactly what Susan Collins said when she announced she'd be voting against his confirmation earlier this week realized that liberals were willing to donate millions of dollars to an unnamed 2020 "anybody else" candidate.

ya I bet that was a hard decision.

When precarious Republican senators break ranks, thats when you know the decision not to confirm came down from on high. Either that or they're very confident that they'll make up the votes from Democrat traitors.
2018-09-21, 8:51 PM #11355
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
But as has already been pointed out, he's unfit for the Supreme Court for other reasons. In fact this is exactly what Susan Collins said when she announced she'd be voting against his confirmation earlier this week.

Where'd you see this?? I can't find anything about it.

I've never taken seriously for a moment that Republicans wouldn't ram him through while they can. I'm surprised when I hear both lefties and conservatives say they don't think he'll be confirmed. Sounds super naive to me, but I'd be glad to be wrong on this.
former entrepreneur
2018-09-21, 8:52 PM #11356
Actually I have to clarify, I actually meant to say Claire McCaskill (a Democrat in a red state) when I said Susan Collins (a Republican in a blue state). Sorry!
2018-09-21, 8:53 PM #11357
(Susan Collins claims to be still undecided though.)
2018-09-21, 8:53 PM #11358
Originally posted by Eversor:
To be clear, I didn't suggest that you did say the allegations made him unfit. I was proposing it as a reason for why he is unfit. I mean, there's something to be said for outright denying that what was alleged happened, and not saying something that projected more sensitivity. The response seemed to signal a lack of tact and an inability to imagine the world through the eyes of his accuser, both of which are especially desired traits in a judge.

honestly, knowing Republicans rape is probably the least of his crimes.
2018-09-21, 8:58 PM #11359
Hey, if y'all manage to hold it together long enough for a constitutional convention, can I make a suggestion? Switch to the Westminster system. I know you guys have a huge hard on for that Roman cosplay stuff, but political science has come a long way in the past 2400 years and it's pretty clear what you guys are doing doesn't work.
2018-09-22, 6:05 AM #11360
Speaking of political science...

*edit, this one doesn't have weird pictures
former entrepreneur

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