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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-11-07, 3:26 PM #5161

Hahaha, **** yes, dude.

Today, the National Day for the Victims of Communism, marks 100 years since the Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution gave rise to the Soviet Union and its dark decades of oppressive communism, a political philosophy incompatible with liberty, prosperity, and the dignity of human life.

Over the past century, communist totalitarian regimes around the world have killed more than 100 million people and subjected countless more to exploitation, violence, and untold devastation. These movements, under the false pretense of liberation, systematically robbed innocent people of their God-given rights of free worship, freedom of association, and countless other rights we hold sacrosanct. Citizens yearning for freedom were subjugated by the state through the use of coercion, violence, and fear.

Today, we remember those who have died and all who continue to suffer under communism. In their memory and in honor of the indomitable spirit of those who have fought courageously to spread freedom and opportunity around the world, our Nation reaffirms its steadfast resolve to shine the light of liberty for all who yearn for a brighter, freer future.
2017-11-07, 3:33 PM #5162
To be clear on why that's a little bit funny to me, "100 million" comes as a high-end estimate from Martin Malia's "The Black Book of Communism", which was written as a deliberate attack on all aspects of communism. Historians do not treat it as an authoritative book on communism. It's actually really hard to estimate the deaths caused by communist regimes, but more standard estimates would place that number between 15-60 million, if we take the mean for posterity that means about 35 million, i.e. something akin to the deaths of WW2 (though, if the deaths caused by communism counts Soviet deaths in WW2, those numbers require refinement).

Communism sucked, but it should tell you something when who-the-hell-ever in the white house is writing crap like that with a highly ideological bent and is using dubious sources to "amp up" the death toll.
2017-11-07, 3:41 PM #5163
Originally posted by Reid:

Are you afraid your traditional military formation will be slaughtered by a hand cranked machine gun that someone bought for tens of thousands of dollars?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-11-07, 3:42 PM #5164
Oh **** there's one for like 7 grand!
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-11-07, 3:58 PM #5165
I should also add, there's a pretty obvious ideology that goes into counting death tolls. For instance, consider the Irish potato famine. All most people know is "Irish potatoes got diseased and so they all starved". Well, that's only part of the story. You see, England had taken control of Ireland by that point, and could have intervened. In fact, the PM tried, but the conservative Whigs forced them out, and:

The measures undertaken by Peel's successor, Russell, proved comparatively inadequate as the crisis deepened. The new Whig administration, influenced by the doctrine of laissez-faire, believed that the market would provide the food needed, and they refused to intervene against food exports to England, then halted the previous government's food and relief works, leaving many hundreds of thousands of people without any work, money, or food. Russell's ministry introduced a new programme of public works that by the end of December 1846 employed some half million Irish and proved impossible to administer.

So the English were exporting food at the time from Ireland, and consciously did not intervene. And remember, this resulted in about one million deaths, i.e., right wing ideology bears responsibility for a million deaths in Ireland, just as much as you could account Stalin for the Holodomor. And this is far from the only time the British knowingly (sometimes, deliberately) starved out vast amounts of people. But, there's no petty hysterical whining about that coming from the White House.

Course, not trying to get all tankie here, as I don't defend communism where it oughtn't be defended. But there's a particular sort of right-wing whining that's very ideological. And that's worth remembering!
2017-11-07, 3:59 PM #5166
Originally posted by Spook:
Are you afraid your traditional military formation will be slaughtered by a hand cranked machine gun that someone bought for tens of thousands of dollars?

No, I'm afraid I won't be able to mount on on the back of my Toyota and go careening down the 64 shooting pigeons. Too expensive.
2017-11-07, 5:52 PM #5167
Looks like Northam won. Some people are saying it was due to Gillespie not backing Trump enough. Lol.
2017-11-07, 6:19 PM #5168
Time to get drunk on kalimotxo and grade quizzes.
2017-11-07, 7:05 PM #5169
Originally posted by Reid:
I should be clear here: you might not be, but as far as I'm concerned, what you're saying is defending Trump using crackpot conspiracy theories, so it amounts to you being a Trump apologist, even if you don't know why.

So I only got up to here and this post interested me enough. This Trump/Russia thing actually is a conspiracy theory. Obviously Clinton would have been the preferred candidate to continue to "project" American weakness. I doubt Trump is going to reverse or enact policy in a way that is beneficial to Russia. Of course Clinton would have. This crap isn't worth saving the brain cells I kill on a quasi-daily basis.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-11-07, 7:16 PM #5170
Originally posted by Wookie06:
So I only got up to here and this post interested me enough. This Trump/Russia thing actually is a conspiracy theory. Obviously Clinton would have been the preferred candidate to continue to "project" American weakness. I doubt Trump is going to reverse or enact policy in a way that is beneficial to Russia. Of course Clinton would have. This crap isn't worth saving the brain cells I kill on a quasi-daily basis.

Like hesitating to apply sanctions to Russia?
2017-11-07, 7:56 PM #5171
Originally posted by Wookie06:
This Trump/Russia thing actually is a conspiracy theory.

Just a Theory™
2017-11-07, 8:01 PM #5172
Coming to a red state near you: Russian propaganda in middle school history.

Teach the controversy.
2017-11-07, 8:04 PM #5173
This crap isn't worth saving the brain cells I kill on a quasi-daily basis.

Alcohol? Fox News? Anhydrous ammonia?
2017-11-07, 8:08 PM #5174
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Coming to a red state near you: Russian propaganda in middle school history.

Teach the controversy.

Like something out of Stranger Things. Lefties worried about Russian propaganda in our schools. We must be in the upside down.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-11-07, 8:08 PM #5175
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

No alcohol is what I burn brain cells on.

JKJK I drink only safe limits.
2017-11-07, 8:09 PM #5176
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Like something out of Stranger Things. lefties worried about Russian propaganda in our schools. We must be in the upside down.

History never changes, all things are the specific propaganda lesson I learned when I was 12, the world is simple, QED.
2017-11-07, 8:11 PM #5177
Originally posted by Reid:
No alcohol is what I burn brain cells on.

JKJK I drink only safe limits.

Safe Limits saves your liver, not your brain cells. Oh, and the liver is quite resilient.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-11-07, 8:17 PM #5178
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Safe Limits saves your liver, not your brain cells. Oh, and the liver is quite resilient.

Who tf cares, it's impossible to fail grad school.

On another note, your party is losing ground because your president is such an incompetent loser that nobody wants to go out and vote for your party.
2017-11-07, 8:39 PM #5179
Originally posted by Reid:
Who tf cares, it's impossible to fail grad school.

So, similar to other public sector jobs?

In Europe, I hear that instead of firing you, they just transfer you into a position that makes you want to quit. I imagine the same thing happens in academia.
2017-11-07, 8:43 PM #5180
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
So, similar to other public sector jobs?

In Europe, I hear that instead of firing you, they just transfer you into a position that makes you want to quit. I imagine the same thing happens in academia.

Nah, I leech all of your tax dollars on a cushy gov't job that req's no skill. They don't even force me out because of corrupt unions keeping me around cuz I give them cash!

(jk I'm not unionized and work above my hours, software contracting keeps me above water :---)

I mean, really I'm paid by all the black slave labor that built the campus and led to the huge endowment it has. But it's funner if I took it from you specifically. Middle class here I go.
2017-11-07, 8:45 PM #5181
To summarize: you've been given a huge endowment by black ancestors.
2017-11-07, 8:46 PM #5182
To be fair, to get a grad school position where you're well-funded and treated as well as here, you have to basically work your ****ing ass off at a minimum wage job, working 40 hours a week and going to class full time to support yourself, and work your entire summer to get published to get even noticed by any grad depts that matter. I mean, sure, it's not manual labor, but the damage I've done to my body without healthcare on the system your party created is about worth it. At least I'm in my 20's so I can recover a bit from the hell of slave/wage labor.
2017-11-07, 8:48 PM #5183
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
To summarize: you've been given a huge endowment by black ancestors.

Pretty much. UVA has a 6-7 billion endowment, I get a sliver of that. And yes, the original campus was literally built by black slave labor.

I'm basically walking American privilege, being given a slice of the pie.
2017-11-07, 8:48 PM #5184
Here's a tip I learned from experience: you can avoid chronic bronchitis if you avoid pulling an all nighter while already sick with a cold.
2017-11-07, 8:48 PM #5185
Oops. 8-9 billion. I mean, it's not Harvard, but hey.
2017-11-07, 8:49 PM #5186
Originally posted by Reid:
Pretty much. UVA has a 6-7 billion endowment, I get a sliver of that. And yes, the original campus was literally built by black slave labor.

I'm basically walking American privilege, being given a slice of the pie.

6-7 seems small. I heard it was more like 8-9.
2017-11-07, 8:49 PM #5187
Originally posted by Reid:
Oops. 8-9 billion. I mean, it's not Harvard, but hey.

Yeah that's consistent with most of what I've observed on 4chan.
2017-11-07, 8:50 PM #5188
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Like something out of Stranger Things. Lefties worried about Russian propaganda in our schools. We must be in the upside down.

Well, you see, in the 1980s the Russians threatened capitalism. Today they threaten democracy. Hopefully you can understand why Democrats care about it and Republicans don't.
2017-11-07, 8:53 PM #5189
To be fair, a more accurate description would be Putin crime family propaganda. But the Putin syndicate runs Russia, so it's the same thing really.
2017-11-07, 8:56 PM #5190
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Yeah that's consistent with most of what I've observed on 4chan.

Yeah, it's accurate. I mean, I get to live in a city where there are no closed stores, overall it's financially well-off.

The trade-off being it's a liberal hellhole, where everyone is a beta cuck and we're a blue county surrounded by hordes of red, and our economy is fine but the rest suck.
2017-11-07, 8:57 PM #5191
Originally posted by Jon`C:
To be fair, a more accurate description would be Putin crime family propaganda. But the Putin syndicate runs Russia, so it's the same thing really.

No. Putin, against democracy? History never changes. Russians today are as bad as anything Soviet, Democrats are further left so they're more Russian, please **** off because this is America.
2017-11-07, 8:59 PM #5192
Originally posted by Reid:
The trade-off being it's a liberal hellhole, where everyone is a beta cuck and we're a blue county surrounded by hordes of red, and our economy is fine but the rest suck.

That's good though. You're surrounded by cucks and people that suck, but that's where your black ancestry comes in.
2017-11-07, 9:01 PM #5193
But **** man, I don't know what I'm talking about. What did George W. Bush's diplomats think?

Oh, they thought a lot of stuff.

So what are you doing here, Wookie06? Playing down the threat of Putin, a dyed-in-the-wool unimpeachable gangster who controls the world's largest stockpile of WMDs, who assassinates and brutalizes his opponents, holds democracy in absolute contempt, and is by many times over the richest person in history according to US intelligence, and uses his wealth to manipulate the governments and citizens of other countries? To make a dumb partisan joke? Really?
2017-11-07, 9:04 PM #5194
hurr durr durr, it's the Republicans' job to be scared of Russia, not the Democrats'. Don't you remember the Cold War, when that definitely happened? Libtard cucks, you're just jealous you wish you were a big strong man like Putin. Celebrating Putin is fine and totally American, someone on an internet forum with strangely poor grammar said so. The time for debate is over, get on board the Trump train and help Make America Great Again for laundering Putin's stolen tax money.
2017-11-07, 9:06 PM #5195
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
That's good though. You're surrounded by cucks and people that suck, but that's where your black ancestry comes in.

Literally though, my father did 23andMe and they claimed he was <1% Barbary Coast black, so I'm a literal slave.

(slaveowner ancestors nonethelesss).

Though my family historically actually didn't achieve as much privilege as others. But yeah, some stuff going on here is pretty nice.

And my family does have a strong Southern legacy so I'm not ashamed living here.
2017-11-07, 9:08 PM #5196
Originally posted by Jon`C:
But **** man, I don't know what I'm talking about. What did George W. Bush's diplomats think?

Oh, they thought a lot of stuff.

So what are you doing here, Wookie06? Playing down the threat of Putin, a dyed-in-the-wool unimpeachable gangster who controls the world's largest stockpile of WMDs, who assassinates and brutalizes his opponents, holds democracy in absolute contempt, and is by many times over the richest person in history according to US intelligence, and uses his wealth to manipulate the governments and citizens of other countries? To make a dumb partisan joke? Really?

Dude. You're wrong. Straight up, the CLINTON FAMILY is the most corrupt family in all of human history.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
hurr durr durr, it's the Republicans' job to be scared of Russia, not the Democrats'. Don't you remember the Cold War, when that definitely happened? Libtard cucks, you're just jealous you wish you were a big strong man like Putin. Celebrating Putin is fine and totally American, someone on an internet forum with strangely poor grammar said so. The time for debate is over, get on board the Trump train and help Make America Great Again for laundering Putin's stolen tax money.

The Cold War, where the United States literally invented the Russian missile gap to force Russia into a weapons standoff, stopping them from economic development.
2017-11-07, 9:11 PM #5197

This guy ****ing won. Check out that ****ing card

Millenials hate the **** they were forced into, lol.
2017-11-07, 9:17 PM #5198
Take this with a grain of salt, but Democrats have to be loving the turnout reports they’re seeing in Northern Virginia right now. Turnout had already exceeded 2013 totals by 5 p.m. in Fairfax, Alexandria, Charlottesville and several neighboring localities. That’s a pretty extraordinary level of engagement in Democratic-leaning localities. Meanwhile, we haven’t seen similar surges in a sampling of GOP-leaning places, based on reports from Bedford and Tazewell in the Trump-leaning southwest. I know it’s hazardous to divine inferences from turnout reports, but, hey, I grew up in New Jersey and live in Virginia, so I’m feeling loose tonight.

People *hate* Trump.
2017-11-07, 9:18 PM #5199
So, I live in Charlottesville, and local politics were INSANE recently. People were driving around with cars covered in "Go vote" paint, flyers everywhere, it was huge for local people. Trump has really instigated a left-wing response, and it's pretty fantastic to watch.
2017-11-07, 9:45 PM #5200
Originally posted by Reid:
To be fair, to get a grad school position where you're well-funded and treated as well as here, you have to basically work your ****ing ass off at a minimum wage job, working 40 hours a week and going to class full time to support yourself, and work your entire summer to get published to get even noticed by any grad depts that matter. I mean, sure, it's not manual labor, but the damage I've done to my body without healthcare on the system your party created is about worth it. At least I'm in my 20's so I can recover a bit from the hell of slave/wage labor.

To clarify, in undergrad I worked full-time and went to school full time. Now I take graduate classes and also work, except it's high-skill programming work paying triple digits.

I'm basically the middle class ideal of white Americans, except I'm politically opposed to Wookie on a very deep level.

Also, the same data I linked suggests a massive political shift happened in the 1930's.

What was this shift, Wookie? What did it suggest about America, global politics, and right-wing views? How does your personal ****town in Kentucky relate?

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