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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-08-16, 10:18 PM #3641
And when you get down to it, aside from violent schizophrenic streaks of anger, most people who rant about wealthy Jews may as well be ranting about neoliberal globalists as to blame for their own economic woes. I guess the left just totally dropped the ball here by failing to offer something that could have prevented the irrational hatred that grew up in the resulting political vacuum.
2017-08-16, 10:28 PM #3642
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
And when you get down to it, aside from violent schizophrenic streaks of anger, most people who rant about wealthy Jews may as well be ranting about neoliberal globalists as to blame for their own economic woes. I guess the left just totally dropped the ball here by failing to offer something would have prevented the irrational hatred that grew up in a vacuum for want of an actual solution.


But, woe if the revolutionary party does not measure up to the height of the situation! The daily struggle of the proletariat sharpens the instability of bourgeois society. The strikes and the political disturbances aggravate the economic situation of the country. The petty bourgeoisie could reconcile itself temporarily to the growing privations, if it arrived by experience to the conviction that the proletariat is in a position to lead it onto a new road. But if the revolutionary party, in spite of a class struggle becoming incessantly more accentuated, proves time and again to be incapable of uniting the working class about it, if it vacillates, becomes confused, contradicts itself, then the petty bourgeoisie loses patience and begins to look upon the revolutionary workers as those responsible for its own misery. All the bourgeois parties, including the social democracy, turn its thoughts in this very direction. When the social crisis takes on an intolerable acuteness, a particular party appears on the scene with the direct aim of agitating the petty bourgeoisie to a white heat and of directing its hatred and its despair against the proletariat. In Germany, this historical function is fulfilled by National-Socialism, a broad current whose ideology is composed of all the putrid vapors of disintegrating bourgeois society.

Leon Trotsky; Bourgeoisie, Petty Bourgeoisie and Proletariat (1932)
2017-08-17, 2:26 AM #3643
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

One look at Trump's rhetoric on the campaign trail should remind us of how different he was speaking back then:

This **** did very well for him.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
But I feel like this time, the right has gone a bridge too far with Trump apologizing for these hateful people. At some point Americans might respond to identity politics if it's in reaction to worse identity politics. If we see more of this KKK stuff close to election day, I think that'd be the kiss of death.

What would be really bad is if the Dems count on this happening but don't change their platform to address the economic issues, and Trump pivots to that closer to election day. In fact maybe this is his strategy? 4d-chess.jpg

Also, the author's summary of Bannon rings true to me.

Bannon reminds me of an overambitious undergraduate who plans out a senior thesis that he cannot possibly complete: yeah, it makes sense at a glance and it ties a lot of things together, but you're never gonna pull it off.

Many people find identity politics to be a tad extreme, but with recent events.. let's just say, most people hate the actual KKK and neo-Nazis. The Dems are probably going to run someone like Kamala Harris on a platform of "oh my god let's end white nationalism and get back to running the country like real sophisticated adults".
2017-08-17, 2:36 AM #3644
Originally posted by Reid:
Many people find identity politics to be a tad extreme, but with recent events.. let's just say, most people hate the actual KKK and neo-Nazis. The Dems are probably going to run someone like Kamala Harris on a platform of "oh my god let's end white nationalism and get back to running the country like real sophisticated adults".

In other words, a return to "business as usual".

BTW, you guys see that VICE special on HBO? Check it out just to see Reeve's face to face dialog with some of these nuts. Seething with anger and armed to the teeth. Really puts a face on these anonymous ****posters, and it ain't a pretty one. I certainly hope the FBI and DHS is monitoring the one who said that Charlottesville was just the beginning and that we should expect to see a lot more violence.
2017-08-17, 2:37 AM #3645
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I actually realized the other day that Americans are in an extremely subtle rhetorical trap.

There are two groups of Americans: the right, and everybody else. The right refers to the latter as "the left" as a catch-all pejorative. But the thing is, they long ago succeeded in banishing any actual leftist thought from the country. And yet you've got this loose band of people who have no unifying economic vision that are cooperating against the right under various guises like identity politics, but nevertheless are content to refer to themselves as "left-leaning" or just plain "left", or maybe progressive, without ever stopping to think about what that might entail if it meant more than "not on the right".

This obviously cannot win elections in the long run, because it doesn't do anything super interesting for the common citizen, beyond extending constitutional rights to more groups of people. Sure, they properly fund government agencies and lobby for more responsible levels of taxation, but those are neither sexy issues, nor should they have been up for debate if not for the Republican scorched-Earth tactics of "small government" as a religion.

In this I find it makes sense to just work it back to class struggle. Identity politics isn't threatening to class. What everybody in America agrees on is class is an issue (maybe not as an explicit topic, but everybody wants the rich to be taxed more, more spending on public education and healthcare, etc, all popular ideas). So you have the alt-right, which is just identity politics for white people, and then the Democrat game which is to unite every other marginalized group, but rather than do anything economically beneficial, assist rhetoric on identity struggles.

Part of why neo-Nazis and everybody are acting out - Trump promised white Americans jobs and dignity. But, he has no plans to give jobs, or anything else material - best he can do is dignify their terrorism.
2017-08-17, 2:39 AM #3646
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
In other words, a return to "business as usual".

BTW, you guys see that VICE special on HBO? Check it out just to see Reeve's face to face dialog with some of these nuts. Seething with anger and armed to the teeth. Really puts a face on these anonymous ****posters, and it ain't a pretty one. I certainly hope the FBI and DHS is monitoring the one who said that Charlottesville was just the beginning and that we should expect to see a lot more violence.

The problem here is: what if, sometime down the road, we get someone who is more effectively fascist, and unlike Trump is competent and likable? Such a thing is not an impossibility. We have no bulwarks against fascism, and I think many in the business community would openly welcome it. Which means I see it as a realistic threat in 2024, 2028.
2017-08-17, 2:52 AM #3647
Really weird how Americans just completely lack the vocabulary to talk about the kind of stuff addressed by Jon's Trotsky quote.

Listening Anderson Cooper try to fathom how a white person could possibly want to join this Nazi protest, when mainstream political ideology can't explain why "young white males" have anything less than idelic prospects in life:

Originally posted by Anderson Cooper:
It's a dumb question, but what are they so angry about? I mean, they have... uh, you know, they're a bunch of young, white males... what is it that they want, is it that they just don't like black people, they don't like Jewish people, they don't like gay people, they don't like anyone who is not who they are?

It's like there's this big, gaping piece of the puzzle missing in people's conception of politics and economics where leftist thought is supposed to be, into which the language of identity politics fills the vacuum, and through which Cooper is trying to use instead to size up the situation, with laughable murky results. He literally cannot comprehend their anger.
2017-08-17, 2:52 AM #3648
Originally posted by Eversor:
Hillary lost because of sexism and the Comey letter. Deal with it.

Originally posted by Eversor:
The system was rigged against Hillary from the start.

lol, I love these lines. liberals like to pick and choose their favorite causes for the election, not get a landscape of every cause and which were more potent. which means they'll struggle when Kamala Harris doesn't inspire huge crowds yet polls well with 35 year old young professional white women.

the whole way they tried to push Hillary as a historical figure was so awkward. it was part of some weird, like, pre-back patting about how important they all were.
2017-08-17, 2:58 AM #3649
Originally posted by Reid:
The problem here is: what if, sometime down the road, we get someone who is more effectively fascist, and unlike Trump is competent and likable? Such a thing is not an impossibility. We have no bulwarks against fascism, and I think many in the business community would openly welcome it. Which means I see it as a realistic threat in 2024, 2028.

I don't think the business world would welcome a hard white nationalist government, unless the country faced an existential threat. Even then, there's so much ink that's been spilled demonizing Nazis that it'd be wildly unpopular and forced.
2017-08-17, 3:04 AM #3650
Originally posted by Reid:
lol, I love these lines. liberals like to pick and choose their favorite causes for the election, not get a landscape of every cause and which were more potent. which means they'll struggle when Kamala Harris doesn't inspire huge crowds yet polls well with 35 year old young professional white women.

the whole way they tried to push Hillary as a historical figure was so awkward. it was part of some weird, like, pre-back patting about how important they all were.

Can't they just run Al Franken? I'd love to see the look on their faces if he won, but something tells me he isn't masculine looking enough to win enough votes in red states.
2017-08-17, 3:04 AM #3651
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Really weird how Americans just completely lack the vocabulary to talk about the kind of stuff addressed by Jon's Trotsky quote.

Yeah because socialism is completely demonized and despised by the private leadership of this country. There used to be a more thriving left where people would meet and discuss these, but those are violently opposed by anyone who intends to run a business. Like, there's been a long-running campaign of people in the capitalist class invading any and all social institutions to spread anti-union, anti-socialist rhetoric - they try to get in churches, on television, in schools, everywhere, even if the best they can do is make a few tweaks to skew perception in their favor. There are good works written on this, they battle hard to control how we think about the world, and part of that involves keeping us unaware of such things.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Listening Anderson Cooper try to fathom how a white person could possibly want to join this Nazi protest, when mainstream political ideology can't explain why "young white males" have anything less than idelic prospects in life:

It's like there's this big, gaping piece of the puzzle missing in people's conception of politics and economics where leftist thought is supposed to be, and which the language of identity politics that fills the vacuum, and through which Cooper is trying to use instead to size up the situation, with laughable murky results. He literally cannot comprehend their anger.

Anderson Cooper is the sort of person who thinks suffering is having to do your own shopping. Which is why it's literally incomprehensible to him. Of course, many of the white people supporting Trump do in fact live privileged, suburban lives, like, they have the trappings of blue collar life but own a business. They still have seen things get harder - the difference is, they want to get a bigger slice of the pie, and, basically, **** everyone else down below them. It's more about preserving and gaining privileges than fighting against the structures that produce them
2017-08-17, 3:08 AM #3652
Well okay, color me suprised that the neo-Nazis turn out to be full of ****, but at least in theory I think that Cooper should have been able to come up with a better response than, "hey you guys are white! What do YOU have to complain about, LOL". Then again I guess that's what'll happen to your worldview when your job is literally to immerse yourself in mainstream ways of thinking about this from 9 to 5.
2017-08-17, 3:08 AM #3653
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I don't think the business world would welcome a hard white nationalist government, unless the country faced an existential threat. Even then, there's so much ink that's been spilled demonizing Nazis that it'd be wildly unpopular and forced.

I don't think it would be shaped with quite the same open racist rhetoric. It will be more about instilling order, forcing and structuring tiers of society like a fascist regime, but I don't think it can win on the racist white vote alone, it will just depend on that structure in some way.
2017-08-17, 3:12 AM #3654
Originally posted by Reid:
I don't think it would be shaped with quite the same open racist rhetoric. It will be more about instilling order, forcing and structuring tiers of society like a fascist regime, but I don't think it can win on the racist white vote alone, it will just depend on that structure in some way.

If riots became sufficiently frequent and costly, you might see an alliance between law enforcement, racists, and businesses. (Wait, doesn't that pretty much describe the Republican base today?)
2017-08-17, 3:19 AM #3655
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
In other words, a return to "business as usual".

BTW, you guys see that VICE special on HBO? Check it out just to see Reeve's face to face dialog with some of these nuts. Seething with anger and armed to the teeth. Really puts a face on these anonymous ****posters, and it ain't a pretty one. I certainly hope the FBI and DHS is monitoring the one who said that Charlottesville was just the beginning and that we should expect to see a lot more violence.

BTW, it was extremely bizarre to listen to some bearded Appalachian hick rambling on about the plight of white people, and without batting an eye use language straight out of Dragon Ball Z to talk about their "power level". (In the alt. right, people talk about "hiding their power level" to mean keeping their controversial opinions a secret.)

It's like the younger generation of ****posters is cross-polinating these scary old white dudes by spreading memes.

2017-08-17, 5:16 AM #3656
former entrepreneur
2017-08-17, 12:26 PM #3657

2017-08-17, 12:52 PM #3658
former entrepreneur
2017-08-17, 2:09 PM #3659
Papa, where were you the day Richard Spencer tweeted about anime porn
2017-08-17, 4:58 PM #3660
Well it looks like the anti-Semitic editors at Breitbart are out in full force:

...[Bannon] openly talked of his feud with Trump's chief economic adviser Gary Cohn — energized but concerned allies who worry Kelly won't look positively at undercutting Trump on North Korea and knifing senior officials publicly.

"The only thing I would change if I were in his shoes is I don’t like that he named Cohn," a Bannon ally said. "He can say globalists, everyone knows who that is."

(As if to reenforce the word association, Breitbart, the news site Bannon formerly ran, bracketed Cohn's name in globes on its front page on Wednesday.)
2017-08-17, 8:03 PM #3661
Wondering what kind of trash is being fed directly into POTUS's brain? Check out @trumps_feed, which automatically retweets every post made by the pages he is following. It seems that he ingests a diet mostly consisting of fake news.


  1. The Daily Caller posts an article titled "It's Time To Blow Up Mount Rushmore", construing the removal of Confederate statues as a slippery slope
  2. VICE posts a rebuttal article with (at the time) the exact same title
  3.'s culture and media contributor Stephen Miller (no, not that Stephen Miller; maybe a common name among conservative voters?) makes a tweet implying that VICE is advocating the destruction of Mount Rushmore
  4. The Drudge Report, which POTUS subscribes to, Tweets a link the following very short story put out by Pajamas Media:
    On the same day as a deadly incident in Barcelona that police have confirmed as a terrorist attack, a tweet published by VICE (whose website PJ Media will not link to in this post) called for blowing up Mount Rushmore. The original tweet has since been deleted, but not before PJ Media grabbed a screenshot of the post. As of this writing, the article linked to in the original tweet remains the main post on the VICE's homepage with slightly toned down language. Hat tip to's culture and media contributor Stephen Miller for putting the post on our radar. Timestamps. I should probably just take the rest of the day off. — Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) August 17, 2017 Update: VICE has issued an explanation for walking back their tone of their post: Editor's note: The headline and URL of this story have been updated. We do not condone violence in any shape or form, and the use of "blow up" in the original headline as a rhetorical device was misguided and insensitive. We apologize for the error.
  5. Donald Trump sees this in his Twitter feed, and assuming he read that Drudge's Tweet (which is still up) probably concluding that VICE is just a bunch of liberal terrorists who want to blow up Mount Rushmore
2017-08-17, 8:04 PM #3662
As I was trawling through the toxic waste emanating from his Twitter feed, I did come across this image, which is truly a gem:

Edit: apparently, this thing as gone viral. Can't say I'd be brave enough to wear it on a T-shirt, though.
2017-08-18, 4:52 PM #3663
The recently-fired Bannon, in the midst of his very personal hobby, was not able to comment today on his departure.
2017-08-18, 7:43 PM #3664
I've been watching Nazi propaganda (actual Nazi propaganda) so that I can get a better idea of the shape and tone of their rhetoric, and all I'm coming away with is one, Nazism is excessively nationalistic and two, is obsessed with putting workers in their place. In both Triumph of Faith and Triumph of the Will, they have mentioned how the people at the Nuremberg rally are somehow transcendentally good for Germany because they don't see class, but rather see "one Germany", and in Triumph of the Will the glorification of the worker as a selfless person who sacrifices themselves for the good of the nation.

This helps solidify my view that Nazism is really right-leaning economically, as by Triumph of the Will trade unions had been banned. I think it's an American quirk that people think centralized production is somehow left-wing.
2017-08-18, 7:46 PM #3665
In short, the socialism of National Socialism is not the socialism of Marx.
2017-08-18, 7:52 PM #3666
Originally posted by Reid:
I don't think it would be shaped with quite the same open racist rhetoric. It will be more about instilling order, forcing and structuring tiers of society like a fascist regime, but I don't think it can win on the racist white vote alone, it will just depend on that structure in some way.

Which is why, if I can predict a 21st century fascism/Nazism, it's going to have a strong rhetoric about disciplining the working force, stronger than the racist rhetoric. This is the primary tone of Hitler's early speeches, making workers work for the greatness of Germany.
2017-08-18, 10:38 PM #3667
Fascism was, scientifically speaking, crazy-town. Their only consistent economic policy was a kind of extra-ill-conceived Social Darwinism, which sought to breed a more successful man by further punishing the poor with austerity and anti-labor policies, and further privilege the rich with bail-outs, pork, and monopolies.

I wouldn't worry about what a 21st century fascist movement is "going to have". Fascism is simply the purest expression of neoliberalism, as she is done.
2017-08-18, 10:41 PM #3668
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
The recently-fired Bannon, in the midst of his very personal hobby, was not able to comment today on his departure.

That's possible. He might also be looking for a rental property for his (third) ex-wife to cook meth and film porn in.

...the previous tenants “were not very upstanding people” and had “severely damaged” the property.

They had “put padlocks on all the doors, installed video cameras, and had ruined the bathtub, kitchen counter, and floor.”

Worse, though, was that it had been a “party house,” she said, known for frequent drug use.

Carlos Herrera, who owned the house with with his wife, Andreina Morales, painted a picture of what initially seemed to be a normal tenancy but soon evolved into an almost daily parade of debauchery and drug use, including run-ins with the police.

“The conclusion is she was probably cooking meth in here,” Herrera said of Bannon’s ex-wife. That would have explained the damage done to the bathtub and kitchen sink.

Curtis heard the same stories of porn, drugs, and debauchery over and over again.

“Each person gave accounts that the house was used to film pornography, had a constant flow of men, women — and even children — at the house and that blatant drug use was occurring at all hours of the night and day,” Curtis said.

At least five people told him tales of drug use and porn at the house.

Felix, a handyman who frequently worked on the property, told Curtis he had personally “witnessed women and men being filmed in the act.” He described the buckets of chemicals and bags of trash and rags he had to remove. He spent hours scrubbing the master bathtub, “which appeared melted by some form of acid.” Felix suspected the bathtub had been used for “making drugs.”

Curtis heard similar stories from the pest control service man.

“In fact,” Curtis said, “he did so in an almost gleeful and boastful manner.”

The pest control worker described witnessing drug use each time he came to the house, “even at early day hours.” He told Curtis it would blow his mind to know what “what went on in the house.”

An unnamed male tenant, he said, who was “a heavy set man,” offered him “girls for sex and/or drugs in lieu of payment,” but he never accepted because he could lose his job.

When the oven range needed repair, the repairman refused to come to the house. Despite the service warranty, Curtis said, he was told no one would come “if the same people were living in the house because ‘that house is evil and the people are evil.’”

The company ultimately agreed to send someone after being assured the prior tenants were gone.

When Curtis opened the gate, the repairman said with seeming relief, “You aren’t him.”

He proceeded to work on the range and also share his own horror stories about the previous tenants.

He told Curtis that on several occasions, when he would arrive to service the house, “the tenants would scream at him to leave and threatened him with violence.” At other times, when he was allowed into the house to perform work, he observed topless and naked men and women and the constant presence of drugs, which they would sometimes offer to him.

He told Curtis it was “the worst experience of his life” and that he “did not want anything to do with those ‘evil people.’”

“You have no idea what kind of evil stuff went on in the house,” he said.

One day, Curtis said, a woman came to the house asking for “Steve or [his ex-wife].” She appeared distraught when he told her they no longer lived there. She stood outside the gate for several minutes in a daze.

“I assumed she was probably a regular visitor to the house looking for drugs from the previous tenants,” Curtis said, “but I didn’t realize just how bad the drug use in the house had been at the time. I firmly told her to leave and to not come back.”

Meanwhile, according to the realtor, the neighbors had formed a committee “in an effort to get the owners to evict” the tenants before they ultimately left.

In September 2016, upon returning from a filming in the South Pacific, Curtis came home to a pile of mail addressed to Steve Bannon and his ex-wife. Curtis would write “return to sender” on the mail, but “the flow of bills, notices from the city of Miami, and letters from the Bank of Ireland started piling up.”

That’s when the landlord finally told Curtis about the identity of the former tenants.

“He told me that [Bannon] was indeed the previous tenant who caused such drama,” Curtis said. And now that Bannon had joined Trump’s presidential campaign, everyone was looking into Bannon and his history.

“He told me the FBI had contacted them, as well as several reporters and journalists,” Curtis said, “and that I should expect to be contacted as well.”

“It was an unusual situation, to say the least,” he added.

But it was more than unusual. It was also a health hazard.

Shortly after Curtis moved into the house, he started to experience a variety of symptoms: fatigue, inability to sleep, eye and skin irritation, chronic chest pain, and dizziness.

The symptoms would subside when he was away from the house for weeks at a time and they would resume when he returned.

In March, Herrera finally admitted to Curtis that the prior tenants had manufactured meth there. That’s when Curtis went to stay in a hotel. Again, his symptoms subsided.

He also purchased kits to test for methamphetamine in the house. At first, he focused on the kitchen, master bathroom, and guest room. The tests showed a high level of contamination, so Curtis ordered six more tests and had them shipped overnight.

The contamination was through the roof. So Curtis hired a company to test the house at well. The test confirmed “levels of meth and very high levels of cocaine.”

In May, Curtis moved out of the house.

He still suffers from health problems related to living in the house once occupied by Steve Bannon.
2017-08-18, 10:43 PM #3669
The key difference between fascism and neoliberalism is whether the economically useless are killed by exposure or zyklon B.
2017-08-18, 10:44 PM #3670
In fact, after more hours of research, I'm more and more convinced of a certain pernicious ideology going around. There are two uses of the term socialism. One being centrally planned economies, a la Hayek's Road to Serfdom. The other being "Marxist" socialism, which I would define to be the degree to which workers have control over the means of production. As far as I can tell, most people on the left prefer the latter, and people on the right conflate the meanings and always argue against the former.

It seems fairly unequivocal from what I can tell that, an increase in unionization correlates with better quality of life - and most governments describable as "totalitarian" and sucked - destroyed unions and are against labor rights. Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Venezuela, all treat/treated labor horribly. The 1930's and WW2 in America saw a vast increase in union membership and labor rights. Even today, union membership correlates with economic success.

Of course, other factors contribute to the success of an economy, but I find this interesting.
2017-08-18, 10:46 PM #3671
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Fascism was, scientifically speaking, crazy-town. Their only consistent economic policy was a kind of extra-ill-conceived Social Darwinism, which sought to breed a more successful man by further punishing the poor with austerity and anti-labor policies, and further privilege the rich with bail-outs, pork, and monopolies.

I wouldn't worry about what a 21st century fascist movement is "going to have". Fascism is simply the purest expression of neoliberalism, as she is done.

So, uh, what's going to happen worst case scenario in the United States?
2017-08-18, 10:48 PM #3672
That shouldn't surprise anyone. Corporations are centrally planned dictatorships. Unions bring democracy to them.
2017-08-18, 10:50 PM #3673
Originally posted by Reid:
So, uh, what's going to happen worst case scenario in the United States?

Ask the judges who've been giving criminals (black men) lighter sentences in exchange for vasectomies.
2017-08-18, 10:51 PM #3674
The **** you think's the worst case scenario in the United States?
2017-08-18, 10:52 PM #3675
2017-08-18, 10:55 PM #3676
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Ask the judges who've been giving criminals (black men) lighter sentences in exchange for vasectomies.

Jesus Christ.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
The **** you think's the worst case scenario in the United States?

Uh, Trump appoints judges who are sympathetic to hard right views, they get approved because Republican majorities, some time down the line there's a financial/ecological/foreign crisis, new leader is elected who rallies congress to pass laws that extend executive power greatly and the supreme court doesn't stop them, leading to the beginning of American totalitarianism.

Or something like that.
2017-08-18, 10:58 PM #3677
Originally posted by Jon`C:
That shouldn't surprise anyone. Corporations are centrally planned dictatorships. Unions bring democracy to them.

Maybe seeing the historical evidence clearly helps reinforce and clarify the perception?

Maybe the left as well needs to be louder about what we stand for and why it's good, instead of allowing people to distract and mislead.
2017-08-18, 11:02 PM #3678
/pol is kind of pathetic now. The Nazi larpers are genuinely upset that Bannon is out, not because they are worried about his future (he will be fine at Breitbart, and will surely have a great deal of influence, supposedly pro-Trump if the firing was not acrimonious, but we'll see what the Mercers have in store), but because of their overpowering, irrational anti-Semitism, they just cannot process the possibility that Ivanka and Kushner (Jewish) will fill the power vacuum.
2017-08-18, 11:04 PM #3679
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
/pol is kind of pathetic now.

2017-08-18, 11:06 PM #3680
Originally posted by Reid:
Maybe the left as well needs to be louder about what we stand for and why it's good, instead of allowing people to distract and mislead.

They might want to be coy about being straight up socialist due to the right wing propaganda machine and years of brainwashing and paranoia, but if another neoliberal sneaks in with the same old tired identity politics (which should be totally possible given the state of the Repubs after Trump), this whole episode will have been for nothing and we'll be back to the same business as usual, and we may as well have elected Clinton.

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