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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-11-07, 9:49 PM #5201

It's breathtaking how the US media feels it needs to explain who Marx and Engels were.

Edit: To say nothing of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. Holy cow yikes.

Edit 2: And the unsubtle rebuke, 'The mailer attacks Carter for identifying as a Democratic Socialist and includes the word “Socialism” over a red background with a picture of Carter alongside images of the communists.' Whoa there Richmond Times-Dispatch, that's an awful lot of words to call someone retarded.

Edit 3: This Miller guy a relative of yours, Wookie06? Or do you just watch the same TV shows?
2017-11-07, 9:51 PM #5202
Originally posted by Reid:
How does your personal ****town in Kentucky relate?

That's not nice.

\Red Knight
2017-11-07, 9:53 PM #5203
IRL me:

2017-11-07, 9:54 PM #5204
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
That's not nice.

\Red Knight

I'm making a deliberate reference to the ****town podcast.

The first four episodes are a tragic and deep reveal of how ****ed-up life is in red America.

I really appreciate how humane it is.

The problem is still though that people like Wookie are straight up dumb, and so immune to any factual data that they never change.

Never changing is the virtue of a statue, not a real-world human being.
2017-11-07, 9:55 PM #5205
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
IRL me:

Wait, he kind of looks like Sarn Cadrill.

The red state version of a Jedi Knight: fighting to restore the old republic.
2017-11-07, 9:56 PM #5206
Originally posted by Reid:
I'm basically the middle class ideal of white Americans, except I'm politically opposed to Wookie on a very deep level.

Don't think about it too hard.
2017-11-07, 9:59 PM #5207
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
That's not nice.

Originally posted by Reid:
people like Wookie are straight up dumb

Your resistance only makes my knighthood stronger.
2017-11-07, 10:03 PM #5208
Sorry, I forgot the Republican narrative. University makes you more liberal because you're brainwashed by liberal professors.

That's probably it.
2017-11-07, 10:06 PM #5209
Originally posted by Jon`C:

Don't think about it too hard.

No no no, don't you get it, dumbass? Education itself is left-wing biased, so naturally educated people will be more "left-wing". Once we uncuck universities, the left-right balance will be restored.

Don't tell the Kentuckians what happens after we remove all the left-wingers though.
2017-11-07, 10:08 PM #5210
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Sorry, I forgot the Republican narrative. University makes you more liberal because you're brainwashed by liberal professors.

That's probably it.

No, it's that liberal universities are awash in Soviet sympathizers and useful idiots who eat up propaganda being spread by communist front organizations.

How times change....
2017-11-07, 10:08 PM #5211
It's weird, though, that educated and highly skilled professionals would be more progressive. People who generally make a lot of money, and work closely with executives and business owners to achieve their goals. You know, people who see how hard rich people work and all of the value they contribute. Professionals who are educated in business and finance, and understand firsthand how business works and how labor is rewarded for good work.

Yeah, like, it's really weird. It's gotta be that brainwashing thing.
2017-11-07, 10:09 PM #5212
To be fair, an older lady lives around the corner from my parents. She's from Kentucky. She is a very nice person, and I have sacrificed my own time to help her fix her property up a few times.

IOW, I don't hate people from Kentucky, or the South. I have met some very genuine, kind people in the South. The thing is, this place is super propagandized, on a level I never thought possible in California. The truth is, people in the South vote on feelings and values, which means "bull****" in actual politics, above self-interest. Except now it seems Trump is losing out for Repubs hard since he's such a massive dumbass.
2017-11-07, 10:10 PM #5213
I bet a working class doof from Kentucky knows a lot more about billionaires than someone who works with them every day. As proven repeatedly on this very forum by our own Wookie06.

Please Wookie06, teach us the alchemy that will turn billionaires into jobs.
2017-11-07, 10:11 PM #5214
Is it tax cuts?
2017-11-07, 10:13 PM #5215
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yeah, like, it's really weird. It's gotta be that brainwashing thing.

Yuri made me do it.

Edit: Oh. You were talking about liberals.

2017-11-07, 10:15 PM #5216
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
No, it's that liberal universities are awash in Soviet sympathizers and useful idiots who eat up propaganda being spread by communist front organizations.

How times change....

Yep. The Soviets *never* had a point about right-wing foreign policy ever. If an impartial evaluations of the facts leads you to a left-wing moral view, then that means you're a biased communist leftist cuck.

Or so says McCarthy, and that guy's an American hero.
2017-11-07, 10:16 PM #5217
To be fair, the USSR did fund various left-wing front groups in the 60s.

Or maybe I'm wrong?
2017-11-07, 10:17 PM #5218
Originally posted by Reid:
I have met some very genuine, kind people in the South. The thing is, this place is super propagandized, on a level I never thought possible in California. The truth is, people in the South vote on feelings and values, which means "bull****" in actual politics, above self-interest.

So what you're saying is there's a bunch of genuine, kind southern conservatives who feel they just have to be neighborly enough with the billionaires, and then they'll see that they all have good quality and give them their factory jobs back? That's kinda sad. But it does explain a lot.
2017-11-07, 10:17 PM #5219
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
To be fair, the USSR did fund various left-wing front groups in the 60s.

Or maybe I'm wrong?

It did, but does all propagandistic influence have to be false prima facie?
2017-11-07, 10:19 PM #5220
I always figured it'd be the leftists with the guillotines. I'm not so sure anymore.
2017-11-07, 10:19 PM #5221
Originally posted by Reid:
It did, but does all propagandistic influence have to be false prima facie?

For the sarcastic purpose of my joke at the expense of conservatives, why not?
2017-11-07, 10:23 PM #5222
Originally posted by Jon`C:
So what you're saying is there's a bunch of genuine, kind southern conservatives who feel they just have to be neighborly enough with the billionaires, and then they'll see that they all have good quality and give them their factory jobs back? That's kinda sad. But it does explain a lot.

Hey, that kind of cynicism seems to work for guilting them into attending McMegaChurch.
2017-11-07, 10:24 PM #5223
Originally posted by Jon`C:
So what you're saying is there's a bunch of genuine, kind southern conservatives who feel they just have to be neighborly enough with the billionaires, and then they'll see that they all have good quality and give them their factory jobs back? That's kinda sad. But it does explain a lot.

P much. this same person knew I had an interest in history, and called me over to her house for a long lecture on "constitutionalist" readings, which amounted to "abortion is immoral" readings of American politics.

I didn't have an effective recourse. This is how Kentuckians view the world. I mean, they thought a tax policy reducing the rate for a "Noah's Ark" attraction would somehow benefit the local economy. It didn't.
2017-11-07, 10:25 PM #5224
In other words, Kentuckians are noble self-sacrificing, genuine people. They're also dumb and throw in the lot with the most immoral, evil, selfish political lot since the G. depression.
2017-11-07, 10:26 PM #5225
God wrote the constitution, James Madison was merely a prophet.
2017-11-07, 10:27 PM #5226
Originally posted by Jon`C:
So what you're saying is there's a bunch of genuine, kind southern conservatives who feel they just have to be neighborly enough with the billionaires, and then they'll see that they all have good quality and give them their factory jobs back? That's kinda sad. But it does explain a lot.

The more I think about this, the more horrifying this mindset becomes. It's not just being governed by your own emotions, it's transposing that mindset onto others. When you view the world this way, you live in a world where businesses don't leave to save money, they leave because they are upset with you. Where police shooting black people isn't a problem, because black people are scary, and anybody who scares the police must be bad. Holy ****. I've actually never thought about it this way before. I don't know why, but I didn't.
2017-11-07, 10:28 PM #5227
Why in the world do I go on a website in my leisure time talking about things that make me suicidal.
2017-11-07, 10:28 PM #5228

Hot topics in Kentucky politics.

Notice how they carefully leave off violet in their rainbow light collage.
2017-11-07, 10:29 PM #5229
I think you guys have just taught me what it'd be like to drop 40 IQ points.
2017-11-07, 10:32 PM #5230
I see. Normally that would be very insulting.
2017-11-07, 10:32 PM #5231
Then you would be down the 50 range like Koobie!
2017-11-07, 10:37 PM #5232
Originally posted by Jon`C:
The more I think about this, the more horrifying this mindset becomes. It's not just being governed by your own emotions, it's transposing that mindset onto others. When you view the world this way, you live in a world where businesses don't leave to save money, they leave because they are upset with you. Where police shooting black people isn't a problem, because black people are scary, and anybody who scares the police must be bad. Holy ****. I've actually never thought about it this way before. I don't know why, but I didn't.

Dude. you've legitimately grasped southern politics.

A girl I know, heavily involved in local church groups, participated in a "first responder appreciation" church group. Which mean, bringing young girls together to serve food to firefighters and police.

Police is the key issue. People in the South Herald the police. From even Californian right-wing locales, this is a mystery. Who the **** likes the police, nonetheless showcases their girls to the police?
2017-11-07, 10:38 PM #5233
I mean, it's all framed in innocent Christian bull****, but it's clearly overlying a sexual aspect of American culture that's really, really weird.

Basically, as a Californian, the rest of American is a creepy, weird cult.
2017-11-07, 10:40 PM #5234
I suppose it's better to have the police like and appreciate your organization than for them to not even know you exist. Maybe a few more units roll by each day.
2017-11-07, 10:41 PM #5235
California is it's own, unique brand of ****hole.
2017-11-07, 10:44 PM #5236
I enjoy stupidity. Too much intelligence, and smart people might start to hold me accountable for mutilating their ideas.
2017-11-07, 10:44 PM #5237
Originally posted by Jon`C:
The more I think about this, the more horrifying this mindset becomes. It's not just being governed by your own emotions, it's transposing that mindset onto others. When you view the world this way, you live in a world where businesses don't leave to save money, they leave because they are upset with you. Where police shooting black people isn't a problem, because black people are scary, and anybody who scares the police must be bad. Holy ****. I've actually never thought about it this way before. I don't know why, but I didn't.

Dude. Politics in VA is much more aggressive than it is in CA. VA I've had much more aggressive conservative proselytizing than I've ever had in CA. I've had Christian local church groups accost me multiple times, at Walmart, on campus, in CA that ever happens rarely.

In certain regions in VA that could be devastatingly effective at swinging voters right.
2017-11-07, 10:45 PM #5238
Originally posted by Steven:
California is it's own, unique brand of ****hole.

Sure, but, coming from CA, most people in the rest of the glorious US of A don't understand **** about CA politics and speak when it's not their specialty.
2017-11-07, 10:47 PM #5239
CA, as far as I'm concerned, is politically an anomaly. At the same time, it's a marvelously effective, productive state that gets a ****ton done, and is far more representative than most red states. I mean, be jealous, but at least in CA triple-digit wage contracts exist, versus the double wage ****ty union jobs that top the charts in ****town, Southville.
2017-11-07, 10:47 PM #5240
I was thinking about this the other day.

Stuff that California doesn't have that most Americans take for granted:

  • "State troopers"
  • Churches everywhere
  • Civil war legacy
  • Regularly paved roads

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