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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-12-05, 12:59 AM #6201
The Truth of the Destruction of Apocalopolis awaits just on the other side of the ever dissolving veil where all the screaming and the mess is going on.

This is my final offering. I do it for the JK editors so that they might release Planet Sith 4.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2017-12-05, 1:07 AM #6202
I thought you already retired from editing JK.

(Does this mean we get another level / mod?)
2017-12-05, 1:12 AM #6203
Oh, I get it.

If you think killing yourself will lead to more people editing JK, well, let's just say that that's something you might want to think twice about first.
2017-12-05, 1:40 AM #6204
Too late!

Anyway, will Trump move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? The expression "surely even he wouldn't do that" must have been uttered many many times this year in reference to him, but... eh. You know.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2017-12-05, 2:00 AM #6205

[quote=The New York Times]
Mr. Trump is expected to announce the decision in a speech next Wednesday, these people said, though they cautioned that the president had not yet formally signed off on it and that the details of the plan could shift.

Those details, experts warned, are fiendishly complicated.

Why, what better man than our beloved POTUS to handle fiendishly complicated details.
2017-12-05, 2:02 AM #6206
(why can't I find the Captain Kirk emoticon)
2017-12-05, 2:13 AM #6207
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 2:14 AM #6208
Brain Force
2017-12-05, 2:16 AM #6209
Oh God, Alex Jones has the president's ear, right? I wonder if he is providing him with those supplements.

It would be a poetic twist of fate if Donald Trump dropped dead because of impurities in said nutritional supplements.

OTOH, I realize just how naive people must be to think that Alex Jones or Paul Joseph Watson take their own scam pills.
2017-12-05, 2:28 AM #6210
I hear you can get most of the nutrition you need from regularly eating Big Macs and Filet-O-Fish sandwiches.
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 2:35 AM #6211
On the bridge side, you probably won't accumulate too many toxic chemicals in your liver from eating those (unlike some supplements), although I bet you could dig up information about all the crap we're putting into the bodies of the animals we eat. Don't get me started on the kind of things my vegan friends rant to me about what's in meat (to their eyes it's a wonder I'm even alive still).
2017-12-05, 2:40 AM #6212
All that extra DNA you have from supplements is keeping you regular.
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 2:49 AM #6213
American meats are disgusting. I don't mean that in some jingoistic sense, like "Alberta beef is the best, hoo-rah". I mean US meat is bad.

Your chicken tastes like egg. I assume because your chickens are fed eggshell? ****ed if I know. But it doesn't taste healthy, and it doesn't look smell or look healthy either. Canada's not exactly known for having high quality chicken, but even so you can plainly tell the difference when a supermarket here is selling US chicken versus Canadian chicken.

Your beef is flavorless. It means your cows are fed exactly nothing that they ever evolved to eat. Beef picks up strong flavors when the cows eat grasses, even hay and some grains. If they graze, they're even getting some insects in their diet, which again helps the flavor. American beef has none, though, which means your cows are fed exclusively corn. That's not great. Everybody finishes their cows with something like barley or corn, because it fattens them up quickly. But you aren't supposed to feed them nothing but corn. Ain't good.

Your pork tastes like pig ****. Christ, even your bacon is inedible. Just this overwhelming pig **** taste and smell. I don't know how you people stand it. That is not how pork is supposed to smell. That is not healthy. They taste like that because you are packing them into feed lots and they are eating their own ****.

The only meat I ate when I was in the US was beef, and that's because US beef is only boring rather than toxic.

You guys are really ****ed up at agriculture, is what I'm saying.
2017-12-05, 2:50 AM #6214
I know it's not "you guys" so much as "your inscrutable and evil megacorporations" but still
2017-12-05, 2:52 AM #6215
When I visited NYC in 2006, I happened to buy some ham slices from some supermarket type place.

To my surprise, they tasted very sugary. Maybe it was the preservative, maybe it was some kinda substance not found in Northern Europe, maybe it was high fructose corn syrup - who knows!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2017-12-05, 2:59 AM #6216
Maybe it was sugar? :shrug:

(Or more likely corn syrup, as you suggested.)
2017-12-05, 3:07 AM #6217
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I know it's not "you guys" so much as "your inscrutable and evil megacorporations" but still

The strange thing is, why would anybody continue to willingly consume this $hite despite being a billionaire?

Some people are just genuinely stupid, I guess.
2017-12-05, 3:16 AM #6218

The State Department has warned American embassies worldwide to heighten security ahead of a possible announcement Wednesday by President Donald Trump that the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The warning — delivered in the past week via two classified cables described by State Department officials — reflects concern that such an announcement could provoke fury in the Arab world even as Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner works to advance long-stalled peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

It's Benghazi all over again!!
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 3:23 AM #6219
But isn't like everything run from Tel Aviv?
2017-12-05, 3:26 AM #6220
Oh my goodness, I actually forgot that peace in the Middle East was Jared Kushner's assignment. That is so ****ed up.
2017-12-05, 3:28 AM #6221
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Some people are just genuinely stupid, I guess.

I think stupidity is always exploitable, especially these days. Before, you really had to look for (or accidentally bump into) the type of loons who'd be into stuff like Alex Jones's Aryansaft. These days, they're everywhere.

Which reminds me of a self-serving FGR anecdote. Almost right after my DX mod (starring a black Shaft/Blade-type of guy) was released in 2013, someone made a video (standard Let's Play stuff) of it and one of the first comments was "why do you have to play as a n****r". In 2013: a comment you had to scroll down the page to see it. These days: the first suggested video would probably be "FGR's Gay Russian Muslim Liberal Fascist Agenda Exposed Step-By-Step" by a guy with the Simpsons avatar.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2017-12-05, 3:34 AM #6222
Just to be perfectly clear, the stupid guy in question is the one who can't figure out that billionaires don't have to eat the same fodder their economic system feeds the masses with.

If I were a billionaire, I sure as heck wouldn't be caught eating too many Filet-O-Fish or Big Macs. Maybe he just likes them? Idk
2017-12-05, 3:49 AM #6223
Originally posted by Jon`C:
But isn't like everything run from Tel Aviv?

Only the military and the defense establishment. All the major government institutions (Supreme Court, the Knesset, etc) are located in and operate out of Jerusalem.
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 4:03 AM #6224
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Just to be perfectly clear, the stupid guy in question is the one who can't figure out that billionaires don't have to eat the same fodder their economic system feeds the masses with.

I just imagine this scenario taking place all the time in Corporate Labs
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2017-12-05, 4:19 AM #6225
I don't really understand why Trump would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel without moving the embassy. It seems as if the White House thinks recognition is a half-measure that allows Trump to make a strong, decisive unilateral move without having to suffer the blowback that would follow from moving the embassy. But that's utterly preposterous, because the only reason why Palestinians and Arab States care about moving the embassy is because they're worried it would amount to implicit recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Recognizing Jerusalem is a much more consequential decision in terms of prejudicing the outcome of peace negotiations. It does everything that Palestinians/Arabs think is bad about moving the embassy, except worse. So the blowback and public outcry from recognizing Jerusalem as the capital would likely be worse than if he moves the embassy without recognition.

But... Russia did quietly recognize West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel last year and there were few consequences. It is actually possible that Trump will recognize some part of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in a way that is sufficiently nuanced to avert the troubles that the chattering classes are anticipating. There's a clear pattern of public hype and speculation leading up to an event where he's rumored to make a monumental decision, which usually climaxes in a sad fizzle when he ultimately decides to do something unspectacular and, ultimately, unimportant.
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 4:22 AM #6226
That was an Asheron's Call reference by the way.
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 4:30 AM #6227
Because saying stupid pointless things distracts the media from reporting on Trump’s many crimes.
2017-12-05, 5:50 AM #6228
Originally posted by Jon`C:

That **** is disgusting and there's something wrong with you.

But physically, yeah, you'll be okay. If you can call that a life.


Why anyone drinks anything but whole fat is beyond me

It's like "hey, you can either take this bar of gold or this one of these bars of lead" and people routinely go for the lead
2017-12-05, 5:55 AM #6229
I prefer lead because lactose-free gold isn't always readily available.
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 5:56 AM #6230
And I'm a soyboy
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 6:00 AM #6231
I actively disparage and undercut my own masculinity as an act of perverse self-denial
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 6:01 AM #6232
Originally posted by Eversor:
I prefer lead because lactose-free gold isn't always readily available.

Oh, sorry for your loss :(
2017-12-05, 6:02 AM #6233
Originally posted by Reid:
Oh, sorry for your loss :(

former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 6:02 AM #6234
Originally posted by Eversor:
I actively disparage and undercut my own masculinity as an act of perverse self-denial

Same, I actively take transition hormones even though I'm no transgender
2017-12-05, 6:13 AM #6235
Originally posted by Reid:
Same, I actively take transition hormones even though I'm no transgender

Yeah, I'm still a straight man. But I'm a delicate straight man, who prances around and exhibits mostly feminine features, because I'm submissive and full of self-loathing, and uncomfortable with the social expectations that my masculinity imposes on me. And I enjoy soy products, because they aren't manly, like supplements or the sport ball. A total beta.
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 6:28 AM #6236
This thread seems to repeat itself alot.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2017-12-05, 6:32 AM #6237
Originally posted by Eversor:
Yeah, I'm still a straight man. But I'm a delicate straight man, who prances around and exhibits mostly feminine features, because I'm submissive and full of self-loathing, and uncomfortable with the social expectations that my masculinity imposes on me. And I enjoy soy products, because they aren't manly, like supplements or the sport ball. A total beta.

It seems like a cultural problem that even expressing the concern that one isn't masculine enough, or that one is uncomfortable with one's masculinity, is an exclusively right-wing (alt-right?) phenomenon. It seems that the left is uncomfortable with portraying any kind of exemplary model of masculinity, even though it's very comfortable with describing male sexuality as inherently perverse and violent. It's unclear if there are models for gender identity anymore on the left, or if they're seen merely as sets of expectations that are imposed on us by society in violation of our freedom to be ourselves. So, yeah. It makes sense that polarization (or, really, the left's denial of such as thing as gender norms) would create room for some on the right to create this stereotype of the self-effacing man who is disparaging about his sex, and why they would associate that with effete liberalism. It arises as a polemical rejection of the view that male identity does not exist or, if it does, it's inherently perverse, and as mockery of those who are willing to play along.
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 6:33 AM #6238
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
This thread seems to repeat itself alot.

Have you heard about the theory that Donald Trump is a Nazi?
former entrepreneur
2017-12-05, 6:51 AM #6239
I mean, it's not like such repetition is really that bad (and probably preferable to my perpetual repetitions of you-know-whats), but by this point this thread has almost doubled the post-count of the Religious Discussion forum before it was closed down (last record of its postcount before closure seems to be from late Dec 2003 ).

Which reminds me, I wonder what happened to Joren Darkstar. Maybe he teamed up with Captain_Ramen from Cantina Cloud and Wookie06 from TACC to form some kind of a free market camp in Oregon or wherever?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2017-12-05, 7:29 AM #6240
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
This thread seems to repeat itself alot.

You know who else seemed to repeat himself alot?

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