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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-05-07, 5:17 PM #1841
What's amusing is that Musk's and Thiel's fortunes both got their start because each man co-founded (what would become) the same company.

I guess the difference in what they did with the $$$$$$$$$$ speaks to their respective backgrounds (engineer vs. Randroid turned lawyer turned derivatives trader)
2017-05-07, 5:48 PM #1842

This video is a pretty nice take on the Trump presidency. Makes Americans look far more sane.
2017-05-07, 7:19 PM #1843
Originally posted by Reid:
Yeah, I think this is more accurate than most would want to admit. There was a definite shift in tone in much of the internet circa 2010/2011, when this stuff I believe first began, and everything on the internet became much more political.

This is what I believe Terrence McKenna was describing with his Timewave theory about the ebb and flow of novelty and habit and the novelty singularity on December 21st 2012. The approach up to the last month of 2012 was a bizarre run of never before seen intersections between peer to peer information transfer and real world effects of same. Arab spring, Obama continuing to be the first social media president etc. The King Wen hexagram arrangement of the I Ching is just a thread in a long tapestry which includes books, oral folk tradition, cinema and 90s pop music describing the evolution of humans from the creation of language, to it's culmination in making society entirely ****post based. Forever. This is who we are now.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-07, 7:39 PM #1844
Originally posted by Spook:
This is what I believe Terrence McKenna was describing with his Timewave theory about the ebb and flow of novelty and habit and the novelty singularity on December 21st 2012. The approach up to the last month of 2012 was a bizarre run of never before seen intersections between peer to peer information transfer and real world effects of same. Arab spring, Obama continuing to be the first social media president etc. The King Wen hexagram arrangement of the I Ching is just a thread in a long tapestry which includes books, oral folk tradition, cinema and 90s pop music describing the evolution of humans from the creation of language, to it's culmination in making society entirely ****post based. Forever. This is who we are now.

God knows I'm not the one to talk here, but can somebody redpill me on autism?

I know this is a joke. But still....
2017-05-07, 8:38 PM #1845
Oh god I love that website. I have decided to dedicate my life to pursuing satisfying answers instead of correct ones, and that is better than porn.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-07, 8:41 PM #1846
Here it is

Rumor has it that Jim Carey is going to be playing Terrence in some hippy dippy cartoon trip doc soon, which is pretty well fitting.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-07, 8:59 PM #1847
Terence McKenna is the Deepak Chopra of DMT use
2017-05-07, 9:00 PM #1848
From that video, within the first 30 seconds

my bias has always been toward science

Said no scientifically literate person ever.

And yes, I am well aware of who Terrence McKenna was.
2017-05-07, 9:02 PM #1849
You wanted an autism red pill and I gave it to you man, I don't know what else to tell you.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-07, 9:19 PM #1850
Fair point. :)

Actually, my last sentence about being aware of who he was was just put in just to dispell any illusion that I had any expectation of finding a "scientific" person in Terrence McKenna.
2017-05-07, 9:34 PM #1851
my bias has always been toward science

lol irl
2017-05-07, 9:35 PM #1852
"only the sith deal in absolutes"
2017-05-07, 9:46 PM #1853
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Fair point. :)

Actually, my last sentence about being aware of who he was was just put in just to dispell any illusion that I had any expectation of finding a "scientific" person in Terrence McKenna.

I feel as though generally, culturally, people commonly referred to bards are generally scientists.

That's why Bill Nye is both an accomplished communicator and an accomplished actual scientistic priest
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-07, 11:23 PM #1854
Speaking of "science", climate denier and EPA suer / director Pruitt has plans to innovate his agency's epistemology:

Pruitt is planning a much broader overhaul of how the agency conducts its scientific analysis, said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The administration has been meeting with academics to talk about the matter and putting thought into which areas of investigation warrant attention from the agency’s scientific advisers.

The agency may consider industry scientific experts for some of the board positions, Freire said, as long as these appointments do not pose a conflict of interest.
2017-05-07, 11:42 PM #1855
Finally someone is reigning in those power-mad climate change barons. It's about time someone looked out for the little guys, like petrochemical CEOs.
2017-05-08, 8:37 PM #1856
what to you think their average height is
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-08, 8:38 PM #1857
2017-05-08, 11:50 PM #1858
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-09, 1:07 AM #1859
Looks like they've started gutting the EPA. Removed half of the board to replace with industry insiders.

So yeah, can we bring back the guillotine?
2017-05-09, 1:08 AM #1860
The EPA now has decided that the Flint water crisis is solved. No actions were necessary, the water just happens to now contain acceptable levels of lead.
2017-05-09, 1:11 AM #1861
On the other hand, cyberpunk is slowly becoming a reality. Which is cool.
2017-05-09, 4:59 AM #1862
cyberpunk is so cool
former entrepreneur
2017-05-09, 5:01 AM #1863
There's nothing cool about cyberpunk.
2017-05-09, 10:31 AM #1864
Some men aren't looking to cut the umbilical cord that is pumping them full of that gentle euphoria that only the tranquil womb of haughty nihilism can provide.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.
2017-05-09, 11:17 AM #1865
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Some men aren't looking to cut the umbilical cord that is pumping them full of that gentle euphoria that only the tranquil womb of haughty nihilism can provide.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

cyberpunk is so cool
former entrepreneur
2017-05-09, 11:19 AM #1866
cyberpunk has been here since at least ~2007
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-09, 11:40 AM #1867
Now, I don't want to push my luck here, but may I ask whether or not you've got any more pan-psychic woo woo that might peg the advent of the cyberpunk age to 2007 precisely?
2017-05-09, 12:21 PM #1868
Until Jon`C starts talking like JC Denton, I don't think we're in a cyberpunk world
I had a blog. It sucked.
2017-05-09, 12:41 PM #1869
So remember that time that one forum member ditched the politics thread and argued for its banishment? Because your post suggests a voice acting opportunity on the dystopian horizon....
2017-05-09, 12:44 PM #1870
Jon`C Denton
2017-05-09, 1:17 PM #1871
Lately seems like people are getting softer on Julian Assange, saying that, no, Trump should not literally hang him. Interesting how quickly some of the liberal press will change tone on a subject once the winds shift.

As well, let's fan the flames of discussion a bit. Assange recently called the CIA a "useless" organization, which I can't help but agree with, they seem to be really good at toppling governments and interfering in global politics, making things much worse in the process, without much (or sometimes any) benefit.
2017-05-09, 2:47 PM #1872
heh, "liberal press".

The reason journalists are defending Assange isn't because they're recoiling at the harshness of Trump's rhetoric. They're concerned about a slippery slope. If organizations that publish classified material can be punished for it (which would be the precedent set by Trump going after Assange), then other organizations that have published information based on confidential documents or leaks -- i.e., like, all of them -- could face "legal troubles" too.

The view points expressed by journalists do frequently reflect the specific interests of journalists -- remember the overblown coverage of the Gawker/Thiel scandal? One could say that this is another one of those cases. But here there's also an alignment between the interests of journalists and the public interest that's not merely coincidental. There's obvious value in protecting a norm that the media requires to do its job, and that the American public relies on to remain informed about what its government does behind closed doors.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-09, 2:50 PM #1873
That has the the side effect of legitimizing Assange's organization as actual journalism. Do they want to bite that bullet?
2017-05-09, 2:52 PM #1874
Originally posted by Reid:
That has the the side effect of legitimizing Assange's organization as actual journalism. Do they want to bite that bullet?

Does it? Whether or not Wikileaks is a journalistic organization, it's unquestionably a publisher.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-09, 2:53 PM #1875
Given Clinton is still using the monicker "Russian Wikileaks", Comey "Wikileaks is not legitimate journalism," and given the plethora of journalists willing to brownnose anyone with power, the tendency would be to not resist the state too much.

Unless maybe you believe the press is actually adversarial. Not sure.
2017-05-09, 2:54 PM #1876
Originally posted by Eversor:
Does it? Whether or not Wikileaks is a journalistic organization, it's unquestionably a publisher.

Yes, it does, because they're placing that circle around Wikileaks.

If the Russian state released the documents through RT, nobody would be defending RT's journalistic rights.
2017-05-09, 2:55 PM #1877
I actually found elements of Comey's argument about Wikileaks in the hearing the other day to be pretty convincing. Especially when he described Wikileaks as intelligence porn. That seemed apt.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-09, 3:00 PM #1878
Originally posted by Eversor:
I actually found elements of Comey's argument about Wikileaks in the hearing the other day to be pretty convincing. Especially when he described Wikileaks as intelligence porn. That seemed apt.

What is that supposed to mean? What I gathered from his comments were "Wikileaks is bad because they should put U.S. interests above other countries' interests."
2017-05-09, 3:00 PM #1879
Originally posted by Reid:
Yes, it does, because they're placing that circle around Wikileaks.

If the Russian state released the documents through RT, nobody would be defending RT's journalistic rights.

Well, duh. The US doesn't have jurisdiction over Russia, so the first amendment doesn't apply there.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-09, 3:02 PM #1880
Woah, James Comey was just fired? Speak of the devil?

This should bring the paranoia out.
former entrepreneur

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