The US is horrendously corrupt. That is the failing of things like the CPI, Corruption Perceptions Index. It isn’t based on objective measures of corruption, like whether policies are in the public interest, but instead it’s based on how corrupt the average citizen thinks their country is. Well, that doesn’t matter much when you are indoctrinated to believe corruption is the way things are supposed to work in government.
The US effectively doesn’t have regulation of large companies because it is completely legal for those companies to buy off the regulators. The only regulations that exist are designed to protect incumbents from upstarts, usually by creating regulatory burdens that small companies cannot reasonably meet. This is all intentional and it’s why politicians never do anything to fix it. Notice how Google and Facebook didn’t do anything about Net Neutrality this time? Because they’ve gotten a lot bigger since last time, and with Net Neutrality gone they are going to win big. It will be literally impossible for anybody to create a new YouTube competitor. Anti-NN makes Google a user video monopoly until the regulation changes. Most people know this stuff isn’t right, and they’re very angry about it, and right to be angry about it. But for every NN there are a thousand instances of regulatory capture that go completely unnoticed. I mean, Ajit Pais putting in a solid 40, and he’s not spending all of it on NN. He is the property of Verizon and there are 4 other days in the week.
The US isn’t the only country that’s like this, but it’s the richest, so it’s one of the worst.
What’s really sad is that conservatives and Republicans are going to see a lot of their own complaints in what I’m posting. That’s what I find so frustrating about them, because it’s all, well, let’s solve this problem we agree on by doing the same thing we’ve always done, only do it even more. Like, yes, income taxation is theft, but it’s specifically theft by the rich upon the poor. If we cut taxes they will find another way to steal your money, it’s what rich people do, because they do not work for a living and someone (you) will always be made to pay for their leisure. You can’t solve the theft problem until you solve the elite problem, the capitalist problem.