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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-02-24, 10:35 AM #7681
Trump suggested there should be a "rating system" for video games and movies....
2018-02-24, 11:10 AM #7682
Haha he really did, wow. How is it possible for a human being to be this far gone from reality?
2018-02-24, 11:13 AM #7683
Originally posted by Reid:
Haha he really did, wow. How is it possible for a human being to be this far gone from reality?

It's like, hellllooo, ever heard of rotten tomatoes?
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 11:14 AM #7684
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 11:49 AM #7685

Is Peterson more right here than wrong? I do think that when it comes to sex in American society, liberals aren't owning up to the fact that their ideas about sex have been dangerously flawed. There is a kind of self-overcoming happening, where the idea of sexual liberation behind the sexual revolution of the 60s is revealing its own inherent contradictions. Ultimately, our culture needs to provide more definite guidelines for sexual activity than "do anything, as longs as its consensual."
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 12:19 PM #7686
I am not sure sure that 'liberals' are the ones who responsible for casual sex. Well, maybe they were, at a some point? I suppose I've lost track of just how far we've come as a society in terms of sexual customs compared to less than a century ago.

But this feels like the usual tilting at windmills that social conservatives seem fond of doing on this issue: once people find out it's not the end of the world to have casual sex, do you really think it's going to be easy to take that away from them? You'd just as soon succeed in convincing society to forget that completely covering up a woman's body isn't necessary to prevent rape. I don't think people will buy it.

I do have a question for Dr. Peterson, though: if young men and teens aren't supposed to have casual sex AND they aren't supposed to consume pornography (in the very likely chance that they don't easily find a meaningful relationship), how are they possibly NOT going to wind up sexually frustrated? And is it really Dr. Peterson's goal to create sexually frustrated young men that he can mold into agents of social change, through his online influence? I feel that all social conservatives ultimately want to start a tribe of sorts around their conservationism.
2018-02-24, 12:22 PM #7687
Originally posted by Eversor:
Is Peterson more right here than wrong? I do think that when it comes to sex in American society, liberals aren't owning up to the fact that their ideas about sex have been dangerously flawed. There is a kind of self-overcoming happening, where the idea of sexual liberation behind the sexual revolution of the 60s is revealing its own inherent contradictions. Ultimately, our culture needs to provide more definite guidelines for sexual activity than "do anything, as longs as its consensual."

He says alot of things about sex that are true, but he frames them in such a bull**** context it's hard to take seriously. The idea that sexual liberation and casual sex are the cause of assault, and telling students not to have sex on the first date being a solution for sexual assault, is just wrong. As is the very obvious MRA talking points he's repeating.

The real problem IMO is American work culture is so severe it makes it really hard for people to stay committed to long term relationships. But that would require analyses that contradict JP's reactionary world view.
2018-02-24, 12:24 PM #7688
He's not wrong about the alcohol part, though, from what I imagine. And doesn't drunken sex at parties fall under the category of casual sex?
2018-02-24, 12:25 PM #7689
Originally posted by Reid:
The real problem IMO is American work culture is so severe it makes it really hard for people to stay committed to long term relationships. But that would require analyses that contradict JP's reactionary world view.

But how does this pertain to college students, who don't necessarily suffer yet from this work culture, since they very likely have yet to work a full time job, yet are going to frat parties in between studying?

Are you saying that they look down the horizon, and predict that college will be their last chance for casual sex in reaction to said harsh work conditions?
2018-02-24, 12:26 PM #7690
For instance, if JP's hypothesis was correct, you'd expect to see correlations between prevalence of casual sex and sexual assault.

I can find no evidence that the correlation he's implying makes sense. If there's not even a correlation, supposing causation is just an extra-wrong step.
2018-02-24, 12:27 PM #7691
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
But how does this pertain to college students, who don't necessarily suffer yet from this work culture, since they very likely have yet to work a full time job, yet are going to frat parties in between studying?

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure more college students today have jobs than ever before.
2018-02-24, 12:28 PM #7692
And this is making them have casual sex?
2018-02-24, 12:29 PM #7693
A part time job working at the university library is not what I would call severe.
2018-02-24, 12:32 PM #7694
People aren't having casual sex because their work is hard, they're having casual sex because their work is boring and provides ample time to use Tinder or to trawl Facebook for their next hookup.
2018-02-24, 12:34 PM #7695
Originally posted by Reid:
For instance, if JP's hypothesis was correct, you'd expect to see correlations between prevalence of casual sex and sexual assault.

I would be surprised if drunken casual sex weren't correlated with sexual assault.

Casual sex in general? Probably not, and his rant against it sounds like your typical social conservative talking points.
2018-02-24, 12:39 PM #7696
I think his general argument is that sex, as one activity amongst many that can happen between people, requires a degree of mutual intimacy and understanding that can't possibly be acquired after one date. Sexual assault is something that happens when people don't know each other well enough to communicate their desires to each other, or it's something that happens in a context where one night stands and promiscuity are encouraged. Hold on, problem...
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 12:42 PM #7697
In my view, this is just another instance of technology replacing social moors leading to a single connected, primitive, tribal society, where we are just a bunch of angry horny primates throwing **** at each other (Twitter) between intercourse (Tinder).
2018-02-24, 12:43 PM #7698
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
And this is making them have casual sex?

Not "just" that, it's part of American culture now. We spend more time isolated, spend more time in education, spend more time commuting and less time working. When you're always busy it's harder to maintain healthy relationships.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I would be surprised if drunken casual sex weren't correlated with sexual assault.

Casual sex in general? Probably not, and his rant against it sounds like your typical social conservative talking points.

Agreed. Getting really drunk and having sex is usually a bad idea. It's just not clear to me if this is even an increasing trend.
2018-02-24, 12:43 PM #7699
Originally posted by Eversor:
I think his general argument is that sex, as one activity amongst many that can happen between people, requires a degree of mutual intimacy and understanding that can't possibly be acquired after one date. Sexual assault is something that happens when people don't know each other well enough to communicate their desires to each other, or it's something that happens in a context where one night stands and promiscuity are encouraged. Hold on, problem...

Sexual assault is more likely to occur between people who are acquainted.
2018-02-24, 12:44 PM #7700
Originally posted by Reid:
Sexual assault is more likely to occur between people who are acquainted.

Wouldn't that still count as casual, though?
2018-02-24, 12:46 PM #7701
Originally posted by Reid:
Not "just" that, it's part of American culture now. We spend more time isolated, spend more time in education, spend more time commuting and less time working. When you're always busy it's harder to maintain healthy relationships.

If "less time working" and "more time isolated" is what you meant by "severe work culture", then sure.
2018-02-24, 12:46 PM #7702
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Wouldn't that still count as casual, though?

Yes, but the idea that most sexual assault occurs because strangers meet in a bar, get drunk and something bad happens deeply misunderstands sexual assault. So what JP is arguing is essentially a myth.
2018-02-24, 12:47 PM #7703
Originally posted by Reid:
Agreed. Getting really drunk and having sex is usually a bad idea. It's just not clear to me if this is even an increasing trend.

I would imagine it to be a pretty constant trend throughout history, actually.
2018-02-24, 12:47 PM #7704
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
If "less time working" and "more time isolated" is what you meant by "severe work culture", then sure.

American work culture sucks. Americans are worked to death. The only country I think that has a worse work culture is Japan.
2018-02-24, 12:47 PM #7705
Originally posted by Reid:
Yes, but the idea that most sexual assault occurs because strangers meet in a bar, get drunk and something bad happens deeply misunderstands sexual assault. So what JP is arguing is essentially a myth.

I think he's just pissed that he grew up in a world without Tinder.
2018-02-24, 12:49 PM #7706
Ok, continuing.

I think what JP is saying about casual sex actually isn't too far from the idea of toxic masculinity; that is, he thinks society has trained people to have defective and destructive views about sex, and they aren't quite aware of how destructive those views are, yet they still condition people's behaviours. In a society where sex is something that is seen as a trifle, and something that can be gotten (or should be gotten easily), where it's something that can be desired like a consumer gratification, people will pursue it as if it were a commodity, as if it didn't require intimacy and the greater context of a close relationship. If you divest sex from its association with relationships, then it becomes a matter of individual gratification, and that mindset drives individuals to coerce others to satisfy their personal desires at the expense of others.
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 12:49 PM #7707
Originally posted by Reid:
American work culture sucks. Americans are worked to death. The only country I think that has a worse work culture is Japan.

OK, so by this you mean, "people don't have time for anything in a relationship beyond the bare minimum, which ultimately boils down simply to the sex, whereas more time for healthy social interaction would have permitted the chance to develop more meaningful relationships".
2018-02-24, 12:51 PM #7708
People aren’t having casual sex because work is unfulfilling, they’re having casual sex because of contraceptives and antibiotics.

People had drunken sex at parties during the Roman Republic under similar conditions: A monoculture with limited exposure to foreign pathogens (they even shared ass-wiping sponges), and some sources suggest they may have had access to effective birth control (silphium among others).

England and offspring cultures by comparison were highly cosmopolitan, had no access to effective contraception, and imposed relatively harsh economic penalties for unintended reproduction.

Edit: said birth control twice, meant antibiotics.
2018-02-24, 12:52 PM #7709
Originally posted by Reid:
Sexual assault is more likely to occur between people who are acquainted.

I don't know if it's more likely to happen under those circumstances, but it certainly happens a non-trivial proportion of the time. See my second post.
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 12:53 PM #7710
Have I told you guys about my adventures on Tinder with a Jim Morrison profile?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-02-24, 12:54 PM #7711
Originally posted by Eversor:
Ok, continuing.

I think what JP is saying about casual sex actually isn't too far from the idea of toxic masculinity; that is, he thinks society has trained people to have defective and destructive views about sex, and they aren't quite aware of how destructive those views are, yet they still condition people's behaviours. In a society where sex is something that is seen as a trifle, and something that can be gotten (or should be gotten easily), where it's something that can be desired like a consumer gratification, people will pursue it as if it were a commodity, as if it didn't require intimacy and the greater context of a close relationship. If you divest sex from its association with relationships, then it becomes a matter of individual gratification, and that mindset drives individuals to coerce others to satisfy their personal desires at the expense of others.

So in other words, these men are looking for more meaning in their lives, and perhaps regret the comparatively unfulfilling rewards of convenience that modern society affords.
2018-02-24, 12:55 PM #7712
Originally posted by Spook:
Have I told you guys about my adventures on Tinder with a Jim Morrison profile?

You had got cat fished by someone claiming to be Jim Morrison

He he he
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 12:56 PM #7713
Or the other way around.
2018-02-24, 12:56 PM #7714
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
So in other words, these men are looking for more meaning in their lives, and perhaps regret the comparatively unfulfilling rewards of convenience that modern society affords.

Hadn't thought about it in those terms but it sounds consistent with the sort of critique which I'm trying to outline
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 12:57 PM #7715
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Or the other way around.

I know I was trying to get him with a real zinger
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 12:58 PM #7716
Not trying to flatter Spook here, but I mean just look at his photo in the camhoez thread. I think he might pass as a Jim Morrison. Lol
2018-02-24, 12:59 PM #7717
Originally posted by Eversor:
Hadn't thought about it in those terms but it sounds consistent with the sort of critique which I'm trying to outline

Sounds kind of like Reid's a bit, too?

Although I wonder if those Romans ever got depressed by partying too much.
2018-02-24, 1:03 PM #7718
Originally posted by Jon`C:
People aren’t having casual sex because work is unfulfilling, they’re having casual sex because of contraceptives and antibiotics.

People had drunken sex at parties during the Roman Republic under similar conditions: A monoculture with limited exposure to foreign pathogens (they even shared ass-wiping sponges), and some sources suggest they may have had access to effective birth control (silphium among others).

England and offspring cultures by comparison were highly cosmopolitan, had no access to effective contraception, and imposed relatively harsh economic penalties for unintended reproduction.

Edit: said birth control twice, meant antibiotics.

I think the birth control part is important. In particular, when social conservatives complain about liberals promoting casual sex in the `60's, I think we can assume that what they are really upset about is the availability of contraception that enabled the sexual revolution, thereby upsetting the social moors which they still subscribe to.
2018-02-24, 1:04 PM #7719
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Sounds kind of like Reid's a bit, too?

Although I wonder if those Romans ever got depressed by partying too much.

Hmm. Yeah, to an extent, although instead of pinning the problem on not having enough leisure time, I'm pinning the problem on unstated assumptions about the nature of sexual gratification (although I should say I don't know if I believe any of this stuff). I think that someone advocating this view would probably want to say sex outside of relationships is not meaningful and people who think it is are fooling themselves.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I think the birth control part is important. In particular, when social conservatives complain about liberals promoting casual sex in the `60's, I think we can assume that what they are really upset about is the availability of contraception that enabled the sexual revolution, thereby upsetting the social moors which they still subscribe to.

I think this is definitely how some conservatives think about this. Birth control makes casual sex possible, by disassociating sex from its most obvious and weighty consequence, namely, reproduction, and from family life, which is the social context within which reproduction is supposed to occur, in their view.
former entrepreneur
2018-02-24, 1:06 PM #7720
Originally posted by Eversor:
Hmm. Yeah, to an extent, although instead of pinning the problem on not having enough leisure time, I'm pinning the problem on unstated assumptions about the nature of sexual gratification (although I should say I don't know if I believe any of this stuff). I think that someone advocating this view would probably want to say sex outside of relationships is not meaningful and people who think it is are fooling themselves.

I don't think that Reid's hypothesis is necessary for the idea you're playing with to be true. I think the mechanism he proposed could simply be one contributing cause, but not necessarily the only one.

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