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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-05-08, 5:47 AM #9001
kids today
former entrepreneur
2018-05-08, 7:33 AM #9002
Originally posted by Reid:
I'm definitely becoming more of a crotchety old man. I knew one day there'd be a video game thing I just wouldn't get, and Fortnite is that thing. I just do not grasp the appeal. I hate the mobile game art style and the gameplay is completely unappealing.

I also don't get why people keep talking about certain things. Like Kanye West. I just don't comprehend why people even talk about people like him. It's baffling.

In light of Reid's ****ty milquetoast taste in music I would like to remind everyone that Kanye West is the creator of some of the greatest and most influential pop music and especially pop music videos in this century. See above.

Fortnite is definitely a symptom of collapse tho
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-05-08, 8:05 AM #9003
He is really good
former entrepreneur
2018-05-08, 9:03 AM #9004
idc about the music, i mean anything he says
2018-05-08, 9:50 AM #9005
Originally posted by Reid:
I'm definitely becoming more of a crotchety old man. I knew one day there'd be a video game thing I just wouldn't get, and Fortnite is that thing. I just do not grasp the appeal. I hate the mobile game art style and the gameplay is completely unappealing.

I also don't get why people keep talking about certain things. Like Kanye West. I just don't comprehend why people even talk about people like him. It's baffling.

i played fortnite over the weekend on my brother's roommate's PS4. It was fun but i felt it pissing me off because of the long lead-up time to actually getting to a match so i quit. Anytime I lost in the first 5 minutes it felt like a waste because it was probably something I could not have avoided unless I dropped elsewhere. Unfortunately the interesting part of the game takes 10-ish minutes to get to (like 30 people and a few zones in) but it's easy to get ****ed out of making it to that point if you don't know the game well.

also the building is dumb, i'm not a fan of how duels turn into just dropping walls until you sufficiently confuse your opponent.

but the game definitely has the feel of something to get you hooked and just keep queueing, and i'm happy i recognized that feeling kicking in and quit before i got angry/invested
I had a blog. It sucked.
2018-05-08, 10:25 AM #9006
2018-05-08, 11:15 AM #9007
Originally posted by Spook:

In light of Reid's ****ty milquetoast taste in music I would like to remind everyone that Kanye West is the creator of some of the greatest and most influential pop music and especially pop music videos in this century. See above.

Fortnite is definitely a symptom of collapse tho

Version that isn't sped up
2018-05-08, 11:23 AM #9008
Wait a minute, I just realized that that song is equally good/bad regardless of how fast you play it.

What does this say about the quality of the music??
2018-05-08, 12:08 PM #9009
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
What does this say about the quality of the music??

Nothing, I think.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-08, 2:22 PM #9010
Originally posted by Reid:
idc about the music, i mean anything he says

Bread and circuses I guess.

Now as for the quality of music slowed down, check this **** out, where you can hear not only the quality of her voice and subtlety of vibrato, but how ****ing tight the band is that it sounds like it was ****ing sequenced or some ****:

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-05-08, 2:41 PM #9011
Spook wins the thread.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-05-08, 2:51 PM #9012
mind blown
2018-05-08, 2:53 PM #9013
I won the whole trump thread?

God damn I really am ****ing awesome.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-05-08, 3:38 PM #9014

one of the worst presidents
2018-05-08, 8:31 PM #9015
If there's one good thing I can say about Donald Trump, it's that (unlike most politicians) he keeps his campaign promises.
2018-05-08, 8:51 PM #9016
Unfortunately Trump and his campaign promises are maliciously stupid
2018-05-08, 8:52 PM #9017
Originally posted by Spook:
Bread and circuses I guess.

Now as for the quality of music slowed down, check this **** out, where you can hear not only the quality of her voice and subtlety of vibrato, but how ****ing tight the band is that it sounds like it was ****ing sequenced or some ****:

Hell yes. I downloaded a lossless version and stretched it myself and it was incredible. Nice find
2018-05-08, 8:55 PM #9018
If there's one good thing I can say about donald trump, is that he exposes amerikkka for what it is
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-05-08, 8:58 PM #9019
Originally posted by Reid:
Hell yes. I downloaded a lossless version and stretched it myself and it was incredible. Nice find

It really is pretty incredible. Her runs and licks are perfectly in time, and the band is just like, **** man, I don't even know. I guess that's what you get in Nashville, which is where I assume it must have been recorded.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-05-08, 8:58 PM #9020
Originally posted by Reid:
Hell yes. I downloaded a lossless version and stretched it myself and it was incredible. Nice find

It really is pretty incredible. Her runs and licks are perfectly in time, and the band is just like, **** man, I don't even know. I guess that's what you get in Nashville, which is where I assume it must have been recorded.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-05-09, 2:05 PM #9021

Has anyone else been paying attention to the payments to Trump's lawyers? It appears Trump is threatening antitrust action for payments/getting paid for his ear. He reeks of being insanely corrupt.

Not to mention, just when North Korea is finally seemingly backing down he goes ape**** on Iran.
2018-05-09, 2:30 PM #9022
AT&T bribing a porn star for the president is probably one of the most ethical things they’ve ever done.
2018-05-09, 3:15 PM #9023
Originally posted by Reid:
Not to mention, just when North Korea is finally seemingly backing down he goes ape**** on Iran.

I dunno, a lot of people have been saying that Trump withdrawing from the JCPOA shows signals to NK that the US can't be trusted to uphold its agreements. I think that's nonsense, because, really, that's a liability that comes with dealing with *any* democracy, especially the United States. Trump's not the first president to renege on the commitments of a previous president. He's not unique in that respect.

But I'm also not convinced that what Trump has done with Iran and what he's doing in NK are so inconsistent. In general, people haven't considered that after pulling out of the Iran deal Trump might try to renegotiate another deal with Iran -- in part because it's so unlikely and so infeasible that it's a preposterous idea. It's really difficult to imagine it happening. But even if a deal with Iran is DOA, I still do think it's possible that withdrawing from the JCPOA sends a signal to North Korea that's actually conducive to Trump's goals there. I think it says Trump wants what he wants, and if his demands aren't met, he's not going to settle on a bad deal. He's going to walk. It may give him some leverage. After all, North Korea really wants a deal, and the threat it faces if it doesn't make a deal is much, much greater than the threat to the US.

I mean, Trump mentioned North Korea in his speech last night. Someone has thought about this, even if he hasn't.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-09, 3:54 PM #9024
oooooooor he’s reneging on important international agreements so he can renegotiate functionally identical replacements to prop up his flagging reputation as a shrewd businessman and strong negotiator, and what the wishful-thinkers call success is in fact just countries working around the United States instead of working with them.
2018-05-09, 3:57 PM #9025
If I’m wrong, then please explain to me what strong message Trump sent the world when he suggested rejoining TPP now that the rest of us have signed it, only for the Japanese government to tell him to **** off.
2018-05-09, 11:13 PM #9026
Originally posted by Jon`C:
oooooooor he’s reneging on important international agreements so he can renegotiate functionally identical replacements to prop up his flagging reputation as a shrewd businessman and strong negotiator, and what the wishful-thinkers call success is in fact just countries working around the United States instead of working with them.

which is sad, too, because nobody actually thinks he has that reputation, he's just seen as a straight moron. he's really destructive for how little anyone cares about who he is
2018-05-10, 11:02 AM #9027


"If in fact the breakout times now are a few months, and we're able to push that breakout time out to a year so that we have more time and space to see whether or not Iran is cheating on an agreement, kicking out inspectors, going for a nuclear weapon; if the breakout time is extended for 15 years and then it goes back to where it is right now, why is that a bad deal?”

That's not a great argument for the deal. When put that way, the reason why it's a bad deal is because after 15 years, the US would be where it was in 2015, but Iran would be significantly richer, and significantly more powerful, and it would be difficult to impose sanctions. It seems like a bet the deal is making is that by the time the sunset provisions would've expired, Iran would've become more moderate, and so it wouldn't matter that it would be more powerful, because hopefully by then it would also be more peaceful.

I'm curious why he defended the JCPOA in these terms. Perhaps he saw he used this rhetoric in order to persuade hawks. Implicit in his language here is that, even with the deal, military action is something that hasn't been taken off the table.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-10, 11:23 AM #9028
Not being a dick can sometimes help people be less extreme. Not always, of course, but it's worth trying when other strategies don't.
2018-05-10, 4:42 PM #9029
former entrepreneur
2018-05-10, 11:32 PM #9030


When will these D-list thinkers realize the reason nobody cares is because they're D-list thinkers? They're incapable of accepting that their views just aren't very good.
2018-05-10, 11:36 PM #9031
Jordan "Coldsteel the Hedgehog" Peterson probably feels isolated because his primary audience is would-be school shooters..?
2018-05-11, 1:02 AM #9032
Originally posted by Reid:


When will these D-list thinkers realize the reason nobody cares is because they're D-list thinkers? They're incapable of accepting that their views just aren't very good.

Originally posted by Reid:
Jordan "Coldsteel the Hedgehog" Peterson probably feels isolated because his primary audience is would-be school shooters..?

Did you actually read Bari Weiss' article or is this a replay of you complaining about Charles Murray despite never having read one of his books?
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 1:16 AM #9033
For a group that's been shut out from the discourse, the mainstream media sure spends a lot of time documenting their views.
2018-05-11, 1:18 AM #9034
(Not that I'm surprised the media would agitate for the racists ahead of labor and socialism.)
2018-05-11, 1:36 AM #9035
When Bari Weiss writes about anything remotely controversial it's bound to show up as trending on Twitter for several days and inspire think-pieces from other outlets defending her or attacking her in the process. I can't help but think that financial incentives drive it to a large extent.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 1:55 AM #9036
Originally posted by Eversor:
Did you actually read Bari Weiss' article or is this a replay of you complaining about Charles Murray despite never having read one of his books?

starting a flamewar is so 2017 massassi dude
2018-05-11, 1:57 AM #9037
Originally posted by Jon`C:
For a group that's been shut out from the discourse, the mainstream media sure spends a lot of time documenting their views.

charles murray was blocked from discourse for his views, which is why he spent decades in a think tank and had the ear of the republican establishment, getting shoutouts from candidates

wait, what?
2018-05-11, 2:07 AM #9038
Originally posted by Reid:
starting a flamewar is so 2017 massassi dude

lol so that's a no? :p
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 2:13 AM #9039
Originally posted by Reid:
charles murray was blocked from discourse for his views, which is why he spent decades in a think tank and had the ear of the republican establishment, getting shoutouts from candidates

wait, what?

The Bari Weiss articles go on and on about how large the IDW audience is, and how some of them even boast about it, so this criticism -- which I see everywhere -- doesn't quite seem to hit the mark. I think most of these controversial figures are quite aware that they're doing fine. They know that they're not victims, and that they have enviably large audiences. It doesn't mean that they aren't also harassed for having views that go against what is the ascendant and dominant point of view.
former entrepreneur
2018-05-11, 2:19 AM #9040
honestly just tired of the same meme, conservatives always will ***** about being treated unfairly in some way, their goal is to create platforms of affirmative actions for their ideas. its been this way for years and no amount of liberal cowtowing or complaining about campus liberals is changing anything

the entire article is a waste of everybodys breath

id be far more interested in discussing charles murrays plot to subvert american democracy

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