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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2019-01-22, 9:17 AM #13081
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
the aggregate effects of human emotion.

Which I don't doubt that Twitter amplifies for profit. But literally every technology on the planet, from pitchforks to typewriters to nuclear bombs, are amplifiers of what humans were capable for before. Blaming technology in order to absolve the human behavior being amplified by it is pretty scandalous in my opinion.
2019-01-22, 9:19 AM #13082
Originally posted by Reid:
Human evolution is set up to encourage tribalism and harassment.


(Ever hear Robert Sapolsky talk about how baboons treat each other when they get bored? Yeah, it's not pretty.)
2019-01-22, 9:59 AM #13083
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

That's like blaming the town blacksmith for selling pitchforks to an angry mob.

What you are supposedly blaming Twitter for are the aggregate effects of human emotion.

Don't blame the drug smugglers, blame the drug users.
2019-01-22, 10:03 AM #13084
You could have also made the exact critique of my post by pointing out the shameful lobbying of the NRA toward unnecessary gun ownership (guns being a violence amplifier).

How nice it must be, though, to fall back to blaming technology whenever it's your side of the political spectrum that is morally at fault.

How many times have I seen left leaning people here blame the medium of 4chan for the moral acts of right wing teenagers? Yeah, I didn't think so.
2019-01-22, 10:33 AM #13085
Damn. You should post that to Twitter, I bet you'd get lots of retweets.
2019-01-22, 10:33 AM #13086
Is that the best you can do?
2019-01-22, 10:44 AM #13087
Huh, Catholics at a right for life rally. Who'd a thunk it?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-22, 10:45 AM #13088
Originally posted by Reid:
The continued irresponsibility of tech companies is a serious issue.

Of course, you are right here. Regulating or breaking up social media companies is probably the only answer, especially given the (apparently immutably) tribal nature of human behavior (exhibit one: my criticism of your failure to censure the agents rather than the technology in this instance).
2019-01-22, 10:47 AM #13089
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Huh, Catholics at a right for life rally. Who'd a thunk it?

From what I've read, it was pretty peaceful. Until a gathering of racebaiting religious cranks inserted themselves into the situation and began hurling insults at the boys.
2019-01-22, 10:51 AM #13090
Yeah, I know. It was pretty easy to tell from the start. Simply look at the plurality of initial reporting and assume the opposite.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-22, 10:55 AM #13091
What am I trying my best at? I have no idea what the hostility is about.

In my mind, it went without saying that death threats are unacceptable behavior. Now I'm part of a tribe and exhibit moral failings.
2019-01-22, 11:05 AM #13092
That's the point of cognitive biases: you don't need to be aware of them to have them.
2019-01-22, 11:06 AM #13093
Originally posted by Reid:
Now I'm part of a tribe and exhibit moral failings.

Well you are a human, aren't you?
2019-01-22, 12:49 PM #13094
Originally posted by Reid:
Excuse me sir, but your comparison of conservative factions with fascism is scary and I don't know how to respond. Could you please refrain from that in the future? Thanks.


(un)concerned centrist

And honestly, if you want to take this comment completely literally, simply replacing the last line with "concerned parent", then it rings completely true to my ears, given the context of hyperbole and death threats we're seeing.

Yes, it is scary, and there really is no easy way for innocent kids and their parents caught in the crossfire to respond.

And yeah, "refraining from that in the future"is exactly what people who realized their mistake are choosing to do.
2019-01-22, 1:38 PM #13095
Are catholic schools different in the US? Here they’re basically low rent private schools for upper middle class parents who don’t want their kids to deal with the riff raff. Most of the students aren’t catholic.
2019-01-22, 1:40 PM #13096
Also, re: letting the kids off because they were “race baited” after wearing MAGA hats, would we say the same thing if they were Hitler Jugend or flying the traitor flag? Are we really still pretending those hats don’t mean what we all know they mean? They started it.

If you want to be a good catholic standing up for your moral stance about abortion and contraception maybe you shouldn’t be wearing an anti-Christian symbol of hatred on your head.
2019-01-22, 1:41 PM #13097
Oh, I totally agree with the thing about those hats. They symbolize something atrocious enough that if I saw you wearing one I'd be leery.
2019-01-22, 1:45 PM #13098
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Are catholic schools different in the US? Here they’re basically low rent private schools for upper middle class parents who don’t want their kids to deal with the riff raff. Most of the students aren’t catholic.

This is absolutely the case in California. Not sure about Kentucky.
2019-01-22, 1:53 PM #13099
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Also, re: letting the kids off

Finally, I'm not sure we're letting them off of anything, other than being unfortunate enough to have been caught smirking on video. Probably the worst thing that was actually documented was some kids in the background making a tomahawk chopping gesture.
2019-01-22, 1:55 PM #13100
I mean in a way I feel sorry for them. At their age they don't really have the intelligence to realize that their entire community is institutionally racist. I mean, if the POTUS and your parents are both complicit in getting you to wear that hat, I don't think too much consternation went into the decision.
2019-01-22, 1:57 PM #13101
in other words they are just cells in a problem that has metastasized to a geographic region of the United States vast enough that they can't see past it (let alone their own families and church, or the Republican party for that matter)
2019-01-22, 2:20 PM #13102
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Are catholic schools different in the US? Here they’re basically low rent private schools for upper middle class parents who don’t want their kids to deal with the riff raff. Most of the students aren’t catholic.

I thought Catholic schools were schools where they taught you the normal stuff while ingraining sexual fetishes.
2019-01-22, 2:35 PM #13103
I'm not sure about that, but people I knew who went to catholic school were getting almost the exact same education as the local public school. The only difference was that the student body was restricted to the kind of people who could afford to pay for something that was basically already free, which (and I agree with him on this) Jon suggests is their main reason for doing it in the first place.
2019-01-22, 3:29 PM #13104
I went to a catholic jr high. I sure ain’t catholic.
2019-01-22, 3:29 PM #13105
I think the hats are tacky but I don't agree that they indicate anything nefarious. I do, however, understand how one can feel that way. I seriously questioned the competence of anyone I saw with Obama paraphernalia on their person or property. The genuine hatred MAGA gear is able to reveal or draw out of other people is pretty remarkable though and the sole reason that it's starting to grow on me.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-22, 3:37 PM #13106
2019-01-22, 3:45 PM #13107
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I think the hats are tacky but I don't agree that they indicate anything nefarious. I do, however, understand how one can feel that way. I seriously questioned the competence of anyone I saw with Obama paraphernalia on their person or property. The genuine hatred MAGA gear is able to reveal or draw out of other people is pretty remarkable though and the sole reason that it's starting to grow on me.

ya that’s basically what people said about the confederate flag in the 50s
2019-01-22, 4:32 PM #13108
Thank God that blew over.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-22, 4:36 PM #13109
Top search result for Confederate Flag on Amazon:

Still no real Confederate Flags though but at least they brought Dukes of Hazard back to Prime.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-22, 4:42 PM #13110
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Thank God that blew over.

ya that’s basically what people said about the swastika in the 50s too
2019-01-22, 4:43 PM #13111
Trump 2020 no more bull****

I guess the US government has agreed to disband then??
2019-01-22, 4:55 PM #13112
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I think the hats are tacky but I don't agree that they indicate anything nefarious.

Same, when the crips wear blue I don't think it's nefarious. It's just publicly displaying your advocacy of violence to support your community. Only a few bad eggs gotta be cracked, right?
2019-01-22, 4:56 PM #13113
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

Hearing kids sing is awful to begin with, it's practically why I don't go to church. But combining with politics is like jamming ice picks behind my eyes.
2019-01-22, 5:26 PM #13114
I'm not sure how blue or MAGA represents an advocacy of violence. The kids at the March for Life rally seemed to be there to specifically advocate against violence. Why do people have to be defined by a narrative of what MAGA means rather than MAGA defined by honorable people who choose to associate with it? Honestly, though, this MAGA "thing" is not something I'm into. I'm far more likely to use the term sarcastically than otherwise.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-22, 5:35 PM #13115
Originally posted by Reid:
Hearing kids sing is awful to begin with, it's practically why I don't go to church.

I had the opposite experience. My parents took me to church, and it's probably the only reason I ever lost my inhibitions about singing in public and consequently became half-way decent at it.
2019-01-22, 5:43 PM #13116
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I'm not sure how blue or MAGA represents an advocacy of violence. The kids at the March for Life rally seemed to be there to specifically advocate against violence. Why do people have to be defined by a narrative of what MAGA means rather than MAGA defined by honorable people who choose to associate with it? Honestly, though, this MAGA "thing" is not something I'm into. I'm far more likely to use the term sarcastically than otherwise.

ya people said the same thing about the swastika in the 1930s
2019-01-22, 5:45 PM #13117
MAGA should be defined by the honorable people who choose to associate with it, not the violent racists they tacitly tolerate and pander to for political advantage

2019-01-22, 5:47 PM #13118
I mean I’m sure there are some very fine people on both sides.
2019-01-22, 6:00 PM #13119
If you're going to associate MAGA with an evil group it would probably be more accurate to do so with one that the American Left was actually opposed to.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-01-22, 6:06 PM #13120
Originally posted by Wookie06:
If you're going to associate MAGA with an evil group it would probably be more accurate to do so with one that the American Left was actually opposed to.

I have no idea what you’re talking about but I’m fascinated to learn

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