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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-05-03, 9:47 PM #1761
Originally posted by Reid:
Okay, it's just the Wikipedia mentioned Keynes.
Any text that discusses the business cycle will mention Keynes, for the same reason that any text that discusses market failures will mention Marx. It doesn't mean the author entertains Keynesian or Marxian opinions, it just means that their model of the problem (indeed, their recognition of the problem) has dominated the field.

For example, the difference between Keynesians and monetarists is that the former believe you need a combination of fiscal stimulus and monetary policy in order to dampen the business cycle, while monetarists think fiscal stimulus causes greater economic problems, and you should stick with rules-based monetary policies. But the fact that both of them are talking about the business cycle at all means Keynesianism has already won the discussion.

What I seem to get is that, economies can be locked into a cycle where there's not enough demand to maintain growth.
The spiral isn't necessarily (just) demand side! It can also be perverse incentives on the capital side.

I'm not going to spoil this for you. It's going to be much more fun when you realize this on your own.

Two clues:

- US stocks do not trade on the fundamentals.
- What does it mean when the "stock market" goes up?

Though the Wikipedia mentions a couple potential causes. Which do you find particularly convincing?
Wikipedia mentions a couple potential causes for lung cancer. Which do you find particularly convincing?
2017-05-03, 9:48 PM #1762
Originally posted by Reid:
It could also just be that people's moral standards have changed?

I'll grant that many people are unfair with regards to Obama and Clinton, but if Obama were running in 2016 for the first time, I feel he would have been raked over the coals for these sorts of things. Sentiments about gay marriage have changed drastically from eight years ago.


As I wrote a few posts ago:

Originally posted by Eversor:
One of the really impressive things about Bernie is that he's had the same beliefs on social and economic issues for decades. He was really ahead of the curve. In the 2000s, and especially in the early 2000s, nobody of stature was talking about marriage equality -- except maybe Dennis Kucinich, who, on the whole, was taken about as seriously as Ralph Nader was...

But the Democratic party has now moved further to the left, and, in doing so, it's basically caught up with Bernie's progressiveness -- at least as far as social issues go. Social liberals these days are incredibly intolerant of any views on social issues that aren't as "progressive" as their own, and they've quickly naturalized/normalized their beliefs (that is, they've succeeded in marking views that disagree with their own as "offensive"). Since Bernie was so far ahead of the curve, when social liberals look at Bernie's past, they see someone whose views are basically the same as their own. But when they look at almost any other politician, they'll see "regressive" or "backwards" beliefs, just because those were the views democrats ran on before 2012 and 2016.

If I could magically decide who was and who wasn't allowed to run for the Democratic nomination in 2020, I wouldn't let anyone run if they ran for national office/governor before 2012. They -- like Hillary -- would have too many skeletons in their closet, too much fodder for YouTube videos, just because they will have expressed views that were normative in the 2000s, before polarization intensified.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-04, 12:32 AM #1763
Originally posted by Reid:
The only reason Obama didn't run against a leftist in 2012 is because he was incumbent, and his opponent came across like even worse of a pro-corporate *******, with that infamous line about half of Americans being lazy. I'm pretty sure the anger people felt in 2016 is exactly what they felt in 2012, it's just the space for criticism was more open in 2016. The feelings from OWS are still very widely felt by all.

I think economic anxiety on the left in 2012 and 2016 were different in many ways, especially in how it colored partisan politics. One big difference is that in 2012 we were so much closer to the financial crisis and the recession, and the recovery still felt very vulnerable to relapse. Much of Obama's economic policy could still be seen as a response to an economic catastrophe created during the Bush administration/Republicans, rather than as the establishment of a new status quo for an economy that was more unequal and had fewer opportunities for upward mobility than the one that preceded, which is how many see it now. In other words, most still saw Democrats as the solution to a Republican problem.

The anti-establishment view that Democrats and Republicans were equally as culpable for a rigged system -- which is the leftist interpretation, but not the liberal one -- was not nearly as pervasive as it was in 2016. In 2012, the Democrats did a good job pinning it on the Republicans. And after 2008, Republicans did a good job providing Democrats with new fodder to prove to Democratic supporters that the Dems were right.
former entrepreneur
2017-05-04, 2:01 PM #1764
If AHCA passes*, all Americans are granted the moral authority to lynch every single one of the people who vote yes.

*passed House today, need Senate to vote
2017-05-04, 2:02 PM #1765
Originally posted by Eversor:
I think economic anxiety on the left in 2012 and 2016 were different in many ways, especially in how it colored partisan politics. One big difference is that in 2012 we were so much closer to the financial crisis and the recession, and the recovery still felt very vulnerable to relapse. Much of Obama's economic policy could still be seen as a response to an economic catastrophe created during the Bush administration/Republicans, rather than as the establishment of a new status quo for an economy that was more unequal and had fewer opportunities for upward mobility than the one that preceded, which is how many see it now. In other words, most still saw Democrats as the solution to a Republican problem.

The anti-establishment view that Democrats and Republicans were equally as culpable for a rigged system -- which is the leftist interpretation, but not the liberal one -- was not nearly as pervasive as it was in 2016. In 2012, the Democrats did a good job pinning it on the Republicans. And after 2008, Republicans did a good job providing Democrats with new fodder to prove to Democratic supporters that the Dems were right.

You might be right, I definitely think it was a stronger sentiment in 2016.

Originally posted by Eversor:

As I wrote a few posts ago:

I see, I get what you were saying.
2017-05-04, 2:16 PM #1766
Originally posted by Reid:
If AHCA passes today, all Americans are granted the moral authority to lynch every single one of the people who vote yes.

b-bu... muh 3% investment tax cut for when I strike it big
2017-05-04, 2:29 PM #1767
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
b-bu... muh 3% investment tax cut for when I strike it big

2017-05-04, 2:35 PM #1768
The weird part is that this bill practically reads as a campaign slogan for the opposition: "raise premiums of old people's health insurance to boost rich people's investments". Do they not realize the AARP is one of the most influential voting blocs...?
2017-05-04, 2:40 PM #1769
Tough choices!

"would I rather die because I'm on a fixed income, but can neither afford HI premiums anymore, and am unaided by tax deductions, being a retired person?", or, "would I instead go through the emotional anguish of knowing that black people have got their grubby hands all over my grandson's paycheck, all for the idiotic reason that they think they need health insurance for silly wasteful things such as staying alive"?
2017-05-04, 2:41 PM #1770
In my day a man had to work for a living
2017-05-04, 2:46 PM #1771
And by work, I mean "be a slave", and by "a living", I mean my living. Why should I care about your living, let alone you living.
2017-05-04, 2:48 PM #1772
People can't afford bread healthcare? Let them eat cake get a higher-paying job.
2017-05-04, 2:55 PM #1773
People are on welfare black? Well they should get off their butts and stop being lazy die already. Seriously, it's 2017 and I am sick of this black person stuff.
2017-05-04, 3:00 PM #1774

You see liberals, this is how cool **** was before safe spaces and Obummercare. You'd die of black lung disease, or cancer, or a tooth would get infected, that **** was rad.

Remember that time robber barons set up a highfalutin hunting camp with a dam, didn't care for it and let the whole town flood, killing almost 10% of the population? That's ****ing metal, nobody was even punished either because torts are lame.

And **** the environment, who doesn't want poison gas clouds murdering your whole town?

I want a world where people die young and can't sue and there's no healthcare, just like Republicans want to establish for us. Hell yeah.
2017-05-04, 3:04 PM #1775
What much of the identity politics stuff misses is that the worst part about Trump isn't that he promotes hatred. It's that as a fascist, he promotes scapegoating as indirection, while the capitalist class gets away (literally now) with murder.

Trickle down econ was one magic trick to distract you, hatred toward welfare recipients is another.

Of course it didn't help that the DNC picked their own version of a magical smokescreen for the capitalists in HRC....
2017-05-04, 3:07 PM #1776
I will die for my country on the front lines of untreated diabetes before I submit to Obamunism.

Our forefathers fought for these freedoms, and from time to time, the tree of liberty must be replenished with the blood of its own citizens.
2017-05-04, 3:11 PM #1777

Current top comment on their thread, asking "wait isn't this the ****ty bill still?"

Even Trump supporters can't deny how ****ty AHCA is.
2017-05-04, 3:11 PM #1778
On the bright side, once I am in heaven I will be blessed with the privilege of sitting in the court of St. Peter Thiel (assuming he ever makes it to heaven anytime soon), where I will be rewarded for my pious resistance against the temptation to covet the natural superiority of the John Galts of the world.

Register Republican, and join the Lord's army in the fight against black people today.
2017-05-04, 3:13 PM #1779
Originally posted by Reid:

Current top comment on their thread, asking "wait isn't this the ****ty bill still?"

Even Trump supporters can't deny how ****ty AHCA is.

I generally refuse to read a board that fails the Turing Test for not being spam, let alone expect it to pass the Adult Test for not being exclusively populated by children (I see that someone there wrote eli5, which is amusingly fitting).
2017-05-04, 6:07 PM #1780
In unrelated but not threadworthy news, some guy bought a box of Blizzard stuff which contained a copy of the StarCraft source code on eBay. So he did the worst thing ever and just handed it back to Blizzard.
2017-05-04, 6:21 PM #1781
What else should he have done? Having the source CD doesn't give you the right to copy what's on it.
2017-05-04, 6:31 PM #1782
I'm sure Blizzard would attempt to sue endlessly, but wouldn't responsibility fall on the idiot who sold the box without checking?
2017-05-04, 7:01 PM #1783
I suppose that's just wrong at first gasp, still would have been neat to take a peak at the source code.
2017-05-04, 8:29 PM #1784
Reid has exposed himself as an anarchist!
2017-05-04, 8:31 PM #1785
Yeah, though I shouldn't show any kind of support for code theft around professional programmers.


Realistically that guy made the right choice, for his own legal consideration and wrt copyright.

It is a tad sad because, now that Blizzard is part of Wall Street, they're never going to be in a position to release this sort of thing, no legal team would ever allow it. It would be nice, though, if that sort of stuff became public domain, because the current status of intellectual property is no good.
2017-05-04, 8:31 PM #1786
Hail Stallman. Death to the corporate infidels!

2017-05-04, 8:47 PM #1787
Originally posted by Reid:
It is a tad sad because, now that Blizzard is part of Wall Street, they're never going to be in a position to release this sort of thing, no legal team would ever allow it. It would be nice, though, if that sort of stuff became public domain, because the current status of intellectual property is no good.

Source code disappearing into the bowels of an ever growing corporate entity. Reminds me of another company....

Carmack spoiled all of you! The proper way to keep games alive is to reverse engineer bugs in the engine that game scripts depend on for proper behavior.
2017-05-04, 9:15 PM #1788
e.g. Blood and its infinite collection of TCs to replicate it and multiple people claiming to try to reverse engineer it, including the DarkXL *******

DarkXL (and the whole XL Engine ****show) has been "one month away from a full working release" since I was in high school.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2017-05-04, 9:20 PM #1789
I sure hope the guy kept a backup of the disc though, that'd be such a neat piece of gaming history to have
I had a blog. It sucked.
2017-05-04, 10:44 PM #1790
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Source code disappearing into the bowels of an ever growing corporate entity. Reminds me of another company....

Carmack spoiled all of you! The proper way to keep games alive is to reverse engineer bugs in the engine that game scripts depend on for proper behavior.

At least Lucasarts released some of their source code.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Hail Stallman. Death to the corporate infidels!

Stallman is cool. I like his stance on software. My flavor of anarchism is more like Grothendieck.
2017-05-04, 11:11 PM #1791
Eheheh Grothendieck. I know so little about him and his work, but I would give up an arm, a leg, and my current sexual orientation for a chance to go back in time to talk to him / touch his robe / etc.

But I mean, from what I've read on Wikipedia of his later non-mathematical writings, I can't help but think that some of the turmoil he experienced in life left him more than a bit loopy.
2017-05-05, 7:40 AM #1792
former entrepreneur
2017-05-05, 9:41 AM #1793
Star Wars socks > isolationism
2017-05-05, 10:54 AM #1794
True. But since this is Massassi, I think we can all agree: isolationism > Star Trek socks
former entrepreneur
2017-05-05, 12:35 PM #1795
The only universe in which I enjoy Star Wars more than ST:TNG, is in my childhood memories.

Memories, deep, deep within my mind, safe from adulteration by neckless (is it right to say that he has no neck, or is all neck? hard to say) capitalists and blackface.
2017-05-06, 10:18 AM #1796
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I will die for my country on the front lines of untreated diabetes before I submit to Obamunism.

Our forefathers fought for these freedoms, and from time to time, the tree of liberty must be replenished with the blood of its own citizens.

Tree of Liberty = Moloch?

It's all clear now.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-06, 10:37 AM #1797
2017-05-06, 12:20 PM #1798
Ugh, ****ing Alex Jones. When did Moloch become an owl? I'm pretty sure every historical reference is to a deity in the form of a bull. But history is no obstacle for the gayfrogman
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-05-06, 12:41 PM #1799
Originally posted by Spook:
Ugh, ****ing Alex Jones. When did Moloch become an owl? I'm pretty sure every historical reference is to a deity in the form of a bull. But history is no obstacle for the gayfrogman

It'll all make sense as soon as you take your $40 nutraceuticals.
2017-05-06, 12:42 PM #1800
Infowars has White House press credentials. If that isn't a harbinger of the apocalypse, I don't know what is.

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