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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-11-07, 10:49 PM #5241
Originally posted by Reid:
Dude. Politics in VA is much more aggressive than it is in CA. VA I've had much more aggressive conservative proselytizing than I've ever had in CA. I've had Christian local church groups accost me multiple times, at Walmart, on campus, in CA that ever happens rarely.

In certain regions in VA that could be devastatingly effective at swinging voters right.

Tbf, I've had Christians accost me on campus in California, but it looks like they traveled miles just to find some young corrupted minds.
2017-11-07, 10:53 PM #5242
Originally posted by Reid:
Dude. you've legitimately grasped southern politics.

A girl I know, heavily involved in local church groups, participated in a "first responder appreciation" church group. Which mean, bringing young girls together to serve food to firefighters and police.

Police is the key issue. People in the South Herald the police. From even Californian right-wing locales, this is a mystery. Who the **** likes the police, nonetheless showcases their girls to the police?

Something about showing gratitude for protecting their innocent white girls from black rapists?
2017-11-07, 10:54 PM #5243
It's funny, I'd actually say that Northern California is a lot more like Canada than the rest of the United States.

Don't get me wrong, California has severe inequality and structural problems that you'd never see in Canada. If nothing else, it really is a run-down ****hole. Plus, Canada absolutely does not pay as well as California, nor is it as productive (but why is a separate discussion).

The thing California and Canada share is multiculturalism. That's not as common as you'd think. Definitely not in the rest of the US.

The billionaires who live there would be miserable, but most of the people in the SF Bay Area would probably fit in better up here.
2017-11-07, 10:57 PM #5244
I mean, roughly 1% of all Canadians live in the Bay Area. So, like, a little Canadianization's gonna happen.
2017-11-07, 10:59 PM #5245
My great grandfather Canadized my great grandmother.
2017-11-07, 11:00 PM #5246
If you don't weep for the American South during ****town, Alabama, you have no heart.

If you're never angry during the ****town podcast, you vote GOP.
2017-11-07, 11:00 PM #5247
It's a large and varied state. I can be in a neighborhood of $15mil homes owned by liberal celebrities, then twenty minutes later be in a rural neighborhood filled with dyed-in-the-wool Republicans on tractors. It's a truly unique place. As was mentioned, the inequality is significant and often severe.
2017-11-07, 11:04 PM #5248
There's this one Canadian song that drives Southerners ape****.
2017-11-07, 11:04 PM #5249
Somewhere between 30-40% of Canadians are hardcore conservative rural populists. Some of them even drive tractors. Don't believe the hype.
2017-11-07, 11:08 PM #5250
Maybe that's where you got that 30% number that you couldn't remember.
2017-11-07, 11:12 PM #5251
No I'm basing it on this.

← 2011 	October 19, 2015 	Next →
← outgoing members
elected members →
All 338 seats in the House of Commons
170 seats needed for a majority
Opinion polls
Turnout 	68.3%[1] (Increase7.2pp)
  	Justin Trudeau APEC 2015 (cropped).jpg 	Stephen Harper 2014 (cropped).jpg 	Thomas Mulcair 2015 (cropped).jpg
Leader 	Justin Trudeau 	Stephen Harper 	Thomas Mulcair
Party 	Liberal 	Conservative 	New Democratic
Leader since 	April 14, 2013 	March 20, 2004 	March 24, 2012
Leader's seat 	Papineau 	Calgary Heritage 	Outremont
Last election 	34 seats, 18.91% 	166 seats, 39.62% 	103 seats, 30.63%
Seats before 	36 	159 	95
Seats won 	184 	99 	44
Seat change 	Increase148 	Decrease60 	Decrease51
Popular vote 	6,943,276 	5,613,614 	3,470,350
Percentage 	39.47% 	31.89% 	19.71%
Swing 	Increase20.56pp 	Decrease7.73pp 	Decrease10.92pp
2017-11-07, 11:20 PM #5252
Are you back in Canada? I thought you were living in Marin or San Mateo County now. Also, I hate those places.
2017-11-07, 11:22 PM #5253
Originally posted by Jon`C:
No I'm basing it on this.

← 2011     October 19, 2015     Next →
← outgoing members
elected members →
All 338 seats in the House of Commons
170 seats needed for a majority
Opinion polls
Turnout     68.3%[1] (Increase7.2pp)
      Justin Trudeau APEC 2015 (cropped).jpg     Stephen Harper 2014 (cropped).jpg     Thomas Mulcair 2015 (cropped).jpg
Leader     Justin Trudeau     Stephen Harper     Thomas Mulcair
Party     Liberal     Conservative     New Democratic
Leader since     April 14, 2013     March 20, 2004     March 24, 2012
Leader's seat     Papineau     Calgary Heritage     Outremont
Last election     34 seats, 18.91%     166 seats, 39.62%     103 seats, 30.63%
Seats before     36     159     95
Seats won     184     99     44
Seat change     Increase148     Decrease60     Decrease51
Popular vote     6,943,276     5,613,614     3,470,350
Percentage     39.47%     31.89%     19.71%
Swing     Increase20.56pp     Decrease7.73pp     Decrease10.92pp

I was referring to a post of yours (in this thread, I believe) from months and months ago. Something about "30% of people being deadweight with no original opinions of their own".

You noted that you couldn't remember where you'd heard the figure. I submit to you that you may have remembered it (half serious).
2017-11-08, 12:16 AM #5254
"Let me tell you something I saw one time,"

I should admit that at the time this story was completely
lost on me.

"Me and Roger Price went up to the truck stop together, to get a little dinner, we came back by, we was passing by the south 40 trailer park.

"So, Roger is one of these dudes, he's a transmission mechanic, he's not really talkative, he's a good dude, but he's just, he only has one tooth, and its really amusing how he can balance a cigarette on that one tooth, the whole time he's talking, that cigarette is bouncing all over that one tooth! And he never loses that sum*****!

So, we're coming by this welcome to South 40 sign, and there's this girl out there, walkin' around in front of the damn sign, holding a cellphone, and she's got on a pink top and nothing else. No ****in panties, no goddamn socks, barefoot. And I remarked that to Roger, I don't remember what I said, I probably said "My God, look at her!" or something like that. And Roger's sage advice was, "Usually when you see jokers like that they done something to get like that."

And then Macklemore is exasperated.

If you don't get the story, you're like me, it went straight through you. When you get the story you might just get something.
2017-11-08, 1:03 AM #5255
I don't understand what Wookie gets out of trolling at his age of 50 or whatever it is these days.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2017-11-08, 1:16 AM #5256
Originally posted by Steven:
Are you back in Canada? I thought you were living in Marin or San Mateo County now. Also, I hate those places.

I’ve been back in Canada for a year. My move was never meant to be permanent (although my employer perhaps had different ideas).

I was living in San Mateo. I liked it there fine, it’s easily in the top three cities I’ve lived in recently. Why? What’s wrong with it?
2017-11-08, 2:42 AM #5257
Originally posted by Krokodile:
I don't understand what Wookie gets out of trolling at his age of 50 or whatever it is these days.

I think that deep down, Trump has forced conservatives to endure massive internal suffering.

Now I'm not sure if masochism is a recognized therapeutic technique, but it would certainly explain his apparent desire to throw himself to the sharks here.
2017-11-08, 2:44 AM #5258
Well, he's obviously knows which buttons to push to make people here flip out.
former entrepreneur
2017-11-08, 2:45 AM #5259
[QUOTE=Bob Dylan]There's an evenin' haze settlin' over the town

Starlight by the edge of the creek

The buyin' power of the proletariat's gone down

Money's gettin' shallow and weak

The place I love best is a sweet memory

It's a new path that we trod

They say low wages are a reality

If we want to compete abroad [/QUOTE]

from 2006
former entrepreneur
2017-11-08, 3:11 AM #5260
Forum-aided self-flagellation as penance for being part of the movement responsible for producing the worst president in a very, very long time.

It's probably pretty cathartic.
2017-11-08, 3:15 AM #5261
Originally posted by Eversor:
Well, he's obviously knows which buttons to push to make people here flip out.

He comes in with a ludicrous statement that he presents as most likely true, refuses to elaborate on why actual known facts that go against his so-called theory are wrong, and posts condescendingly about how people lose their **** just because he posted an opinion. If you do this, of course reactions will be negative. Instead of "flipping out", though, there have been posts going over why he's not making any sense and why he's being a moron.

I really disagree with this idea where you can ****post some made up thing, get an appropriate reaction, and that somehow puts you above others because "you know which buttons to push". No, you're just being a dumbass and getting called out on it.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2017-11-08, 4:15 AM #5262
If someone's trying to inspire a certain kind of reaction with their posts, you reward that behavior when you react how they want you to.
former entrepreneur
2017-11-08, 4:18 AM #5263
That's true.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2017-11-08, 4:18 AM #5264
OTOH, if you're part of a movement of mutual dumbasses, you suddenly earn the right to be indignant when contradicted.

See also: literal belief in the actual existence of a mythological deity (they try to dignify this mistake by giving it a name, "religion").

"It's YOU who are at fault when you criticise my belief in falsehoods and contradictions, because: I am part of a movement whose members believe the same mistakes."
2017-11-08, 4:24 AM #5265
Originally posted by Eversor:
Well, he's obviously knows which buttons to push to make people here flip out.

Idk or get hammered.
2017-11-08, 4:26 AM #5266
The anger starts to make more sense when you think in tribal terms.

Contradicting a core tenent of a movement makes you a member of the outgroup. At this point, to them you are only as good as they can scapegoat you for so much as daring to pose an intellectual challenge to what for them are unquestionable assumptions.
2017-11-08, 4:41 AM #5267
Something I've noticed in ordinarily highly political people who supported Trump but are now at least a little bit embarrassed by him: when confronted by my criticisms, they suddenly tell me that they no longer care for politics and would rather change the subject.

I wonder why.
2017-11-08, 6:49 PM #5268
Did anyone else see this? :D
2017-11-08, 7:14 PM #5269
A chainsaw attachment? The ****
2017-11-08, 7:39 PM #5270
Maybe that's what hunters use, after the kill. Like for grinding bone and then cooking a limb over a bonfire.

Edit: although the DDG top search result for 'hunting chainsaw bayonet' is a blog talking about hunting zombies...
2017-11-08, 7:43 PM #5271
Seems that this attachment is pretty rare, and that USA Today probably included it for humor.
2017-11-08, 7:45 PM #5272
2017-11-08, 7:46 PM #5273
I suppose some idiot, some where, has actually made a chainsaw bayonet attachment. It's certainly not common, nor practical, probably not even functional.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Seems that this attachment is pretty rare, and that USA Today probably included it for humor.

Doesn't seem like the time or place for stupid humor. My money is on fearmongering, or a very gullible intern.
2017-11-08, 8:04 PM #5274
Could be a gullible intern, or more likely a more cynical decision to include it by someone savvy about what's likely to be re-Tweeted. (Someone higher up at USA Today is likely pissed at this person now.)
2017-11-08, 8:05 PM #5275
But yeah I guess it's possibly deliberate fear-mongering.
2017-11-08, 8:33 PM #5276
[QUOTE=Bill Nye, 2017]If things were any other way, things would be different.[/QUOTE]

This guy is a ****.
2017-11-08, 8:36 PM #5277
2017-11-08, 8:38 PM #5278
Yeah what
2017-11-08, 8:44 PM #5279
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
2017-11-08, 9:02 PM #5280
AR-15s should be banned.

Not because they're scary, just to piss off the kinds of people who buy AR-15s.

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