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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-04-06, 8:08 PM #1321
Neat, I always wondered how WW3 would start.
2017-04-06, 8:47 PM #1322
Yeah definitely war with Russia now.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-04-06, 8:58 PM #1323
Wait, what? I thought we were friends?
2017-04-06, 11:30 PM #1324
That was the last episode. We have always been at war with eastasia.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-04-07, 9:46 AM #1325

So, like every time and every country, when a ****-eating corporate welfare conservative is in a position of authority, we're forced to guess whether he's corrupt or simply a moron.

Is Ajit Pai corrupt, and wants to eliminate net neutrality rules as a reward for Republican campaign contributions?

Or is Ajit Pai a moron, who thinks businesses will ever voluntarily do the right thing?

2017-04-07, 10:16 AM #1326
Originally posted by Jon`C:

So, like every time and every country, when a ****-eating corporate welfare conservative is in a position of authority, we're forced to guess whether he's corrupt or simply a moron.

Is Ajit Pai corrupt, and wants to eliminate net neutrality rules as a reward for Republican campaign contributions?

Or is Ajit Pai a moron, who thinks businesses will ever voluntarily do the right thing?


I'm going to go with the 'higher order' theory here: it's both, but they are causally intertwined: maybe he is stupid because he doesn't think about the problem in a serious way, and in turn doesn't think about the hard questions that would enable an informed perspective because ignorance gives him leverage by letting him chalk fecklessness up to 'plausible deniability'.

"Nobody knew healthcare was so complicated!"
2017-04-07, 10:19 AM #1327
Also, when your side of the isle is dead wrong on a bunch of issues, and is littered with what I might call "epistemic externalities", a consistent and informed point of view is going to be a rare thing indeed among the remaining loyal stooges.

The real difficulty with the two party system is that it is a Maxwell demon who opens the door to the Republican side when the individual agrees to things that are conveniently untrue, leaving us with one party that is no more than coalesced ignorence incarnate--the toxic waste among the space of political ideologies. I wish it weren't true.
2017-04-07, 10:25 AM #1328
The repubs do represent people with legit concerns about their rights and welware, but not only are the political dynamics bad, but they also may not provide the bandwidth to encode them against the political machinations that our binary system outputs. (To say nothing of the infestation of money in politics, but maybe that's part of why things turn rotton over the decades so readily.)
2017-04-07, 10:27 AM #1329
Tl;dr they are morally and intellectually bankrupt, so what smart self respecting would-be FCC chair would consider taking the job in the first place?? It would be a stain on the resume of anybody who himself isn't a stain on society.
2017-04-07, 10:27 AM #1330
He went to Harvard though.
2017-04-07, 10:29 AM #1331
And gets extra points for not being white.

"Some of my best friends are corporate stooges!"
2017-04-07, 11:35 AM #1332
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Or is Ajit Pai a moron, who thinks businesses will ever voluntarily do the right thing?


Someone should tell him that market forces don't work when the industry mostly enjoys government protected monopolies on their services.
2017-04-07, 12:21 PM #1333
Originally posted by Spook:
So I guess slc and helper here in utah are going to lose amtrak service because of trumps bull****. im officially irate now and unless this opens up more possibilities for me to have my own train easily i almost might get a twitter account so that i can participate in the resistance

Hey, now we know why "cut everything" is an absolutely ridiculous stance to government spending.
2017-04-07, 12:34 PM #1334
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Neat, I always wondered how WW3 would start.

Hopefully I can't be conscripted.
2017-04-07, 12:45 PM #1335
You can be, if you've registered with the selective service and there is a lottery. It's just that you wouldn't be very likely to be called, since I'm guessing you are more than a few years older than the age groups they exhaust first (they start at age 20 and go up from there until exhausting the 25 year-olds, finishing with 19 and then 18 year-olds).

OTOH I think technology (missiles) have taken your job for the most part, so you might be thankfully unemployed ("thankfully", depending on the kind of payload in the missiles they end up firing).

Also, we're not at war.
2017-04-07, 8:43 PM #1336
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
You can be, if you've registered with the selective service and there is a lottery. It's just that you wouldn't be very likely to be called, since I'm guessing you are more than a few years older than the age groups they exhaust first (they start at age 20 and go up from there until exhausting the 25 year-olds, finishing with 19 and then 18 year-olds).

OTOH I think technology (missiles) have taken your job for the most part, so you might be thankfully unemployed ("thankfully", depending on the kind of payload in the missiles they end up firing).

Also, we're not at war.

Maybe I should study PDEs or statistics or something useful to developing war machines.

In any case, the anti-Trump conspiracy theory running is that Putin and Trump organized the bomb strike to take the heat off of the other thing about Trump and Putin. Thoughts?
2017-04-07, 9:02 PM #1337
Originally posted by Reid:
In any case, the anti-Trump conspiracy theory running is that Putin and Trump organized the bomb strike to take the heat off of the other thing about Trump and Putin. Thoughts?

Baseless. In fact it is part of a disinformation campaign being propagated by the lizard people, in order take scrutiny away from the Sandy Hook cover-up.
2017-04-07, 11:25 PM #1338
Neoliberal, putatively left-aligned pundits are tripping over themselves right now to announce that they'd feel better about this war if only it had been declared by Hillary Clinton instead.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2017-04-08, 12:21 AM #1339
Well, she'd do it for the right reasons. Ratings and no-bid reconstruction contracts.

The ****'s with this dead babies ****?
2017-04-08, 5:23 AM #1340
Originally posted by Reid:
In any case, the anti-Trump conspiracy theory running is that Putin and Trump organized the bomb strike to take the heat off of the other thing about Trump and Putin. Thoughts?

Who's saying that? That's very dumb.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Baseless. In fact it is part of a disinformation campaign being propagated by the lizard people, in order take scrutiny away from the Sandy Hook cover-up.

Definitely what's happening. That's very smart.
former entrepreneur
2017-04-09, 2:47 AM #1341
Woah, this is very, very dumb:
former entrepreneur
2017-04-09, 3:15 AM #1342
The crux of his argument is that "there is nothing to verify that this is true, but there's also nothing that demonstrates it to be false. Therefore, take it seriously."

The obvious thing is that MSNBC is quickly becoming the left-leaning equivalent of Fox News, spinning theories that have absolutely no connection to reality, telling its audience exactly what it wants to hear and not letting any tedious 'facts' get in the way. It's really stunning. The language used here -- "everything is possible" -- is quite worrisome. It's urging the viewer to accept a fantasy.

This is the sort of language used by propagandists.
former entrepreneur
2017-04-10, 10:12 PM #1343
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Neat, I always wondered how WW3 would start.

Well, I guess it's no longer naive to believe it can happen in our times?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2017-04-10, 10:27 PM #1344
Still waiting for Julian to leak that George Zimmerman telegram to Mexico, then maybe.
2017-04-11, 6:10 PM #1345
Originally posted by Eversor:
The crux of his argument is that "there is nothing to verify that this is true, but there's also nothing that demonstrates it to be false. Therefore, take it seriously."

The obvious thing is that MSNBC is quickly becoming the left-leaning equivalent of Fox News, spinning theories that have absolutely no connection to reality, telling its audience exactly what it wants to hear and not letting any tedious 'facts' get in the way. It's really stunning. The language used here -- "everything is possible" -- is quite worrisome. It's urging the viewer to accept a fantasy.

This is the sort of language used by propagandists.

Also, why does "Republicans did it", somehow mean that it's valid? Are Republicans suddenly the standard by which intellectual honesty is measured? I expect this kind of nonsense from children.
2017-04-12, 1:50 PM #1346
House Intelligence Committee: Nunes lied, there's nothing in the documents that's unusual or illegal.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2017-04-12, 6:12 PM #1347
Did you find that in a Mexican tabloid?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2017-04-12, 6:18 PM #1348
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
House Intelligence Committee: Nunes lied, there's nothing in the documents that's unusual or illegal.

fake news. SAD!
2017-04-12, 8:58 PM #1349
Originally posted by Eversor:
The crux of his argument is that "there is nothing to verify that this is true, but there's also nothing that demonstrates it to be false. Therefore, take it seriously."

The obvious thing is that MSNBC is quickly becoming the left-leaning equivalent of Fox News, spinning theories that have absolutely no connection to reality, telling its audience exactly what it wants to hear and not letting any tedious 'facts' get in the way. It's really stunning. The language used here -- "everything is possible" -- is quite worrisome. It's urging the viewer to accept a fantasy.

This is the sort of language used by propagandists.

Originally posted by Eversor:
Woah, this is very, very dumb:

Yeah, it was the MSNBC thing I was referring to. And I believe the hyperpartisan rhetoric we have coming out is basically Clinton democrats who are endlessly salty about the election, but they want to keep the narrative that the Democrat party is okay and Republicans are the true evil going. Which I mean they're not as bad as Republicans but Clinton didn't lose solely due to Russia, she lost to Trump because the Democrats are increasingly out of touch with what people really care about.

When you don't want to actually appeal to voters, but still need people, you start making **** up and distracting people.
2017-04-12, 8:59 PM #1350
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Also, why does "Republicans did it", somehow mean that it's valid? Are Republicans suddenly the standard by which intellectual honesty is measured? I expect this kind of nonsense from children.

Republicans are often worse in many regards, but it's definitely a loudspeaker to drown out criticism of the Democrats to focus all attention on the Republicans.
2017-04-12, 9:00 PM #1351
So is WW3 going to start with Russia or with China?
2017-04-12, 10:04 PM #1352
Originally posted by Reid:
So is WW3 going to start with Russia or with China?

I don't get why y`all are so morose about this whole WW3 thing.

If we were to immediately launch an all-out and coordinated attack on all their airfields and missile bases we'd stand a damn good chance of catchin 'em with their pants down. We would suffer only modest and acceptable civilian casualties from the remaining force which would be badly damaged and uncoordinated.
2017-04-12, 10:16 PM #1353
Moreover, I'll have you know that your doomsday scenario flies directly in the face of nutrition research that goes back for decades.

Don't make me whip out my arsenal of journal articles which have demonstrated that prodigious quantities of blueberries and kale shall add years to my life.
2017-04-12, 10:19 PM #1354

What a ****ing psychopath.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2017-04-12, 10:27 PM #1355
That small handed woman is supposed to be the POTUS? I only listened for a few seconds, but his gossipy way of recounting the story makes it sound as if he thinks he's on Oprah and has absolutely no idea what he is doing.
2017-04-12, 10:32 PM #1356
Mr. President, recent polls have shown that a fifth of American presidents can't locate Syria on a world map. Why to you think this is?
2017-04-12, 10:33 PM #1357
I should have known all along, seeing that the man has been running beauty pageants all this time.
2017-04-12, 10:35 PM #1358
Let's all hope that no Russian troll figures out a way to phish the POTUS into launching missiles at the wrong country (or with the wrong payload, etc.)
2017-04-12, 10:38 PM #1359
I have totally changed my mind. We were headed to WW3 the minute this doofus took the oath of office.

If all you racist would-be champions of the white race who claim to be such paragons of physical and intellectual perfection, how come you can't distinguish between a conman and the other brilliant leaders you've had in the past?
2017-04-12, 10:41 PM #1360
Honestly that deer-in-headlights look in his eyes remind me of those awkward times in high school when the hot girl would get super nervous from all the pressure put on her the moment she opened her mouth and the room went silent for all the wrong reasons.

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