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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2019-01-16, 5:59 AM #13041

For the history nerds, an interesting website on lead poisoning in ancient Rome. Spoilers: the Romans weren't as dumb as we tend to think.
2019-01-16, 7:00 AM #13042
Is this the Brexit thread?
2019-01-16, 7:32 AM #13043
Yes it is. Proceed.
2019-01-16, 11:58 AM #13044
Originally posted by Reid:

For the history nerds, an interesting website on lead poisoning in ancient Rome. Spoilers: the Romans weren't as dumb as we tend to think.

Who actually thinks Romans were dumb?
2019-01-16, 12:25 PM #13045
They weren't actually that dumb. It was just a speech impediment.
2019-01-16, 1:16 PM #13046
Originally posted by Tenshu:
Who actually thinks Romans were dumb?

They were obviously stupid. I mean this strategically, domestically, and personally. Pretty much everything that's going wrong with the US today once went wrong with the Roman Empire, so if you consider what's happening to the US to be stupid then the Romans obviously were stupid too.
2019-01-16, 1:19 PM #13047
The Roman Empire funded its own expansion and survival with the spoils of war (i.e. the resources and savings of the people they conquered) and once everybody who wasn't dirt poor was conquered the whole thing imploded spectacularly. If you're impressed by this winning strategy then you're gonna be blown away by cancer and fire.
2019-01-16, 1:24 PM #13048
yeah right, you're probably just jealous you don't live in a house with Doric columns
2019-01-16, 1:38 PM #13049
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
yeah right, you're probably just jealous you don't live in a house with Doric columns

yea we don't really use those in the provinces
2019-01-16, 2:37 PM #13050
Originally posted by Tenshu:
Who actually thinks Romans were dumb?

Maybe it's not something super common, but it used to be a kind of meme that Romans put lead acetate in their wine to sweeten it, and how sad it was they didn't realize the health consequences. It's often used as a narrative to make a point, like how collective ignorance is damaging or something.

Of course, the point is that the Romans were very much aware of the dangers of lead poisoning, what its acute effects were, and didn't purposefully add lead to their drinks to sweeten it. Lead exposure did occur, of course.

Basically the point is, 99% of quippy trivia about history is misleading and false, and this was a specific case of something being false.
2019-01-16, 2:40 PM #13051
It's in the vein of "people used to think the world was flat then Galileo spoke up" kind of thing.
2019-01-16, 2:41 PM #13052
One thing that Jon is forgetting is that George Bush also declared a war on entropy (which we will soon win).
2019-01-16, 2:49 PM #13053
White people used to put lead in our air so our cars wouldn't make scary sounds
2019-01-16, 4:11 PM #13054
Originally posted by Jon`C:
White people used to put lead in our air so our cars wouldn't make scary sounds

And we knew much more about lead poisoning than the Romans.
2019-01-17, 2:14 PM #13055

Didn't they used to teach this in home economics?
2019-01-17, 2:16 PM #13056
haven't these ****s mad that high school didn't teach them to sew buttons or whatever ever heard of yootoob
2019-01-17, 4:40 PM #13057
Originally posted by saberopus:
haven't these ****s mad that high school didn't teach them to sew buttons or whatever ever heard of yootoob

How to sew buttons even the cultural marxists can't pop off, followed up by an epic rant about SJWs in TLJ
2019-01-18, 4:35 PM #13058
Just reminding us all that the president of the United States is a criminal retard and is doing his best to **** up this country as much as possible.
2019-01-18, 11:12 PM #13059
Mueller's office disputes Buzzfeed story on Michael Cohen
2019-01-18, 11:26 PM #13060
Man, that guy has a long face.
2019-01-19, 7:25 AM #13061
Originally posted by saberopus:
Yes it is. Proceed.

I would but I am frozen by a mixture of incompetence and cowardice.
2019-01-19, 2:15 PM #13062
Why are ethnically European high school kids from a Catholic school counter-protesting a Native American rally? What the heck is chanting "build a wall" at them supposed to mean anymore, given that Europeans are the ones who are the encroaching immigrants relative to Native American society? This does not exactly paint a pretty picture of what is going through these young boys' heads.
2019-01-19, 2:22 PM #13063
representing kentucky
2019-01-19, 2:22 PM #13064
Hitler was a Catholic.


Hopefully that kid in the front ends it sooner.
2019-01-19, 2:27 PM #13065
I don’t care if you think it’s in bad taste to hope for a particular teenager to kill himself. Grinning like a rapist with a rich dad. The only thing that’ll fix that is swallowing a few teeth or one bullet.
2019-01-19, 2:28 PM #13066
At any rate, we'll have this video around for posterity when the revolution comes, so we'll see if he's still grinning then.
2019-01-19, 2:47 PM #13067
Short of a Mad Max style climate revolution that features even the middle class turned into an intergenerational turducken I imagine he would pull through just fine. It’s a Kentuckian Catholic school. It’s not like we’re talking about a boarding school in New England.

Not-so-ironic ironic 4chan fascists have a habit of disappearing once they face the smallest of personal consequences. If his parents don’t punish him he at least might need to resort to rape (assuming he doesn’t prefer it anyway) now that it’s public knowledge he’s both racist and thinks women are soulless brood mares.
2019-01-21, 6:20 PM #13068
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I don’t care if you think it’s in bad taste to hope for a particular teenager to kill himself.

Although in retrospect the whole kerfuffle was actually instigated by some nutty nearby Black Hebrew Israelites (and that it was the Native American guy who inserted himself in between the two groups as a buffer), at least none of us lost our jobs for this kind of reaction... like this guy did, for saying

Originally posted by A dude who no longer works as a writer at Vulture:
I don’t know what it says about me but I’ve truly lost the ability to articulate the hysterical rage, nausea, and heartache this makes me feel. I just want these people to die. Simple as that. Every single one of them. And their parents.
2019-01-21, 7:53 PM #13069
Oh ok well as long as someone made them shout racist stuff
2019-01-21, 8:25 PM #13070
Well to be fair, just being a Trump supporter in the first place makes you pretty racist.
2019-01-21, 8:26 PM #13071
“I wouldn’t have been so racist if it weren’t for all of those black people!”

somehow, a defense
2019-01-21, 9:43 PM #13072
It's not clear from the (full) video that anyone was in fact shouting "build that wall" (let alone directing it toward the Native American guy rather than the BHI guys), but I guess my point was that they were already kinda racist by having that slogan in the first place.
2019-01-21, 9:58 PM #13073
It was a bunch of magahideen kids at a madahideen rally staring down brown people while their magahideen chaparones cheered. They're modern-day brownshirts.
2019-01-22, 7:57 AM #13074
I will never get tired of magahideen.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-01-22, 8:18 AM #13075
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It was a bunch of magahideen kids at a madahideen rally staring down brown people while their magahideen chaparones cheered. They're modern-day brownshirts.

Excuse me sir, but your comparison of conservative factions with fascism is scary and I don't know how to respond. Could you please refrain from that in the future? Thanks.


(un)concerned centrist
2019-01-22, 8:20 AM #13076
I haven't seen the video btw, but from what I understand, it's just another episode of people mad about things being redirected into racial conspiracy theories and forming street gangs.
2019-01-22, 9:02 AM #13077
Originally posted by Reid:
Excuse me sir, but your comparison of conservative factions with fascism is scary and I don't know how to respond. Could you please refrain from that in the future? Thanks.


(un)concerned centrist

It might be a good idea to refrain if the alternative is unwarranted death threats toward innocent high school students by unhinged liberals on Twitter.
2019-01-22, 9:07 AM #13078
Delete Twitter, and all of these big tech platforms. They're set up to encourage tribalism and harassment.

I read an article on it, they conclude tweets which are more successful tend to use moralizing, tribal language and incur hostile attitudes among enemies. The continued irresponsibility of tech companies is a serious issue.
2019-01-22, 9:13 AM #13079

That's like blaming the town blacksmith for selling pitchforks to an angry mob.

What you are supposedly blaming Twitter for are the aggregate effects of human emotion.
2019-01-22, 9:13 AM #13080
Probably the only people who behaved sanely in this case were centrists.

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