Hate the game, not the player. We have a two party system as of now, and those who mock the partisans who try to make do with the current system with vigor on the side that is more correct (the Democrats) end up playing into the even worse, opposite partisan side. At best, political criticism of the Democrats ought (in my mind) to be restricted to instances of them sacrificing larger things that are at stake, like the institutions of democracy itself and autonomy of the people to self-govern without ceding this right to the "deep state"
But make no mistake that there are those on the right who will be all too eager to eat this kind of "introspection" right up for far worse partisan purposes. Trump is in office now, and he needs to be dealt with by all ethical means necessary. It may not be glorious work, and it may feel dirty, but the propaganda war absolutely is worth winning if it means nixing the political efficacy of the current government.
That all said, you also have to consider the kind of thing that Julian Assange has been saying to justify his anti-DNC tactics: that the United States military was far too dangerous to the rest of the world to allow somebody like Clinton to come to power.