Michael MacFarlane
Unwitting troll accomplice
Posts: 8,272
You see how easy that is, Wookie? We can lob facile accusations of domestic violence all day, but in the end, what matters is the evidence. I've learned in the last two or three years that conservative men, especially, tend to believe that it is impossible to determine their motives from the things they say and do, but that's just not true! If, for example, you repeatedly refer to a trans woman as "him", people are going to figure out what you're up to pretty quickly! Or if you call the first black president "Barack Hussein Obama" over and over again, and offer "George W. Bush" as proof that you're not doing anything racist, people are going to notice that there was a previous President George Bush and not a previous President Barack Obama.
You're not as slick as you think you are, man. And I can't believe you even think you're that slick.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.