Actually, far from it. As I said earlier, that was meant to be my offensive definition until I actually wrote it and just basically hit it out of the park. Now my comment about socialism being implemented through taxation was in response to people saying that what I had defined was taxation but that's dumb. Even if I agree that taxation can be government theft of private property that would be as far as it goes. Socialism involves the redistributive aspect. Now, I intentionally did zero research before defining socialism because I wanted to answer Jon`C's question with some intellectual honesty even though I still don't know why he needed it answered so desperately. I don't really argue against his socialist views much nor run around calling everybody I disagree with socialists. Anyway, wikipedia says, "Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and workers' self-management of the means of production as well as the political theories and movements associated with them," and further goes on to say, "There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, though social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms." Now I grant you Jon, and maybe several of you, are doubtlessly better read on the topic but of course he would be. He's very passionate about socialism. I actually think Jon believes in socialism for noble reasons.
Now, the reason I don't get back to every topic I get engaged in here is sometimes I just don't get back in a timely manner and either forget or it just doesn't seem appropriate to bring it back up.
You know, I've actually been wondering for years when the left wing media would just come out and start calling radical islam right wing extremists.
That statements probably about half correct. I've actually thought a bit about the left-right nomenclature. Some of you might remember my brilliant political circle much earlier in the thread. It was an exercise I was going through because defining politics as left vs. right is really pretty dumb but I was also trying to keep it simpler than a complex three or four dimensional concept because it has to be to be understandable. The problem is that we also talk a lot about other things as being right or left.
Earlier someone didn't like to think of the Nation of Islam being left wing. Well, as far as extremism goes, they don't seem to be but the most often ally themselves politically with those opposed to who are defined as being right wing. And then as Jon points out both the major political parties (does it bother non-Americans when we refer to our own parties, governments, and issues as if they're the only ones?) are relatively right of center.
I think left and right is relative to both the subject and the person using the term. If a neo-nazi group is considered right wing but oppose what are considered here to be right wing policies, does the neo-nazi really belong to the right? If an eco-terrorist is considered left wing but is an anarchist does that person really belong to the left?
The terms are simple but the issues aren't. Something I don't appreciate is how Jon holding pretty left wing views [legitimately] refers to everything he disagrees with and so much of what's wrong as the right. Well, of course it is relatively to you but then we're left to infer that the right is always bad because Jon pretty much says it is and all that stuff you think is the left is really the right and eat the rich.
Finally, wherever you personally consider yourself on the left/right spectrum there is no reason to believe that you need to feel any association with extremism that people tell you falls in that spectrum.
What would make for interesting study is to find out through what method did it become the norm for children of aliens to be considered citizens. It's a little more complicate than that simple statement but really not much but, yeah, wth? I didn't really dig into this but it seemed like it was from some minor interview or something and so I wonder if this is just out a week before the election to scare people.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16