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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-06-18, 9:28 PM #9441
Past situation with migrant children was unaccompanied minors who were being held until their family could be located or they could be placed into foster care. Trump administration is taking accompanied children away.
2018-06-18, 10:14 PM #9442
Okay, so I very briefly looked at the links provided and I'm not sure I get the problem. Isn't it rational for children to be separated from their criminal parents? I mean, surely they're not supposed to be sent to the same detention centers as adults. Admittedly, I could be missing something.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-06-18, 11:06 PM #9443
If it isn't designed to inflict extra pain and misery, then what is the policy reason for the change?
2018-06-18, 11:36 PM #9444
I'm not sure what change you're referring to but I am thinking that a harsh consequence is good for discouraging the act.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-06-18, 11:39 PM #9445
Originally posted by NyTimes:
On Tuesday, Mr. Trump is scheduled to go to Capitol Hill to address House Republicans, who are planning to vote on two immigration measures this week. In a Twitter post, Mr. Trump repeated his running blame of Democratic policies — “CHANGE THE LAWS!”

But no law actually requires that families be separated at the border.

There is a law against “improper entry” at the border, as well as a consent decree known as the Flores settlement that limits to 20 days the amount of time that migrant children may be held in immigration detention. A 2008 anti-trafficking statute — signed into law by a Republican president, George W. Bush — also requires that certain unaccompanied minors be transferred out of immigration detention in 72 hours.

None of those laws or precedents mean that children must be taken away from their parents.

Under President Barack Obama, the authorities initially responded to a similar surge in illegal border crossings by setting up family detention centers where children and their parents could be held together. But in response to a lawsuit against the Obama administration, a judge ruled that the Flores settlement also prohibited children from being detained with their parents.

Having no effective way to detain the parents with their children, Obama administration officials released the families pending the resolution of their asylum cases. Some were given ankle bracelets. Others were simply ordered to return for a court hearing. What they refused to do was to automatically split the children from their parents so that the adults could be detained.

Effectively, they made an exception for illegal immigrants who arrived with children — an exception that Trump administration officials followed until Mr. Sessions imposed a zero-tolerance policy this year.

Both the Flores settlement and the anti-trafficking law say that the authorities are permitted to separate children, but they are not required to do so. The Trump administration interpreted this as a requirement, or a “loophole,” that Congress must fix to stop the separations.

The energetic defense of the policy by Mr. Trump and members of his administration is at odds with the political reality on Capitol Hill, where Mr. Trump’s demands to change the laws face opposition from both Republicans and Democrats.

Members of both parties have responded with their own legislative proposals to deal with the separations.

Basically, Trump is an idiot who can't help but alienate members of both political parties by listening to the hardliners in his cabinet who, due to some kind of character defect, actually want to carry out the laws in the least humane way possible.
2018-06-18, 11:41 PM #9446
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I'm not sure what change you're referring to but I am thinking that a harsh consequence is good for discouraging the act.

I dunno. Do you think chopping their dicks off might stop them from coming over as well? Maybe we should try that too.
2018-06-19, 12:03 AM #9447
My feeling is that Trump has a strategy down pretty well by now: distract the nation from his serious scandals and unpopularity by doing pointless, reprehensible **** that nobody else dared to do before (e.g., Muslim ban), which forces the entire country to spend months just getting him to reverse that. I totally think Jon`C is right when he said this is about political leverage.

Really the only good thing to come out of it is that we now have something of a litmus test of the moral fiber of people, based on how they react to this kind of bull****.
2018-06-19, 12:35 AM #9448
Originally posted by Eversor:
I don't know to my mind the big news here is that Pelosi's favorability rating is 17% among Republicans. I would've assumed it was lower.

Don't normalize irrational Republican viewpoints tbh fam.
2018-06-19, 12:42 AM #9449
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 12:47 AM #9450
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I think "skimming" would be too generous for what I just did of the last few posts but I thought most of the immigration re: children stuff in the media lately was shown to be either things that happened under obama or faked by democrats.

It didn't actually happen; the Democrats did it.

You know the Homeland Security Act was sponsored by a Republican, passed a Republican house & Democratic senate, and was signed by a Republican president, and then over 15 years later a Republican president gave the directive to prosecute all cases criminally. You also know which party appears more often in that list, yeah?

Obama isn't innocent but you have to consciously deny history to blame him for the creation or escalation of ICE.
2018-06-19, 12:48 AM #9451
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It’s too bad the Democrats are spineless and complicit, because it would be hilarious to see some firebrand remind everybody that following orders isn’t an effective legal defense.

Eichmann in Jerusalem should be mandatory reading in high school.
2018-06-19, 12:49 AM #9452
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
This line of thinking just reminds me of the whole "the Holocaust never happened, but I'm sure glad that it did" retort.

Wait he actually, unironically said that? I'm genuinely ****ing offended by that, and I hate the Democrats.
2018-06-19, 12:50 AM #9453
At least have the spine to take responsibility, Trump. Own your sins.
2018-06-19, 12:53 AM #9454
Originally posted by Reid:
Wait he actually, unironically said that?


2018-06-19, 12:54 AM #9455
Originally posted by Wookie06:
To Jon:

I'm not kidding when I say I don't follow the news so when you say "Fox is lying to you" I'm not seeing that. Now I do see snippets from other sources that specifically showed things I alluded to above however I take everything at face value. Now, Beck did make a huge deal about literal concentration camps well before trump was elected so I get that. If you have a reference for me to look at please post it.

You live in rural Kentucky, right? You don't have to follow Fox to be influenced by it. Your neighbors, half your church congregation, some of your coworkers do. The ones who don't know people who do. It's inculcated as a cultural zeitgeist, its influence will be there regardless of whether you personally watch.
2018-06-19, 12:54 AM #9456
I'm coming around to the idea that Trump is really no better than a common Twitter troll. There's really not much else there going on from what I can see.
2018-06-19, 12:55 AM #9457
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:


Men should take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Trump is a coward.
2018-06-19, 12:56 AM #9458
Trolls (and white supremacists) never take responsibility for the actual consequences of their views. lol
2018-06-19, 1:02 AM #9459
Originally posted by Reid:
Don't normalize irrational Republican viewpoints tbh fam.

Nancy Pelosi is one of the politicians that Republicans hate most. Whether she deserves it or not, she's become a symbol of out of touch and "militant" "San Francisco" liberal elitism. In the past year even Democrats have been arguing that having her as the minority leader is a liability that makes it more difficult for them to win in the midterms. The fact that her favorability is lower than Kim is pretty meaningless: someone does not need to be very well liked to have a higher favorability rating than one of the most despised Democrats in Washington. I would've guessed that her favorability was in single digits amongst Republicans. On the other hand, it makes sense to me why some GOP voters would say that "favor" Kim: they might see him as providing Trump a shot on goal to do something correctly, or perhaps even they even see him as someone who's striving to make peace.

Iran's favorability went up in the years following the nuclear deal.
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 1:29 AM #9460
It's not as if pollsters are asking Republicans whether they hold Kim or Pelosi in higher regard. Republicans aren't being asked to make a comparison. It just so happens that more people said that dislike Nancy Pelosi than they did KJU. They aren't even necessarily the same people. For all you know, people who were polled and said they "favor" Kim are the same people who say they "favor" Pelosi. These numbers aren't very meaningful.
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 1:34 AM #9461
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I dunno. Do you think chopping their dicks off might stop them from coming over as well? Maybe we should try that too.

I have a better idea.
2018-06-19, 1:39 AM #9462
Originally posted by Eversor:
It's not as if pollsters are asking Republicans whether they hold Kim or Pelosi in higher regard. Republicans aren't being asked to make a comparison. It just so happens that more people said that dislike Nancy Pelosi than they did KJU. They aren't even necessarily the same people. For all you know, people who were polled and said they "favor" Kim are the same people who say they "favor" Pelosi. These numbers aren't very meaningful.

Maybe Republicans should stop being snowflakes who get offended that there are people who are a little bit different than them.
2018-06-19, 1:43 AM #9463
Originally posted by Reid:
Maybe Republicans should stop being snowflakes who get offended that there are people who are a little bit different than them.

Uh... takes one to know one?
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 1:44 AM #9464
Originally posted by Reid:
I have a better idea:

This is in bad taste.
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 1:45 AM #9465
Originally posted by Eversor:
This is in bad taste.

Yeah, probably so.
2018-06-19, 2:10 AM #9466
This family separation policy is not the Holocaust. It's horrible and it's cruel. But let's try to keep some perspective.
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 2:20 AM #9467
Originally posted by Eversor:
This family separation policy is not the Holocaust. It's horrible and it's cruel. In fact, it's intentionally cruel. But let's try to keep some perspective.

To be clear, I wasn't to make that comparison. It was about the slippery slope of deterrence. The kind of logic he was advocating is open-ended enough to permit other worse actions, which is why it's not a justification.
2018-06-19, 2:24 AM #9468

I'm convinced like 95% of Americans don't know anything about the Holocaust beyond "the Germans went nuts and tried to wipe out an ethnic group".
2018-06-19, 2:50 AM #9469
Probably not.
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 3:10 AM #9470
Originally posted by Reid:

I'm convinced like 95% of Americans don't know anything about the Holocaust beyond "the Germans went nuts and tried to wipe out an ethnic group".

I think their logic goes: so long as people are willingly entering the country, there's nothing we can do to them (or their children??) that they didn't bring upon themselves.

Kind of funny how all the while US businesses are benefiting from the very illegal immigrants who the Republicans are so proud of stomping all over.
2018-06-19, 3:32 AM #9471
I'd be curious to hear what you guys think of this comment I found, written in response to a Financial Times article (title: "China hopes countermoves will help prevent all-out trade war with US"): <-- copy & google full URL or title to get around paywall

Originally posted by KLRJ:
This is a lot of fun to watch. After decades of getting ripped off, cheated, and lied to by the gangsters in Beijing and their so-called "businessmen" cronies, Trump is taking it to them. No matter what promises they make to try to get him to stop, they won't keep them, so he should just keep going.

He just said he's going to put 10% tariffs on another $200 billion in imports from China. Good. He's playing poker with Xi and going to humiliate him. By the time 2020 rolls around, he'll have slapped tariffs on the entire $500 billion they sell - oops, sold - the US and the good people of China will be playing Mussolini football with Xi's head in Tiananmen.

The only solution to the trade war, which Beijing started four decades ago and has been waging since then, is to stop all technology transfers to China and stop buying from them. It will be painful and long, but that's better than a world where the communists have more power. The West will adjust and move on. Beijing can try its mercantilism on Russia and the Stans. Good luck with that.

Love him or hate him, Trump has this one right.
2018-06-19, 4:18 AM #9472
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I think their logic goes: so long as people are willingly entering the country, there's nothing we can do to them (or their children??) that they didn't bring upon themselves.

Kind of funny how all the while US businesses are benefiting from the very illegal immigrants who the Republicans are so proud of stomping all over.

I'm not so sure. It doesn't seem like anyone wants to own this -- not even the administration. Trump has effectively conceded that it's horrible, but claims that laws passed by Democrats are forcing his hand. And far-right pundits are claiming that either the media's portrayal is inaccurate or even that the whole thing is a fabrication and the children are crisis actors (*cough cough* Ann Coulter *cough cough*). Other more moderate conservative voices are trying to put the policy in context by pointing out that immigration policy inevitably requires imposing hardships on some number of illegal immigrants, and they point out that voices on the left often fail to acknowledge that there's no way to enforce the border without doing things we'd rather not do -- but many of those people often still acknowledge the cruelty of the current policy of separating children from their parents. Maybe some people are claiming that there actually is something moral about the separations (it's a "just dessert"), but by and large, I don't think it's the conservative move.
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 4:20 AM #9473
I'll admit though there's also a contradiction at the heart the administration's messaging. They're simultaneously saying (wrongfully) that their hands are tied by the Democrats and they're saying that the cruelty is a deterrent. They're trying to have it both ways, on the one hand claiming that the end justifies the means and on the other claiming that their own policy is morally indefensible.
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 4:31 AM #9474
This thing with crisis actors is pretty frightening stuff. If things keep getting worse, where will we be in five years? or ten? When Bush was still president, I thought things would get worse in ways that I couldn't imagine. I didn't think they'd get this bad.
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 5:33 AM #9475

I didn't think the private prison racket was this bad..
2018-06-19, 5:34 AM #9476
Originally posted by Eversor:
This thing with crisis actors is pretty frightening stuff. If things keep getting worse, where will we be in five years? or ten? When Bush was still president, I thought things would get worse in ways that I couldn't imagine. I didn't think they'd get this bad.

Yep, when conspiracy theories control your government you're gonna have a bad time.
2018-06-19, 6:01 AM #9477
I liked the TPPF joke
former entrepreneur
2018-06-19, 7:36 AM #9478
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Okay, so I very briefly looked at the links provided and I'm not sure I get the problem. Isn't it rational for children to be separated from their criminal parents? I mean, surely they're not supposed to be sent to the same detention centers as adults. Admittedly, I could be missing something.

Originally posted by Wookie06:
I'm not sure what change you're referring to but I am thinking that a harsh consequence is good for discouraging the act.

I’m glad other people were around who could give an even-handed response to these posts, because I never could.
2018-06-19, 7:41 AM #9479
btw - per treaties to which the US is a ratified signatory, seeking asylum is not a crime, even if by irregular entry as long as an official application is made within a year. The US imprisoning these people is violating international norms even without separately imprisoning the children and denying them human contact.

I’m gonna stop here before I say some honest things.
2018-06-19, 7:41 AM #9480
Originally posted by Eversor:
This family separation policy is not the Holocaust. It's horrible and it's cruel. But let's try to keep some perspective.

Y'know, I'm a little tired of this phrase. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who are making a comparison in the sense of saying the policy is as bad as anything the Nazis did, which is clearly not true. But that's not what everybody is doing, what some people are doing is imagining: "what if this already bad thing is taken even further? what is the conclusion, the zeitgeist expressed here?" The world people imagine that exaggerates the political changes from a few years ago is one that seems more Nazi-like, so that's why it's expressed that way.

Just because Nazism ended up being so drastic doesn't mean comparison can't be made. In fact, that's what honest comparison sets out to do: we might say compare and contrast is a redundant phrase, because comparison highlights the contrasts, that's what good comparison does. In comparing things to Nazism we're highlighting how much things are moving in that direction, NOT saying the crimes are as bad as the Nazis. So let's not use shutdown phrases and try to pressure people from speaking about these things. Because it's good in general to avoid exceptionalism w.r.t. the Nazis, and be aware of any political shifts which could cause us to repeat the mistakes me made then.

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