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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2019-06-26, 5:07 PM #14601
I think I’m on to something here
former entrepreneur
2019-06-26, 6:49 PM #14602
Originally posted by Eversor:
2019-06-26, 6:54 PM #14603

Lol, I knew the far right was threatening to kill people. I had no idea a state senator was, in no uncertain terms, asking people to come bring guns and be ready to kill police officers.

All so they can step aside the legal process to block passage of a climate change bill. Terroristic threats ahoy!
2019-06-26, 7:01 PM #14604
What is with the west coast? The liberals are crazy, the conservatives are crazy, why are they all so buthurt?
2019-06-26, 7:27 PM #14605
Outsider’s perspective: this isn’t isolated to any part of the US; the attitudes are prevalent everywhere, and it’s kinda weird when Americans don’t see it.
2019-06-26, 8:25 PM #14606
Looking forward to the Abortion Wars of 2023.
former entrepreneur
2019-06-26, 10:41 PM #14607
You joke, but the US today has whipped themselves into a million different strains of fundamentalism. Extremely online ‘woke’ is fundamentalist just as much as the fire and brimstone gay bashers are, to say nothing of the everyday socially acceptable varieties of American fundamentalism like free speech fundamentalism, gun rights fundamentalism, global markets fundamentalism (all of which are, in fact, very recent beliefs and radical compared to the attitudes that came before them). The US is divided against itself between extreme faith based positions on some pretty basic questions about what kind of society Americans want to live in. I’m not saying it will lead to civil war, but it’s probably not good either.
2019-06-27, 12:24 AM #14608
the country's headed for a cliff, we just don't know exactly where or what the damage will be.

people used to complain that people can't be civil. i think it's even worse now. when i see people on the right talking, i don't even think it's possible for me to speak words which would have any positive effect. it's almost as if discourse itself is gone.
2019-06-27, 7:27 AM #14609
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Outsider’s perspective: this isn’t isolated to any part of the US; the attitudes are prevalent everywhere, and it’s kinda weird when Americans don’t see it.

Not really though. People have pretty strong opinions in the Midwest and South, but for as much **** as they get for being backward, you get the same rural urban split that you do everywhere else. But you don't see crazy stuff like this hardly ever. I took a trip to the west coast a couple years back, and it was shocking how much stronger the base level of confrontational anger there was between political groups. I mean, you are right that the division and anger is present everywhere, but the west coast seems to really be at the vanguard of it all.

My uncle just moved from Oakland to Dallas, and he's really excited how liberals in Dallas actually get along and support each-other. In California, the culture was really toxic, and the liberals were dividing into little gate-keeping subgroups and throwing hate and vitriol at each other.
2019-06-27, 9:49 AM #14610
Originally posted by Reid:
the country's headed for a cliff, we just don't know exactly where or what the damage will be.

people used to complain that people can't be civil. i think it's even worse now. when i see people on the right talking, i don't even think it's possible for me to speak words which would have any positive effect. it's almost as if discourse itself is gone.

i should add, you could say the same of russia collusion liberals. the band of people who are willing to accept that any other narrative might be true is narrowing. when discussion just feels impossible, you're probably in a worse place than when you have discussions but they aren't civil.
2019-06-27, 11:30 AM #14611
When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.

Huh, now that's a verse.
2019-06-27, 12:38 PM #14612
Originally posted by Reid:
Huh, now that's a verse.

Drive a car into ‘em for thinking different. Gotcha.
2019-06-27, 3:54 PM #14613
Originally posted by Reid:
i should add, you could say the same of russia collusion liberals. the band of people who are willing to accept that any other narrative might be true is narrowing. when discussion just feels impossible, you're probably in a worse place than when you have discussions but they aren't civil.

It put me at ease that virtually no one at the Democratic debates last night, when asked “what’s the greatest national security threat?” Said Russia. I think De Blasio was the only one. Big wet fart.
former entrepreneur
2019-06-27, 3:56 PM #14614
I think the Russia collusion narrative is losing steam. Like most things in politics, not with a bang but with a whimper.
former entrepreneur
2019-06-27, 5:21 PM #14615
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You joke, but the US today has whipped themselves into a million different strains of fundamentalism. Extremely online ‘woke’ is fundamentalist just as much as the fire and brimstone gay bashers are, to say nothing of the everyday socially acceptable varieties of American fundamentalism like free speech fundamentalism, gun rights fundamentalism, global markets fundamentalism (all of which are, in fact, very recent beliefs and radical compared to the attitudes that came before them). The US is divided against itself between extreme faith based positions on some pretty basic questions about what kind of society Americans want to live in. I’m not saying it will lead to civil war, but it’s probably not good either.

Ahem, as a student of 14th and 15th century classical republicanism I can assure you that the role of factionalism in subverting republics is one of my chief concerns.
former entrepreneur
2019-06-27, 8:15 PM #14616
Originally posted by Eversor:
It put me at ease that virtually no one at the Democratic debates last night, when asked “what’s the greatest national security threat?” Said Russia. I think De Blasio was the only one. Big wet fart.

Doh, more of them said it tonight, but it was said almost exclusively by the unserious minor candidates.
former entrepreneur
2019-06-28, 2:39 PM #14617
The Warcraft episode of South Park has to be one of the best examples of marketing I've seen. Blizzard was smart to do that collab.
2019-06-28, 5:00 PM #14618
Originally posted by Eversor:
Doh, more of them said it tonight, but it was said almost exclusively by the unserious minor candidates.

What have the debates been like? I'm significantly less tuned in than I was in 2016.
2019-06-28, 5:48 PM #14619
In most ways, exactly how you’d expect. Not very substantive. The thing that has made it most worthwhile imo is that they’ve been great fodder for Twitter jokes.

I did think Kamala Harris did really distinguish herself in the field with her attack on Biden (just going to assume you know what I’m talking about. If not, Google it). She spoke with purpose in a way that no one else on the stage could match. She looked like she could be president.

Aside from that it seems like the process the party has chosen to select its candidate isn’t suitable for the task.
former entrepreneur
2019-06-28, 7:56 PM #14620
All their talk about gun control has been leaving me hearing defecting republicans saying they are going to go with the republican nominee, they're going to lose Utah!
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-06-28, 8:40 PM #14621
Originally posted by Spook:
All their talk about gun control has been leaving me hearing defecting republicans saying they are going to go with the republican nominee, they're going to lose Utah!

2019-06-28, 8:48 PM #14622
p straightforward political humour
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-06-28, 9:21 PM #14623
Originally posted by Spook:
p straightforward political humour

sorry, Poe's law
2019-06-29, 8:40 AM #14624

2019-06-29, 8:42 AM #14625
10% on rent? I wish.
former entrepreneur
2019-06-29, 11:06 AM #14626
Originally posted by Jon`C:
sorry, Poe's law

That said, if they for some reason have fantasies they are going to win over republicans who are dissatisfied by trump, talking about guns is about the most surefire way to get them voting for him again. Doesn't matter in Utah though lmao
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-06-29, 5:08 PM #14627
I’ve never met a conservative who was willing to vote off brand, but I’ve also never met one who didn’t think the social liberals should compromise on some some core belief in order to appeal more to conservatives. Mostly I guess I’ve never met a conservative who was smart. But they still handily clear the bar set by most liberal parties, who take the suggestion despite it obviously not working.

Maybe if conservatives want to win the millennial vote, they should compromise on their “gay people and abortions are icky” planks.
2019-06-29, 6:15 PM #14628
Well, the only people I know who say that they could be swayed by things like that are conservatives who brand themselves as libertarians or (gag) classical liberals and have views like 'if they're going to get abortions the government shouldnt pay for it' or 'i think gay married people should be able to protect their pot with machine guns' or 'i dont think trans people exist (?) but I will call them whatever they want' or whatever that are kind of complete failures at the virtue signalling they love to malign because of a fundamental misapprehension of what the world is.

They also say things like 'minimum wage wasn't intended for burger flippers' but if I start a conversation about the externalities of poverty they start inadvertently arguing for socialism if not communism ala Kermit Peterson so yeah, what you said I guess. I do know a few people who are pretty squarely left (tankies, more like it now that I think about it) who talk up the republicans because of their need for guns in their ghoulish revenge fantasies and that most of their personal business is black market or under the table (except their line cook job for proof of income) but I think the bump stock ban and bizarre talk of banning suppressors has them shook.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-06-29, 8:06 PM #14629

Some of those that work forces..?
2019-06-29, 8:25 PM #14630
Originally posted by Spook:
Well, the only people I know who say that they could be swayed by things like that are conservatives who brand themselves as libertarians or (gag) classical liberals and have views like 'if they're going to get abortions the government shouldnt pay for it' or 'i think gay married people should be able to protect their pot with machine guns' or 'i dont think trans people exist (?) but I will call them whatever they want' or whatever that are kind of complete failures at the virtue signalling they love to malign because of a fundamental misapprehension of what the world is.

They also say things like 'minimum wage wasn't intended for burger flippers' but if I start a conversation about the externalities of poverty they start inadvertently arguing for socialism if not communism ala Kermit Peterson so yeah, what you said I guess. I do know a few people who are pretty squarely left (tankies, more like it now that I think about it) who talk up the republicans because of their need for guns in their ghoulish revenge fantasies and that most of their personal business is black market or under the table (except their line cook job for proof of income) but I think the bump stock ban and bizarre talk of banning suppressors has them shook.

I love that libertarian ideal of everybody owning their own means of production and improving society via self-interested voluntary association, but "socialism is for cucks".
2019-06-29, 8:29 PM #14631
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I’ve never met a conservative who was willing to vote off brand, but I’ve also never met one who didn’t think the social liberals should compromise on some some core belief in order to appeal more to conservatives. Mostly I guess I’ve never met a conservative who was smart. But they still handily clear the bar set by most liberal parties, who take the suggestion despite it obviously not working.

Maybe if conservatives want to win the millennial vote, they should compromise on their “gay people and abortions are icky” planks.

Neither liberals or conservatives tend to vote off brand. It's mostly decided by the disenfranchised voters, and in party engagement levels.

Gay rights are pretty irrelevant at this point. Abortion isn't going to change, because it's a fairly tricky philosophical issue that almost no one has the intellectual ability to meaningfully engage with. The consequences are obviously huge for both sides, so people are just going to dig in.
2019-06-29, 8:40 PM #14632
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I love that libertarian ideal of everybody owning their own means of production and improving society via self-interested voluntary association, but "socialism is for cucks".

It's olympic level gymnastics for sure.

edit:its probably because the more the government does things the socialistier it is, and the socialistier it is the more your sense of rugged individualism is threatened by the government doing stuff.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-06-29, 8:41 PM #14633

JFC. Looking into the far right in Germany, looks like their police and military have real problem. Google 'Day X'.
2019-06-29, 8:52 PM #14634
All police and military have a “problem” with the alt right.

It isn’t hard to understand why. Socialists and progressives generally won’t join the police or military for ideological reasons. Liberals and center-right conservatives skew higher in education and socioeconomic status, and usually won’t join for economic reasons. That leaves conservatives, normal and radical. Even without any other social pressures or conspiracies, the police and military will automatically accumulate a disproportionate number of ****heads just because there are more ****heads in their candidate pool.

Want to fix the problem? Police officers need to get paid a lot more.
2019-06-29, 9:01 PM #14635
Or, you know, change to an economic system that doesn't persecute people into taking bad jobs. But that's harder than paying police officers more.
2019-06-29, 9:17 PM #14636
bUT We neED TO pAY copS MoRe Than bURgEr FLipPeRS its RIdiCulOUs THAt theSE PEOPlE WANt bEtTEr pAy Than ouR BOyS IN BLUE
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-06-29, 9:53 PM #14637
Originally posted by Jon`C:
All police and military have a “problem” with the alt right.

It isn’t hard to understand why. Socialists and progressives generally won’t join the police or military for ideological reasons. Liberals and center-right conservatives skew higher in education and socioeconomic status, and usually won’t join for economic reasons. That leaves conservatives, normal and radical. Even without any other social pressures or conspiracies, the police and military will automatically accumulate a disproportionate number of ****heads just because there are more ****heads in their candidate pool.

Want to fix the problem? Police officers need to get paid a lot more.

I know police and militaries are badly infected, but not to that level. They were literally plotting to assassinate the president..

I think there's a bit more to why the right is drawn to police and military other than just economics.
2019-06-29, 9:57 PM #14638
Originally posted by Reid:
I know police and militaries are badly infected, but not to that level. They were literally plotting to assassinate the president..

I think there's a bit more to why the right is drawn to police and military other than just economics.

Absolutely, I'm just saying the economic factors mean they'll be over-represented no matter what else is going on.
2019-06-29, 11:47 PM #14639
Originally posted by Spook:
Kermit Peterson

Whatever happened to that guy?
former entrepreneur
2019-06-29, 11:57 PM #14640

Epstein didn't kill himself.

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