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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-04-18, 12:40 PM #8881

Remember anecdotes like this whenever somebody hails the wonders of our technological age.
2018-04-18, 8:29 PM #8882
Ugh I feel so trapped. It's getting harder to find components for lots of things locally. And sometimes Amazon is the only/cheapest option.

Pls crypto pump again so I can inject your gains into my local economy via special orders
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-04-19, 10:14 AM #8883
Are there people unaware of Amazon's business practices like this?

The warehouse not far from here basically has a shanty town outside it over Christmas full of temp workers trying to keep up with their silly quota.
2018-04-20, 2:01 PM #8884
Originally posted by Spook:
Ugh I feel so trapped. It's getting harder to find components for lots of things locally. And sometimes Amazon is the only/cheapest option.

Neoliberalism is good

Originally posted by Baconfish:
Are there people unaware of Amazon's business practices like this?

The warehouse not far from here basically has a shanty town outside it over Christmas full of temp workers trying to keep up with their silly quota.

I never heard any of the details about how awful it was to work there. I just heard some things from a distance. And now you've added to that. Shanty towns? Employees literally build temporary housing near the warehouses?
2018-04-20, 2:31 PM #8885
If only there were some kind of... organization, or something, charged with ensuring minimum acceptable standards for employers.

Oh well.
2018-04-20, 2:42 PM #8886
It can't be that bad, because people are willing to do the job for the wages Amazon is offering. If it were really that bad then people would go work for other companies, and Amazon would have to increase their pay or improve conditions or go out of business. The free market would solve the problem. Why yes, I did take 3 credits of economics in college, thank you for asking. No, they didn't mention that the major crisis of the early industrial era was a working poor underclass, which contemporary economists said were so poor that they didn't even count as economic participants, despite toiling in sweatshop conditions for 18 hours a day, women and children included, laying bare the powerlessness of the workers against their employers even in this early and more competitive business environment. No, in fact, I'm neither educated nor interested enough to understand why regulations exist, but I'm also not willing to let that stop me from having a strong opinion about them.
2018-04-20, 3:05 PM #8887
If you think about it, Amazon is in spirit violating minimum wage laws, because their "productivity" measures seem based in forcing people to work harder and faster than is safely obtainable, so that they can extract more work for less pay.
2018-04-20, 3:05 PM #8888
They probably only pay a buck above minimum so they can avoid the bad PR of it being a "minimum wage job", when it's a minimum wage job.
2018-04-20, 3:10 PM #8889
Good news: statewide teacher strikes have now hit Arizona. Keep going keep going. More states more states.

Important to note that these are wildcat strikes. These are the most genuine expression of labor exercising its power that we've seen in a long time. It's a really exciting event.
2018-04-20, 3:12 PM #8890
There's nothing more pleasant these days than to see scaly Republicans panicking about these movements.
2018-04-20, 4:58 PM #8891
Originally posted by Reid:
Shanty towns? Employees literally build temporary housing near the warehouses?

Well, tents.

They do pay the minimum wage here, it's just not a living wage. Also IIRC you can be let go from a position for whatever reason in your first twelve weeks, and if it's a temp position you're probably not there for three months.

Technically it's up to snuff, they just don't pay their taxes.
2018-04-20, 5:40 PM #8892
Originally posted by Reid:
There's nothing more pleasant these days than to see scaly Republicans panicking about these movements.

You know, I actually dislike this statement I made immensely. What excites me about the strikes has nothing to do with Schadenfreude towards Republican lawmakers. What I said was even a lie - I haven't heard a Republican say anything about the strikes at all. I just presumed they had.

What I really dislike is Republican work-yourself-to-death-for-nothing ideology. Mainstream Republican ideology is toxic. It's a religion, a religion that encourages self-sacrifice to your boss (God) in return for the chance (judgment of God) to enter heaven (get a promotion). It encourages self-repression. It hates artists, freedom, dangers. It wants one thing and one thing only: people who are cattle, people who maximize goods produced at the least possible cost.

Republican lawmakers everywhere preach this religion. This religion that's 100% exactly the same in function as health and wealth scams. It all functions on the same promise: keep giving to me, you slave, you servant, and by faith, you too shall receive! But you must maintain your faith, you must keep giving, and moreover cull any desires in yourself that work against our religion. Make yourself weak for me. Donate yourself to me.

These Republican lawmakers - the lickspittles and sycophants of capital - are the only purely religious group left. The religion of selfishness through selflessness.

What I love about these wildcat strikes is the negation of a toxic ideology - it's an expression of true freedom. These people no longer feel the need to obey the strictures of the work-will-set-you-free religion. This strike is actual freedom, they're zoo animals who have escaped their cage and are roaming free, they are improved as human beings. Just think about it - would you ever say that a zoo animal, tamed from nature, obedient to human beings, is an improvement over its wild self? Yet we fail to see the same is true of human beings.

Yet, the opposite is true of Trump supporters and people who still care at all about anything Clinton does. Blaming others, fixating everything on the grievances caused by another, is resentment, it's toxic to oneself and dangerous to others. Trump supporters are the same as the proto-Nazi antisemites of 19th century Germany. If you don't believe me, go read about Wagner, Die Meistersinger and its reception. The opera is about a young Aryan man, Hans Sachs, who wins over the support of his Aryan community to exile and humiliate the very-Jewish-seeming Beckmesser in a singing competition, and a message about the supremacy of German art and the need to protect it from "foreign influence". Oh, and the year after Wagner updated his tract "Jewishness in Music", one of the key texts in formulating German antisemitism of the day. The message of Die Meistersinger is the fundamental Nazi one - the awful Jews are holding the superior race back and we need to be rid of them to be happy. Also, Mexicans are rapists, and cartels are destroying our communities. These are the real problems in America to Trumpists, it has nothing to do with our devout religious practices, and slavish attitudes towards capital and work.

And the Democratic Party is suing Trump, Russia and Wikileaks now. Go turn on Ellen DeGeneres sometime, or any one of the Trump-Russia obsessed outlets. You'll see a similarly toxic (but less outright dangerous) form of radical resentfulness - a belief that America's fundamental problems are foreign ones, and that if we purged the right people, we'd be free from this problem. It's a toxic obsession.

So what I'm saying is - I'm a huge supporter of these strikes because they're not any of this. It's not about resentment, the strikes say, "I desire something", they don't say, "I desire not them", which is the messaging you hear elsewhere. It's about people using their strength to their advantage and impressing their will on the world without making it zero-sum.

And that's why I like it. So apologies for making it about Republicans - Republicans aren't really worth talking about, what's worth talking about is how cool things can be once people toss off their dumbass religious beliefs about work and capital - what exciting new avenues will open up when we have made ourselves free.
2018-04-20, 6:04 PM #8893
Also, somewhat related - never in any fictional work do you ever see a sycophant treated as a character of respect. It's something of a truism that people subconsciously view independently-minded people as worthy of more respect than obsequious people. That's probably why I enjoyed Silicon Valley, despite some of it's perspectives being kinda alt-right and some of the characters being the worst male fantasy projections I've ever seen, it does a thorough job at totally mocking both billionaires and their sycophants.
2018-04-21, 5:22 PM #8894
Originally posted by Reid:
Also, somewhat related - never in any fictional work do you ever see a sycophant treated as a character of respect. It's something of a truism that people subconsciously view independently-minded people as worthy of more respect than obsequious people. That's probably why I enjoyed Silicon Valley, despite some of it's perspectives being kinda alt-right and some of the characters being the worst male fantasy projections I've ever seen, it does a thorough job at totally mocking both billionaires and their sycophants.

Obvious bull****. See: most scriptures
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-04-21, 5:27 PM #8895
aha, I see what you did there
2018-04-24, 1:53 PM #8896
So... this Toronto terrorist?
former entrepreneur
2018-04-24, 2:08 PM #8897
2018-04-24, 2:19 PM #8898
4chan/reddit “incel” (involuntary celebate) ran people over in a rented van.
2018-04-24, 2:21 PM #8899
The last terrorist attack in Canada was an r/the_donald poster who shot up a Mosque. Shouldn’t surprise anyone.
2018-04-24, 3:17 PM #8900
Hey Reid if BTC goes back over 20k im gonna give you so much **** for calling the top
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-04-25, 12:48 AM #8901
Originally posted by Spook:
Hey Reid if BTC goes back over 20k im gonna give you so much **** for calling the top

he called the top at ~4k!&p=1210959&viewfull=1#post1210959
former entrepreneur
2018-04-25, 2:22 AM #8902
lmao ur right i forgot
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-04-25, 3:04 AM #8903
it seems like everyone was wrong about what it meant for BTC to jump up from 2k to 20k in a few months ... unless this turn is a bull trap, something which could totally turn out to be true, in which case the people saying it was a bubble were probably right
former entrepreneur
2018-04-25, 3:36 AM #8904
Soros is in the game now. Crypto will peak hard and crash hard again. It's happening, and it doesn't particularly matter what anyone thinks re:it being the savior or end of the world.

I wouldn't trade on that **** though lmao crypto trading communities are scary as ****
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-04-25, 9:19 AM #8905
2018-04-25, 9:34 AM #8906
I practically forgot crypto exists since I deleted my Reddit account, but yeh you can tease me all you want if crypto hits 20k, why not?
2018-04-25, 9:48 AM #8907
Originally posted by Reid:
I practically forgot crypto exists since I deleted my Reddit account, but yeh you can tease me all you want if crypto hits 20k, why not?

woah calm down
former entrepreneur
2018-04-25, 12:26 PM #8908
oh good that will give be boner fuel
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-04-25, 12:43 PM #8909
Originally posted by Eversor:
woah calm down

2018-04-25, 1:06 PM #8910
Originally posted by Reid:

former entrepreneur
2018-04-25, 11:45 PM #8911
fake news or hacker news?
2018-04-26, 8:02 AM #8912
Originally posted by Reid:

Remember anecdotes like this whenever somebody hails the wonders of our technological age.

I duno about the whole Amazon warehouse thing. You see a lot of people who complain, but there are a lot of people who actually like working there too. Obviously it probably varies from warehouse to warehouse, but it seems like they have a competitive model where people who are good stay, and people who aren't good at it don't. From what I can tell, the people who are upset just aren't good at the job. It really doesn't help that they guy is whining about working in (gasp) 85f. Seriously? Grow up. If that's as bad as it gets, that's an amazing warehouse job.
2018-04-26, 9:32 AM #8913
When I worked at a Costco depot (Costco stores are called warehouses, so the warehouses are called depots) the summer temps would be around 95F, and would exceed 115F inside the containers. 85F would be like a vacation after moving around 5gal buckets of laundry detergent by hand in 115F for 3 hours. It did pay well, however; after I passed my probationary period, I was making $14.75 right out of high school in 2002.

Also, all warehouse jobs suck for the first few weeks/months until you get the rhythm of how everything works. A lot of seasonals couldn't hack it (often due to laziness) but those who caught on were made permanent and usually ended up enjoying the job. I don't want to sound like a crotchety old man, but a lot of younger folks simply haven't had to work hard. Many were raised in a "work smarter not harder" environment (which casts a negative shadow on "hard" work), but reality is that sometimes hard is the only way to get it done. Even fifteen years ago when I worked in the warehouse, I could see my peers who would complain constantly, take excessive breaks, and try to do the "easy" jobs instead of working. They didn't last long.
2018-04-26, 4:57 PM #8914

So I guess if you submit your DNA to a genealogy website and you're related to a notorious serial murderer and rapist.. expect the police to come asking questions.
2018-04-26, 5:22 PM #8915
2018-04-26, 6:25 PM #8916
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

Agreed, absolutely good the guy was caught. I'm curious how the ancestry databases played into the search, though, and how that can change law enforcement moving into the future.
2018-04-27, 5:06 PM #8917
The other day I was surprised to be reading a rather anti-Trump conservative piece on

Well, that writer has probably been fired by now:
2018-04-27, 7:33 PM #8918
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
The other day I was surprised to be reading a rather anti-Trump conservative piece on

Well, that writer has probably been fired by now:

RedState is a fairly prominent anti-Trump conservative site.

The real news is their firing. Signals how totalitarian and dissent-disapproving Trump's base is.
2018-04-27, 7:35 PM #8919
According to that article, it wasn't just one person they fired, either.

I wonder if it was ideologically motivated, or if they really have trouble generating clicks for moderate conservative opinion articles. Has the post-Facebook world really made people so ideologically skewed that even moderate opinion writers are out of work?
2018-04-28, 7:02 AM #8920

Anyone else get the impression that this is a real gesture?

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