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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-08-16, 5:34 PM #3601
I don't think it's cool to tear down statues.

They're part of history, regardless of what you think of it.

In Hungary what they did with the old Soviet monuments is put them all into a park. It's a popular tourist destination. Perhaps in US you can do something like that too; a compromise of sorts.

Just don't forget to confiscate all firearms on entry for the sake of the interdimensional hero Justin Case.
2017-08-16, 5:43 PM #3602
Originally posted by Koobie:
I don't think it's cool to tear down statues.

They're part of history, regardless of what you think of it.

Tearing down statues is literally the first thing that happens after regime change. The south lost the civil war, why are their military leaders still being enshrined in the public space except as a continuing sign of insurrection?

If you want them to be part of history, then put them in a museum.
2017-08-16, 5:46 PM #3603
Desperate times call for desperate measures (skip to 10 minute mark if you want to skip the executive summary of Trump's mistakes thus far)
2017-08-16, 5:53 PM #3604
Originally posted by Koobie:
I don't think it's cool to tear down statues.

They're part of history, regardless of what you think of it.

In Hungary what they did with the old Soviet monuments is put them all into a park. It's a popular tourist destination. Perhaps in US you can do something like that too; a compromise of sorts.

Just don't forget to confiscate all firearms on entry for the sake of the interdimensional hero Justin Case.

That's exactly what they're doing. Confederate statues are being relocated to museums and war graveyards, where they will be displayed in the proper context as a part of history.

The Nazis aren't protesting the destruction of art or history, they are protesting the fact that white nationalism is no longer being celebrated. That traitors and evil men are no longer honoured as heroes.
2017-08-16, 5:55 PM #3605
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Tearing down statues is literally the first thing that happens after regime change. The south lost the civil war, why are their military leaders still being enshrined in the public space except as a continuing sign of insurrection?

If you want them to be part of history, then put them in a museum.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. Make a statue park museum.

A number of Western countries took slaves from Africa. You don't see people tearing the Queen a new one.

Minimize hate. The world is built from light.

2017-08-16, 5:57 PM #3606
and all systems eventually change
yeah some people give in to the rage
and some just need an excuse
to murder others
while others
are eager to provide one
because it makes them
feel powerful
and dandy

"if everybody would focus more on being happy rather than on wanting to see others unhappy, we would see dramatic improvements in the world."
-- paraquote
2017-08-16, 6:06 PM #3607
so lets take all teh hate and aggression
we feel in ourselves

2017-08-16, 6:12 PM #3608
"if everybody would focus more on being happy rather than on wanting to see others unhappy, we would see dramatic improvements in the world."

It's hard to be happy with your life when the effects of having lost the genetic lottery are being amplified by a system that perpetuates economic inequality.
2017-08-16, 6:15 PM #3609
I won't pretend that genetics are everything, but it does crack me up to think that those who would invoke racial identity and cite things like The Bell Curve, fail to recognize that in their particular case, pointing to the average IQ of their group as some kind of evidence of their abilities is going to be highly dubious.
2017-08-16, 6:23 PM #3610
you can't measure people by IQ
and if you could
it wouldn't matter

you can be stupid and good
or clever and evil
or any combination thereof

i want to be
chaotic good

say Boo
2017-08-16, 6:26 PM #3611
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
It's hard to be happy with your life when the effects of having lost the genetic lottery are being amplified by a system that perpetuates economic inequality.

you gotta play the losing hand (and im not saying any race / country is superior to another; we just all identify better with our own group cuz we have a herd mentality)
but if you got dealt a good hand
play it good all the same

you do that by helping others
and rejecting all forms of violence
except for self-defense
when there is an absolute immediate danger
to yourself and your loved ones

then you have to do
like Indiana Jones
and just get through that ****
while killing as many Nazis
as you can
on the big screen

talking about which
Where is
2017-08-16, 6:30 PM #3612
and if you want to learn more about playing a losing hand
read "I Forgot to Die" by Khalil Rafati:
2017-08-16, 6:32 PM #3613
I think I just realized why I never made it through reading The Fellowship of the Rings.
2017-08-16, 6:35 PM #3614
Don't leave us hanging.
2017-08-16, 6:37 PM #3615
Said the condemned to the executioner.
2017-08-16, 7:09 PM #3616
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
It's hard to be happy with your life when the effects of having lost the genetic lottery are being amplified by a system that perpetuates economic inequality.

*SES lottery.

And yes, it is. You take a bunch of young men, teach them that their self worth is based on their economic usefulness, indoctrinate them to blame anybody but capital for their failure to find purpose, and that's what you get. Idle hands.
2017-08-16, 7:12 PM #3617
are the devil's workshop.
2017-08-16, 7:13 PM #3618
EDIT: the joke that was here has been auto-eliminated better than David Carradine.
2017-08-16, 7:16 PM #3619
Originally posted by Koobie:
Don't leave us hanging.

2017-08-16, 7:18 PM #3620
The man was a genius of epic proportions.
2017-08-16, 7:20 PM #3621
twelve y.o. me dozed off after reading that five times without comprehension

As a result I make it a rule to always skip writing in verse.
2017-08-16, 7:22 PM #3622
all it is
is Rhyme & Reason

2017-08-16, 7:27 PM #3623
Originally posted by Jon`C:
*SES lottery.

Well, alright. SES.

And yet for whatever reason, it seems to me that the people who are always on about this "master race" stuff look like they may have been given the short end of the stick. But I guess that's the whole reason they find identity politics reassuring.

2017-08-16, 7:30 PM #3624
is it the eclipse
or is it
fatboy shady
2017-08-16, 7:34 PM #3625
this poem you'll traverse:
every time you skip a verse
i will write a verse
that works in reverse:
2017-08-16, 7:59 PM #3626
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Well, alright. SES.

And yet for whatever reason, it seems to me that the people who are always on about this "master race" stuff look like they may have been given the short end of the stick. But I guess that's the whole reason they find identity politics reassuring.

Richard Spencer looks fine. So does Yian... yuan... kiddy diddler mcnazi, so did a lot of the nazis in those Virginia photos. There are some standout examples, of course, and it's super cathartic to know that Actual Himmler Nazis have gassed many of these American Nazis, but it's hardly a universal thing.
2017-08-16, 8:05 PM #3627
Okay, I'll confess that I'm just riffing on the old "backwoods redneck inbreeding hurr hurr" stereotype. Not actually true in all likelihood, but good enough to point out the irony of having a conference on racial superiority with fatsos like the guy in the orange shirt waddling off and blocking the camera in the middle of a Fourth Reich speech.
2017-08-16, 9:12 PM #3628
I was surprised that a good 30-40% of the Nazi guys looked like normal, attractive young white guys. There was also a large cross section of dweeby college virgins and inbred Appalacians, but many of them would have no reasonable claim to resentment.
2017-08-16, 9:36 PM #3629
Originally posted by Jon`C:
That's exactly what they're doing. Confederate statues are being relocated to museums and war graveyards, where they will be displayed in the proper context as a part of history.

The Nazis aren't protesting the destruction of art or history, they are protesting the fact that white nationalism is no longer being celebrated. That traitors and evil men are no longer honoured as heroes.

Recently there was a crowd of people who pulled down a statue, I think in Baltimore, just to destroy it.
2017-08-16, 9:43 PM #3630
Steve Bannon just threw the alt. right under the bus, after all he did at Breitbart to pander to them (and ultimately elect Trump).

2017-08-16, 9:49 PM #3631
“The Democrats,” he said, “the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”

Well he ain't wrong.
2017-08-16, 9:53 PM #3632

But I feel like this time, the right has gone a bridge too far with Trump apologizing for these hateful people. At some point Americans might respond to identity politics if it's in reaction to worse identity politics. If we see more of this KKK stuff close to election day, I think that'd be the kiss of death.

What would be really bad is if the Dems count on this happening but don't change their platform to address the economic issues, and Trump pivots to that closer to election day. In fact maybe this is his strategy? 4d-chess.jpg

Also, the author's summary of Bannon rings true to me.

I had never before spoken with Bannon. I came away from the conversation with a sense both of his savvy and his recklessness.

Bannon reminds me of an overambitious undergraduate who plans out a senior thesis that he cannot possibly complete: yeah, it makes sense at a glance and it ties a lot of things together, but you're never gonna pull it off.
2017-08-16, 9:54 PM #3633
Originally posted by Jon`C:

I found Peter Thiel!

Refer: 70% of the Americans are to the left on economic issues. If the Democrats could get together and would assemble some actually left-leaning policies, they would probably win. But the Democrats won't. So instead "I'm with her".
2017-08-16, 10:01 PM #3634
I actually realized the other day that Americans are in an extremely subtle rhetorical trap.

There are two groups of Americans: the right, and everybody else. The right refers to the latter as "the left" as a catch-all pejorative. But the thing is, they long ago succeeded in banishing any actual leftist thought from the country. And yet you've got this loose band of people who have no unifying economic vision that are cooperating against the right under various guises like identity politics, but nevertheless are content to refer to themselves as "left-leaning" or just plain "left", or maybe progressive, without ever stopping to think about what that might entail if it meant more than "not on the right".

This obviously cannot win elections in the long run, because it doesn't do anything super interesting for the common citizen, beyond extending constitutional rights to more groups of people. Sure, they properly fund government agencies and lobby for more responsible levels of taxation, but those are neither sexy issues, nor should they have been up for debate if not for the Republican scorched-Earth tactics of "small government" as a religion.
2017-08-16, 10:05 PM #3635
Hillary lost because of sexism and the Comey letter. Deal with it.
former entrepreneur
2017-08-16, 10:07 PM #3636
The system was rigged against Hillary from the start.
former entrepreneur
2017-08-16, 10:07 PM #3637
Not sure if sarcastic, but she's not even a leftist politician.
2017-08-16, 10:11 PM #3638

I cannot imagine anyone being more of an outsider than the first woman president, I mean really, let's think about it

Yeah let's think about it. Lol
former entrepreneur
2017-08-16, 10:12 PM #3639
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Not sure if sarcastic, but she's not even a leftist politician.

Eep sorry I was trying to lay it on thick enough but I guess I failed
former entrepreneur
2017-08-16, 10:15 PM #3640
Clinton is a neoliberal globalist. I mean that literally, in the neoclassical economics way, not in the alt right "she's a secret jew" way.

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