The NBC headline is very misleading. Everyone has just started talking about this "new shadow war" between Israel and Iran as if it happened out of the blue. That's really wrong: it's been going on for a long, long time. When developments in the Syrian Civil War look like they could potentially threaten Israel, has tried to steer the Syrian Civil War in a direction that it can tolerate (in that respect its no different from other countries that share a border with Syria. Nobody wants the civil war spilling over into their own country). I don't want to effortpost about it, but bottom line is what has happened recently is really nothing new. Shi'ite militias, who take direct orders from the IRGC, have been involved in the Syrian Civil War since about 2012 (they've fought to prop up the Assad regime), as has Hezbollah, which is another Iran proxy and Israel has consistently stopped them from doing things it perceives as a potential threat (don't forget -- this is happening on Israel's border. It's not an abstraction. You can hear fighting from the Golan Heights).
You can be sure: Israel doesn't want this war with Iran, and the fact that it's happening now has little do with it who the US president is, or with Netanyahu's political problems at home. It has to do with the shifting tides of the Syrian Civil War and the way that they affect Israel. The reason why this has been escalating is because Iran is more and more aggressively deployed against Israel, and more capable of striking Israel inside its own borders. Between Hezbollah (which has massive weapons stockpiles in Lebanon), the Shi'ite militias that have amassed near Israel's border with Syria, and various other Iranian military installations in Syria, if a more direct confrontation breaks out, which it probably will, Israel will be more vulnerable -- and will probably suffer greater casualties -- than in any war since the Yom Kippur war in 1973. It could very easily be worse.