Okay, as I explained several times,
that is a quote from a television show that I posted because that is what people assume I mean when I complain about our society. And I don't.
My issue is nobody will accept that as a possibility. Isn't everything supposed to wind down into entropy at some point?
I would imagine that's probably why I said I don't identify as a nihilist.
This is what I'm getting at.
Thanks for explaining my position to me. Like Diogenes, I am whining about the fact that on the whole, civilization has ruined the simple gifts of the gods. In other words, it's not so much that life has tragedy, but that we have decided (or are built to) double down on tragedy.
Yes, that's what I said. However I still don't like the way humanity chooses to live because like Eversor (EDIT:Jones, whoops) says the micro strategy is right now leading to macro destruction(EDIT EDIT:?And many other reasons, but this is the one under discussion). I guess you could characterize this as more suffering than is optimal or necessary at that scale. This messy conversation got started because I commented that some people get angry at me when I express my views, which are at their core that
there are bad things happening and we must not avert our eyes for our own sake. Unfortunately I made the mistake of posting a quote from a television show that you all seem to think I actually believe.
Here are some resources for those of you struggling with this.
Epstein didn't kill himself.