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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2018-11-10, 6:16 PM #12841
I’m not nearly subtle enough to have a conservative alt. Maybe if Wookie06 starts complaining about drool cup taxes.
2018-11-11, 3:48 AM #12842
So we elected a movie star, then a reality show host. Which election will we elect a Youtuber?
2018-11-11, 6:59 AM #12843
2032, get excited
2018-11-11, 8:59 AM #12844
I was going to suggest we elect PewDiePie for being racist, anti-Semitic, and Swedish, but then I watched the two videos out there where he supposedly is racist and anti-Semitic, and was sorely disappointed.
2018-11-11, 7:34 PM #12845
PewDiePie's constitutionally ineligible, it's gonna be a Paul brother.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2018-11-11, 7:42 PM #12846
I mean, yes, both of the Paul brothers are also ineligible right now, but neither of them will still need a constitutional amendment in 14 years.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2018-11-11, 8:45 PM #12847
lol, as if the constitution is enforced
2018-11-11, 8:55 PM #12848
they let a kenyan in the WHITE house
2018-11-13, 6:42 PM #12849
2018-11-14, 12:46 PM #12850
Only skimmed it, but interesting to see that conservative lawyers are tepidly voicing criticisms of the Trump administration. On the whole, though, the whole affair these last couple years have been just illustrates (in my mind) the danger of equating "conservative principles" with political seats: yes, some conservative lawyers may balk at what Trump does here and there, but on the whole, the conservative movement's set of principles really does seem to exclude the possibility of a "principled loss" to Democrats: that is, they really do believe that losing an election is tantamount to violating their principles. So while some conservative lawyers can criticize Trump, they are really walking a fine line, because, once more of them start to abandon the president, it really does become a hollow shell of opportunism, all the way down. And if the president's support collapses, where does it stop? Impeachment? At the end of the day, they are all terrified of losing their seats in Congress, and resort to equating this selfish interest with their "principles". What's sad is that folks like Wookie fall for it so easily.
2018-11-14, 1:57 PM #12851
Republicanism is at heart as expressd by that NC representative. They're losing pretense for values and making it clear they're seeking advantages.
2018-11-14, 4:47 PM #12852
Only in GOP America: the senate uses its veto powers to obstruct justice, the executive uses its power of the purse to obstruct justice.

It’s like a symphony of insincere “originalism”
2018-11-14, 6:29 PM #12853
yooo apparently Zuckerberg paid a PR firm to blame George Soros for an anti-Facebook conspiracy. Where do we fall on Zuckerberg using anti-semitic dog whistles to prop up his failing **** app?
2018-11-14, 10:14 PM #12854
Originally posted by Jon`C:
yooo apparently Zuckerberg paid a PR firm to blame George Soros for an anti-Facebook conspiracy. Where do we fall on Zuckerberg using anti-semitic dog whistles to prop up his failing **** app?

lol well i mean republicans, anti-semitic conspiracies, and facebook all go together pretty well
2018-11-14, 11:17 PM #12855
Originally posted by Reid:
lol well i mean republicans, anti-semitic conspiracies, and facebook all go together pretty well

Yeah. Facebook seems motivated and quite happy to radicalize conservatives, with or without Russian help. Apparently that includes radicalizing themselves.

I feel like there's a term for that... fractionalized efreets? fashionalizey cleats? Eh, I'm sure it'll come to me eventually.
2018-11-15, 7:04 AM #12856
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
What's sad is that folks like Wookie fall for it so easily.

You routinely fall for fake news, not rhetorical fake news but actual fake news, so please don't feel that you are qualified to draw conclusions on what I "fall for". Don't worry, I'll get back to old posts. You don't have to bait me into it.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-11-15, 9:26 AM #12857
2018-11-15, 9:46 AM #12858
Originally posted by Wookie06:
You routinely fall for fake news, not rhetorical fake news but actual fake news, so please don't feel that you are qualified to draw conclusions on what I "fall for". Don't worry, I'll get back to old posts. You don't have to bait me into it.

no puppet you're the puppet
2018-11-15, 9:48 AM #12859
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yeah. Facebook seems motivated and quite happy to radicalize conservatives, with or without Russian help. Apparently that includes radicalizing themselves.

I feel like there's a term for that... fractionalized efreets? fashionalizey cleats? Eh, I'm sure it'll come to me eventually.

I wonder which billionaire-king will come out on top? My vote is for Bezos.
2018-11-15, 10:02 AM #12860
lol i guess everyone hates the current brexit deal so much that a bunch of conservative MPs are resigning.
2018-11-15, 10:10 AM #12861

If stuff like conservatives cheering on a socialist criticizing tax breaks for Bezos confuses you, refer to the factionalized elites thing Joncy mentioned.
2018-11-15, 10:35 AM #12862
Originally posted by Reid:

If stuff like conservatives cheering on a socialist criticizing tax breaks for Bezos confuses you, refer to the factionalized elites thing Joncy mentioned.

I’ve said it before in this thread, fiscal conservatives and socialists have a lot more in common than either does with liberals. I imagine they’d be quite surprised how often socialists are “correct”.
2018-11-15, 11:44 AM #12863
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I’ve said it before in this thread, fiscal conservatives and socialists have a lot more in common than either does with liberals. I imagine they’d be quite surprised how often socialists are “correct”.

So, wait, I thought conservatives are without values? Are fiscal conservatives different? And what are "liberals"? You seem to like to hold everyone to certain definitions.

I replied to this now because it struck a chord related to a thought I've been meaning to address. I haven't been on much other than to do a quick skim a few times.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-11-15, 12:02 PM #12864
Originally posted by Wookie06:
So, wait, I thought conservatives are without values?

Are fiscal conservatives different?
Only in scope.

And what are "liberals"?
Libertarians who don’t think you should own people.

You seem to like to hold everyone to certain definitions.
I know, it’s weird how I treat these words like they mean something instead of using them to pepper my word salad with insults.
2018-11-15, 12:29 PM #12865
I am sick and tired of you liberals throwing around the race card. Black people are pretty great, and I think everyone should own one.

Same goes for running a business. Every real American aspires owning his workers like property, and until he figures out a way to do this, he is morally no better than property himself! (Temporarily embarrassed slave owners?)

[quote=Doron Zeilberger]
Rabbi Hillel summed it up more than two thousand years ago, when he saw a skull in the river and told it:

ע ל ד א ט פ ת א ט פ ו ך ו ס ו ף מ ט י פ י ך י ט ו פ ו ן

which means: "Because you drowned others, you were drowned, and those who drowned you shall be drowned at the end".
2018-11-15, 12:32 PM #12866
But nooo, it's actually the Keynian Muslims who are drowning us! Not those who paid the Irish sex-predator behind the teleprompter.
2018-11-16, 8:36 AM #12867
So are fiscal conservatives without principles?

Originally posted by Jon`C:
I know, it’s weird how I treat these words like they mean something instead of using them to pepper my word salad with insults.

But you're using obsolete definitions. Yesterday's liberal is essentially today's conservative. The only people that hold to the old definition of liberal are careful to refer to themselves as classical or classic liberals to differentiate themselves from self-proclaimed liberals such as Nancy Pelosi. I mean, it's fine if you want to use the words that way. Should probably speak the Queen's English as well.

But, on to the broader point, I can imagine a time when some form of socialistic economy will need to come about as essentially all jobs are automated to a degree that the number of people required to oversee the systems are minuscule compared to the population. Now especially we see that the more businesses are pushed to pay people more, the more people are replaced with technology. I wonder when this will come to a head and how ugly it will be.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-11-16, 10:21 AM #12868
Originally posted by Wookie06:
So are fiscal conservatives without principles?
Yes. They are not honest about what they want or why they want it, and they have no respect for their own values when trying to implement it. They are unprincipled.

But you're using obsolete definitions.
No I’m not.

Yesterday's liberal is essentially today's conservative.
You have this exactly backwards.

The only people that hold to the old definition of liberal are careful to refer to themselves as classical or classic liberals to differentiate themselves from self-proclaimed liberals such as Nancy Pelosi.
The Democratic Party is firmly neoliberal. The distinction you’re drawing exists only in the demented minds of American right-wing pundits.

I mean, it's fine if you want to use the words that way. Should probably speak the Queen's English as well.
RP isn’t anachronistic; it’s a powerful modern class and status shibboleth. It’s also hundreds of years younger than either the United States or liberalism.

So, like, I dunno. Maybe don’t use words and analogies you don’t understand?

But, on to the broader point, I can imagine a time when some form of socialistic
Socialist is fine.

economy will need to come about as essentially all jobs are automated to a degree that the number of people required to oversee the systems are minuscule compared to the population. Now especially we see that the more businesses are pushed to pay people more, the more people are replaced with technology. I wonder when this will come to a head and how ugly it will be.
Economists call this the “lump of labor” fallacy. You can look it up on your own.

The issue isn’t automation permanently reducing labor demand, because it doesn’t do that. Automation just changes the jobs that people do. The ugliness comes when people are denied access to capital and when competition is destroyed, because that blocks people from creating new jobs to replace the ones they’ve lost. That’s what’s actually happening right now. Yes, when it comes to a head it is going to be very very ugly. I don’t know of any way to solve this problem other than socialism or World War 3.

Also, no, businesses are not being “pushed” to pay employees more. Adjusted for inflation, wages have decreased 20% since 1990. Businesses are paying their workers less than ever. Economists have been reporting that despite full employment, US employers are not behaving like they’re competing for workers. This is not how markets are supposed to work. Businesses are clearly colluding to suppress wages well below market rates.
2018-11-16, 11:15 AM #12869
The issue isn’t automation permanently reducing labor demand, because it doesn’t do that. Automation just changes the jobs that people do. The ugliness comes when people are denied access to capital and when competition is destroyed, because that blocks people from creating new jobs to replace the ones they’ve lost. That’s what’s actually happening right now. Yes, when it comes to a head it is going to be very very ugly. I don’t know of any way to solve this problem other than socialism or World War 3.

Yeah, this is really true. Automation is an easy thing to blame, but it's not the problem. The problem is increasing monopolization of markets. Like even ardent capitalists, the ones who actually respect theory and aren't just spewing ad hoc rationalizations, recognize that the American economy is progressively getting worse. And it's not because of socialism. Even if they blame government, it's because government is enabling corporations to function in the worst possible ways.

The only people who defend it are those making money off of the current circumstance. FYI, this isn't ****ing you. The vast majority of Americans aren't gaining wealth.
2018-11-16, 3:44 PM #12870

So a Republican is now openly advocating voter suppression of liberals.

Republicanism is becoming increasingly interested in getting rid of true democracy where possible. Why aren't people flipping cop cars? I mean it, if anything should be sacred in a democratic society it's the institutions of voting. They've switched from being *******s about it to outright barbarism.
2018-11-17, 3:10 PM #12871
Did Reverend Jones get your login info?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-11-17, 3:19 PM #12872
The only part of the constitution the founding fathers wanted is the second amendment. Everything else is a deep state conspiracy caused by gay frog drugs.
2018-11-17, 3:24 PM #12873
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-11-17, 5:53 PM #12874
bird up
2018-11-18, 12:30 AM #12875
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
bird up

worst show on television
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-11-18, 10:18 AM #12876
Hah, Coca-Cola has pulled some of the worst marketing stunts ever. Apparently in 2015 they introduced an anniversary edition of Fanta soda which was similar to the original formula. The slogan was "the feeling of the Good Old Times".. referring to a soda introduced in wartime Nazi Germany. How do they overlook these things?

Not to mention their New Coke debacle.
2018-11-18, 3:26 PM #12877
I think that the easiest explanation of that is that people misuderestimate other peoples propensity to try to find something to be offended about. Anyway, sometimes I wonder what New Coke tasted like. Sure, I drank it, but I don't remember the taste and whether or not I thought it was an improvement. Now they have no problem selling several variations.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-11-18, 4:19 PM #12878
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I think that the easiest explanation of that is that people misuderestimate other peoples propensity to try to find something to be offended about.

triggered libs man!
2018-11-19, 9:07 AM #12879
I think an important part of becoming an adult is recognizing that the good old days were actually bad.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2018-11-19, 9:15 AM #12880

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