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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-06-27, 7:54 AM #2601
Originally posted by Krokodile:
... and Spook isn't leaving anything out wrt how he's expressing his views to them

oh yeh i'm sure he's not
2017-06-27, 8:39 AM #2602
Spook writes beautiful music I'm sure he has a beautiful soul
former entrepreneur
2017-06-27, 8:51 AM #2603
Originally posted by Jon`C:
"everybody is an ******* except me"

How do you read so much extra stuff into people's posts?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-27, 9:31 AM #2604
Originally posted by Eversor:
Spook writes beautiful music I'm sure he has a beautiful soul

Where might I hear his music?
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2017-06-27, 9:36 AM #2605
former entrepreneur
2017-06-27, 9:46 AM #2606
Oh, yeah...that.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2017-06-27, 9:53 AM #2607
I think I was trying to say something about the duality of man.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-27, 10:17 AM #2608
Originally posted by Spook:
How do you read so much extra stuff into people's posts?

Because I'm good at pattern recognition
2017-06-27, 10:52 AM #2609
lol, right. Well so am I and I'm definitely starting to recognize the pattern that got me to stop posting here last time. (hint: it isn't everyone, it's just you)
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-27, 11:09 AM #2610
Originally posted by Spook:
lol, right. Well so am I and I'm definitely starting to recognize the pattern that got me to stop posting here last time. (hint: it isn't everyone, it's just you)

You take things too seriously.

I guess that's why people who talk to you keep deciding that they never want to do it again. :)
2017-06-27, 11:12 AM #2611
don't goooooo spook, we need you.

Violent rejection of your freshman contrarianism is the first common ground between Bernie supporters, Clinton supporters, and Trump supporters. You are the key to world peace.
2017-06-27, 11:23 AM #2612
Don't go Spook! Ignore him!
former entrepreneur
2017-06-27, 11:36 AM #2613
Your posts make me laugh. :(
former entrepreneur
2017-06-27, 12:54 PM #2614
We're with you, spook, don't go! Even when Jon doesn't spare each of us, the remainder see it as fun and games. In fact, so long as nobody pulls a Koobie, a little roughhousing really sharpens you up, and makes you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence.
2017-06-27, 1:35 PM #2615
Jon can be harsh. But sometimes I think we need that. Just try not to take it personally.
2017-06-27, 1:42 PM #2616
OTOH, you should try to kick his ass.

That said, there are certain members of this forum that I have to learn to ignore, like Antony.
2017-06-27, 1:46 PM #2617
Antony was harsh but had nothing important to say.
2017-06-27, 1:47 PM #2618
inB4 "Jones is the one in need of being ignored"
2017-06-27, 1:53 PM #2619
I like Antony! But when we butted heads, I preferred to blow him off, if only because it's hard to engage in the online message board equivalent of a bar fight, when, like me, you've got your head 10 feet up your own ass, dreaming up your latest harebrained theory that's gonna requires a bit more patience and sympathy to comprehend.
2017-06-27, 2:21 PM #2620
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You take things too seriously.

ahhhh there you go again!

I guess that's why people who talk to you keep deciding that they never want to do it again. :)

I'm glad ya'll got my back. Luckily I am now unmedicated and can deal with someone harshing the mellow much more efficiently.


Jones is the one in need of being ignored

But I think your last post goes with the theme of this place being a ****ty Irish pub in Philly populated by degenerates which was established in another thread
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-27, 2:21 PM #2621
For what it's worth, and because like myself I suspect that as a creative type personality, Spook is going to be sensitive to this, I will leave here the following quote by John Cleese, which I was tempted to retort when Jon burned one of my ideas, but I ultimately withheld it because I wouldn't want to come off as touchy or dim, or discourage him from unleashing his acerbic wit on me, which I admire even when it feels misguided. In fact then it's even more funny, because it means the whole interaction has become farcical.

The people I find it hardest to be creative with are the people who, all the time, need to project an image of themselves as decisive. And who feel that to create this image, they need to decide everything very quickly, and with a great show of confidence. Well this behavior, I suggest sincerely, is the most effective way of strangling creativity at birth.

This is from a 30 minute lecture on creativity, which I have watched several times and personally think it is brilliant.
2017-06-27, 2:23 PM #2622
ooh that looks interesting I will watch it
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-27, 2:26 PM #2623
It's pretty neat, but skip the first couple minutes of crappy logo animations somebody added in the beginning.
2017-06-27, 2:45 PM #2624
Originally posted by Jon`C:
don't goooooo spook, we need you.

Violent rejection of your freshman contrarianism is the first common ground between Bernie supporters, Clinton supporters, and Trump supporters. You are the key to world peace.

BTW, there is something to this. Spook's original post was something that I kind of disagreed with as well, but i was weak and unlike Jon am apparently more vulnerable to desire of being liked so that I didn't pipe up about it. It's probably just something I picked up IRL about not making enemeis when you don't have to, but that doesn't make it optimal, seeing how many times Jon`C's harsh retorts have kept this site insightful and called out bull**** before this place slides into mediocre affirmation of our mutual feelings.
2017-06-27, 2:45 PM #2625
Tell my wife I project an image of decisiveness the next time she asks what I want for dinner
2017-06-27, 2:47 PM #2626

I really need this.
2017-06-27, 2:50 PM #2627
That probably depends on whether or not you explain your dinner choice in precise theoretical detail and thoroughly defend it by citing sources. :P
2017-06-27, 2:55 PM #2628
At any rate, there's a reason I never whipped out that quote before: when it's facts that you're after, sometimes more "creativity" is the last thing you need.

I wouldn't want to join the kid's table by needing to "creatively" fashion myself some "alternative" facts in order to save my ego.

The great tragedy of Science — the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. -Thomas Huxley
2017-06-27, 3:00 PM #2629
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
BTW, there is something to this. Spook's original post was something that I kind of disagreed with as well, but i was weak and unlike Jon am apparently more vulnerable to desire of being liked so that I didn't pipe up about it. It's probably just something I picked up IRL about not making enemeis when you don't have to, but that doesn't make it optimal, seeing how many times Jon`C's harsh retorts have kept this site insightful and called out bull**** before this place slides into mediocre affirmation of our mutual feelings.

You disagree with a personal anecdote? oooookaaay
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-27, 3:06 PM #2630
That's fair. Maybe we differ in outlook though, since by their nature, anecdotal reasons for feeling a certain way are going to diverge.

Like, in my interactions with various voters, I never really felt to draw an equivocation between Trump supporters and those of either Democratic candidate. And those who did just reminded me of that south park episode where Stan becomes jaded and sees / hears everything as **** (in the episode... literally :P ). Thus Jon`C's comment about freshman contraianism.
2017-06-27, 3:12 PM #2631
But I was comparing berniebros and hillary supporters
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-06-27, 3:24 PM #2632
Oh that part totally rings true for me. I was thinking of this part:
Several other relationships (on either side) ended when I said that Trump and Hillary are indistinguishable on all truly important issues.

This is probably true in the most important ways (depending on what you mean here), but it would need a subtle enough explaination to not piss people off. It's all about context and proportion, and at face value I might well have been the kind of person who would be pissed off by you saying this.
2017-06-27, 3:28 PM #2633
You can "end relationships" by condemning Hitler, if you do it right.
2017-06-27, 3:38 PM #2634

And then there are those friends who end their relationship with you when they find out you were actually in a joking mentality when you had neglected to be overly harsh on alt right memes, and you fail to unrionically praise their crypto-nazi obsessions.

Moral: don't ignore red flags of moral delinquency, `cause there's a good chance that a bottomless pit of bigotry lies just beyond the part of their character that they'll publicly reveal to people before they earn your "loyalty".
2017-06-27, 3:59 PM #2635
2017-06-27, 4:14 PM #2636
There's also a perfectly understandable reason for spook having ended relationships if said people harassed him to no end just because they wanted to convert him to their cause.

Again from that video I had linked to on creativity by John Cleese:

We too often get stuck in the closed mode. Under the pressures which are all too familiar to us, we tend to maintain tunnel vision, at times when we really need to step back, and contemplate a wider view. This is particularly true, for example, of politicians; the main complaint about them from their non-political collegues, is that they become so addicted to the adrenaline that they get from reacting to events on an hour-to-hour basis, that they almost completely lose the desire (or the ability) to ponder problems in the open mode.

In other words, the election cycle turned Spook's friends into humorless ***** that became unhinged when they discovered that he wasn't enlisted in the particular cause that had them perpetually locked into red or blue flavors of John Cleese's "closed mode" mentality.
2017-06-27, 4:21 PM #2637
Interesting to note that Cleese's lecture was given in 1991, quite a few years before even non-politicians would begin to routinely spend their days in the same kind of hour-to-hour obsession with current developments, vascilating between Twitter, WaPo, and CNN.
2017-06-27, 4:22 PM #2638
BTW, in case you were talking about losing annoying "friends" on Facebook posting political drivel, you should "unfriend" everybody on the site anyway.
2017-06-27, 5:02 PM #2639
Facebook is good for two things

Giving Xoogler SETIs/SETs a haven from which they can reimplement and finally open source the great stuff they used to do at a bad company.

Test fire target for electromagnetic pulse weapons.
2017-06-27, 5:29 PM #2640
Originally posted by Eversor:
I doubt that Bernie's "basket of deplorables" was any larger than Hillary Clinton's.

But I agree the media was totally unfair to Bernie. I once watched a live stream of a New York Times reporter walk around Washington Square Park in NYC asking Bernie supporters questions in the middle of a rally. The reporter's leading question was often "who's your favorite of Bernie's celebrity supporters?" It was clearly a veiled accusation that if you support Bernie, it must be because you're superficial and lack a deep understanding of politics. Nearly every person the reporter talked to had a surprisingly sophisticated response to the supporters questions, some even acknowledging her bias in real time. It demonstrated how completely misinformed the reporters' questions were.

That's probably true, there were some pretty annoying HRC supporters. And they're more cultlike than they would ever admit. In fact, it seems in general that people who vote because they're really enamored by one person and aren't voting for policy are this way.

Also yeah, mostly Bernie supporters seemed normal, but I did run across a couple in my time that were not very pleasant. Though nothing tops the **** coming from Trump supporters.

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