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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
Inauguration Day, Inauguration Hooooooraaay!
2017-11-29, 12:53 PM #5881
Originally posted by Reid:
Almost bought some at $6, thought it would be a waste of money. I would love to sell out right now. Right now is the worst time to buy.

Eh. I thought that when it was at $5,000, but if I went in that price I would've doubled my money. There's really no telling what's going to happen before the bubble bursts. It could be $15,000 in a week. Or it could go back to $3,000. Who knows?
former entrepreneur
2017-11-29, 1:05 PM #5882
lmao bitcoin is not safe to buy ever what a ****show
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-11-29, 1:08 PM #5883
Originally posted by Eversor:
Eh. I thought that when it was at $5,000, but if I went in that price I would've doubled my money. There's really no telling what's going to happen before the bubble bursts. It could be $15,000 in a week. Or it could go back to $3,000. Who knows?

People's irrationality can last way longer than most of us could remain solvent in a levered up position. Bitcoin surely could soar and might never crash that far. The real question is whether you're sure of the future enough to gamble money on BTC.

If I had the patience I might try some speculation but right now I'd suspect it's a good time to be out.
2017-11-29, 1:15 PM #5884
The best time to buy into Bitcoin was to buy into Ethereum in 2015
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2017-11-29, 1:21 PM #5885
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It’s safe to buy until the bear trap. Unless there isn’t one.

Could be.
2017-11-29, 2:36 PM #5886
Jordan Peterson, self-styled champion of free speech, has rescinded a speaking invitation to a Nazi sympathizer. His followers who are totally not white supremacists they swear, they just think that maybe some of what the white supremacists say has a good point are outraged by this hypocritical act of censorship. When asked how this is any different from Peterson’s prior efforts to censor his less-transphobic colleagues by engineering harassment and threats against them, his former followers responded by quaffing a Code Red and calling us “f****ts”.

More at 11.
2017-11-29, 3:33 PM #5887
Found this interesting comment in the comments section of a WaPo opinion piece:

Trump's public statements, and especially his Tweets, bring to mind S.I. Hayakawa’s seminal treatise, Language and Thought in Action, (Harcourt, 1949), and particularly of the idea of the thought-terminating speech. For example, Trump uses the thought-terminating term "fake news" to overcome competing narratives, to shut down discussion, and to dismiss dissent. The more outrageous the term the better; its fallacious logic and incessant repetition is what makes it thought-terminating.

Hayakawa was writing in the 1930's and 1940's, as Fascist, Communist and National Socialist dictators employed the tactic with great success.

Professor Hayakawa taught for many years, and was president of San Francisco State University during the 1968 student unrest. He later served one term in the US Senate, representing California. He was a Republican.
2017-11-29, 5:52 PM #5888

Oh hey.

It's almost like every one of these ****ing guys are secretly (or not) really racist *******s.
2017-11-29, 6:11 PM #5889
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Jordan Peterson, self-styled champion of free speech, has rescinded a speaking invitation to a Nazi sympathizer. His followers who are totally not white supremacists they swear, they just think that maybe some of what the white supremacists say has a good point are outraged by this hypocritical act of censorship. When asked how this is any different from Peterson’s prior efforts to censor his less-transphobic colleagues by engineering harassment and threats against them, his former followers responded by quaffing a Code Red and calling us “f****ts”.

More at 11.

Completely surprising!

Jordan Peterson is just another one of those guys giving a facade of legitimacy to ****ty world views. If I was cynical I might suggest he's just personally enriching himself and doesn't *really* have a personal crusade against S-jews. But nah, I think he's legitimately supportive of being a sack of ****.

I have an alt-right friend on Facebook (one of the only I actively speak to who willingly posts content on Facebook). Recently got into it with him about his defense of people like Shapiro and Peterson. After arguing with some pretty good evidence that both Shapiro and Peterson are ****ty people, he didn't have much to say but to keep talking about "college liberals".

It's K though, Peterson will get killed by the actual fascists.
2017-11-29, 6:11 PM #5890
Originally posted by Reid:

Oh hey.

It's almost like every one of these ****ing guys are secretly (or not) really racist *******s.

If that's what racism looks like to you, then you're likely to find all Israeli right wingers similarly so.
2017-11-29, 6:15 PM #5891
Then again, I didn't check, but from what I recall Ben Shapiro is American and doesn't live in Israel and probably has a comically ideological opinion on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
2017-11-29, 6:15 PM #5892
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
If that's what racism looks like to you, then you're likely to find all Israeli right wingers similarly so.

Pretty much. Attempting to justify Israeli settlements by calling Arabs an inferior race is racism to me.
2017-11-29, 6:19 PM #5893
Also I would imagine there are different right leaning parties in Israel. The one we hear a lot about being very pro-settlement is the Likud party.
2017-11-29, 6:31 PM #5894
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Also I would imagine there are different right leaning parties in Israel. The one we hear a lot about being very pro-settlement is the Likud party.

Netanyahu can go **** himself.
2017-11-29, 6:48 PM #5895
you can’t talk about this stuff guys. It’s racist to criticize the nation of Israel because

Edit: I actually do enjoy this reasoning. Not, like, literally, but it is a strong signal that someone isn’t worth talking to anymore.

It’s supposedly racist to criticize Israel because it is a Jewish nation, run by Jewish people for Jewish people, a nationality that is indistinct from the Jewish faith and Jewish ethnicity. When you criticize the nation and government of Israel, you are criticizing the Jewish people. It is antisemitism.

Which is, of course, the problem with Israel. But if you talk about this, you're told you have it all wrong. Israel isn’t an apartheid state dominated by a single ethnic and religious group, it is a tolerant nation that includes both Jewish and Arabic people living in harmony, if only the terrorists would let ‘em.

These ideas are so contradictory that it’s hard to know where to begin.
2017-11-29, 6:49 PM #5896
So Trump Retweeted a video of Muslim immigrants beating a white European, to the praise of David Duke.

Except the video was a lie, it wasn't done by a Muslim or an immigrant.

2017-11-29, 6:56 PM #5897
Originally posted by Jon`C:
you can’t talk about this stuff guys. It’s racist to criticize the nation of Israel because

Because Nazis.

Unironically though Nazis and Jews get along well much of the time today. Something about ethnostates, maybe? I mean Benjamin "never forget I'm 5'4" and have a squeaky mouse voice" Shapiro did voluntarily work for Breitbart.
2017-11-29, 7:03 PM #5898
Unironically though Nazis and Jews get along well much of the time today.

When you say "Nazi", you really mean Breitbart. Can we not dilute the term? At best there is alt. right Nazi cosplay, but they aren't actual Nazis aside from using Jews as a non-sense scapegoat.

There certainly is white nationalism and anti-Muslim sentiment, and I am sure these guys would love to see Israel completely dominate the Arabs.
2017-11-29, 7:06 PM #5899
Originally posted by Reid:
Because Nazis.

Unironically though Nazis and Jews get along well much of the time today. Something about ethnostates, maybe? I mean Benjamin "never forget I'm 5'4" and have a squeaky mouse voice" Shapiro did voluntarily work for Breitbart.

Anglo racists aren’t the death camp kind of racists, they’re the apartheid kind of racists. It’s the belief that races and cultures are fundamentally incompatible and can’t ever mix. And, of course, the belief that some races are inherently superior to others and deserve to subjugate the others.

This is the form of US, Canadian, Australian, South African, and Israeli racism. It’s not about exterminating them. They move the defective elements somewhere else, where they can’t be “trouble”. (Edit: build a big wall around them, lol)

Edit: at least, they aren’t the death camp kind of racists yet
2017-11-29, 7:07 PM #5900
Can confirm, and you can add European racism to that list. They are quiet until they trust you, but holy hell do they make American racists look tame in comparison.
2017-11-29, 7:10 PM #5901
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
When you say "Nazi", you really mean Breitbart. Can we not dilute the term? At best there is alt. right Nazi cosplay, but they aren't actual Nazis aside from using Jews as a non-sense scapegoat.

There certainly is white nationalism and anti-Muslim sentiment, and I am sure these guys would love to see Israel completely dominate the Arabs.

I'm pretty confident that much of Breitbart's readership would have applied for the SS.
2017-11-29, 7:12 PM #5902
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Anglo racists aren’t the death camp kind of racists, they’re the apartheid kind of racists. It’s the belief that races and cultures are fundamentally incompatible and can’t ever mix. And, of course, the belief that some races are inherently superior to others and deserve to subjugate the others.

This is the form of US, Canadian, Australian, South African, and Israeli racism. It’s not about exterminating them. They move the defective elements somewhere else, where they can’t be “trouble”. (Edit: build a big wall around them, lol)

Edit: at least, they aren’t the death camp kind of racists yet

The U.S. and Israel have both practiced sterilization of undesirables, so it goes a little deeper than apartheid in some places, but yeah we don't have death camps or anything that bad.
2017-11-29, 7:12 PM #5903
See, but we don't have an SS.

This is where the Nazi comparisons get insensitive.
2017-11-29, 7:13 PM #5904
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Can confirm, and you can add European racism to that list. They are quiet until they trust you, but holy hell do they make American racists look tame in comparison.

Oh wait... when I say they make Americans racists look tame in comparison... maybe I really ought to be considering that other category of racists you mentioned. I mean, looking at that continent's history history and all.
2017-11-29, 7:15 PM #5905
Actually on the North American continent, the settlers (and to be perfectly fair, the diseases they unwittingly carried) elected for something in between the two categories of racists when it came to their treatment of the indigenous people.
2017-11-29, 7:16 PM #5906
(Edit: build a big wall around them, lol)

I have literally heard Europeans confide this sentiment to me in person, unironically. It's like Trump's whole wall schtick was designed just to give people like this a boner.
2017-11-29, 7:18 PM #5907
It's as if these people haven't even seen Zardoz!
2017-11-29, 7:22 PM #5908
Originally posted by Reid:
I'm pretty confident that much of Breitbart's readership would have applied for the SS.
They’d be in the SA for sure. Hitler murdered those guys because they were too crazy; they didn’t live long enough to see the SS become a thing. The SS were professionals.

Originally posted by Reid:
The U.S. and Israel have both practiced sterilization of undesirables, so it goes a little deeper than apartheid in some places, but yeah we don't have death camps or anything that bad.
So did Canada. Sterilization of aboriginals, taking their kids away and forcing them to go to Catholic boarding schools. Until the 1980s. It’s terrible. And I see the same sort of thing in Israel, although on a much larger scope.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
See, but we don't have an SS.

This is where the Nazi comparisons get insensitive.

No, but the US might have an SA.
2017-11-29, 7:27 PM #5909
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
See, but we don't have an SS.

This is where the Nazi comparisons get insensitive.

Actually Jon's comment about the SA is basically more accurate. The SA were the "OG" Nazis, Hitler basically killed them off on the night of long knives to win support of the military. Useful idiots, basically.

I think you're underestimating the far right. There are some seriously ****ed up things going on right now in the undercurrents of American culture. Like, get into some discord chats and Facebook groups.

I say Nazi because, witting or not, they sound like Nazis did in the 1920s. Of course that doesn't apply wholesale to everyone on the right. But I do think the potential is there for aomething as bad and I'm not going to shy away from the most apt word because you don't like it.
2017-11-29, 7:30 PM #5910
Read about how right wingers discuss the need to protect themselves from antifa, and their love of paramilitary groups, compare that to the history of the SA.
2017-11-29, 7:32 PM #5911
Okay, I agree with you guys (especially Jon`C's last post). I don't disagree with you at all Reid, I was just trying to get the terminology right. And, in fact, the alt. right do feel a lot like brownshirts.
2017-11-29, 7:34 PM #5912
Originally posted by Jon`C:
So did Canada. Sterilization of aboriginals, taking their kids away and forcing them to go to Catholic boarding schools. Until the 1980s. It’s terrible. And I see the same sort of thing in Israel, although on a much larger scope.

Oh yeah. Kanuckistan has a history of being pretty ****ty too. At least the country isn't the world leader in trying to destroy itself and the environment. Not sure who wins second place but you'd be a contender for environment destruction surely.
2017-11-29, 7:36 PM #5913
I'm pretty sure Canada has oil.
2017-11-29, 7:36 PM #5914
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Okay, I agree with you guys (especially Jon`C's last post). I don't disagree with you at all Reid, I was just trying to get the terminology right. And, in fact, the alt. right do feel a lot like brownshirts.

Oh yeah. I think we have enough understanding of the history that the word "Nazi" is too vague, as it encompasss lots of people in a piece of history that unravelled rapidly. So I'll try to be more specific and not just use "Nazis" when it could be made more clear.
2017-11-29, 7:37 PM #5915
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
I'm pretty sure Canada has oil.

The U.S. wins big on environment wrecking, I'm not sure if Canada gets 2nd or not, maybe Australia does.
2017-11-29, 7:37 PM #5916
Early Nazis are probably the most interesting for historical comparisons, but people tend to associate the term with WW2.
2017-11-29, 7:38 PM #5917
Originally posted by Reid:
The U.S. wins big on environment wrecking, I'm not sure if Canada gets 2nd or not, maybe Australia does.

What about China?
2017-11-29, 7:44 PM #5918
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
What about China?

True, I know much of the pollution in China is directly related to manufacturing export goods but I'm no use in pointing the finger very far.

The point is Canada is a pretty bad polluter, lol.
2017-11-29, 7:44 PM #5919
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Early Nazis are probably the most interesting for historical comparisons, but people tend to associate the term with WW2.

Yeah, exactly.
2017-11-29, 7:58 PM #5920

First they went for Clinton, now they go for our internet!

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